Mon Co Hist. Assoc. 70 r c.u i Si Picel’o iii, Buy Fourth War Loan Bonds Now: Quota for Belmar Area $250,000 Th e Co a st A d v e r t is e r (Established 1892) Fifty-First Year, No. 36 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1944 Single Copy Four Cents Borough Delays Viola Smith to Marry •'i , i ■ South Belmar School South Belmar Tax W est Belmar Serviceman Budget Is Unchanged Action on Hotel Mrs. D avid G. Sm ith, 518% Sixteenth School costs in South Belmar will Rate Drops $2.06 avenue, has announced the engage­ remain the same during the ensuing ment of her daughter, Viola M. Smith, year, according to a school budget Liquor Licenses to Louis Leonard Warwick, chief which will be considered at a public In 1944 Budget mate, United States navy, son of Mrs. hearing by the South Belmar board of Buena Vista Permit Would Grace A. Warwick, 125 H street, West education Jan u ary 28 at 7:30 p. m. at Improved Collections Are Odds and Ends . Belm ar. the borough hall. Fill Quota —- Debates The district school tax will remain Responsible, Mayor Miss Smith is a graduate of Asbury OFFSHORE FISHERMEN are hop­ at $9,000, the amount last year, with Amendment to Make Park high school and is employed at I Says— Public Hearing ing that improved conditions iin the $5,000 estimated revenue from state the New Jersey Bell Telephone com­ Atlantic will enable the Navy to cease Minors Liable. funds and a balance on hand at the Set for Feb. 15. pany’s Asbury Park office. Mr. War­ its restrictians on the Jersey shore * - X start of the year of $7,756 making uj? Two matters of liquor control oc­ wick is a graduate of Manasqurn high j A 1944 budget which shows a drop next summer . - . deep sea fishing by the total budget of $21,756. school and is home on leave. No date sportsman is now permitted within a cupied the attention of the Belmar ; of $2.06 in the tax rate was approved has been set for the wedding. three mile distance of the Florida board of commissioners Tuesday but on frist reading Tuesday night by the coast. John Held, jr., who hit the the board delayed decisions in both j South Belmar council and a public? top as a cartoonist with his drawings instances. hearing was fixed for Feb. 15 at 8:30* for the Old Gold contest three years Application was received from Ed­ p. m . ago, is in a war job for the duration ward Bornstein, 102 South street, Jer­ The tax rate for 1944 was estimated . he is working at Camp Evans and sey City, for a seasonal retail liquor at $63.20 per $1,000 of ratables as likes rural life an the Hurley Pond license for the Buena Vista hotel at J compared with $65.26 last year. The 103-105-107 Second avenue which Mr. decline this year makes a total drop road iTixar Glendola. Red Cross GETS HIS WINGS—Second Lieut. Bornstein recently purchased from the J of $9.50 in the rate since the high nurses’ aides did an outstanding job William T. Hurley, son of Mr. and Morristown Savings Bank. Because m a rk of 1941 w hen the rate was $72.70, at Fort Hancock when the crew of the Mrs. John B. Hurley, 1406 E street, the application covered the entire In an explanatory statement Mayor- destroyer Turner was brought ashore who was commissioned last week as frontage of the property on Second Frank Herbert credited borough tax- after am explosion . now the com­ a pilot in the Army Air Forces. He avenue the commission held the mat­ ! payers with making the rate reduc- manding medical officer at Hancock, is now stationed at Tallahassee, ter over for one week and issued j tion possible because of better tax Col. Logan Weaver, has asked that Fla. instructions for Bornstein to person­ collections. This year the budget sets nursttV aides be assigned to the post... J ally appear Tuesday. The commission­ up only $11,850 as a reserve for un- NEW JERSEY JEW RY will honor ers said they wanted to make certain I collected taxes whereas last year $15,* the late W. Warren Barbour by rais­ the license, if granted would apply J 120 had to be appropriated. The bor­ ing a fund of $15,000 to plant the only to the hotel building itself. The Harriet V. Brice ough is on a cash basis. Barbour Memorial Forest in Palestine. .hotel is known as 107 Second avenue. Mayor Herbert said that “taxpayers . Farmers in Sweden, troubled by Another liquor license application, Weds Lt. Hurley ! responded to my request last year and sea gulls which raided their crops, de­ in the form of a letter, was