Central Library List of Additions From 01/01/2016 to 31/01/2016 Library Science 1 2:55P1 Q3 Maxwell Robert l. Maxwell's handbook for RDA : Resoruce description & Access. Chicago : Ala Editions 2013. x, 900p. CL1611438 978-0-8389-1172-3 2 2:7 Q5 VanDuinkerken Wyoma; Kaspar Wendi Arant. Leading libraries : How to create a service culture. London : Facet Publishing 2015. xvii, 167p. CL1611450 978-1-78330-065-5 Journalism 3 4:(X:8) 152Q5 ckjM] ch- vkj- i=dkfjrk izcU/ku ,oa laxBu- ubZ fnYyh % jkor izdk'ku] 2015- 224i`0. CL1612134 978-93-83447-71-8 4 4wM87 157P7 Theke Fanshir Manch. Julius fucik 1872 jairnalist. Kolkata : National Book Agency 2007. 77p. CL1449554 Mathematics 5 B9(Q7) P5.2,1,2 King David A. Synchrony with the heavens : Studies in astronomical timekeeping and instrumentation in medieval islamic civilization 2 Vols. Vol. 2 Part 1 : Instruments of mass calcuation (Part 1) studies X - XIII (lxxvi, 611p.); Vol. 2. Part 2 : Instruments of mass calculation (Part 2) studies XIV - XVIII) (620, 1066p.). Leiden : Brill 2005. CL1611392 - CL1611393 978-9004-26180-8 Spiritual Experiences and Mysticism 6 Delta2wM93 152P8 ;ksxkuan] ijegal- ;ksxh dFkke`r- dydrk % ;ksxksnk lRlax lkslk;Vh] 2008- 685i`0. CL1170626 978-81-902562-1-6 7 Delta2xN31 152Q5 ckjksV] ijhf{kr- ekuo eu vkSj thou ifjorZu vks'kks ds fopkj- xqtjkr % fjykbcy ifCyf'kax gkml] 2015- 305i`0. CL1612110 978-81-929116-1-8 8 Delta2y7M93 J6;P6 Yogananda Paramahansa. Autobiography of ayogi. Kolkata : Yogoda Satsang Society of India 2006. Page 1 of 43 xvii, 499p. CL1170625 978-81-902562-0-9 9 Delta2y7M93 P3.1 Yogananda Paramahansa. Man's eternal quest. Vol. 1 : Collected talks and essays on realizing god in daily life. Kolkata : Yogoda Satsang society 2010. xxvii, 492p. CL1170624 978-81-89535-02-5 10 Delta2y7M93 P3.2 Yogananda Paramahansa. Divine romance. Vol. 2 : Collected talks and essays on realizing god in daily life. Kolkata : Yagoda Satsang Society of India 2013. xxv, 485p. CL1170622 978-81-89535-04-9 11 Delta2y7M93 P3.3 Yogananda Paramahansa. Journey of self realization. Vol. 3 : Collected talks and essays on realizing god in daily life. Kolkata : Yogoda Satsang Sciety of India 2013. xxiv, 444p. CL1170623 978-81-89535-06-3 12 Delta4:36 Q4 Sperry Rod Meade Ed. Beginner's guide to meditation : Practical advic and inspiration from contemporary buddhist teachers. Boston : Shambhala 2014. xiii, 270p. CL1611355 978-1-61180-057-9 13 Delta73w25292 Q3 Ali Muzaffar Ed. Leaf turns yellow : Sufis of Awadh. London : Bloomsburry 2013. 274p. CL1612188 978-93-82563-28-0 Biology 14 G:55.1 Q5 Bosselmann Klaus. Earth governance : Trusteeship of the global commons. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2015. xi, 300p. (New horizons in environmental and energy law) CL1611522 978-1-78347-781-4 15 G:55:(R) Q5 Hailwood Simon. Alienation and nature in environment philosophy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2015. ix, 266p. CL1611476 978-1-107-08196-3 16 J3.2 Q5 Sen Colleen Taylor. Feast and fasts : A history of food in India. London : Reaktion Books ltd. 2015. 349p. CL1612035 978-1-78023-352-9 Page 1 of 43 Agriculture 17 J451 Q5 Ellis Markman; Coulton Richard; Mauger Matthew. Empire of tea : Asian leaf that conquered the world. London : Reaktion Books 2015. 