INDEX1 A Ad’inu, 272 Abinya, 270 Adunlawo Ijo Orunmila, 198 Acacia senegalensis, 40 Afghanistan, 173 Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Afolayan, Adeshina, 26 Universities (ASUU), 10, 87, African Americans, 27, 46, 73 104, 106 African diaspora, 6–8, 10, 20, 25–27, Accra, 174 57, 61, 73 Achebe, Chinua, 61, 66, African Doctoral Academy (ADA), 10, 85–86, 94, 190 112, 113, 116 Action Group (AG), 65 African epistemologies, 32 Ada’Locheche, 271, 272 African history, 23, 32, 60, 74, 84, 91, Adamawa, 64 179, 213 Ada-Ogabu, 272 African knowledges, v, vi, 1–14, 22, Ada-Oto, 272 52, 109, 124, 135 Addis Ababa, 177, 178 African migration, 39 Adebayo, Aduke, 82, 86 African Peace and Security Adegbenro, Dauda, 232 Architecture (APSA), 143, 144, Ademola Dasylva, 63 166, 167, 176, 178 Adeolu Akinsanya, 63 African Union (AU), 11, 12, 137, Adepeju Olufemi Johnson-Bashua, 13 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 161, Adetona, Lateef, 281 164–167, 169–171, 174–178 Adimah, Rev John, 270 Afro-pessimism, 3, 136, 137 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2020 329 S. O. Oloruntoba et al. (eds.), Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Development in Africa, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34304-0 330 INDEX Aganyi (Obila-Olehe), 272 Ausares (Osiris), 49 Agriculture, 68, 191, 214, 247, 254 Auset (Isis), 49 Agronomy, 38, 41–46 Austin, 8, 20, 21, 73, 74 Agwulele, Augustine, 24, 25 Awa, Eme, 105 Ahmadu Bello University Awolowo, Obafemi (Chief), 58, 59, (ABU), 4, 95 61, 63, 65, 66, 105 Ake, Claude, 4, 22, 93, 101, 103 Ayandele, Emmanuel A., 86 Akinsade, J. O. (Chief), 236, 241 Ayida, Allison A., 68 Akintoye, S. Adebanji, 59 Ayittey, George, 170, 171, 182n31 Akinwumiju (Chief, Jomu), 237 Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 61, 63, 65, 66, 105 Akinwumiju, Jomu, 237 Aksum, 49 Aksumite Empire, 40 B Aksumites, 49 Babangida, Ibrahim Badamasi, 208 Akure, 232 Babban Gwani, 21, 22, 24 Akwa Ibom, 12, 13, 208, 209, 211, Bambulu, 188, 189, 194, 195 213, 218, 221, 224–226 Bassey, Joseph Robert, 12 Akwa Ibom area, 207–226 Bauchi, 64 Akwa Ibom state, 12, 208, 209 Bello, Ahmadu, 63, 65 Albert, Isaac Olawale, 11 Bello, Mustapha Ade, 291 Alfred the Great, 212, 215, 216 Benin, 213, 236, 283 Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa, 63 Benue State, 13, 261–276 Aluko, Sam, 105 Bible the, 193, 194, 199, 200 Amen, 49 Blombos, 50 AmenRa, 49 Bob Marley, 61 Anglo-Saxons, 212, 215, 216, 226 Boko Haram, 71, 72, 163, 173 Angola, 40, 136, 313 Bonn, Moritz Julius, 133 Annang, 208 Borno, 64, 71 Any’amuno (Ukpa), 272 Botswana, 171 Anyamono, 272 Brandt, Willy, 313 Apedenak, 49 Brazil, 39, 49 Apophis, 49 Buah, F. K., 212, 229n45 Arab League, 171 Buba, Malami, 6, 19, 21, 30, 32 Arab Spring, 163 Bulunkutu, 72 Arba Minch, 173 Burkina Faso, 173, 177 Armstrong, Robert P., 59 Burton, John, 149 Arochukwu, 41, 209 Ashante, 213 Askiya dynasty, 41 C Association for Promoting Quality Caesar, Julius, 49 Education in Igede (APQEI), Calabar, 220 270, 275, 276 California, 222 INDEX 331 Cambodia, 163 Decolonization, 1–14, 28, Camp Lemonnier, 173 103, 