on hand I would again urge that taxes be paid cided to raid the gulls’ taests and from Mr. and Mrs. George Gulecki, Local Girl and Air Corps J when they are due in order to im­ break all the eggs . > but the gulls owners of the New Brunswick hotel, prove the percentage of c Elections sim ply laid m ore eggs . n o t to be 102 Thirteenth avenue, but it was not Officer Are United in and thereby decrease still further any outsmarted the farmers, instead of in complete form since notice of in­ Church Ceremony. LIEUT. HARRY T. DILLON reserves for uncollected taxes.” He breaking the eggs, cooked them and tention to apply for a license had not said the borough had taken title to A D VANCE D—Ensgn Do'ald L. put the eggs back in the nests . not been advertised nor was the license 49 properties by foreclosure and ‘ef­ Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ Miss Harriet Virginia Brice, daugh only did this reduce the gull popula- fee and form presented. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. |Lt. Harry Dillon forts will be made to dispose of these ter B. Sherman, 510 Tenth avenue, tion but sinco half the gulls were al­ Mayor Leon T. Abbott said that the properties in order to get them back has been advanced to the rank of Brice, 308’/2 Thirteenth avenue, be­ ways sittin g ctnly h a lf were le ft to borough is limited to five such li­ on the ratables.” lieutenant (J. G.) in the Navy. He came the bride of Lt. William T. Hur­ cause trouble. Breaks in the “Lit-; censes by ordinance and that four Reported Missing “The appropriations this year have:, is now stationed on the west coast. ley, son of M r. and Mrs. Jo h n B. H u r ­ tie Inch” pipeline, now under investi­ have been issued in the past year. Tf been made in amounts which are A graduate of Belmar and Asbury ley, 1406 E street, in a ceremony Sun­ gation, will delay its operation until the Buena Vista license is granted the Grandson of Late Mayor deemed consistent with efficient ad­ Park schools, and Dennison univer­ day at 2 o’clock in the First Methodist Feb. 1 . moreover, breaks in the New Brunswick license would be ministration and the rendition of ser­ sity, he was engaged as secretary of church, with the Rev. Lawrence G. Was Navigator on Mis­ “Big Inch” havo had more to do with barred unless the ordinance is amended Atkinson officiating. vices to the taxpayers,” the mayor de­ the Central Y.M.C.A., Philadelphia, clared. “I trust that with the continued the east coast gas shortage than the to raise the number to six summer ! The bride was given in marriage by sion Over Greece. before entering service. He is a cooperation of the members of council war itself. The proposed constitu­ permits. Commissioner Edward F. | her father and was attended by Miss brother of Robert Sherman, seaman Second Lieut. Harry T. Dillon, 24- and the ctitzens of the borough the tion for New Jersey, now being drawn Lyman questioned the wisdom of Ruth /. Brown of Belmar as maid of first class, who was lost on the year-old navigator of the Army Air reduction in rate will continue.” up, will abolish the office of Justice amending the limit whenever applica­ honor. The best man was Charles P. Juneau in the Solomons in 1942. J forces and son of Mrs. Mary Dillon, Council acted to dispose of one of of the Peace . and foes of the move tions exceed the quota. Robinson of Belmar. Lt. Sheiman was commissioned as 604 Ninth avenue, is missing in action the 49 properties when it received a to abolish the Court of Chancery will Solicitor Joseph Silverstein declared The bride wore a pale blue silk an Ensign Dec. 1, 1942 and entered ! over Greece, according to a letter re- bid of $850 from George C. Wilson be told that the court’s failure to re­ that no 1944 seasonal licenses are out­ street length dress, with a black dutch the naval training school at Harvard | ceived Monday by Mrs. Dillon from for property on the east side of F form its administration of trust funds, standing now since the 1943 licenses 1 hat arranged with tulle veil. Her cor­ graduatinng in April, 1942. He then j the War department. A telegram re-Jstreet on which the borough has liens somo of which were invested in expired November 30th. Those holding sage was of pink roses and sweet licenses of this nature last year were took a course in a patrol craft porting the young Belmar navigator 0f $700.
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