STATE SIGNAL '36,' 37,' 33,'4 1, '44,'45, '46 C. S. P. A. Medalist '33/34, STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY OL. LX II. No. 5 VELL! WELL! WOODIES WORKING— Annual Thanksgiving Of French AmbaWifessad or Here Service November 24 To-day; Many Guests PresentJFor Talk Madame Bonnet To Speak On Dr. Wicks To Speak, Theta Phi Condition of France Today; To Make Annual Presentation Dignitaries To Extend Welcome of Food Madame Henri Bonnet, the wife of Dr. Robert R. Wicks, formerly Dean the Ambassador of France to the of Princeton University Chapel, will United States, is the guest-speaker for speak at the annual Thanksgiving- Friday. November 21, at 10:45 a. m., service on November 25. The pro­ in the large auditorium. gram also includes the reading of the "President's Proclamation" by Presi­ There will be several, invited guests. dent Roscoe L. West and three an­ Brigadier-General James 1. Bowers, thems by the college choir, "Prayer of representing Governor Alfred E. Dris- Thanksgiving," Kremerr "God Be coll, will welcome Madame Bonnet to Merciful Unto Us," Bernschein, and the State of New Jersey. Dr. John "Lift Up Your Hearts, Sing Ye," Bosshart, State Commissioner of Edu­ Gretchanoff. cation, will give the greeting of the The Thanksgiving offering for the State Department of Education repre­ needy families of Lanning School, sentatives from Princeton and Rutgers which is sponsored annually by Theta Universities and other prominent per­ Phi Sorority, will be presented by Jane sons will be present. Everett, Mary Belleville, Colleen Cic- Reproductions of the works of sev­ cione and Bette Blauvelt. The re­ Fred the Fiddler and Friend eral 20th century French artists are sponses used in the presentation were on display in Green Hall this week. written by Mary G. Colvey, a member These pictures are lent by the French of the class of '47. Cultural Attache. New Building For Madame Sun Yat-sen Thanks K. P. Dept. Round Jugs And IndustrialArtsMen Foster International Montclair Plays Host Two years ago a project was begun Friendship Through Square Dancing To I. R. C. Delegates In Use On Campus by the students of the Kindergarten- Student's Society Primary Department under the direc­ Wet Weather No Obstacle In tion of Miss Winifred Weldin. The Dungarees and Calico Accepted Army Surplus Barracks Recon­ Trip For Enlightenment group decided that they would like to For many years the Modern Lan­ Dress For Hillbilly Hop To­ verted Into Shop; W ood contribute a chest of books to the un­ guage Department of our college has fortunate children of China through been affiliated with the International night As celestial buckets poured their Butchers Happy In New Home contents onto the droughty earth, the the China Welfare Fund. With Miss Student's Society. One of its aims is delegates from State to the annual Jean Rerker as student chairman, to foster international friendship CaM rwiyomr c;HSr a square dunt"? E., MARY N. FKRRI. plans were formulated and the work through correspondence. This society Middle Atlantic Regional Conference If so—be sure that you are at the Hill- of I. R. C. clubs sallied forth. The Dark and silent is the basement was begun. has thousands of members in more oor of Green Hall. The once busy, than ninety countries. These foreign Billy Hop tonight, because this is your parley was to be held within the adobe Upon completion of the plans a tea oisy shops are still. Activity has members are personally selected by night! Tonight anyone who wishes haciendas of Montclair State Teachers was held in Allen House drawing room eased; evacuation has been com­ resident representatives. English may call a square dance. Of course College. A wet approach from the during which reviews of several of peted. And if you are wondering in speaking members may write in Eng­ south by amphibious Pontlac brought these books were given. The treasure if you can't call a square dance, don't fhich place all this incessant activity lish. Members are from 14 to 30 years the two delegates at last to a dripping chest, which had been artistically hesitate to come because there will i ias been continued, journey to the far of age. wwiiiluvnderifcinessss andu a sign rercauding "Souur- jj decorated with colorful designs by md of the campus, east of the gym- Those who are interested in ex­ be fun and excitement for everyone. prise Lake—1 mi." Deciding that they V some of the kindergarten-primary stu­ iasium, and there, lo and behold, a changing letters with university stu­ The atmosphere will be that of true had already encountered enough sur­ dents, was on display. Soon after lew building, the Industrial Arts dents in Scandinavia, Burma, Puerto prise lakes on the highway, the dele­ this, the chest of books was shipped American style. Of course the cos­ luilding! Rico, France, Spain, Latin America, gates turned and splashed