CHESHAM. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. [KELLY's Tree John, draper, 50 High street Welch John W. hair dresser, 13 Church street Volunteer Fire Brigade (J. G. Stone, capt.), Market sq Wells .James, farmer, Ley hill Wallace Henry, ironmonger & plumber, 8 High street Wells Robert, beer retailer, 57 Church street Wallington Ellen & Son, ginger beer mnfrs.252Waterside West Samuel Berrill, beer retailer, New road 'Vallington J ames, wooden ware manufacturer,Waierside White Brothers, drapers, 12 High street 'Vallis Harry, insurance agent, 3 Albany yard White William, stationer, 88 Berkhamstead road WalIis Thomas, shoeing smith, 75 High street Wilcock Albert, tailor, 45 High street Ward WiIliam, boot maker, 24 High street Wilcock Tom, tailor, 130 Berkhamstead road 'Varner Edgar, confectioner, 96 Waterside Williams Lloyd, brush maker, 106 Bellingdon road Warner Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, IIO High street Wing-rove Brothers, butchers, 60 Church street Watts Edwin & Son, grocers, 4 Red Lion street Woodley James, hawker, 109 Sunnyside road Watts Charles, grocer, 35 High street Woodley John, hawker, 33 Alexander street 'Watts Edwin, grocer, II8, 120 & 122 Berkhamstead road Worrell Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, 120 High strept. Webb Robert Bc Sons. brush manufacturers, Towns- Wrig-ht Mary (Mrs.) & Son, wooden ware mfrs. Water la end road Wright Thomas & Son, wooden ware manufrs. Waterside "'ebb Treacher & Sons, wooden ware mfrs. Alexander st Wrig-ht Charles, One Star P.H. Blucher street 'Vebb James, beer retailer & duck breeder, Waterside Wright Edward, corn & seed merchant, I Germain street Webb Joseph, boot manufacturer, 134 & 26 High street Wright Job, builder, 300 Berkhamstead road Webb Thomas, boot maker, 155 Waterside Yates Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 King street Webb WaIter Henry, boot top maker, 125 Waterside Yetts William M. architect, 78 High street 'Webster Hy. Herbt. station master, 57 Berkhamstead rd Young William, linen draper, 44 & 46 High street Weedon Isabella (Mrs.), dress maker, 97 Bellingdon rd CHESHAM BOIS is a parish on a high table-land, 2~ M.A. of Danmore, Wimbledon, and held since 1892 by miles south from Chesham station on the Metropolitan the Rev. George Gurnall Roworth. There is an iron Extension railway and I! north from Amersham, in the mission room on The Moor, erected in 1890, which will l\Iid division of the county, hundred of Burnham, petty hold 100 persons. Chesham House is the property and sessional division and county court district of Chesham, residence of John WiIliam Garrett-Pegge esq. J.P. The union of Amersham, rural deanery of Amersham, arch- Duke of Bedford is lord of the manor, and John William deaconry of Buckingham and diocese of Oxford. The Garrett-Pegge esq. is the principal landowner. The soil church of St. Leonard is an ancient building in the Early is clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats English style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, and barley. The area is 906 acres of land and 4 of water; south porch, aisle and a tower containing a clock and 3 assessable value, £4,540; the population in 1891 was 552. Lells: the church was restored in 1881 at a cost of Parish Clerk, John Birch. [1,3°0, and a north aisle and new tower were built in Wall Letter Box, opposite Unicorn P.H. cleared at 2.15 1584: the total cost of restoration and enlargement was p.m. & 7.5 p.m. week davs only [2,045 lIS. 5d.: there are three brasses, two to the Letters through Chesham R.S.O. which is the neared f'heyne family and one to Benedict Lee: there are 152 money oro.er & telegraph office, arrive at 7.45 a.m 'Sittings. The register dates from the year 1542. The National School (mixed & infants), built in 1894, for 160 living is a rectory, net yearly value [137, with 2 acres of children; average attendance, II4; Miss Margare\ glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Alfd. Peache Trought, mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. OOMMERCIAL. Jacobs William, shopkeeper Bates George, Rose cottage Bates Thomas & Sons, wooden ware Keen John & Son, builders Butcher Francis Joseph J.P manufacturers, .Bois saw mills; & Keen Fred, plumber Ca.rver The Misses, Bois house at New road, Chesham. See advert Morten John Hailey, farmer, Saxtonl Ford Miss, Orchard house Birch John, boot & shoe maker & Puddephatt Wm. farmer, Bois farm Garrett-Pegg John William J.P. parish clerk Rose George, miller (steam & water) Chesham house & Junior Constitu- Darvell David, timber