![Date 6/12/2014](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
UNION rouNTY HOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS 'TUT1DCT"\.1V T!Tl>..lC 1'} ")(\1;1 -"-''"-'''"'-,.·-'•~J.,JUl.'<.L.... 1..;.., ._,Vl"'T REGUL\R ~vfEETING rvfiNUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Chrisiooher .. Hudak called the meetino-0 to order at- 7:0')- - - - PlVL-- J A.Tto:>nrlt:>.o N,.......,.,. 'T'" 1 I C'. • - I .t. •· - • • L~~~"':~~~.... ... " ........ "" J.ltte ~tat:us J n -T 1 .t\.fnveo · 1 I - ~.-~-~~-~---·---------- ---- -.~- ~~-~---- t-=_---~~~~---1-------------1 I oruce n. oergen___________ ~_~.!_-:_eeholder ~Present -----~---------1 / Lin~a Carter ___lfreehC?lder ~ 1 ~resent --+--------/ \_ ~-\.ngel G. Estrada : freeholder t 1-"resent 1 I I ---- -------- ··-r----------.-·---------·1 1 Ser2:io Granados i t<reeholder j Present I _/ J Bet~e Jane Ko::;l~~-~~=~-------1 £E~~~C?_l9~~----~-=--=-----L Prcsc~~~L------ J I ..r\lexander }v1irabella i Freeholder 1 Present \ I I"" ---.. -------'-------'-.. -------·---1 / Vemell Wright t'rr->c~holrler ! Present j / I Mr.h..,...,......,,-1 <:: 1.-.ll ..... h - .... .._"" ..... "u ............. \T:~~ rL_;____ ·---·-----r 1) _ _. --! I 1 ._.. ;_,_._..,. .... u 1 v H .. ~ \....-li~Ul.llliUl 1 1 rt:st:ni ! I 1 · - ---·--·--- ·--r-----··---·--------~--- ·-------1--·-----·----1 1 Christopher Hudak ! Chairman i PrPsr>nt ( I ;-\ l<;:n nt<P<;:<>nf' nT""""' r,.--,,..,t-., 7\,f,..,......,...,."' ... .\ lC.. ..-.....:1 T _._ u ....... t' ...... L .--. ........ "-''-'UULJ G 11 r .._ I" 1 n I -,. n -,. • ., ......... ~ .lntuw_t:,.._j,_-'- u.LL\...u _,. ~·aeua, '-'ounLy '---ounse1 1\..00ert .c.. oarry~ nsq. ana Clerk of the Board jan1es E. Pellt:ttiere. PRAYER AND SALUTE TO THE FLAG The Prayer and Salute to the Flag were ied by the Clerk of the Board. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT The stateu1eul of compliance with the Open Public Ivieetings Act was read by t..he Clerk of t..l}e Board. PllliSENTATIONS FROM THE BOARD A Resolution Presentation was made by l"'rcehoider !1ruce Bergen to the participants of the Union County Shade Tree 2014 HYoung \XIntcrs of Union County Arbor Day Poet...--:r' Contest." .A. Check Presentation was made by Chairman Hudak. Frcc:hulder Ltnda Carter, Freeholder Alexander ~.,Iirabclla and Freeholder Vernell \Vnght for rhe "START ~ l">JO\Vn s;rrant_ whtch j5; o-tven to u , - o- --- -~ the school W1th the highest weighted score in the Support 4 Soidiers camp8ign. The winner is UC TEA1vfS Charter School. There were four other schools that did such an exceptional job of promoting the campaign i..11 their schools t..~at the Freeholders decided to award honorable tnenuon START 1\JO\Y/ grants in the amount of $250 to the four runner ups: Roselle Park Hieh. Governor Livi..."l.gston High School, Union High School and Union _ ~ Countv, Vo.cationai-Technic~i--------o·-------· Hi~h Srhnnl COMMUNICATIONS :t'.Jote and file Union Counry Board of Cho~en i.'rcchoidcrs l'agc 1 of 18 Pr!ntcd 8/6/2014 Rl:guiar Mcccing Agdida June 12,2014 1. Oat..~ of Office: Homeless Trust Fund .Advisory Board: Donna ~vforris; Local Adviso1T Corr-u11.ittee on .A.lcoholisrn and Drug Abuse: ivfary Wirhers; Uruon Counry Transpo.rtarion Advisory Board: Jeanne K..inglsey; Workforce Investment Board: Jean K.oszulinski and I<amran Tasharofi, -_H_-_FSU_T:-_1··•• Af10PT_F_f1 ITTNANTMOTT<:l MOVRD -- --- l'-'.O.H. .