DOCUMENT RESUME ED 325 426 SO 030 186 TITLE Germany and Georgia: Partners for the Future. Instructional Materials foL Georgia Schools, Volumes I and II. INSTITUTION Georgia State Dept. of Education, Atlanta.; German Federal Foreign Office, Bonn (West Germany). PUB DATE 90 NOTE 233p. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC30 rlus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Ele.lentary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; *Foreign Culture; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Social Studies; *State Programs; Teaching Methods IDENTIFIERS *Georgia; *Germany ABSTRACT A collection of lessons is presented for teaching abouL the Federal Republic of Germany that were developed as a result of a study/travel seminar attended by 18 Georgia educators during the summer of 1989. Lessons are designed so that they may either be used individually, J.ntegrated into the curriculum at appropriate places, or be used as a complete unit. Teachers are advised to adjust the materials to accommodate the needs and interests of performance levels of students. Each lesson begins with an outline for teaching that includes instructional objective, and a sequenced list of procedures for using the activities provided with the lesson. Teachers are provided with most of the materials ne.eded for implementation. Volume 1 contains lessons on these topics: introduction to Germany, geography and environment, history and culture, and people. Volume II conta. Ns lesson on these topics concerning contemporary Germany: goveLnment, economics, society, and the fine arts. (DB) *1******************************************************************AX * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * GERMANY AND GEORGIA Partners for the Future cYD Instructional Materials for Georgia Schools Volume I U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Ottce p1 Ectucahonal Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERICI document has been tebrOduCed 4S Tketred trom the person or orgaruzahon ong,nahng 7' Minor changes hare been made to u.1, prove reproduchon guard), Poo Its of wewopm.ons stated ntrusdocu- men! do not necessanly represent offictat OE RI posmon or pocy "PERMISSION TOREPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY 3 eaL55__ TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Georgia Department of Education 1990 ... 2 GERMANY AND GEORGIA Partners for the Future Instructional Materials for Georgia Schools PROJECT DIRECTORS Glen Blankenship Horst Bussiek Gwen Hutcheson PROJECT WRITERS Geography/Environment Emmett Mullins, Coordinator Carolyn Soff History/Culture Eddie Bennett, Coordinator Jim Pippin Lindsey Smith The Arts Ruth Gassett, Coordinator People Marsha Scheppler, Coordinator Glen Jones ContemporaryGermany Don Schneider, Coordinator Stuart Bennett (Culture) Carol McCullough (Government, Kim Pruiu (Economics) Audiovisual Production- V iews of Germany" Helen Richardson, Coordinator 0 GERMANY AND GEORGIA Partners for the Future Project Participants Mr. Eddie Bennett is Director of Staff Developmentat Pioneer RESA. He is Social Studies Consultant and serves as the 9th Congressional District Coordinator of the Bicentennial ofthe U.S. Consdtution. Mr. Stuart Bennett is Social Studies Coordinator for the Fayette County Schools.He has traveled extensively with students in Europe, Latin America, andthe Carribean. Dr. Glen Blankenship is Social Studies Coordinator for the Gwinnett CountyPublic Schools. He assisted in writing the project proposal, directed the development ofthe project instrucuonai materials, and was co-editor of the final document. Mr. Horst Bussiek is the German Language Consultant forthe Georgia Department of Education. He was the project grant director and planned the itinerary forthe trip in the Federal Republic of Germany. Ms. Carolyn Smith Carter teaches social studieat the Bradwell Institute in Liberty County. She was chosen Teacher of the Year in both 1989 and 1990for her school system. Ms. Gwendale Belle Gaines teaches social studiesat Miller Middle School in Bibb County. She is secretary of the Bibb County Council ofthe Social Studies. Ms. Ruth Gassett is the Fine Arts Consultant for the GeorgiaDepartment of Education. She taught art in the Cobb and DeKalb School Systems, receiving the Georgia An EducationAssociation Art Educator of the Year.' award in 1983. Ms. Gwen Hutcheson is the Social Studies Coordinator forthe Georgia Department of Education. She was co-director of the project, assisted in writingthe project proposal. planning the agenda, and editing the instructional materials. Mr. Glen Jones teaches German language at LaFayette High School in Walker County.. He prtvi- ouly taught social studies for 15 years. Ms. Carol McCullough isa graduate of Furman University with graduate degrees from Georgia Szace and Emory Universities. She teaches world historyand Lomparative government at Heritage High School in Rockdale County. Mr. Emmett Mullins isa teacher at Cedar Hill Elementary, Lawrenceville, Gw Innen Coll111)Pubhc Schools, currently on sabbatical leaveat the University of Georgia. 