Russian Journal of Herpetology Vol. 17, No. 3, 2010, pp. 236 – 242 A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS Calamaria (SQUAMATA: OPHIDIA: COLUBRIDAE) FROM THUA THIEN-HUE PROVINCE, VIETNAM Nikolai L. Orlov,1 Truong Quang Nguyen,2,3 Tao Thien Nguyen,4 Natalia B. Ananjeva,1 and Cuc Thu Ho2 Submitted March 19, 2010. A new species of Calamaria is described based on a single specimen collected in the tropical rain forest, Thua Thien – Hue Province, Vietnam. The new species is characterized by the following characters: total length 578 mm; tail length 42 mm, tail tip thick, obtusely rounded, and slightly flattened laterally; maxillary teeth eight, modified; loreals absent; preocular present; supralabials 5/5, second and third entering orbit; infralabials 5/5; paraparietal surrounded by five shields; midbody scales in 13 rows, reducing to 11 rows at the level of single anal plate; ventrals 3 + 209; subcaudals 19, divided; body uniform light brown above and without color pattern; belly cream. This is the ninth species of Calamaria recorded from Vietnam. Keywords: Bach Ma National Park, Thua Thien – Hue Province, Vietnam, Calamaria concolor sp. nov., mor- phology, taxonomy. INTRODUCTION tribution of the Calamaria species in Vietnam was men- tioned by Ziegler and Le (2005). This paper also in- Calamaria is a diverse genus of colubrid snakes cludes the description of a new species, Calamaria than- with more than 60 species are currently recognized. To- hi, from Annamite Mountain and an identification key gether with other species-rich genera, viz. Oligodon, for the Vietnamese species. In Vietnam, eight taxa of Lycodon, Elaphe sensu lato, Sinonatrix, Xenochrophis, Calamaria are recognized: C. buchi Marx et Inger, Amphiesma, Rhabdophis, Dinodon, Boiga, and Dendre- 1955; C. lovii ingermarxorum Darevsky et Orlov, 1992; laphis, this genus represents the majority of diversity of C. pavimentata Duméril et Bibron, 1854; C. septentrio- the South Asian ophidiofauna. A significant contribution nalis Boulenger, 1890; C. thanhi Ziegler et Le, 2005; to the taxonomy, evolution, and biogeography of the C. sangi Nguyen, Koch et Ziegler, 2010; C. gialaiensis Calamaria snakes was completed by Inger and Marx Ziegler, Nguyen et Nguyen, 2009; and C. abramovi Or- (1965). In their monograph, a number of 50 Calamaria lov, 2009 (Darevsky and Orlov, 1992; Orlov et al., 2000, species was reported from Oriental Region. According 2003; Ziegler, 2002; Ziegler et al., 2004; Orlov, 2005; to Inger and Marx (1965), the principal center of evolu- Ziegler and Le, 2005; Nguyen et al., 2009; Orlov, 2009; tion and dispersal of Calamaria is situated in the Great Ziegler et al., 2009; Nguyen et al., 2010b). We herein de- Sunda Archipelago, namely Borneo-Sumatra area, scribe another new species of Calamaria based on the which houses the majority (more than 60%) of the Cala- specimen collected in the tropical forest in Thua maria species. The most comprehensive analysis of dis- Thien – Hue Province, Central Vietnam. 1 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitet- skaya nab., 1, St. Petersburg 199034 Russia; MATERIAL AND METHODS E-mail: [email protected] 2 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet The specimens examined in this study are deposited Road, Hanoi, Vietnam; E-mail: [email protected] in the herpetological collections of IEBR (Institute of 3 Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Adenauer- allee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany. Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam), ROM 4 Vietnam National Museum of Nature, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, (Royal Ontario Museum, Canada), FMNH (Field Mu- Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam; E-mail: [email protected] seum of Natural History, USA), ZFMK (Zoologisches 1026-2296/2010/1703-0236 © 2010 Folium Publishing Company A New Species of the Genus Calamaria from Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam 237 Fig. 1. Holotype of Calamaria concolor sp. nov. (IEBR A.2010.02/ZISP 30185), dorsal view. Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Ger- head; 2, at midbody; 3, at the level of the 15th ventral many), MVZ (Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, scale from the anal plate]; A, number of anal plates. CA, USA), CIB (Chengdu Institute of Biology, China), All measurements were taken with a caliper to the USNM (National Museum of Natural History, Division nearest 0.01 mm; photographs were made with a Nikon of Amphibians and Reptiles, Washington, D.C., USA) D 200 camera using a Nikkor micro 105 mm lens. and ZISP (Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia). The following abbreviations for morphological characters are used: Measurements (in mm): SVL, SPECIES DESCRIPTION snout-vent length; Lcd, tail length from vent to tip; TL, total length; BD, body diameter; HL, head length, from Calamaria concolor sp. nov. anterior part of rostral shield to posterior part of the / lower jaw; HW, head width at the widest point; ED, hor- Holotype. IEBR A.2010.02 ZISP 30185, adult izontal diameter of eye; EN, eye to