-.. ............ ...., .......... J; .... ...., .............. : Bette Jane I<o\valski, Freeholder; SECOl'.!DER: ~v1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairn-1an; AYES: Freeholder Betgen, Ftt:eholdet Carter, Freeholder Estrada, freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<owalskt, Freeholder l\iirabella, Freeholder ·nn · , . ..., ,.. ....,., · • ,. • .....,., y y • • wngnr, v 1ce 1....nauman Jalloh, L.nauman· Hudak; MINUTES .APPROVAL 1, April24, 2014- Agenda Setting r:v!eeting Ivii...<'lutes RH'~TTT'T'o A.rrH"ll'T'H"T\ rTTl\..TAl\.TT)\A'{'\TTCl. '1\.K£"\"l:T'C"D. T. l r T:' 1 1.J C"r:"r"l"\.l'lt.TT"\r:>n ................... "" ....... .&.' ........................ .& ... ~....., L'-"J.".Lu.,.&l .a.vuvJ, u.a.vYL.a.'". Llnua ~arter, rreenotuer; ,:,.C.\.....Vl~.unl\.: Angel G. Estrada, freeholder; AYES: freeholder Bergen, Freeholder Caner, Freeholder Estrada, T"' - 1 1 1 I ""' rreenomer Granados, Freeholder I(owalski; Fteehoidet l'vlirabeila, Freeholder \X!right, Vice Chairman JTaiioh - >-C:halrm~n-------------, Hnrhk· 2. Apr1J 24, 2014- Re·gular rv!eeting ~.1i.'1utes RP~TTT'l'· ArrPT>TH"T\ rTTl\..TA'J'Iri..TTllA'{'\TTCl. '1\.K£"\U'C"D. T · .J r r 1 u C"r:"r"l""\l'lt.TT'\-r.n ................. "" ...................................... .&. .&. ....... ....., L'-"J." ............ .&n.l.vu..,1, u.a.v Y L.a.'", Llilua '-'arter, rreeno1uer; ,:,.C.\....V.L~.unn..: }lngel G. Estrada, freeholder; AYES: Freeholder Bergen, Freeholder Carter~ Freeholder Estrada; FteeholJer Granados, Freeholder K.owalski.. Freeholder Miraheiia_- .. - ........ , ------------Frt>f'.holrle.r Wriaht.. --o---, Vice Chairman Jialioh_ . ' C:hairman--- --Hnrbk:-· ------, 3. May (11, 2014- Agenda Setti11g ~1eeti.11g ~vfinuces RESULT: .ACCEPTED [7 TO 0]; l\10VER: Li11da Carter. Freeholder; SECOt~DER: Angel G. Estrada, Freeholder; AYES: freeholder 13ergerl, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder vranados, Freeholder I(owalslu, rreeholder lY!Uabella: Freeholder \\?right, Chauman Hudak; .A RST.A!N: Freeholder Carter, Vice Ch'airmanJalioh; 4 Yfay 08, 2014- Regt1lar lv!eeting ~.1inutes RP~TTT T· ArrPll'l'H'T\ P7 'TI\ 1\1. 1\A'{'\'\TOD. T :~...:In r~~ .. ~-- c.___ L _u cn,.....rYl'\.TT'\nn ,, - 1 r-. -~ ................... .-.-. ~ ......... "" .......... .......... .a...~ L' .......... v 1 , ........ ....., "'.~....o.1."· LJ.llU.i:l \....a..L.u::J., 1. .Lt:::t:::Hvluei, ,:).I::..\....Vl"'.LI.C..I\.; nuge1 u. Estrada, Freeholder; A YES: Preeholdet Bergen, Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada. Freehoider Granados, Freeholder Kowalski, Vice Chair~an Jalioh, Chairm;:m. Hudak; ABS·TA.IN; Freeholder iviirabella, Freeholder Wright; PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION The meeting is open ro the public for the purpose of commenting on Resolutions being offered for adoption only. Bru.ce Paterson, Garwood, asked about the accountability of the l1 tusecutor1s Office 11 findingrr 'II:1f'lllf'lf'l(\ ...1' 1\.l' 'r. TT'' I'" r,.. 1 ·,...,....,, ,.., .. , .... ,..,., ·~- • • •· "~~" • vv,vvv regaru.llig .1.nUS1Cr'est .n.e is Hl ravor or 1\.esomnons LV 1'+-'T r 1 and LV 14-4tij, but asked hO"\V ~I . ' ' ' • . - ule serviCes are tnorutorea. to maKe sure they are recetvtng the quality-. and- amount of senrices . In reference to Resolutions 2014-499 thourgh 2014-502, he made cornrnents refetri.."1g to political contributions. 