CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Revised Status of Eligibility Post: Medical Officer -02-UR (01-Male, 01-Female) Employment Notification No. 01 of 2018 Date: 07-02-201 Employment Notification No. 15 of 2015 Dated 07-10-2015 Employment Notification No. 08 of 2014 Dated 08-08-2014 S.No. Name of the Applicant Category Status of Eligibility 1 Dr Mansoora Akhter UR Not Eligible D/o Gh Mohd Wani Experience in Gynecology & Obstetrics less than R/o Akingam Bonpora,Kokernag Anantnag- required 192201 2 Dr Amara Gulzar UR S/o Gulzar Mohamad Eligible R/o Hari Pari Gam Awantipora Pulwama- 192123 3 DrCell:7780867318 Farukh Jabeen UR D/o Masoud-Ur-Raheem Eligible C/o Mustafa Aabad Sector-I,Near Mughal Darbar,Lane-D,Zainakote Srinagar-190012 4 DrCell:9622457524 Sadaf Shoukat UR D/o Shoukat Ali Khan Eligible C/o H.N-193198 Cell:9906804176/9797954129 5 [email protected] Saba Sharief Dewani UR R/o Sector B,H.N-9,Jeelanabad Peerbagh Eligible Hyderpora-190014 6 [email protected] Aaliya UR Not Eligible S/o Ghulam Mohiud Din Wani No Experience in Gyne & Obstetrics R/o H.N-C11,Milatabad Peerbgh,new Airport road-190014 7 DrCell:9419553888 Safeena Mushtaq UR D/o Mushtaq Ahmad Dar Not Eligible R/o Shahi Mohalla Awanta Bhawan Ashiana Habibi,Soura Srinagar-9596183219 8 Dr Berjis Ahmad UR D/o Gh Ahmad Ahanger Not Eligible R/o 65,Pamposh Colony,Lane-9,Natipora no experience in Gyne & Obst. Srinagar-190015 9 DrCell:2430726 Naira Taban UR D/o M.M.Maqbool Not Eligible R/o H.N-223,Nursing Garh Balgarden- no experience in Gyne & Obstetrics. 10 Dr190010 Basrat Shafi UR D/o Mohd Shafi Mir Not Eligible R/o 148-Athiwajan nearMir Masjid Srinagar- Experirnce less than required. 191101 11 DrCell:9086251772/2465723 Afrina Nazir UR D/o Nazir Ahmad Mir Not Eligible R/o E-14,Shah Faisal Colony Upper Soura Srinagar-190020 Cell:9419040936 12 Dr Syed Khalid Muzzamil UR S/o Nazir Ahmad Nadeem Eligible R/o Darul salam, Bagate Kanipora, Collage Colony, Nowgam Budgam--190015 13 Drcell:7780822278 Irfan ul haq Wani UR S/o Khanzir mohmad Wani Eligible R/o Gousin colony lane-1,house no-16a,near water tanky baghi mehtab,distt-Budgam- 14 Dr190019 Tareq Ahmad Parey UR s/o Gull mohd parey Eligible R/o Khanabal nandapora,Anantnag,J&k- 192101 15 Drcell:9906677572 Mir Mohammad Omar Farooq UR S/o Mir Mohammad Farooq Eligible R/o E-14,Shah Faisal colony,upper soura,sgr,J&K-190020 16 Drcell:01942401386,9596245240,9622499670 Wasim Qadir UR S/o Gh.Qadir Moona Not Eligible R/o Model Town "A" Sopore-193201 no experience 17 Drcell:9906692963 Umeek Jeelani UR S/o late mohd Muzaffar Jeelani Eligible R/o 65,Noorani coloney,peerbagh, Hyperpora ,SGR -190014 18 Drcell:7006569435,9622691145,2440889 Junaid Ahmad UR S/o Ghulam Ahmad Ahanger Not Eligible R/o 65 Pamposh colony,ane no- experience less than required 9,Natipora,Srinagar J&k- 190015 19 Drcell:8803018578,01942430726 Imtiyaz Ur Rehman Bhat UR S/o Ab.Rehman Bhat Eligible R/o Sirhama, tehsil Srigufwara, distt Anantnag kashmir-192401 20 Drcell:9596036642,7889916867 Farhan Khan UR S/o Mohammad Zaffar ul lah Khan Not Eligible R/o Gulbery colony- opposite sector- experience less than required 06,Hyderpora byepass(E)Sgr Kashmir 21 Drcell:0194-2441447,7006260875 Mohamad Muzzafer Mir UR S/o Ab. Hamid Mir Eligible R/o H no-390,Achabal;Anantnag J&K - 192201 22 Drcell:9419087666,8494074771 Peerzada Owais Iqbal UR S/o Nazir Ahmad Naqash Eligible R/o H.no:43,Green Avenue,Ellahi Bagh Bachpora Sgr,J&K-190020 23 Drcell:2400266,9971888771 Muzaffar Hussain UR S/o Gh.Mohd Shah Not Eligible R/o Kandhama c/o Gh.mohammad Qureshi,P/o Magam, Tehsil-Beerwah,Distt. 