Docket No E002/GR-15-826 Volume Required Information Ill Commission Policy Information Page 12 of 288 OW Minnesota P4Ouu En.uprut Jan14 204 OW Minnesota On -nsa /1411 44fl It P011 ImMinssnnts lPn4 o.ynrulu-Jsni P/il in Dndu ntfldnntty by using puts thnssnrn sian on your Sic muntonnens whoEs your Pnnnnngpnbstitgsl i/stun Kiniu-siarnysun bIn uynnnswn in 25i4 mttnn tins burnsns lids unhnn nan nndu ut tan using possible soyns dianne In 959 BiD Stints hanoi dnsnnatoWiw BiG to yam tutu lnnusnlmnp Inn gylip iltip/kcnsOLC4nu-iYLyu h/p/P no//pr dXRPP ENDS 1111 uMobia 414J 4MPh to ugpnJfoisoy Outs Jan 2Oi4n005Ps.r Dais Jun 14 2014 2204 PM Duin Jun t4 2214 2219 PM OW Minnossna PnhuoronjpMn Jan 42/14 Kink stunt his Pout-ut/san 1W pair in 2014K nninr tans Misnssnta hi/unir ngMP Jail P/il TmMinnssuta PhoJ1wp in Ju 11204 IS nhunontnWtH K/nil-start his BiOtonysurbis year Pnpnui ants in 00t40 nntnu tans Kink-uterI pair Mn Pynonu/non in 20159 sutsn tans hip//tuw4rpnuiPqPPP nhsnnsinWtN Btl2tnnpnurbin 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tap Eusqp Squad bls into SPOi Onto Jon 1920140022 PM Docket No E002/GR-15-826 Volume Required Information Ill Commission Policy Information Page 13 of 288 TWutnessata vXcelCnpI44 -J 0122014 7W state 210-nih 00-Il Jw 2014 PB Mleeeseta Rite share BEWNIE rd raelrecrms posIng as 501117 Iso tluvaanp /100 tr relrnpreee4ertPlveOt5 plaroned 2/Il Jan II esplrrjeas eeohergtng entree hiring usycee take thIs wedvendO Ideas to get yea started these steps holy/Il uouW4Hlt/$Minrn to Ihe word and SAFETY ALEF1T Pleose SHARE spread /Ip OlcsnILaaOMivl oral end Wave had ensure this doesnt happen to you helm Jan 47 2014 cR04 00 000lraclura reports rum our customers that Irllarepresenting Solo Jan 1720141233 PM Inhale themsetveo ao utlity employees are ever plumbing amounts tar oew Insulation and onerchary ng cuslumera belare 19 ALWAYS make sure you lottuw Itrese steps hiring 7W MInnesota tIuIEn gMl4 JOfl 014 contraclor Oueee clrrustals SrO pcstflg as aMIty erlylu/ess these hllpibitIy/lowK3lIN make sure yeire not nistirn at traodt IndIra he/utat 004151 hllp/IovOllZauThlJOl hula Jun 472014 0145 PM Beware of Insulation Rebate Scams Be en rho tonk eat awl ovoid Ikese scams talgothla pen/It wkn are tanking Iraprane thei same nero eneogy-elOolent halo .lon 472044 1231 PM TWtatenesara no al/r-lnrAs JoroOS clu 7W Mteeeaeto torus Enn/tJn Jan25 2011 FMnnesata Ce tuellng sour e/aonpressed Ibnulg.os OasIs lanes seen eto//to badges en areee otestt vehtrten3 It avg ma ebest ro tOe then gas at Ike pump Learn mreeo means its ralnleg or eanpreosed PIll/os hhp/2.cc1l e3Y3P7n4 cear dean lad Xcot car or uC5G Cr019044 lava you aver seen this atbokel an air Eaergy nnp/0cslvln402P7qc that the truck CIte or compressed natural gaa means toel Learn more about Jan 07020 PM vehIcle Is drtuen by low-cost olnaner Dab Jan 2020140720 PM helm 2120014 hera nulurat gee and atlernalica bet vehicles htlp// lane quest/un Ask our eoperls [email protected] What Is CNG vehicle Anyway what CEllO oehlsles SIC end bier uueruloa at coet cnmey oprulna vehicles sea they compare lestoodord ue.snlore hare Jun 20 2014 0721 PM TWMlneeuata rlnnnbcn-uvllo Jn2l Palo FBMhrnesata enrlsslons In US We Isnunay-reteled greeeheaae gas hIgher eWe so ebmot the saws as thay weee Suyrs aunt 004OWERI Americas greenhouse TAKE GUESS Are energy-related hlp/ol cnoSJM2lh134/M1 lower or aboul the same aa they snare 20 gas emissions higher Lower About the sawn yaura ago HIgher halo Jan 2l20l4u7W PM hale Jan 21 2014 fW45PM Docket No E002/GR-15-826 Volume Required Information III Commission Policy Information Page 14 of 288 TWMtrreeeela 4Xcicii rwrJs Jcc cc cw4 TW Minreeela FE be eeeaele pg irnceicre rnr4e Jan cc ccii EYE waler healwe ecccanl le l4-tE5G strywir Panrasy GE cc an ccii ccnrrgy-edered nsrrcnhain%ca wrriaeiwre are arere