Sun-Maid Raisins & Dried Fruits One hundred years in the making, Sun-Maid’s century of experience answers all your questions on raisins and dried fruits—their unique characteristics, their history, and how they are grown, processed, Raisins & Dried Fruits marketed, and enjoyed throughout the world. Serving American Families & the World Since 1912 & the World Since 1912 Serving American Families $35.00 USA Printed in U.S.A Raisins & Dried Fruits Serving American Families & the World Since 1912 Sun-Maid growers Of California Sun-Maid creative teaM Anna L. Palecek • gary H. Marshburn • Barry f. Kriebel 13525 South Bethel avenue Kingsburg, Ca 93631-9232 Tel: 1-559-896-8000 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sunmaid.com Special thanks to Jerry Winters, cover design Copyright © 2011 Sun-Maid Growers of California Raisins & Dried Fruits Serving American Families & the World Since 1912 LONDON, NEW YORK, MUNICH, MELBOURNE, DELHI FOR DORLING KINDERSLEY: Managing Art Editor RichaRd czapnik Senior Editors Michele Wells, ROs WALFORd • DTP Designers david McDonald, kavita VARMa • Senior Production Controller saRah hughes Associate Publisher nigel duffield FirstFOR published DORLING in the United KINDERSLEY States in December 2011 by DK Publishing, 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 Managing Art10 Editor 9 8 7 6 5 4 Richard 3 2 1 Czapnik Senior Editors Michele001-182142-Dec/11 Wells, ROS WALFORD Copyright Page Layout and Design © 2011 Dorling Kindersley Limited DTP Designers David McDonald, Kavita VARMA All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of Seniorthis publication Production may be reproduced, Controller stored in a retrieval Sarah system, HughEs or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,Associate without the priorPublisher written permission Nigel of Duffield the copyright owner. DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fundraising, or educational use. For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014. [email protected] Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Palecek, Anna L., 1982- Sun-Maid Raisins & Dried Fruits : serving American families & the world since 1912 / Sun-Maid Growers of California, Sun-Maid Creative Team, Anna L. Palecek, Gary H. Marshburn, Barry F. Kriebel. p. cm. Version with recipes in imperial measurements. Summary: “A collection of over 50 recipes for raisins and dried fruits including the story of their production from the field to the table”-- Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-0-7566-9067-0 1. Cooking (Raisins) I. Marshburn, Gary H., 1952- II. Kriebel, Barry F., 1950- III. Sun-Maid Growers of California. IV. Title. TX813.R34P35 2011 641.4--dc23 2011041399 ISBN: 978-0-7566-9067-0 Printed and bound in the U.S.A. by Worzalla Discover more at Contents chapter 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 The The Background The Sun-Maid From Field to The Facts on Raisins Recipes Basics Story Story Table & Dried Fruits 10 Sun-Maid Timeline 34 History of Raisins & Dried 50 Sun-Maid Today 76 Planting a Raisin Vineyard 102 Choosing Raisins 134 Raisin Breads & Cakes from 1900–1930 Fruits: Ancient Times Around the World 52 Cooperatives 78 The Cycle of Grape Growing 104 Golden Raisins 12 Sun-Maid Timeline 36 History of Raisins & Dried 140 Breads 54 The Sun-Maid Girl 80 Hand Harvesting 106 Apricots 1930–1965 Fruits: The Old & New World 142 82 Mechanical Harvesting 108 Prunes Breakfast 14 38 56 The Panama Pacific Sun-Maid Timeline History of Raisins & Dried 146 Snacks 1965–1995 Fruits: To California International Exposition 84 Dried-on-the-Vine Harvesting 110 Figs 148 Cookies 16 Sun-Maid Timeline 40 History of Raisins & Dried 58 Building the Brand 86 Sustainable Farming & 112 Dates Processing 152 Desserts 1995–Present Fruits: To Today 60 Sun-Maid Advertising 114 Peaches, Apples, & Pears 88 Hazards of Raisin Growing 157 Appetizers 18 The Uses of Raisins 42 The Golden State 62 Norman Rockwell & 116 Artificially Sweetened Dried 22 The Uses of Dried Fruits 44 Irrigation Water Sun-Maid 90 Sun-Maid Experts Fruits 160 Main Dishes 24 Festivals & Holidays 46 The Thompson Seedless Story 64 Raisins in Popular Culture 92 California’s Raisin Pioneers 118 Health Benefits of Dried Fruits 167 Salads 28 Fresh Fruit Made Into 66 100 Years of Recipe Books 94 Processing & Packaging 120 International Food Guidelines 171 Side Dishes Dried Fruit 96 124 68 Bringing the Sun-Maid Girl Distribution in the United Raisins in Europe States 30 Making Sense of to Life 126 Raisins in Asia Serving Sizes 98 70 Distribution Around the 128 Raisin Bread Sun-Maid Memories World 130 The Future 6 DEDication/forEworD 7 Foreword In celebration of our 100th harvested, what makes California Anniversary we are proud to release a unique growing area, our links our publication Sun-Maid: Raisins to consumers in over 50 countries, & Dried Fruits, Serving American