nostril, distance from male, collected from Bach Ma Peak, Bach Ma National anterior corner of eye to posterior edge of nostril; SL, Park, on the Eco-tourist trail, Thua Thien – Hue Prov- snout length from the tip of the snout to the anterior edge ince, Vietnam (16°11¢16.7¢¢ N 107°50¢36.1¢¢ E; altitude of the eye; IO, interorbital distance. Scalation: SO, num- 1400 m a.s.l.) in April 2009 by Tran Thieu Du (Figs. 1 ber of supraoculars; PrO, number of preoculars; PtO, and 2). number of postoculars; SubO, number of suboculars; PF, Diagnosis. Small-sized, slightly dorso-ventrally prefrontal; F, frontal; P, parietal; R, rostral; N, nasal; L, flattened colubrid snake, total length 578 mm (SVL loreal; T, number of temporals [Ta, anterior temporal; 536 mm, Lcd 42 mm); head relatively big, rounded, not Tp, posterior temporal]; IN, internasal; M, mental or distinguished from the neck, distinctly dorso-ventrally symphysial; G, genials [Ga, anterior genials or anterior depressed, and covered with large regular symmetric chin shields; Gp, posterior genials or posterior chin shields; maxillary teeth eight, modified; eyes well devel- shields]; Supralab, number of supralabials; Infralab, oped, pupil round; loreals absent; preocular present; pa- number of infralabials; V, number of ventrals; Scd, num- raparietal surrounded by five shields and scales; supra- ber of subcaudals; Sq1, Sq2, Sq3, number of body scale labials five, second and third entering orbit; infralabials rows [1, at the level of the 15th ventral scale from the five; mental touching anterior chin shield on each side; 238 Nikolai L. Orlov et al. Fig. 2. Holotype of Calamaria concolor sp. nov., ventral view. small shield between mental and anterior chin shield; tween parietals shields 1.82 times longer than that be- dorsal scales smooth, Sq1 — 13, Sq2 — 13, Sq3 — 13; tween prefrontals; paraparietal surrounded by five anal plate single; tail thick, short, tapering gradually at shields and scales; mental triangular, not hidden in men- base, abruptly tapering at tip to a obtuse point; dorsal tal groove, in contact with anterior chin shield and first scales reduce to four rows on tail opposite 19 subcaudals infralabial on each side, and the small scale present in anterior to terminal scutum; body uniform brown above anterior chin shields; anterior chin shields large and and cream below; small spots forming a diffuse, indis- wide, touching first to third infralabials; posterior chin tinct band on ventral side of tail. shields large, in contact with third to fifth infralabials; Description of holotype. Head relatively big, both pairs of chin shields meeting in midline; three rounded, not distinguished from the neck, distinctly scales in a line from posterior chin shields to first ven- dorso-ventrally depressed, covered with large regular tral, first gular scale separated posterior chin shields symmetric shields; maxillary teeth eight, modified; eyes posteriorly; supralabials 5, fourth and fifth largest, first well developed and visible from above, pupil round, sur- supralabial in contact with rostral, nasal, prefrontal, and rounded by 5 shields; horizontal diameter of eye shorter second supralabial shields; second and third entering or- than eye-mouth distance (3.15 vs. 5.22 mm); snout wide bit; infralabials 5 (Figs.3–5). and relatively long, HL/SL — 2.86; rostral large, trian- Body relatively broad, dorso-ventrally flattened; gular, wider than high, in contact with prefrontals, nasal dorsal scales smooth, rhomboid, equal in size, imbricate, and first supralabial on each side, distinctly visible from scale rows at body: Sq1 — 13, Sq2 — 13, Sq3 — 13, above; tongue groove clearly visible on its ventral side; reducing to 11 rows at the level of anus; vertebral scale nasal very small, triangular, in contact with first suprala- row not enlarged; ventrals 3 + 209; anal plate single; bial, prefrontal, and rostral; nostril large, in center of na- subcaudals 19 pairs; tail short, thick and tapering gradu- sal; loreals absent; supraocular single, large, longer than ally at base, abruptly tapering at tip to a obtuse point wide, bordered with frontal, prefrontal, preocular, post- (Fig. 6); dorsal scales reducing to four rows on tail op- ocular, and parietal; preocular single; postocular single; posite 18th or 19th subcaudals anterior to terminal internasals absent; prefrontals paired, very large, in scutum. hexagonal-shape, longer than wide (3.56 vs. 3.10 mm); Coloration in preservative. Body uniform brown frontal very long (4.47 mm in length), in hexagonal- above and cream below; ventral shields and adjacent shape; parietals large (6.78 mm in length), suture be- two outermost rows of dorsal scales light creamy A New Species of the Genus Calamaria from Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam 239 Fig. 3. Head of the holotype of Calamaria concolor sp. nov., dorsal Fig. 4. Head of the holotype of Calamaria concolor sp. nov., lateral view. view. colored; back without color pattern; small spots forming a diffuse and indistinct band on ventral side of tail. Measurements (in mm).
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