4 A Mr. James Pippin has taught social studies at Arnold Junior High School in Muscogee Count) for 13 years. He has participated in international teachingprograms in Scotland and Nev. Zealand. Ms. Kim Pruitt is a social studies teacher at Banks aunty High school andwas recognized a, an "Outstanding Social Studies Educator in Georgia" by the Georgia Council for the Social Sciences. Dr. Helen Richardson is presently the Executive Director of Secondary Curriculum for Fulton County Schools. She is a former social studies teacher, social studies coordinator, and member of the National Council for the Social Studies Boa -d of Directors. Dr. Marsha Scheppler has taught social studiesat the secondary level and at the Governor s Honors Program. She is the former Executive Secretary of the Georgia Council for the Social SPiences. Dr. Donald 0. Schneider is Professor of Social Science Education and Head of the Social Science Education Department at the University of Georgia. He isa past-president of the National Council for the Social Studies. Mr. Lindsey Smith is a social studies teacherat Lovejoy High School in Clayton County and also teaches in the Governor's Honors Program. Ms. Carolyn Soff is a teacher ot the giftedat Renfroe Middle School in the City Schools of DeLatur. She has worked with kindergarten through high school students. Acknowledgements This project was made possible throughgenerous financial support from the Foreign Office of (he Federal Republic of Germany. The authors would like to thank Mary Ellen Phillips, Gwinnett County PublicSchools, for her work as Publications Specialist. Her uncompromising attentionto detail resulted in a professional document. A special thanks is extended to Horst Bussiek for initiating the project aadfor spendine endless hours planning an itinerary which made the stay in Germany both informativeand enjoyable. Iii 6 T._ Introduction "Germany and Georgia: Partners for the Future" isa collection of lessons that were developed as a result of a study/travel seminar attended by eighteen Georgia educators d.ting thesummer of 1989. One goal of the project was to provide teachers withexemplary lessons for teaching about the Federal Republic of Gemany. The lessons are designed so that theymay either be used individually, integrated into the curriculum at appropriate places, or be usedas a complete unit. The teacher should adjust the materials to accommodate the needs and interests of performancelevels of students. Each lesson begins with an outline for teaching which includes instnictionalobjectives, a list of necessary materials, and a sequenced list of procedures for using the activitiesprovithd with the lesson. The lessons provide the teacher withmost of the materials neetied for implementation. During the period of time in which these lessonswere being developed, dramatic and rapid changes were taking place across Eastern Europe.The Berlin Wall has opened imd thereIS talk of German reunification. As you review and select lessonsfor use in your classmom, it may be necessary to update the information in this document to keep the lessonscurrent . Miffirakkiiiill Table of Contents-Volume I Topic/LessonTitle Page Introduction to Germany Lesson 1 "Impressions of Germany and Germans" 1 Lesson 2 "Scavenger Hunt" 3 Lesson 3 "Verifying Impressions" 6 Geography and Environment Lesson 1 "Where is Germany?" 8 Lesson 2 "The People of Germany" Lesson 3 "The Climate of Georgia and West Germany" 40 Lesson 4 "Pollution in West Germany: An 45 International Problem" Lesson 5 "German Cities" 56 Lesson 6 "Land Use in Germany" 65 Lesson 7 "Transportation and Communication" 79 Lesson 8 "Public Transportation in Berlin" 83 History and Culture Lesson 1 "Settlers of Early Germany" 91 Lesson 2 "Medieval Towne and Cities" 100 Lesson 3 "Cologne: Cathedral City of the Rhineland" 107 History and Culture (continued) Lesson 4 "Bonn and Washington, D.C.: A Tale of Two 112 Capital Cities" Lesson 5 "Introducing German History Tnrough Town 12 / Names" Lesson 6 "Teaching Cultural Mores Through Proverbs" 125 Lesson 7 "German Immigrants in the United States" 128 Lesson 8 "German Political Unity and Disunity" 135 Lesson 9 "Religion in German History: Conflicts and Harmony" 143 Lesson 10 "Economic Unity in Disunited Germany" 153 People Lesson 1 "Global Perspectives: Who are THEY and Who 164 are WE?" Lesson 2 "Study of a Population Pyramid:
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