October 16, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1705 Ambassador Chris Stevens will be remem- endary Blues Band to concentrate on solo people through his non-profit, Operation bered for his strong sense of dignity, his hu- work. Within two years, he had cut his first do- HOPE Helping Other People Endure. mility, and his generous service to others. He mestic record as a frontman and pursued an Selfless doesn’t even begin to describe will be truly missed by all who loved him and ambitious tour schedule. He was featured on Angel Gomez. by all he served through the magnitude of his several nationally syndicated news and music Many lives have been touched by Angel, an life’s work. programs, and appeared in numerous movie appropriate name for a man with a heart the f productions and TV and radio ads. size of Texas. The great irony of Pinetop’s career is that A native of El Paso, Texas, he attended HONORING MR. JOE WILLIE he didn’t blossom as a headliner until his Bowie High School and later joined the United ‘‘PINETOP’’ PERKINS eighth decade on the blues scene—a phe- States Navy. He is a proud Bowie Bear Alum- nomenon that resulted in the release of 15 ni and Veteran. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON solo records in 15 years, beginning in 1992. His real passion, other than serving his OF MISSISSIPPI On his 1998 release, ‘‘Legends,’’ Pinetop col- county in uniform, has always been helping IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES laborated with master blues guitarist Hubert others in need. Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Sumlin. Together, they blended the traditional In 1995 he began volunteering his time to Delta blues sound with modern electric blues the community, with the support of his wife Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- rock, showcasing the spirit and energy of the Patricia, daughter Rubi and other family mem- er, I rise today to honor one of the best blues music. ‘‘Born in the Delta’’ and ‘‘Legends’’ bers. pianists known, Mr. Joe Willie ‘‘Pinetop’’ Per- were both nominated for Grammy Awards—in Seeing the growing need around him he co- kins. 1997 and 2000 respectively. This was followed founded Operation HOPE in 2009, and he has Pinetop was born Joe Willie Perkins in by a 2005 Grammy nomination for ‘‘Ladies invested even more time and resources to Belzoni, Mississippi, on July 7, 1913. Pinetop Man,’’ released by MC Records. That same help the El Paso Community he loves so dropped out of school after the third grade. He year, he was also presented with a lifetime much. taught himself the rudiments of blues guitar on achievement award at the Grammys. Operation HOPE has allowed Angel to a homemade instrument called a diddley bow: Aside from his well-deserved Grammy rec- share his vision of community outreach with a length of wire stretched between nails driven ognition, Pinetop also received a National Her- thousands of people in need. He works with into a wall. He began entertaining at dances itage Fellowship in 2000 from the National En- community partners and volunteers who share and house parties at age 10 and soon learned dowment for the Arts. He has been featured in the same values and passion for giving, and to play the piano as well. While still in his the documentary ‘‘Piano Blues,’’ directed by these relationships have made it possible to teens he left Mississippi and traveled to Chi- Clint Eastwood for the Martin Scorsese PBS multiply his efforts to improve our community. cago. But he came back to Mississippi and series, ‘‘The Blues.’’ In addition, he continued Over the past seventeen years, El Paso didn’t decide to make Chicago his home until to win the Blues Music Award for best blues residents have received food baskets during the 1950s. piano every year until 2003, when he was re- the holidays, along with blankets, clothing, and He worked primarily in the Mississippi Delta tired from the running and the award was re- medical supplies. Hospitalized children that throughout the 1930s and ’40s, spending three named the Pinetop Perkins Piano Player of were hospitalized have received toys and gift years with Sonny Boy Williamson on the King the Year. baskets to lift their spirits. Hundreds of per- Biscuit Time radio show on KFFA in Helena, In 2007, he was still on the road at 94 years sons with disabilities have received assistance Arkansas. Pinetop also toured extensively with old; Pinetop Perkins’ unique life was chron- with medical supplies, medications, durable slide guitar player Robert Nighthawk. After icled in Peter Carlson’s biographical documen- medical