Thundershower likely today, Mostly clear, cooler tonight, Hc(! Hunk. I FINAL tomorrow and Saturday, I |«ong Branch EDITION Monmouth f'ounly's Outstanding Hume Newspaper VOL 94 NO. 52 lil I) II\NK.N.I Illl KS|I\^.^I IM111(11 K«*. I<>TI Rtgiiltr Staff PhttM 5 TRAFFIC — Thomas J. DeFellce Jr., vice KEYPORT DEALER Thomas tyttle. owner of FAVORS FREEZE — Carmen Atnbroslno, owner president of Circle Chevrolet, Red Bank, says Tom's Ford, favors President Nixon's economic of Twln-Boro Motors Inc., Red Bank, explains SALES MANAGER Edwin Slgler of Maurice price freeze stimulated sales. 'People feel Con- program, He.reports average saving on a car Is that American Motors Is only company giving re- Schwartz and Sons, Red Bank, says price freeze • fident/ he says. .$250. ' bate of 7 per cent excise tax to customers before created confusion among customers. He says Congressional approval. He sees freeze as 'Ideal.' greatest savings are now, 'while everything Is still vague, Breeze Generates Auto Showroom ^Traffic' By JANE FODERARO lisj prices, presumably until current models. market." ward ... and stock holders "But we have felt activity waiting for Congressional ac- the economy. It had been in Nov. 12. Savings on cars run In a spot-check survey con- Nevertheless, Mr. Wall aren't going to take the just lately," he says. He esti- tion. chaos..," Car dealers In Monmouth from $200 to $1,500, they say. ducted by The Daily Register, feels that the freeze may end squeeze..." mates the average saving on "If Congress decides to cut Thomas J. DeFclice Jr, County, generally agree that But, while many area deal- most county car dealers con- even before the 90-day period Meanwhile, Thomas Lyttle, his cars at 5250. "It's a big ad- it down to, say, 2 per cent, vice president of Circle "floor traffic" picked up in ers support or, at, least, go curred that they have seen stipulated by the President. owner of Tom's Ford, Key- vantage," he comments. customers who buy now will Chevrolet, also in Red Bank, their showrooms after Presi- along with the freeze,, some "more activity" since the ad- "After all," he says, "deal- port, favors the President's In Red Bank, Carmen Am- have benefited. And, if Con- reports that the freeze has dent Nixon's order of Aug. 15 see nothing but mass con- ministration freeze went into ers eventually will have to economic program, but he brosino of Twin-Boro Motors gress votes against it, then "made floor traffic for us." to freeze prices, fusion for customers and effect, bring their prices up to where notes that Congress still must —Inev says-that .people "are American Motors will have to He says, "We have been —Most feel, moreover, that salesmen alike. For" instance, George A. they would have been because approve repeal of the 7 per starting to buy cars again." stop giving the rebate," he busy since the President put thisis the time to buy - with And a man who sells for- Wall, owner of Wall Lincoln- of built-in increases. cent excise tax on cars. Tax Rebated says. the freeze on.. .people feel the end of the excise tax in eign cars noted that, in spite Mercury, Shrewsbury says: "The original '72 prices in- He reports that the freeze The American Motors de- "I thought the freeze was confident,". sight.. .while 1971 cars are of the newly imposed 10-per "The freeze definitely "has cluded wage increases written at first was "not clear.in ' aler points out that his com- ideal," Mr. Ambrosino contin- Mr. DeFelice reported that being discounted to make way cent surtax on imports, he stimulated our sales over the into three-year contracts." he people's minds" and the con- • pany is the only one rebating ues. "It gave government and he had just returned from a for '72's:, .and while '72 still should be able to sell 72 past weeks.. .August nor- continues^ Automobile work* fusion had "adverse effects" the 7 per cent excise tax on business a chance to breathe, telecast given by a General prices are rolled back to '71 cars for % per cent less than mally is a slow and stagnant crs aren't going to move back- on sales of 71 cars. delivery oJ '71 cars, without to sit down and think about See Freete, Page* Teacher <Surplus' Is in By DORIS KULMAN would-be teachers seeking Neck superintendent of Daily Register cited a need like Long Branch, and eager them, --- schools ("well over" 225 appli- for vocational-technical teach- .for a balance of experienced If there is such a thing as Here, a caveat inter- cants, four staff openings) ers, although Dr. Ward Sin- and new teachers to fill them, too much of a good thing, pretation of the applicants-to- found math and science teach- clair, state director of teacher had difficulty — the over- Monmouth County school dis- job ratio is tricky because ers in short supply and esti- education and certification, whelming majority of appli- tricts had it this year in teach- teachers customarily apply to mates they're outnumbered says that's "the area of great- cants were June graduates er applications. several districts. But in mid- by English and social studies est need... there's still a big (estimates ranged from 65 to Here, as elsewhere in the August, with 20 of the 21 col- applicants 10 to 1. shortage there..." 