and how raisins and traditional Families & the World Since 1912. dried fruits are equivalent to fresh In developing this publication fruit without the water. We include we made a conscious decision to the story behind Lorraine Collett focus on what we believe consumers Petersen, whose likeness became our Dedication and the public want to know today internationally recognized icon, the During Sun-Maid’s first 100 years, millions of individuals contributed to Sun-Maid’s success. about Sun-Maid, and raisins and “Sun-Maid Girl,” and E.A. Berg, our Beginning in the late 1800s and continuing to this day, immigrants from many countries have dried fruits, and to tell this story in advertising manager, who in 1914 developed California’s Central Valley into one of the finest fruit and vegetable growing areas in a very visual way. In making this originated the name Sun-Maid and the world. The region’s unique combination of sun, soil, and water is ideal for producing quality decision, we have sacrificed telling developed our first packaging and sun-dried raisins and dried fruits. Hard work, tenacity, and vision drove early California raisin the complete story of so many advertising campaigns. growers to succeed in carving out a legacy which has lasted for six generations. Annually, the key individuals. We have included over 50 of the families of Sun-Maid growers entrust their livelihoods to the Board of Directors, management, These would have included best raisin and dried fruit recipes and employees of Sun-Maid to process and market each year’s harvest to our valued customers in H.H. Welsh and James Madison, in the world to help you and your over 50 countries. Sun-Maid’s success is dependent on a worldwide sales, logistics, and customer our first Chairman and President, families enjoy our products for network, which assures that “every minute of the day, somewhere in the world, someone is both elected in 1912; William N. celebrations or to make any day eating Sun-Maid raisins.” This publication is dedicated to all these individual efforts, combined Keeler, who served as President special. We especially thank those contributions, and satisfied customers. from 1931 to 1949; A.E. Swanson, companies who granted Sun-Maid One very special note is to Kendall L. Manock, Sun-Maid’s general counsel, who advised our our longest seated Chairman permission to use their recipes. Board and management from 1961 almost continuously until his death in 2010. Mr. Manock from 1944 to 1963; Pete J. Penner, We hope that this publication began his legal career as a United States Attorney, and as a clerk for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of our youngest Board member in exceeds your expectations. We Appeals. With his partners, he developed a firm, which served the entire Fresno community well. history when first elected and who welcome your comments at For Sun-Maid, Mr. Manock was the ideal general counsel. He, like Sun-Maid, shared a national served tirelessly from 1968 to 2009, www.sunmaid.com. reputation for honesty, fairness, and reliability as a leader in the California agricultural including as Chairman from 1986 to community. For 50 years, Sun-Maid’s growers and customers benefited from his sound legal and 1999; visionary growers Earl Rocca practical advice on the full range of challenging and ever changing commercial, legal, regulatory, and sons and Lee Simpson, who Jon E. Marthedal and consumer issues. In many ways, Mr. Manock and Sun-Maid shared a deep kinship based on could see the future for mechanical Chairman serving the community interests of our producers and the national and harvesting and overhead trellis Sun-Maid Growers of California international interests of our customers. In this sense, Mr. Manock’s systems for dried-on-the-vine crops, character typified that of the best customers, growers, employees, respectively, before others could; suppliers, and advisors who have been part of the Sun-Maid family. and key management and staff who Mr. Manock passed away as we began in earnest the development of successfully transitioned Sun-Maid into the 21st century. And of course, Barry F. Kriebel this publication. We hope that he and his family would be proud of it. President there were many, many more. Sun-Maid Growers of California We tell the story of raisins and Kendall L. Manock dried fruits from ancient times to Sun-Maid General Counsel 1961 to 2010 today, how these are grown and CHAPTER 1 The Basics 10 Sun-Maid Timeline 1900–1930 12 Sun-Maid Timeline 1930–1965 14 Sun-Maid Timeline 1965–1995 16 Sun-Maid Timeline 1995–Present 18 The Uses of Raisins 22 The Uses of Dried Fruits 24 Festivals and Holidays 28 Fresh Fruit Made into Dried Fruit 30 Making Sense of Serving Sizes 10 the baSicS Sun-Maid tiMeline 1900–1930 11 Sun-Maid Timeline 1900–1930 1915 The co-op adopts the name Sun-Maid.
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