131–150 Candomble, 49 Dike, Kenneth, 22, 84 Cape Town, 10 Dipo Fashina, 105 Central African Republic (CAR), 162, Directorate of Food and Rural 168, 174 Infrastructure (DFFRI), 254 Central Benue Valley, 209 Djibouti, 173 Centre for the Study of the Sokoto Dufuna, 50 Caliphate (CSSC), 30 Dussel, Enrique, 4 Chad, 162, 168 Chesterfield, Lord, 192 China, 39, 40 E Christianity, 191, 281, 287, 289–292, East Timor, 163 298, 299 Ebira, 64 Church Mission Society, 66 Economic and Financial Crimes Claude, Meillasoux, 3 Commission (EFCC), 70 Cliff, Jimmy, 61 Economic Community of West African Coca Cola, 40 States (ECOWAS), 11 COIN environment, 172 Edet, Olawumi, 289, 290 Cold War, 3, 132, 136, 140, 162 Ediene, 220 Communitarianism, 38 Ediene Kingdom, 214 Cone, James, 61 Edo State, 196, 202 Congo, 39, 40 Efik, 218 Conrad, Joseph, 2, 19, 189 Eghagha, Hope, 87 Constantinople, 212 Egypt, 40, 41, 49, 83 Cote d’Ivoire, 40, 167 Ejagham, 218 Council for the Development of Social Ejobi, 262, 270–276 Science Research in Africa Eket, 208 (CODESRIA), 4 Ekoi, 218 Cross River State, 208, 263 Emeagwali, Gloria, 6, 7, 27, Crown Colony, 216 37, 38, 264 Cuba, 49 Entebbe, 173 Currey, James, 26, 27 Enugu, 227n8, 288 Enuma Okpa, 272 Environmentalism, 38 D Epistemicide, 2, 3 Damba (Chief), 188, 189, 195, 202 Epwedii, 262, 263, 270–276 Dar es Salam, 4 Epwibila, 268 Darfur, 163, 168 Equatorial Guinea, 40, 169 Davidson, Basil, 3 Eskor, Toyo, 105 Déby, Idriss, 168 Ethiopia, 41, 46, 49, 173, 177, 178 Euro-American Empire, 2 332 INDEX Eye Ordeal, 243–244 H Eyres of Macclesfield, 222 Hale, Matthew, 217 Ezulwini Consensus, 164, 178, Harold, Godwinson, 216 180n17, 181n18 Hausa, 13, 32, 33, 41, 64, 65, Ezza, 263 248–252, 255, 256, 283, 307 Hausa/Fulani, 64 Hausaland, 13, 41, 247–257 F Henry VI, 225 Facebook, 288, 289 Henshaw, James Ene, 12, 187–205 Falola, Toyin, v, vi, 4–8, 17–33, 41, Hodgkin, Thomas, 3 49, 50, 52, 57, 59–61, 64–69, Homosexuality, 13, 279–300 72–76, 81, 105, 125, 127, 264, Hook, Sidney, 57 286, 305, 324 Hountondji, Pauline, 86, 89 Faluyi, M. A., 188, 189, 195 House of Rainbow Metropolitan Fara Adeed, 172 Community Church, 288 Fela, Anikulapo Kuti, 46, 61 Hunhui, 19 Fela Kuti, 46 Huntington, Samuel P., 67 Fitola, 50 Hutus, 166, 315, 317 Food and Agricultural organization (FAO), 248, 254 Food and Drug Administration I (FDA), 193 Ibadan, 74, 84–86, 242, 288, 289 France, 49, 166, 168, 170, 216, 226 Ibeno, 208, 209 Ibibio, 208, 209, 213, 218 Ibigbolade Aderibigbe, 13 G Ibila, 272 Gabon, 40, 170 Ibom, 12, 13, 207–226 Gaddafi, Mohammar, 168–170 Idele, 263 Galanter, Marc, 198, 199 Idoma, 64, 213, 269, 276 Garvey, Marcus, 18, 27, 61 Ifa, 13, 286, 299 Gbagyi, 250 Ifeanayi Orazulile, 296 Genger, Peter, 11, 140 Igala, 64, 269 Germany, 49, 226, 313 Igbo, 41, 64–66, 213, 219, 269 Ghana, 4, 10, 26, 40, 41, Igede, 13, 270–276 106, 175–177 Igede Agba Celebration, 270–276 Giza pyramid, 49 Igede Day, 262, 273, 274 Gombe, 64 Igede people, 13, 261–263, Grace, 46 268, 270–275 Gramsci, Anthonio, 97 Ijebu, 232 Gramscian terminology, 94 Ile Eko Sango Osun Mil’Osa, 49 Greece, 49, 275 Imam Imoru, 252 INDEX 333 Independent Corrupt