Delhi Golf Club Tenure Membership List of existing Tenure members of Secretary / Special Secretary equivalent officers (Total Seats 20) Sl. No. Name Designation Office Address Date of Date of Expected Date of Nomination Tenure date of Super- Membershi completion annuation p of tenure 1. 3Shri S.C. Sinha, IPS Member, NHRC, Manav 06.11.2013 9.12.2013 07.04.2018 07.04.2018 . NHRC Adhikar Bhawan, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi. Tel.24663209/59 2. 9Dr. B.C. Gupta, Member National Consumer 27.02.2015 -do- 31.05.2018 31.05.2018 .IAS(Retd.) Dispute Redressal Commission, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi. Tel.24608702 3. 1Shri K.D. Tripathi, Secretary Now in M/o 17.8.2015 - 30.06.2018 3IAS:1980 Petroleum & . Natural Gas 4. 1Shri Naveen Verma, Secretary now in M/o North 21.10.2015 28.02.2019 28.02.2019 6IAS:1982 Eastern Region . w.e.f. 28.10.2015 5. 1Sh. Neeraj Kumar Secretary Now in M/o Heavy 01.03.2016 - - 8Gupta, IAS Indus. & Public . Enterprises, D/o Disinvestment 24368040 6. 1Mrs. Rita Teaotia, IAS Secretary Room No.143, 01.03.2016 31.07.2018 31.07.2018 9 Udyog Bhawan, . Ph-23063664 M/o Commerce & Indus. 7. Sh. Anil Kumar Spl. Secretary Cabinet Sectt, 10th 1.3.2016 October- 31.12.2018 Dhasmana, IPS Floor, B-1&B-2 2017 Wing, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. 23796470 (PA-) 8. 2Shri P.K. Sinha, Cabinet Cabinet 02.03.2010 17.05.2010 31.07.2015 - 3 Secretary Secretariat, Again . Government of granted India fresh Rashtrapati nomination Bhawan, on 7.6.2016 New Delhi - 110 004 9. 2Dr. Aruna Sharma, Secretary now in M/o Steel 07.06.2016 31.08.2018 31.08.2018 7IAS, 1982 Ph-24364041, . 24363134 (fax) 10. Shri Kumaresan Spl. Secretary Cabinet 16.8.2016 28.02.2019 28.02.2019 Ilango, IPS(1982), Secretariat, R.No.1001, B-2 Wing, 10th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi.23796453 11. Sh. Chandra Kishore Secretary M/o Environment, 16.8.2016 - 31.05.2020 Mishra, IAS, 1983, Forest & Climate change 12. Sh. Yudhvir Singh, Now Now Secretary, 16.11.2016 31.3.2019 31.3.2019 IAS Secretary M/o Road Transport, N.D. Ph-23096709 13. Sh. Krishan Kumar DG, CISF DG’s Secretariat, 10.3.2017 30.9.2018 30.9.2018 Sharma, IPS FHQ BSF Block No.10, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, N.D. Ph- 24362181, 24366817, 24360016(fax) 14. Sh. Bhasker Khulbe, Secretary to Room No. 156-B, 19.6.2017 31.3.2019 31.3.2019 IAS PM PMO, South Block, N.D. Ph-23010838, 23792120 (fax) 15. Sh. Ajay Narayan Secretary Now M/o Finance 19.6.2017 31.1.2019 31.1.2019 Jha, IAS w.e.f. 1.11.2017 16. Ms Preeti Saran Secretary M/o External 8.11.2017 30.9.2018 30.9.2018 Affairs, room No.168, South Block, New Delhi. 