equipment, and accessible ramps. briefly working with B.B. King in Memphis, tary DVD, ‘‘Born in the Honey,’’ which includes And families have received assistance with fu- Pinetop ‘‘barnstormed’’ the South with Earl a live CD with a rare studio outtake track. neral expenses and spiritual support during Hooker during the early ’50s. The pair com- ‘‘Pinetop Perkins and Friends’’ released on their time of need. pleted a session for Sam Phillips’ famous Sun Telarc, an independent classical recording To others, the donated items and arrange- Records in 1953. It was at this session that he company that crosses over to include blues ments made may not seem like much, but be- recorded his version of ‘‘Pinetop’s Boogie and even jazz music. In that release by Telarc hind each action is something intangible, Woogie,’’ a song originally written and re- in the summer of 2008, Pinetop was posi- something money can’t buy: hope. corded by pianist Clarence ‘‘Pinetop’’ Smith— tioned in the midst of several high-profile On behalf of the El Paso community, I the influential blues pianist who died from a guests—all of whom have been influenced by would like to thank Angel Gomez for all he gunshot wound at age 24 in 1929. Willie Per- his music in some way or another over the has done for those in need and for the posi- kins was already being referred to as ‘‘Pine- past several decades. Included on Pinetop’s tive impact he continues to have in our com- top’’ when he played on King Biscuit in the list of Friends were such luminaries as Eric munity. ’40s, but it was his sensational version of this Clapton, B.B. King and Jimmy Vaughan. f song that secured him the lifelong nickname of His latest recording is ‘‘Joined at the Hip,’’ A TRIBUTE TO MR. AND MRS. ‘‘Pinetop.’’ a collaborative project with Willie ‘‘Big Eyes’’ TONY AND MARY CARDOSO Pinetop Perkins started out playing guitar Smith, released in June 2010. Pinetop also re- and piano at house parties and honky-tonks. ceived a Grammy in 2010 for this collaborative In the 1940s, he had to drop the guitar due to project with Willie ‘‘Big Eyes’’ Smith for Best HON. JIM COSTA an encounter with an outraged chorus girl in a Traditional Blues CD. OF CALIFORNIA Helena, Arkansas, nightspot when she knifed Pinetop passed away on March 21, 2011, at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him, leaving him with severed tendons in his the age of 97. When he passed away, he still Tuesday, October 16, 2012 left arm. That dashed his guitar aspirations, had performances lined up for the year. but Pinetop came back strong from the injury, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to concentrating solely on piano from that point in recognizing Mr. Joseph Willie ‘‘Pinetop’’ celebrate the 90th birthdays and 60th wedding on. Perkins, a great blues legend from Mis- anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Mary Pinetop is known for holding down the piano sissippi’s Second Congressional District. Cardoso. The life that Tony and Mary have built together over the past sixty years is an chair in the great Muddy Waters Band for f twelve years during the pinnacle of Muddy’s inspiration to all of us. Their story is reflective career. Replacing Otis Spann in 1969, Pinetop IN RECOGNITION OF ANGEL of the American Dream, working hard to cre- helped shape the Waters sound and anchored GOMEZ ate better lives for themselves and their chil- Muddy’s memorable combo throughout the dren. ’70s with his brilliant piano solos. In 1980, HON. SILVESTRE REYES Anthony Bernard Cardoso was born in Pinetop and other members of Muddy’s crew OF TEXAS Lemoore, California, on October 16, 1922. struck out on their own and formed the Leg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES When Tony was 20 years old, he enlisted in endary Blues Band—a group that recorded the United States Marine Corps during the two records for Rounder and toured exten- Tuesday, October 16, 2012 height of World War II. He proudly served our sively, culling several Grammy nominations. Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to country for six years, spending time overseas After being labeled a sideman for most of recognize Angel Gomez for selfless service to on the Marshall Islands and Hawaiian Islands his career, Pinetop eventually left the Leg- our community. He has helped thousands of as an aviation mechanic. Tony was honorably VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:27 Oct 17, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16OC8.017 E16OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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