I pledge a/legianc to t Je flag of the United Slates ofAmerica and to the RepubJj(;. fo Jlich it st.ands. One NatioIl, under God lndivisi Ie, with liberty nd jU.5tic for all. Mount Clemens, MI 48043 ® . 133 Directory of Public Officials 1987 MACOMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN County Seat: Mount Clemens Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Circuit Court Motions heard on Monday at 9:00 a.m. County Offices will he closed to celebrate the following holidays. Holidu) To he nhsrnt.'d on: New Year's Day Thnrsday. Jannary 1st LlIlcoln', IJlrthday Thursday, February J2th WashingUln's Birthday Monday, Febmary 16th l!2 Day Good FrIday Friday. April l7th Memonal Day Monday. May 25th Jndependence Du.v Friday,July 3rd Labor Day Monda.y. Seplember 7th Columbus Day Monday. October 12th Veterans Day Wednesday, November 11th Thanksl(iv.nl( Day Thursday. November 26th Day AITER Thanksg-iving­ Fnday. November 27th ChriSlmas Eve Thursday, December 24lh Christmas Day Friday, D"""mber 25th New Year's Eve Thursday. December 31st Compiled by EDNA MILLER County Clerk and Register ofDeeds Macomb County Court Building 40 N. Gratiot Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 This directory is being offcred to thl' peopll' of Macomb County as a publie ~wrvife. It con­ tains information which will acquaint eitizpns with all county pleett'd and appointl:'d omcial~ and with those holding national and stat" of· fices representing our county. The booklet is printed by the County of Macomb and compiled by Edna Miller, Macomb County Clerk and Register of Deeds. Copies of the directory are free and can be obtained from my office which is located on the first floor of the Macomb Court Building, 40 North Gratiot, Ml. Clemens. Sincere thanks to the many officials whose cooperation made the publication possible. We extend a welcome to the people of the county to call on us at any time for any information or assistance which we may be able to give. edna (lvCiller Macomb County Clerk and Register of Deeds j TABLE OF CONTENTS Telephone Directory 4 UQited States Officials 8 State Officials. 9 County AlJsessed Valuation . 13 Circuit Court Officers 13 Probate Court Orficers 15 District and Municipal Courts . 16 County Elected Officials . .. 18 County Department Heads ........ 18 Board of Commissioners . 18 General Information ... 32 Boards and Commissions ,.. ... 51 County Services ......... 55 City Officials ...... 58 Township Officials . ... 64 Village Omcials . ...... 68 Media List .69 County Political Committees ..... 71 Maps ................ 72 Census And Registration Chart .. 80 3 Q TELEPHONE DIRECTOR. TELEPHONE IlIRECTORY Animal Shelter , , 469-5115 Purchasing Department 469-5255 Board of Commissioners 469-1>125 Reimbursem~nt Department 469-5258 Circuit Court Administrator. ,,, 469-5150 Friend of the Court. 469-5160 Assignment Clerk " , 469-5150 Health Department 469-5235 Mediation Clerk 469-6039 BIc.·od Pressure. .. 445-3435 Circuit Court Judges Dental Clinic. .. 573-3830 Chief Judge Environmental Health. 469-5236 Hon. George R. Deneweth ..... , 469-5143 Family Planning. 469-5491 Chief Judge Pro Tern Medicaid Screening. 573-8680 Hon. Robert J. Chrzanowski 469-5139 Southeast Center. 445-3400 Hon. Frederick D. Balkwill "" 469-5149 Southwest Center. ...... 573-6410 Hon. JOhn B. Bruff " _ 469-5135 V~nereal Disease. ... 573-7290 Han. Raymond R. Cashen 469-5137 W.I.C. 469-547\ Hon. Kathleen J.lnsen . 469-5147 Intermediate School District. 286-8HOO Hon. Kenneth N. Sanborn _ 469-5141 Internal Revenue Service. 800-424-1040 Hon. Michael D. Schwartz. .. 469-5145 Judicial Aide 469-5156 Community Mental Health 469-5275 Jury Commission .. 469-5157 Cooperative Extension Service 469-5180 Jury ROOIn . 469-S1SS Corporation Counsel 469-6;~46 .Juvenile Court .. 469-5240 County Clerk _ 469-5120 Law Library 469-5159 Assumed Names _ 469-6792 Legal Aid 469-5185 Birth and Death Records 469-5213 Library 469-5300 Concealed Weapon Licensing Board .. _ _ 469-5207 Macomb Community College Court Records _ 469-5,352 South Campus .. ..... 445-7000 Election Section. 469-5209 Center Campus. ................. 286-2000 Marriage Licenses. .. 469-5749 Macomb County Bar Association. .. 468-2940 Passports. .. 469-5211 Macomb County Community Services Sheriff Civil Service Commission 469-5206 Agency. · 469-5222 Department of Natural Resources. 465-4771 Macomb County Council on Aging. ......... 469-6.'313 Emergency Medical Services. 469-,5168 Macomb St.. Clair Private Industry Emergency Servili:es .. 469-5270 Council ]ne, ......... 469-5220 Equalization 469-5260 Martha T. Berry Memorial Hospital. · 469-5265 Federal Bureau of Investigation. 463-0022 Parks and Recreation ....... 979~8750 Finance Director 469-5250 Personnel and Labor Relations ....... 469-5280 Accounting Department. .. 469-5251 Planning Commission. · 469-5285 Audit Department 469-57H7 Probate Court ... ............. 469-5290 Facilities & Operations. 469-5244 Probation ..................... 469-5330 Management Services 469-5254 Prosecuting Attorney. ..... 