mer. & farmer &c. Boos mills tional club, London W Ford Miss Ann, registrar of births & Saunders Richd. farmer, May Han fro Roworth Rev.GeOIge Gurnall,Rectory dEaths for Chesham sub-district, Scott Thomas John, Unicorn P.R Till WaIter, Heathfield Orchard house Tucker W. & Son, wooden ware mnfn Trueman Col. Thomas, Manor farm Gomm WilIiam, '\\heelwright CHETWODE is a parish separated from Oxfordshire north chapel and the walls of the chancel, except part 'by a feeder of the river Ouse, 3l miles south-by-east on the south side, were taken down and rebuilt: there from Fulwell and Westbury station on the Oxford and is a tablet to the memory of Sir John Chetwode bart. Bletchley section of the London and North Western rail- who died Dec. 17, 1845, and was buried here: there are way, 5 south-west from Buckingham and 6 north-east 120 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the from Bicester, in the Northern division of the county, year 1779; marriages, 1756. The living is a vicarage hundred, petty sessional division, union and county annexed to that of Barton Hartshorn, joint net yearly value court district of Buckingham, and in the rural deanery £4Q, including 46 acres of glebe, in the gift of Major G. of Buckingham (first portion), archdeaconry of Bucking- F. Green, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Charles Holden ham and diocese of Oxford. The church of SS. B.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. who is also rector Mary and Nicholas, the chancel of which be- of and resides at Preston Bissett. Here was a priory of longed to the conventual church, was made parochial Augustine canons, founded either by Bishop Gros­ in 1480; it consists of chancel, nave, north and south tete, of Lincoln, in 1240, or by Sir Ralph de aisles or chapels and a low tower at the north-west angle Norwich, in 1244, in honour of St. Mary and containing one bell: the chancel is a fine example of St. Nicholas : it was dissolved on account of Early English; the whole east end is occupied by five its poverty in 1460 and annexed to the abbey of Notley; IZraceful lancets with bold mouldings and slender shafts; bnt in 148o, on account of the dilapidated state of the the north and south aisles are lighted by triplets of parish churrh, that of the priory was opened for divine ~irnilar character and on the south side is a rich arcade worship. The old parish church of St. Martin, which with light shafts supporting foliated caps and the toothed stood a quarter mile east of the priory, was pulled down ornament in the mouldings: one arch of this arcade in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. There was also here a serves as a priest's doorway, and other arches as sedilia; hermitage, dedicated to SS. Stephen and Lawrence, the remains of ancient stained glass in the eastern founded by a member of the Chetwode family. The windows were some time since removed to the south Rhyne toll of Chetwode, an ancient and sin~lar rig-M -window of the chancel and the windows refilled with new exercised by the Chetwodes, begins at 9 o'clock on the stained glass of no particular merit: during repairs to morning of the ':loth of October, when a horn is blown the church about 1868, portions of the original tiled on the church hill at Buckingham, and ginger bread and paving of the church were discovered, both below the beer are distributed among the assembled boys, the -existing floor and in the yard in front, formerly covered girls, by custom, not being admitted to any share in the by the nave of the conventual church: in the middle of bounty; the bearer of the cakes and ale then proceeds the south aisle, rlose to the wall, a slab was found, through the villalZe of Tingewick to the extreme bonn­ incised with an eight-cusped floriated cross, and with a dary of the countv towards Oxfordshire, where, in front marginal inscription in Norman-French, which, when of the Red Lion inn, near Finmere, 3 miles distant. the perfect, ran, "Sir Jon Giffard gist icey De sa alme Dieu horn is again blown and a fresh distribution takes place, pnr sa pitie eit mercy," and supposed to refer to Sir under the same customary limitation; on the conclusion .John Giffard, of Twyford, c. 13'(0; one of the tiles found of these formalities, the Rhyne is proclaimed to have appears to bear the arms of this family, viz.: 3 silver begun, and two toll collectors are stationed, one in the liOn! passant, on 8 field, gules: in or about 1822, the town of Buckingham and another in the hamlet of Ga"·.
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