326p. CL1611906 978-1-78023-440-3 Zoology 18 KZ447 Q5 Trautmann Thomas R. Elephants and kings : An environmental history. Ranikhet : Permanent Black 2015. xvi, 372p. (Hedgehog and fox) CL1611381 978-81-7824-391-7 Medicine 19 L:4:6 Q5 Yoshikawa Naoe Kukita Ed. Medicine, religion and gender in medieval cutlure. New York : Boydell & Brewer 2015. xv, 293p. (Gender in the middle age) CL1611518 978-1-84384-401-3 20 LD:4 168Q1 Rahman Hakeem Hafiz Habibur. Mujarrabate ahmadi. Delhi : Kitabi Duniya 2011. 300p. CL1612351 978-93-80919-18-8 Useful Arts 21 M1.2 Q5 Gupta Suman. Consumable texts in contemporary India : Uncutured books and bibliographical sociology. New York : Palgrave 2015. x, 204p. (New directions in book history) CL1611944 978-1-137-48928-9 Fine Arts 22 N44,N Q5 Khullar Sonal. Worldly affiliations : Artistic practice, national identity and modernism in india, 1930-1990. California : California Press 2015. xiii, 352p. CL1611371 978-0-520-28367-1 23 NA44,2:3(Delta:864) Q5 Jain Ashok Kumar. Vastu for a changing world. Delhi : Bookwell 2015. xi, 223p. CL1611875 978-93-80574-83-7 24 NA44,J8(Q2:67) Q4 Sears Tamara I. Worldly guru and spirituals kings : Architecture and asceticism in medival India. London : Yale University Press 2014. xiii, 284p. CL1611499 978-0-300-19844-7 Page 1 of 43 25 ND49D,C9(Q4) Q5 Abdullaev Kazim; Betts Alison Ed.; Kidd Fiona. Buddhist iconography of Northern Bactria. New Delhi : Manohar 2015. 274p. CL1611738 978-93-5098-097-2 26 ND49D,C9(Q4) Q5 Abdullaev Kazim Au.; Betts Alison Ed.; Kidd Fiona Ed. Buddhist iconography of northern Bactria. New Delhi : Manohar Publisher & Dist. 2015. 274p. CL1612040 978-93-5098-097-2 27 ND49G,C9(Q4) Q5 DeCaroli Robert. Image problems : Origin and development of the buddha's image in early south asia. London : University of Washington Press 2015. x, 263p. CL1611479 978-0-295-99456-7 Literature, English 28 O111(Y15),1:g(G:55) Q3 Kostkowska Justyna. Ecocriticism and women writers : Environmentalist poetics of virginia woolf, jeanette winterson, and ali smith. New York : Palgrave 2013. vi, 189p. CL1611941 978-0-230-30843-5 29 O111,1M65:g(Q1) P2 Sikka Shhalini. W.B. Yeats and the upanisads. New York : Peter Lang 2002. xi, 176p. (Irish studies, Vol. 6) CL1170621 0-8204-4926-1 30 O111,2J64:g(NT) Q3 Hartley Andrew James. Shakespeare and political theatre in practice. New York : Palgrave 2013. viii, 168p. CL1611994 978-0-230-37007-4 31 O111,2J64:g(NT) Q3 Purcell Stephen. Shakespeare and audience in practice. New York : Palgrave 2013. xv, 200p. CL1611995 978-0-230-36404-2 32 O111,2J64:g(Y:1) P8 Garber Marjorie. Shakespeare and modern culture. New York : Pantheon Books 2008. xxxv, 326p. CL1612005 978-0-307-37767-8 33 O111,3:g P3 Iftekharrudin Farhat Ed. Postmodern approaches to the short story. London : Westport 2003. xi, 156p. CL1612178 0-313-32374-7 34 O111,3:g(Y:45) Q5 O'Gorman Daniel. Fictions of the war on terror : Difference and the transnational 9/11 novel. New York : Palgrave 2015. viii, 217p. CL1611950 978-1-137-50617-7 Page 1 of 43 35 O111:g Q6 Helgesson Stefan Ed.; Vermeulen Pieter Ed. Institutions of world literautre : Writing, translation, markets. New York : Routledge 2016. viii, 233p. (Routledge interdixciplinary perspectives on literature) CL1611940 978-1-138-83254-1 36 O111:g Q6 Helgesson Stefan Ed.; Vermeulen Pieter Ed. Institutions of world literature : Writing, translation, markets. New York : Routledge 2016. viii, 233p. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature) CL1611952 978-1-138-83254-1 37 O111:g(P:33) Q6 Hatavara Mari Ed. Narrative theory, literature, and new media : Narrative minds and virtual worlds. New York : Routledge 2016. xii, 314p. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature) CL1611951 978-1-138-85414-7 38 O111:g(S:56) Q4 Dewar-Watson Sarah. Tragedy. New York : Palgrave 2014. xii, 177p. (Reader's guides to essential criticism) CL1611997 978-0-230-39258-8 39 O111:g(Y:45) Q0 Boehmer Elleke Ed.; Morton Stephen Ed. Terror and the postcolonial. Malden : Wiley Blackwell 2015. xii, 395p. (Concise companions to literature and culture) CL1611925 978-1-119-05619-5 40 O111:g(Y15) Q5 Humm Maggie. Reader's guide to contemporary feminist literary criticism. London : Routledge 2015. xiv, 309p. CL1611897 978-0-7450-1194-3 41 O111:gJ Q4 Crocker Holly A. Ed.; Smith D. Vance Ed. Medieval literature : Criticism and debates. London : Routledge 2014. xviii, 534p. (Routledge criticism and debates in literature) CL1611517 978-0-415-66790-6 42 O111:gN Q5 Ross Stephen Ed.; Lindgren Allana C. Ed. Modernist world. London : Routledge 2015. xxxiii, 615p. (Routledge words) CL1612066 978-0-415-84503-8 43 O111944:g(V:17) Q1 Mohanty Satya P. Colonialism, modernity, and literature : A view from India. New York : Palgrave 2011. viii, 261p. (The future of minority studies) CL1612001 978-0-230-61908-1 44 O111944Q7,3:g Q5 Kanwal Aroosa. Rethinking identities in contemporary Pakistani fiction : Beyond 9/11. New York : Page 1 of 43 Palgrave 2015. ix, 223p. CL1611945 978-1-137-47843-6 45 O111946,1:g(Y:438) Q3 Kennedy Hugh Ed. Warfare and poetry in the middle east. London : I.B.Tauris 2013. xviii, 286p. CL1611856 978-1-78076-362-0 46 O111973,3:gN Q1 Savvas Theophilus. American postmodernist fiction and the past. New York : Palgrave 2011. ix, 213p. CL1612002 978-0-230-29834-7 47 O1119791:g(Y15) Q6 Staniland Emma. Gender and the self in Latin American literature. New York : Routledge 2016. x, 240p. (Routledge transnational perspectives on american literature) CL1611948 978-0-415-70831-9 48 O113,1L49:g 111Q4 Mommsen Katharina; Metzger Micael M. Tr. Goethe and the poets of arabia. New York : Camben House 2014. xvii, 489p. (Studies in German literature, lingustics, and culture) CL1611516 978-1-57113-908-5 49 O115,2M80:g 168P7 Ibsen Henrik. Awam Dushman: Drama. Delhi : Kitabi Duniya 2007. 122p. CL1612330 81-89461-33-8 Literature, Sanskrit 50 O15,1:g(Y15) 152Q5 jktksjk] ;'kek;k- Hkkjrh; egkdkO;ksa esa efgykvksa dh fLFkfr- t;iqj % lkfgR;kxkj] 2015- 176i`0. CL1612107 978-81-7711-484-3 51 O15,1A1:g 111Q5 Murthy S. R. Krishna. Enigmas in Valmiki Ramayana explained. Delhi : Prataibha Prakashan 2015. xiv, 327p. CL1612049 978-81-7702-373-2 52 O15,1A1:g Q5 Rao Ajay K. Re figuring the ramayana as theology : History of reception in premodern India.
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