
1912. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE. 8373' Also (by request), memorials of St. Mary's of Gestochowe Also, memorial of the Trenton Chamber of Commerce, against. Society, No. 341, of West Wyoming, Pa., and St. Joseph's passage of Senate bill 5458, relative to construction of a bridge Society, No. 165, of Albany, N. Y., against passage of bills over the Delaware ~iver at Trenton; to the Committee on restricting immigration; to the Committee on Immigration and Inter.,tate and Foreign Commerce. Naturalization. Also, petition of N. M . l\fosely, of Washington, D. C., rela­ By :;\Ir. BATHRICK: Petition of Division No. 145, Order of ti"ve to the Norton case ; to the Committee on the Post Office Railway Conductor , of Conneaut, Ohio, against passage of and Post Roads. employers' liability ancl workmen's compensation bills; to the Also, memorial of the Omaha Branch of the United States Committee on the Judiciary. Civil Senice Retirement Association and Pennsylvania Civil By ~Ir. BUTLER: Petition of the Daughters of Liberty of Service Reform Association, against passage of se tion 5, House Pennsylvania, favoring passage of House bill 22527, for restric­ bill 24023, for five-year tenure of office for Government em­ tion of immigration; to the Committee on Immigration and ployees; to the Committee on Appropriations. Naturalization. Also, memorial of the Farmers' Union and Active Workers' Also (by request), memorials of Edgemont Council,.No. 833, the Association of Philadelphia, Pa., and State Council, Order Order of Independent Americans, of Gradyville, Pa., and Active United American Mechanics of the State of New York, fa>or­ Workers' Association, Order of Independent Americans, of ing passage of bills restricting immigration; to the Committee Philadelphia, Pa., favoring passage of bills restricting immigra­ ou Immigration and Naturalization. tion; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. LOUD: Memorial of Arch Confraternity Sacred ny l\Ir. DALZELL : Petition of citizens of McKeesport, Pa., Heart of Jesus Society, No. 23, of Bay City, l\Iich., against pas­ protesting against appropriation for the purpose of celebrating sage of bills restri~ting immigration; to the Committee on Im­ 100 years of peace with England; to the Committee on Foreign migration and Nafnralization. Affairs. By Mr. REILLY: Petition of Judith Lodge, No. 33, I. 0. F. By Mr. DONOHOE: Memorial of the Trenton Chamber of S. of I., Hartford, Conn., protesting against the passage of Commerce, of Trenton, N. J., against construction of railr·oad House bill 22527, foi· re triction of immigration; to the Com­ bridge over Delaware Uiver near Trenton; to the Committee on mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Also, petition of the Pennsylvania Civil Service Reform A8so­ By l\Ir. FULLER: Petition of F. R. Rice & Co., of Freeport, ciation, prote ting against passage of the firn-year tenure of office Ill., favoring the passage of the Sulzer apple barrel and grade for Government employees of the District of Columbia; to the bill (H. R. 21480) ; to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Committee on Appropriations. l\Ieasures. By Mr. ROBINSON : Parrers to accompany bill for the relief Also, petition of N. 1\1. l\Iosely, of Washington, D. C., favor­ of heirs of John W. Graves; to the Committee on Claims. ing passage of bill for the relief asked for him in the so-called Also, papers to accompany House bill 13041, the old-age pen­ Norton case; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post sion bill; to the Committee on Pensions. Roads. By Mr. SCULL1'.: Petition of the Daughter& of Liberty of Al o, petition of the Civil Service Reform Association of New Jersey, favoring passage of House bill 22527, for restric­ Pennsylvania, protesting against the enactment of section 5 of tion of immigration; to the Committee on Immigration and the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, relat­ Naturalization. ing to tenure of office of civil-service employees; to the Com­ By Mr. SULZER : Petition of Division No. 175, Order of mittee on Ways and l\feans. Railway Conductors of America, 1\Iemphis, Tenn., protesting BY l\Ir. GALLAGHER: Petition of the Polish Roman Cath­ against passage of the employers' liability and workmen's com­ olic ·l\Iission of Illinois, protesting against passage.of House bill pensation bills; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 22527, for restriction of immigration; to the Committee on Immi­ gration and Naturalization. By ~fr. HUGHES of New Jersey: Petition of the Passaic SENATE. Citizens' Club, Passaic, N. J., protesting against proposed cele­ bration of 100 years of peace with England; to the Committee THURSDAY, June 20, 1912. on Foreign Affairs. By l\Ir. KINKEAD of New Jersey: Petition of the Daughters The Senate met at 10 o'clock a. m. of Liberty of New Jersey, favoring passage of House bill 22527, Prayer by the Chaplaili, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. for