24 DrBudgam(kashmir)-193401 Mudasir Ahmad UR S/o Ghulam Qadir Eligible R/o Doctor's Residency,Gandapora Chowk,Near Shaheen Public high School- 25 Dr190002 Athar Rasool Asimi UR S/o Ghulam Hassan Asimi Eligible R/o Tangh Bagh,IDD Gah,Srinagar kashmir,J&K-190002 26 Drcell:8491091155 Asrar Ahad Wani UR S/o Abdul Ahad Wani Eligible R/o Chanapora Lal Nagar,Rose Lane,Srinagar-190014 cell:9419002837 27 Dr Sheikh Mohd Ibrahim UR S/o Sheikh Abdul Jabbar Eligible R/o R-o & p-o Shangas,Distt- Anantnag J&K- 192201 28 Drcell:7006424825,8803078816 Suhail Farooq UR S/o Mohd Farooq Baba Not Eligible R/o (Rozbal) Zalsoo Charar-i-Sharirf,Distt- experience less than required Budgam J&K-191112 29 Drcell:9906777871 Showkat Nisar UR S/o Nisar Ahmad Eligible R/o House no 25,lane 1, hyder colony upper soura SGR-190020 Alreadycell:7006948322 Applied in Previous Notification/s Vide No./s 08 of 2014 dated 08-08-2014, 15 of 2015 dated 07-10-2015 & 12 of 2016 dated 28-12-2016 30 Dr.John Mohd. Mushtaq UR S/o Mushtaq Ahmad Ganie Eligible R/o Near Clock Tower behind Punjab 31 Dr.Syed National Arif Bank Ayoub Kulgam,192231 UR S/o Syed Mohd. Ayub Kashani Eligible R/o 12-C, Indranagar,srinagar-190004 32 Dr.Cell:09899388638 Nighat Nazir UR Not Eligible D/o Haji Nazir Ahmed Overage R/o lane-04, Sector-04, Iqbalabad 33 Dr.Ramees Bemina-190018 Mohiuddin UR Not Eligible S/o Ghulam Mohiuddin Dar experience less than required R/o Duderhama Ganderbal-191201 34 Dr.AsmaCell: 9596787747 Mushtaq UR Eligible D/o Mushtaq Ahmad Shora R/o 10 Haider Enclave Lame no. 4, 35 Dr.AsifHaider Colony, Mustafa Upper Soura Near Petrol UR S/o Mohammad Mustafa Eligible C/o Staff quarter No-7,Jammu & Kashmir 36 Dr.House, Ouber 5-Prithviraj Qayoom Road, UR Not Eligible S/o Abdul Qayoom Dar Experience Certificates not attached R/o Aashiyana gul , Hamza Colony, Sec-B 37 Dr.Baghat-e-Kannipora. Abdul Rouf Khan Distt. Budgam-190015 UR S/o Manzoor Ahmad Khan Eligible R/o Parray Pora, Baghat Salfia Lane, 38 Dr.Shabir Srinagar-190005 Ahmad Parray UR Not Eligible S/o Ab. Gani Parray proof of experience at MMU not attached. R/o Pattermula, Gulab Bagh Manasbal 39 Dr.Tehsil Shah Lar, Sumaya Ganderbal Jan UR Eligible D/o Shah Mohammad Farooq R/o 38 Lalnagar, Near Gousia Masjid, 40 Dr.Wahab Irfan Lane, Amin Chanapora, J&K-190015 UR Not Eligible S/o Mohd. Amin Age exceeding 40 years C/o Mohd Ashraf Bulbul, Iqbal Masjid Lane, 41 Dr.Tashakur HMT, Iqbal ShohabColony National Highway- UR Not Eligible S/o Ghulam Nabi Bhat experience less than required R/o Usmana Abad, House No-55, 42 Dr.Ompura Shaista Budgam-191111 Ismail UR D/o Mohd Ismail Dar Eligible C/o Chanapora, Housing Colony, Firdous 43 Dr.Lane Mir Sabina Nisar UR Not Eligible D/o Mir Nisar Ahmed requisite experience less than required C/o Falcon Eye Centre, Solina, Srinagar- 190008 44 Dr.Masood -Ul-Rashid UR S/o Ab. Rashid Dar Eligible R/o Village Tenghar,P/O Koil, 45 Dr.Gowhar Tehsil & Distt. Ahmad Pulwama-192301 Makhdoomi UR Not Eligible S/o Rashid ahmad Makhdoomi experience less than required & proof not R/o Mohalla Makhdoom Sahib , attached 46 Dr.Post Manzoor Rainawari Ahmad , Srinagar-190003 Para UR Not Eligible S/o