1'v1r. Paterson referred to a resurfacing proJeCt relauve to Resolution 2014-.503 for 52.9 nU.llion for Phase I. He asked if Phase II will be in the same amount_ He spoke about the amount of money that is in the Budget for road proJects. He also made corn1nents about the creation of the Division Union County Hoard of Chosen i"n.:ehoidcr~ lJ:1gc 2 of 18 Printed 8/6/2014 Regular Meeting Agc_rida. June 12,2014 of Strategic Planning and Intergovernn1ental Relations. He questioned t.Lre cost to Resolution 2014- 507 and asked why there was a re-bid. He also asked about the speCifications of the proJect. Ch~lrman Hudak asked if Resolution 2014-507 1s related to t...he new fawlly court project. Director Graziano clarified that ResolutiOn 2014-507 1s not pait of the new farrilly courtr~ouse proJect. He stated that they go out to bid every 2 years for mamtenance contracts. He satd Resolution 2014-507 is a Change Order for the jail pods bei..r1g renovated, adrilt1g that each section costs $30,000 x 4 sections. He said the reason t.~ey went out for a re--bid 1s because tb.e current contract will expire on July 1st and this Resolution is to extend b.~e contract. Chairman Hudak asked if the contract is being awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Director Graziano replied yes, it was a public bid. r-..uepury . t.....ounryr- . 1v1anager.,. r n.lteyes srarea. 1 u1at1 m rererencer to ltcsomuon-n 1 LV....,,......, 14-:JVJ, • ""'"' mere1 are two pnases1 to the project. He said they are receiving a portion of the DCff grant now and they are ancicipati_ng another grant from DOT for Phase l!. He explained that is the reason for half the amount bei..'1g i..'l t..~e budget and for t.~c two phases. Chairman Hudak stated that he attended the Sensory Friendiy Tneatre program~ relauve to Resoiution 2014-47L He said it is a very popular program and well attendedo John Bury, Kerillwort_I,_, asked if the amount mentioned in Resolution 2014-472 1s based on gross revenue, and if the tevenue fr:on1 Ashbrook Park iti included irl the amount. LJirector Sancht:z explained tlmt in reference to Resolution 2014-472, the total gross revenue fur both, ..A ... shbrook and Gallopi...~g Hill golf courses totals $6.3 rr..illion for 2013. .A.ccordiilg to the 1 \greement, I(errtperSports rece1ves a 6.5°/u incentive fee of gross revenue over $4.1 nllilion. Therefore, rn this case, 6.5°/o of $2.2 million equals $144,000. However, there rs a cap ar $143,000. RESOLUTIONS 'T"1 .... T'> • 1 ,.,.. ,,.. • 1. ne rouowmg Kesomnons are oemg orrerea ror aoopuon: 2014-471 FREEHOLDER BERGEN: J\uthotizLDg the Count'/ Manager to award a contract to the UP..ion County Perforrr...ing Arts Center, Rah\vay, l'Jew Jersey, to provide services necessary for the execution of the 2014-2015 season of the Sensory Friendly Theatre progralTI, which will include 6 perforn1ances desigi1ed and adapted for: children w{th auii~~ and relat~d disabilities, in an amount not to exceed $83.750.00. The Sensorv Friendiv Theatre nrop-ram will include securinp- artists. rental ' I I 4 CJ 0 ' of theater and cquipmcntj provtston of all technjcal crew and personnel as needed fOr each performance, senrices of professionals in the field of autism serlices, and all related needs. RESULT: ADOPTED [Ur-~~llo.~IlVlOUS]; r,.IOVER: Alexander: rvfirabella.
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