469-5350 , 5 4 l TELEPHONE OIRECTORY n:U:PHONE DIRECTORY Psychodiagnostic Clinic .". .469-5204 Phone numbers listed below allows callers to reach county PuLli<.: Works Commissioner .469-5,125 offices for t.he standard local call fe.e. as opposed to a long Radio Division. .469-5370 distance charge. Register of Deeds. ,469-5175 Number to Reach Risk Management. ..469-6349 Area/Plume Exchanges Connl) Office." Road Commission ,463-8671 Shc1byM'ashingtoll 2-17-3530 SpclIJ'ity · 469·~a61 Selfridge Air National Guard (375-652-651-656) Base ". .... 466-4011 Warren/Center Line .... , 979-7020 Sheriff Department .469-5151 (497-573-574-575-751 ) Marine Division. .. 469-5803 Richmond .... ....... 727-3175 Social Secul'ity .465-6101 (all exchanges) Social Services Romeo "",.. 752-4506 Administrative Offices. · 469-6732 (aB exchangesI Mt. Clemens Office. · 469-7700 Warren Oflke ............ 574-.3200 Sterling Heights Oflke .254-1500 State Police New Baltimore Post. 725-7503, 468-0653 Romeo Post .. 752,5222, 752-3521 Substance Abuse Program .469-5278 Traffic Safety Association · 756-5555 Alcohol Program. .573-3600 Treasurer. ... 469-5190 Land Filetrax Mapping .469-5312 Veterans Affairs. .""..... 469-5315 Workers Disability Compensation Bureau · 463-6577 Youth Home , 469-5195 6 l 7 FEIlERAI. OFFICIALS 14th District ... Dennis M Hertel (D) President Honald W. Reagan 28221 Mound Road. War!'en 48092 574-9420 Vice-Pre.sidcnt George C. Rush 218 Cannon Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515 THE PRESIDENT'S CABINET 18th District. William S. Broomfield (R) Secretary of State " George Shultz 430 N. Woodward, Birmingham, 48011 642~3800 Secretary of the Treasury JameH A. Baker III 2306 Rayburn Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515 Secretary of Defense. Caspar Weinherger Attorney General " Edwin Meese III STATF, OFFICIALS Secretary of the Interior Donald P. Hodel Governor .. James J. Blanchard Secretary of Agriculture. John Block Lieutenant Governor . Martha W. Griffiths Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige Secretary of State .. Richard H. Austin Secretary of Labor " " William Brock Attorney General Frank J. Kelley Secretary of Health and Treasurer . .................. Robert Bowman Human Services " Dr. Otis Rowen Auditor General . .. Franklin Pinkelman Secretary of Housing and ,JUSTICES OF THE MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT Urban Development ,.. Samuel R Pierce, ,Jr. Dorothy Comstock Riley, Chief Justice Secretary of Transportation ... Elizabeth Dole Patricia J. Boyle James H. B!'ickley Secretary of Energy. John S. Herrington Michael F. Cavanagh Robert P. Griffin Secretary of Education .... William J. Bennett Charles L. Levin Dennis W. Archer ,JUSTICES OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT ,JUSTICES OF THE MICHIGAN COURT OF APPEALS Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice SECOND DISTRICT William J. Brennan, ,Jr William H. Rehnquist Robert J. Danhof, Chief Judge Harry A. Blackmun ,John Paul Stevens William R. Beasley John H. Shepherd Thurgood Marshall Sandra Day O'Connor Martin M. DoctoroJT Michael J. Kelly Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Byron Raymond White Waite!' P. Cynar UNITED STATES SENATORS STATE SENATORS· Carl Levin (DI 226-6020 District 9 Doug Carl (R) 1860 McNamara Bldg., 477 Michigan, Detroit 48226 District 26 . Gilbert J. DiNello (D) Russell Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510 District 27 . Arthur J. Miller, Jr. (0) Donald W. Riegle, Jr. {DJ 226-3188 STATE REPRESENTA1'IVES. SD-105, Detroit 48226 District 25 .. ....... Dennis M. Dutko (0) Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., Washington D.C. 20510 District 26 . Bill Browne (D) District 70 . Lloyd F. Weeks (Dl REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS District 71 Sal Rocca (D) 12th District David E. Bonior (D) District 72 . Sharon L. Gire (D) 82 Macomb Place, Mount Clemens 469-3232 District 73 . ... Nick Ciaramitaro (D) 2242 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 District 74 . John M. Maynar (D) 8 9 l I District 75 . Kenneth DeBeaussaert (Dl County contained a number of villages where population *Mail for the Senators and Representatives may be sent to r was concentrated. By 1920, two significant developmenB The Capitol, Lansing, Michigan 48909. occurred that would shape the future of Macomb. The fin;t I was the establishment ofS('lfridge Field near Mount Clem· r ens in 1917, which was to spur growth of that area. The other development, much more significant, was the begin­ AN INTRODUCTION TO MACOMB COUNTY ning of the urbanization movement northward from the The first white settlement in Macomb County was built City of Detroit. in 1784 on the banks of the Clinton River, then known as Macomb County is located within the northern segment the Huron River. A missionary group known as the Mora. of one of the largest metropolitan areas in the nation. As vians pitched their tents on the south bank of the river such, it enjoys the benefits of the larger urban center, De­ approximately three miles westofMt. Clemens, in the sum. troit, while still possessing suburban and rural characteris· mer of that year, Known as "New Gnadenhutten" the mis. tics. sion had the distinction of being the first settlem;nt in the The County Seat, Mount Clemens, is approximately State of Michigan. Four years later the Moravians were twenty miles north of the City of Detroit, 80 miles north forced to leave the area by the Chippewa Indians.
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