Khazir Mohammad Para C/o House No-34, Housing Colony, 47 Dr.ShowkatBaghe Mehtab Ahmad Parray UR S/o Gh. Mohd. Parray Not Eligible R/o Banagam, Tehsil Beerwah,Distt 48 Budgam-191111Dr.Arif Amin Bhat UR S/o Mohammad Amin Bhat Eligible R/o Now-Hamam Sopore, Distt Baramula- 49 Dr.Sajad193201 Ahmad Bhat UR Not Eligible S/o Gull Mohammad Bhat Age exceeding 40 years R/o Iqbal Colony, Dialgam,Anantnag-192210 50 Dr.RajaCell:9906562409 Ovais UR Not Eligible S/o Mohd Sadiq Zargar experience less than required R/o Hamza Colony, College Road , 51 Dr.Tral Owais Pulwana-192123 Ahmad Zargar UR S/o Habib-Ullah Zargar Eligible R/o H.No-42, Lane No-07, Moominabad 52 Dr. Batamaloo, Nousheen Srinagar-190010 Majeed UR Not Eligible D/o Abdul Majeed Wagay no experience in Gyne & Obstetrics. R/oSheikh-ul-Alam Residential Appartments 53 Dr.Wahid, Baghe Mehtab-190019 Akbar Lone UR Not Eligible S/o Mohd Akbar Lone no experience C/o Hamza Colony , Baghat-e-Kannipora, 54 Dr.UmaraBudgam- 190015 Amin UR Not Eligible D/o Mohammad Amin requisite experience less than required R/o House No. 35, Vakil Colony Brein 55 Dr.Bharat Nishat Srinagar Bhushan SC Not Eligible S/o Rattan Lal Overage , Experience Certificate not attached C/o University Hostel, Baba Ghulam Shah 56 DrUniversity, M Salman Rajouri-185131 Arif UR Not Eligible S/O Abdul hamid Shah experience less than required R/O H.No 03 Deewanbagh Bijbehara 57 DrAnantnag Suhail MajeedJ&K-192124 UR Not Eligible S/O Dr Abdul Majeed experience ceritficate not attached R/O Methan Lal Nagar Chanpora Srinagar- 58 Dr190015 Shafket Rasool Wani UR Not Eligible S/O Ghulam Rasool Wani Experience less R/O S.S Medicos New Bus Stand Road Near 59 DrSheikh Majid Hamza Khan Complex Handwara-19321 UR Not Eligible S/O Zahoor Ahmad Khan overage R/O Baghwanpora Lal Bazar Srinagar 60 Drkashmir-190023 Ambreen Ali Ahangar UR Not Eligible D/O Ali Mohammad Ahangar no experience in Gyne & Obstetrics. R/O H.No 257 lane 2 MIG Colony Bemina Srinagar-190018 61 Dr Yasser Yousef Wani UR Not Eligible S/O Dr G A Wani overage R/O H.No 100 Lane No 09 Kanityar Saderbal 62 Dr Asif Hussain Bhat UR Not Eligible S/O Bashir Ahmad Bhat Requisite experience less than required, failed to R/O Idd Gah Near Masjid Ali-Saani safa submit the required doucment Kadal Srinagar-190002 63 Dr Nusrat Habib UR Not Eligible D/O Mr Habibullah Makaya overage C/O Dr Zahoor Ahmad parray IIIM Srinagar - 64 Dr190005 Yasir Zahoor UR Not Eligible S/O Zahoor Ahmad experience less than required R/O Alamdar Abad Court Road Sopore- 65 Dr193201 Hilal Ahmad Yatoo UR Not Eligible S/O Mohd Akram Yatoo Age exceeding 40 years R/O Yatoo Mohalla Chadoora Budgam- 66 DrAbid191113 Nazir Baba UR S/O Nazir Ahmad Baba Eligible R/O Sk Colony Anantnag -192101 67 DrCell Javid No 9419052500 Ahmad Dar UR S/O Late Shabir Ahmad Dar Eligible R/O Kralyar New Market Anantnag-192101 68 DrCell Basharat No 9797137920 Ahmad Mughal UR Not Eligible S/O Mr Nazir Ahmad Mughal overage R/O 73-B Budshah Nagar Natipora Srinagar- 69 Dr190015 Saba Majid Mattoo UR Not Eligible D/O Mr Abdul Majid Mattoo overage R/O New Bulbul bagh Colony Barzulla 70 Drsrionagar-190005 Imran Khurshid UR Not Eligible S/O Khurshid Ahmad experience less than required R/O Amirabal Tral Near Masjid Ibrahim- 71 Dr192123 Mir Omar Jhon UR S/O Gulshan Ahmad Mir Not Eligible C/o Govt.
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