Learn beer le cane energy briar errant the eerie ea they raere25ee ega cane w/Ea wit hity/lccctirJnrrrrcin ieee ppl SOES larger eewrcwp Answer yesterday qora drnerrce anargp-reiaied grnnnhcrrne gas awtseisnn are abnni the enwe as they were acre Jan As SOid 5050501 Gate Jee 22 Said EEEE PM 25 yeera age With SE wEan ware peapta end 50% targer this is htsinric askieceweni nccnnwy hi narbnc redsci ann With cdcancna in ranawahie energy energy eEcinncy end car waite bean abia in reduce carben picnic dinckie awuesiars by iE% since 2005 Pain Jan 22.25445012 PM EWt4ieeeeeta anra SW iicciLwnira Jac2J Mianeeela CrcciiLaricyi4a-Jencn cnr4 TWMieeaeeee ricn rc wMN .iarnJ cu W/ertaannee ie arncwrahi crcr5y nrnnnnbeii nicnsy Err crretthnerar acne an Cscwsyqaesgee En err Once iheritilenenna kniwewn iWrninc Weether err pianie weme bee abide reduce earlier diadda 1134 terrier enperlaEheee lip lee thence laWt Mdewy WInter Stew Warning Learn briar einieeieee ieeE since 2505 lip Eith rtiphi.ccnipitiancrrrp irtpIn cclChis4yrnyr erAs rMscn care Jan 2325145035 AM AMid Eater Jar 03 2014 04.25 PM sate Jan 23 Pci4 1232PM 60 ira oeM ast iherei And the nneepniis Icreaaai shows Thai Macday way be warae Make sale yoare prepared far these keening tawperaisres with these satety flier hilpJrtrii.iyitaphyqv cain Jun 23 2504 thi22 PM TWMieareeeta cccc Lrcinciri 2mm Jars P61 Miiereaela 66 FE Mieeesaia 61 lair cc lr2sderieg the Wleter Caenicai ei Rice Perle 1w ic 25 miii Jn 24 2cr Eeeegyie the Park tree 15A-4Ple team abwrl energy Join inwarrew mrs doting ike Si Peat Wirier Camper at Rice rcwirnyrc inn iiFanFaeiFrkiop Macp rawer wind irrrbinae in Swarms ranch Feb tar Energy in ihe Park hew is Lw Learn nil at p.w heighis ogg ThaW nearly na tat as the Etaice at Ubariyi cheat Oat Jan 24 2504 enetey ethoinnnp ihresgh iniereeiine enhahas and deni wise the Mad Science cC Mkrnasaie preeeiriehcn an the Rice Perk niege at near Learn were Oatw Jan 24 25i4 gyros FM hpprithiiflhiwCLSEb YWMieeeeela ocmnirwrwrnrr-Jaiici asia Many eerier Scind thrbieen ir Preretea reach hdghls e0% maya eearipas leti as the wears en Librctyi PFcnraniyridey Pennrpy sara Jar 24 2w4 WrSt FM Winter cergival Firet Weekend Mean She Fedearaan Faraaa p.c dame Fcc and epee in the et prokra adkina parade ewe waberne Snag peer Bahi ee irene inalanara elan etkne treated beta 6err ewe enpiahe area ibaiwi. Sate Jan 24 25i4 ith2lASJ FBMtngesata Ri pipnhnn rapture is Canada is aar Satarday warning altanting gee that aepptne aetarat gas ta ncr nastamara in Minnaseta As praaasttan we are ear ratirrat nasiaranra asking gaa tn East Grand Farka Maerhaad and Eratnerd in aareawe Tarn paar iharwaaiai drrwa ta Eg and aaaid astng naicrat gas Ptnaae apptrennea aety tarn year thnrweatat dawn tt detng an wig net pace denger year heatih en aetety Cnnskter cetng ntnctrkr apace irnatera tier narriinn te ancid ecertsadwg etreatta We enpect bmw ware by wki-day Eandsy arid ct cpdate yes trnryrentty as ware tntarwaiicn bmcewes aneiiabhr As eticayn year catnip ta ear cewber ace cancern ii pair erneg er think gee gas ieah way be pnssErie Ersinanate the prewse iwwedietebr and then ccii iEEE-gsa-flea Sate Jan 20 Scr4ic 35 PM Docket No E002/GR-1 5-826 Volume Required Information III Commission Policy Information Page 15 of 288 10 TWUleneacla rxc.lcc.06r4 41 20 2014 TWMtnflaSela TOn Irs inTrO TO .r III FB Minnesota Ii Info shad Caeadiao Canada Ceenina Isle leroy eva pipeline Here vIdeo 01155 natural gao euptustor In Jcn2u 2014 assbonems More Iota osslarreas in 01MW eoprsrrallbdyroswsalmpaurMW Ibal may aged natural gas parts http t.orilaWruoJhilvD As of now we have no new irrlornnalbO nagardng Ike natural lrrnpirl vssllrjaebouly in Canada gao pipaino noplare that leak place early Saturday Dale Jan 2020141211 /dd aloe thaI natural
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