17. Sh. Subhash Chandra Secretary M/o Finance, 8.11.2017 31.10.2020 31.10.2020 Garg, IAS North Block, N.D. Ph-23092611, 23094075(fax) 18. Ms Ruchi Secretary MEA, South Block, 8.11.2017 30.4.2020 30.4.2020 Ghanashyam, IFS N.D. Ph-23015155 19. Dr. Mrs. Aruna Secretary M/o Steel, Udyog 8.11.2017 - 31.8.2018 Sharma, IAS Bhawan, N.Delhi 20. Sh. Rajni Kant Now Director Sashastra Seema 6.2.2018 15.4.2018 31.8.2019 Mishra, IPS, 84 General Bal, M/o MHA, East Block-V, Sector-1, R.K. Puram, N.D. Ph- 26188290, 26176417(fax) 21. Sh. Javeed Ahmed, DG LNJN, Rohini 6.2.2018 IPS 22. Sh.Rahul Bhatnagar, Secretary M/o Youth Affairs 6.2.2018 IAS 23. Ms Shakuntala D. Secretary M/o Social Justice 6.2.2018 31.3.2021 Gamlin, IAS & Empowerment, D/o Empowerment of Persons with Disability Delhi Golf Club Tenure Membership List of existing Tenure members of Additional Secretary or equivalent officers (Total Seats 20+5=25) Sl. No. Name Designation Office Address Date of Date of Tenure Expected Date of Nomination Membership date of Super- completion of annuation tenure 1. 9Shri Rajendra Director Dte. General of 06.11.2013 9.12.2013 28.02.2018 28.02.2018 Kumar, IRS General of Income Tax, Income Tax Aayakar Bhawan, now Member Plot No.15, 2nd CBDT Floor, Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, N.Delhi. Tel.22054854 2. 1Shri K.K. Director (Fin.) DMRC, Metro 16.01.2014 03.03.2014 15.1.2019 31.08.2019 0Saberwal, IRAS AS level Bhawan, New Delhi. Tel.23418303 3. 1Shri Avinash K. now Secretary M/o Food 16.01.2014 -do- - 31.01.2020 2Srivastava, IAS Processing Indus,Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Tel.23383744 4. 1Dr. K.P. now Secy M/o Skill 27.02.2015 -do- 12.07.2018 31.12.2019 4Krishnan, IAS Development 5. 1Shri Raghvendra DG & Now M/o culture 17.8.2015 21.08.2017 30.06.2019 6Singh, IAS Secretary (WB:1983) Now member 6. 1Shri Anand Now AS & MD, MD, National 17.8.2015 31.08. 2021 7Kumar, AS & MD NHIDCL Highway & Now member Infrastructure Dev. Corporation, R.No.101, Transport Bhawan, New Delhi. 7. 1Sh. Binoy Kumar Addl. M/o Commerce 17.8.2015 31.05.2020 9 Secretary now DG 8. 2Shri Rajeev now Secretary M/o Finance, D/o 21.10.2015 28.02.2020 28.02.2020 2Kumar, IAS financial Services . 9. 2Shri Sumeet Addl. DG, Now in M/o 07.06.2016 29.12.2018 31.08.2021 3Jerath, IAS Foreign Trade external . AffairsTel.2337 9115 10. 2Shri R. Kumar, Addl. Cabinet Sectt. 07.06.2016 30.11.2020 30.11.2020 4RAS Secretary R.No.1001, 10th . floor (B-2 wing) Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO complex, New Delhi. Ph- 23079683 11. 2Shri Kumar Addl. M/o Agriculture, 07.06.2016 17.03.2019 31.10.2020 5Sanjay Krishna, Secretary Krishi Bhawan, .IAS :1985 ND. Ph-23381363 12. Shri Nitin Now Director Competition 16.11.2016 N.A. 30.09.2023 Gupta, IRS General Commission of India, 14, B wing, HUDCO Vishala, Bhikaji Cama Place, N.D. 26172895, 26107131 13. Shri Ajay Now M/o Electronics 16.11.2016 23.03.2020 28.02.2022 Prakash Secretary & IT Sawhney, IAS:1984 14. Shri Madhukar Addl. Ministry of Heavy 10.3.2017 12.03.2020 30.09.2020 Gupta, IAS Secretary Industries & P.E., DPE, R.No.302, Building 14, CGO Complex, New Delhi. Tel.2436 0406 15. Shri Rajeev Rai Spl Director Director, 10.3.2017 15.04.2019 31.12.2019 Bhatnagar, IPS General Narcotics Control Bureau, West Block No.1, Wing No. 5, RK Puram, ND -66 16. Shri Abhijit Spl. Secretary Cab. Sec., B-1&2 10.3.2017 Jan., 2018 Jan 2018 Chakravertty, Wing, 10th IRS:1982 Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Tel.23796464 17. Sh. Samant Addl. Cabinet Sectt, 10.3.2017 May 2020 31.5.2020 Kumar Goel, IPS, Secretary Room No.1001, 84 10th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, N.D. (Asstt. Ph- 9643306062) 18. Sh. Somit Member CEA, Sewa 19.6.2017 31.12.2019 31.12.2019 Dasgupta, IES, (Economic & Bhawan, R.K. 1984 Commercial) Puram, Sector-I, (CEA) N.D. Ph- 26170489, 26108238 (fax) 19. Sh. Sanjiv Kumar Addl. Secy. Cabinet Sectt, 19.6.2017 31.12.2019 31.12.2019 10th Floor,B-1, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, N.D. 20. Ms Madhulika P. Addl. now in Defence 19.6.2017 31.10.2019 31.10.2019 Sukul, IDAS Secretary A/cs Ph- 25674782 21. Sh. Rajesh ADG HQr DG BSF, 17.7.2017 - 30.11.2020 Ranjan, IPS Block No. 10. CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,. New Delhi- 110003 ... Phone No. 011- 24360247 22. Sh. Sudeep ADG 24360411(fax) 8.11.2017 31.7.2019 31.7.2019 Lakhtakia, IPS now in DG(NSG) Delhi 23. Sh. Giridhar Now Addl. Cabinet Sectt, 8.11.2017 2.9.2021 30.6.2023 Aramane, IAS, Secy Rashtrapati 88 Bhawan, N.D. 24. Sh. Subodh Addl. Secy Cabinet Sectt, 6.2.2018 30.9.2022 30.9.2022 Kumar Jaiswal Room No. 1001, B-1 Wing, 10th Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, N.D. 25. Atanu AS & Dir. Gen. Under M/o 6.2.2018 30.4.2020 30.4.2020 Chakraborty, IAS (Hydrocarbons Petroleum & ) Natural Gas, OIDB Bhawan, Tower-A, Plot No.2, Sector-73, NOIDA Delhi Golf Club Tenure Membership List of existing Tenure members of Joint Secretary or equivalent officers (Total Seats 30+10=40) Sl. No. Name Designation Office Address Date of Date of Expected Date of Nomination Tenure date of Super- Membership completion annuation of tenure 1. Ms. Shobhana now AS, M/o Defence, 06.02.2013 5.4.2013 - - Joshi, IDAS Defence. 134-A, South (Secretary Block, N.Delhi. level post) Tel. 23015429 2. Shri Devendra now Secy M/o Agriculture 06.02.2013 5.4.2013 31.05.2018 31.05.18 Chaudhry, IAS & Farmers Welfare 3. Shri Sanjay now JS, D/o Commerce, 06.02.2013 22.8.2013 06.12.2015 31.01.24 Chadha, IRSME Commerce M/o Commerce now & Industry, extended up Udyog to Bhawan, New 31.05.2020 Delhi. Tel. as JS. 23782537 4. Shri Jayant Diddi, Commissioner CIT, Appeal-32, 20.06.2013 07.10.2013 - 30.11.2023 IRS of Income Tax Jhande-walan, Tel. 23593325 N.Delhi now in appeal 31 (26110000(R) 5. Shri Prashant ED, AIMS now DFCCIL, Pragati 20.06.2013 26.7.2013 15.5.2018 31.01.2024 Mishra, Group General Maidan, N.D.
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