re triction of immigration; to the Committee on Immigra­ NAMING" A PRESIDING OFFICER. tion and Naturalization. The Secretary read the following communication: Also, petition of the Trenton Chamber of Commerce, pro­ UXITED STATES SENATE, testing against construction of bridge below Trenton as pro­ Washington, D. 0., June f!O, 1912. po d by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.; to the Committee on To the Senate: Interstate and Foreign Commerce. In the absence of the Vice President and of the President pro tem­ pore of the Senate, by authority of Rule I, I hereby name Mr. PORTEB By l\Ir. LEE of Penn ylvania : Petition of St. Joseph· Society, .T. McCm.IBER, a Senator from 'orth Dakota, to perform the duties of No. 315, :Mahanoy City, Pa., protesting against passage of the Chair to-day. Hou e bill 22527, for restriction of immigration; to the Com­ A. 0. BACON, mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. P1·esident of the Senate pro tempore. Also, petition of the Trenton Chamber of Commerce, pro­ 1\Ir. McCUMBER thereupon tool? the cbair as Presiding testing against construction of bridge south of Trenton as pro­ Officer, and directed the Secretary to read the Journal of the posed by the Pennsylvania Railroad; to the Committee ori proceedings of the last legislative day. "Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ By Mr. LEVY : Memorial of the Trenton Chamber of Com­ ings of Monday last when, on request of l\Ir. NELSON and by merce, against passage of Senate bill 5458, relative to con­ unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and struction of a bridge over the Delaware River at Trenton; to the Journal was approved. the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. FLAG OF THE UNITED ST.ATES (S. DOC. NO. 854). By 1\Ir. LINDSAY: Petition of St. John the Baptist Society, The PRESIDING OFFICER laid befol"e the Senate a com­ No. G4, New York, N. Y., protesting against passage of House munication from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in bill 22527, for restriction of immigration; to the Committee on response to a resolution of the 15th instant, information rela­ Immigration and Naturalization. tive to the raising of any emblem or banner above the American .Also, petition of the Trenton Chamber of Commerce, protest­ flag on any vessel, building, or grounds under the jurisdiction .. ing against construction of bridge south of Trenton as proposed of the Navy Department, which was referred to the Committee by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.;· to the Committee on Inter­ on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. · state and Foreign Commerce. By fr. LOBECK : Memorial of the National Executive Board MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. of the Italo-American Alliance of the United States of America, A message from the House of Representatives, by D. K. Hemp­ again t pas age of bills restricting immigration; to the Com­ stead, its enrolling clerl.:, announced that the House had passed mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. the following bills: Als , memorinl of the National Association of Cotton Manu­ S. 3203. An act to authorize the sale of certain lands within factm·ers, of Boston, Mass., relatiye to sale and purchase of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to the city of Pendleton, Oreg.; cotton through cotton exchanges; to the Committee on Agricul­ S. 6000. An act to increase the limit Of cost of the United ture. States post-office building at Huron, S. Dak.; and 8374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 20~ I~' r S. 6479. An act to author~ze the St. Louis Southwestern Rail- H. R. 20593. An act to authorize the Norfolk & Western Rail­ way Co. to repair, alter, or rebuild certain bridges in the State way Co. to construct sundry bridges across the Tug Fork of the of Arkansas. Big Sandy River; The message also announced that the House had agreed to H. R. 23460. An act authorizing the fiscal court of Pike the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 16493) to cor­ County, Ky., to construct a bridge acro~s the Russell Fork of the rect the military rec"ord of William Z. Norman. Big Sandy River at l\!arrowbone, Ky.; The message further announced that the House had agreed H. R. 23461. An act authorizing the fiscal court of Pike to the amendments of the Senate to the l;>ill (H. R. 22204) grant­ County, Ky., to construct a bridge across Russell Fork of Big ing a i:ight of way to the Panama-Pacific International Exposi­ Sandy River at or iiear Millard, Ky. ; and tion Co. across the Fort Mason Military Resen-ation in Cali­ H.J. Res. 299. Joint resolution proposing an international fornia. maritime conference. The messag~ also announced that the House had passed the following bills, each with amendments, in which it requested PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS.
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