onward in to China. tume you wear will help set that at­ Of course the new building is far etc., may apply to the Modern Lan­ the opposite direction. And so it was mosphere. Girls will wear calico or fom perfect, but it does afford more Late in July, 1947, the department guage Department. Room Library 102. that at 2:45 on Saturday, November 'oom and more privacy. The land­ was happy indeed to receive an inter­ cotton dresses preferably with circu­ 8, the bedraggled pair ascended the scape around the building has not had esting letter from Mme. Sun Yat-sen lar skirts, or any colorful outfit. Men steps of the overwhelmingly Mexican architectural importation known as nuch attention, and consequently the who is chairman of the China Welfare World Reconstruction will wear dungarees and plaid shirts— Fund. She expressed her grateful ap­ Montclair's Administration Building, grounds are very muddy. Behind the not too heavy since the program will building. Mr. Shoemaker's chickens preciation to the students in the Theme of Annual and approached several busily unoccu­ be an energetic one and flannel shirts iwell in what may be called a chicken Kindergarten-Primary Department who President's Dinner pied people behind a desk. coop. At present the chickens do not made the gift possible. Mme. Sun make the wearer very uncomfortable. Miss Nancy Williamson and Mr. Lib- interfere with the toils of the indus­ Yat-sen reported that the chest was Perhaps a straw hat and a colorful "Ah," exclaimed the people, "you are Amid a colorful autumn setting, the erty Bailey from Trenton State Teach­ trial arts men, but then the windows being used in a children's reading neckerchief will also he worn. Both room in a poor factory district of fifteenth annual President's Dinner ers College. Your rooms are in Russ of the building are not opened. sexes will look very "country like" Once inside the building, we find a Shanghai for the benefit of children was held at 7:00 p. m., Thursday, No­ and Chapin Halls, respectively." Wav­ metal shop, wood shop, print shop, a who cannot afford to attend school. vember 13. Faculty members and stu­ and everyone, we hope, will wear very ing languid hands indicative of the science laboratory, and a visual aids The Welfare Fund is conducting liter­ dent leaders, guests of the President comfortable shoes. respective directions, the people re- room. New additions in the way of acy classes for these children together and the advisors of the Executive Speaking again of "American style" turned'to whatever they had been do­ with nutrition stations and free health Board, were seated at banquet tables ing previously. war surplus machinery are scattered atmosphere: Freddy the Fiddler will over the whole of the building. Dur­ clinics. A report of the children's pro­ decorated in autumn leaves and flow­ Left to their own devices, the dele­ be there and with him will be his ing the first week of activity in the gram in Shanghai was enclosed. ers. After a sumptious meal of roast gates soon established themselves and beef, baked potato, carrots and peas, Hill-Billy Band. This band includes then ventured out on a foraging ex­ new building, the men worked under The Kindergarten-Primary depart­ and cherry pie a la mode, the guests pedition. Returning to the Adminis­ heatless conditions. But now the heat ment of S. T. C. is happy to know that four members. There's Arlene, the relaxed in their places to hear several tration Building, they made a judicious has been turned on and everyone is its contribution of books has given Happy Yodeling Cow-Girl, and "Purty speeches given by students and two search for the reception which had quite comfortable. Resides the fact and will continue to give so much Peggy," radio's only woman square special guests. been vaguely spoken of as being in that on rainy days one cannot close pleasure to the needy children of After welcoming everyone, President dance caller. Lonesome George will progress. Discovering it to consist of the doors, the building seems to be Shanghai. in very good condition. Good quality West turned the affair over to Toast- play the banjo and Uncle Percy will the ladling out of some very good food! master Richard Dryzga, who is presi­ be at the bass fiddle. Freddy the Ful­ punch, they took their rations and dent of the Executive Board. He gave left for the convocation. But how do the "wood butchers" SIR KENNETH LINDSAY ler is quite active in the presentation themselves feel about their new home? the theme of the speeches as "What There were in attendance an esti­ and instruction of square dancing Unanimously they voice the de­ DISCUSSES EDUCATION we can do to aid in world reconstruc­ mated three hundred delegates from sire for candy and cigarette mach­ tion." He then introduced the first throughout the state.
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