97 per cent). State and nation, last year's leges in New Jersey wbich Interestingly, none of the Districts with a consid- Districts with special re- abundance of teachers was have teacher training, depart- districts surveyed by The erable number of jobs to fill, Sec Teacher, Page 2 this year's superabundance, ment's reporting, there were It was true in school dis- 2,545 new teachers still job- tricts of ail sizes and kinds, less, and that doesn't include from a kindergarten-l2th New Jersey graduates of out- grade city school system like of-state colleges looking for Eatontown Blasts Long Branch, which got 1,000 work at home. AP Wlftpfiolo applications for 70 jobs, to a It was true in all areas, OPENING NIGHTERS — Ethel Kennedy, widow of Sen. Robert F. Ken- rural-suburban district like even in those traditionally nedy, Is escorted by K, LeMoyne Billings, family friend and a trustee of Freehold Regional High, hard to fill, such as girls phys- ECOM Building Pact the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The couple attended which counted 1,200, appli- ical education (Monmouth the formal opening of the national cultural center. cants lor 63 jobs, to a subur- Beach, had one opening, 17 ap- EATONTOWN - The may- that local officials had worked oral agency expects to be able ban kuidergarten-12th grade plicants) and special educa- or and council last night for 3y2 years to provide an ap- to render a decision on the le- district like Middletown, tion (although Marlboro blasted the General Services propriate site for tho fodoral gality of the award by the end where there were 401) appli- Township's still looking for a Administration for selecting a facility at the "urging of Ft. of the month. cants for 65 jobs, to an ele- learning disability specialist). site in New Shrewsbury - in- Monmouth officials." Tho mayor and council last Jersey Crime Rate mentary school district like But is was truer ih some stead of Eatontown - for a "Particularly, it was urged night stated: "It is difficult to Eatontown, which had nine fields than others. It was es- • building to be leased to the that the premises immediat- comprehend the'logic of the Jobs to fill and stopped ac- pecially true in primary edu- government for use of the ely across from Glbbs Hall in GSA in selection of the site cepting applications after the cation, English and social Electronics Command at Ft. Eatontown were; uniquely when the lands ih Eatontown 400th, to a tiny district like studies; less true in math, sci- Monmouth.' suitable and located. Acces- arc so appropriately and ge- Shows 12 Pet. Hike Monmouth Beach, with five ence, vocal music and library At stake is a $25-million tax sibility to Gibbs Hall and the ographically located with all TRENTON (AP) - Grime figures are for violent and 48.1, Bergen County 41.5, Hud- openings and 100 hopeful science. Dr. Roy Unger, Colts ratable. Hexagon from this site was facilities available, whereas in New Jersey increased an non-violent crimes. son County $5, Passalc County In taking the stand, the gov- : unquestioned and the site pur- in New Shrewsbury, not one average of 12 per cent from The largest increase in vio- 30.3, Cape May County 28.1 erning body also revived an portedly had the benefit of a of these amenities exist." 1969. to 1970, Hie Slate Police lent crimes came in Atlantic and Union and Morris coun- old feud with the neighboring right-of-way directly easterly "The statement notes that reported yeslerday. County 54.8 per cent, Camden ties 25 each. The Holmdel Beech Tree municipality. to.Ft. Monmouth . .. ," the "New Shrewsbury has sued According to the. County 49.1, Sussex County See Jersey, Page 2 A prepared atatemettt, is- .statement said. (Both Gibbs this borough, contesting such 1970 Uniform Code Reports. —the Fight to Save It sued by Mayor Herbert K.. Hall and tho ilexugnn arc compatible zoning as does ex- just issued by the State Po- Werner at the regular council part of the military complex ist In Batontown, urging the lice, robbery increased 25.8 You've probably seen the giant beech tree on the south- meeting, sharply criticized here.) residential character of Tin- per cent, larceny of $50 or east corner of the Holmdel Hiyh School trad.
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