Practices Khartoum, 168 Commission (ICPC), 70 Khotso House, 313 India, 39, 93 King Alfred, 215 International Criminal Court (ICC), King Edward, 216 159, 163, 164, 171, King Henry II, 212 174, 176–178 King Ja Ja, 218 International Monetary Fund (IMF), King William, 221 162, 176 King, Martin Luther Jr., 61 Ipinu-Igede, 268, 274 Knowledge dissemination, Iraq, 173 18, 25–28, 89 Islam, 30, 281, 287, 289–292, 298, Kogi, 64 299, 307 Koloro, 188 Islamic, 30, 71, 72, 123, 173, 281, Kontagora, 250 290, 292, 294 Kony, Joseph, 173, 174 Islam/Muslim, 292 Kufena, 249 Itak, 214, 220 Kwara, 64 Itakpa, 263, 272 Italy, 49 Itu Mbonuso, 208 L Izzi, 263 Lagarde, Christine, 176 Lagos, 216, 235, 288 Lamu, 173 J Leaf ordeal, 243 Jabbi, Umar Muhammad, 13 Leiden University, 203 Japan, 60, 176 LGBT, 288, 292 Jomu’s court, 236–241, 243 Liberia, 11, 40, 162, 168 Jos, 288 Libya, 40, 91, 167–171, 173 Jukun, 64, 213 Limpopo river, 50 Justice and Equality Movement Lobun’s Court, 234–235 (JEM), 168 Locke, John, 58 Logbosere’s Court, 236, 240 London, 211, 221, 225 K Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Kaduna, 288 173, 174 Kagame, Paul, 143, 148 Lorna Elliott, 220 Kambari, 250 Kamga, Serges Djoyou, 14, 308, 314, 324 M Kano, 72, 288 MacDonald, Claude, 214, 216 Keita dynasty, 41 Mafeje, Archie, 4, 6, 9 Kenya, 74, 171, 173, 174, 190 Maiduguri, 71, 72 Kenyatta, Jomo, 61 Makerere university, 4, 113 334 INDEX Makurdi, 276, 288 New York, 113, 222 Malawi, 26, 177 Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, 31, 61 Malcolm X, 61 Niamey, 173 Mali, 26, 41, 49, 50, 163, 167, 168, Niger, 173, 248, 249 173, 174, 177 Nigeria, vi, 4, 8, 9, 11–13, 26, 40, 46, Mamdani, Mahmood, 4, 102 49, 62–72, 76, 84–89, 93–106, Mandela, Nelson, 61 163, 168, 170, 173, 174, 187, Mapungubwe, 50 193, 196, 200, 204, 207–209, Marwick, Arthur, 207 218, 226, 232, 247, 249, Marx, Karl, 76 254–256, 261–276, 280, 283, Mauritania, 40 287–290, 292–300 Mazrui, Ali A., 4, 61, 76, 136, 138, Nigerian Stored Product Institute 148, 149, 268 (NSPRI), 256 Meroe, 41, 59 Niger River, 66 Methodological pluralism, 38 Nizara, 173 Middle Ages, 59, 211, 212 Njelele, 263 Middle East, 173 Nkrumah, Kwame, 4, 61 Mignolo, Walter, 2, 4, 5 Nobel Prize, 192 Mobutu Sese Seko, 168 Nonye Onyima Blessing, 10 Mogadishu, 166, 172 Norman Conquest, 212, 215, 216, Mokola, 288 221, 226 Moller, Bjorn, 165 Northern Guinea, 249 Monsanto, 46 Northern Peoples’ Congress Muhammed, Murtala, 208 (NPC), 65 Mumuye, 250 Nsibidi, 218 Mutuntaka, 19 Nubia, 40, 41, 49 Nupe, 64 Nuremberg trials, 168 N Nyerere, Julius, 4, 61 National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC), 65 National Food Programme O (NAFPP), 254 Oba Ajilobioje, 235 National Indigenous Peacemaking Obama, Barack, 174, 175 Commission (NIPC), 147–149 Obaro Ikime, 61, 86 Nazi war criminals, 164 Obasanjo, Olusegun, 67, 68, 70, N’Djamena, 168 101, 102 Neteru, 48, 49 Oboh, Ogwuna, 270 Netherlands, 203 Obolo (Andoni), 208 Neves, Walter, 39 Ochonu, Moses, 23, 24 New Royal African Company, 191 Ode Ondo, 232, 235 Newton, John, 191, 192 Oden of Ediba (Chief), 218 INDEX 335 Odera Oruka, H., 61 Ouagadougou, 173 Odey, Mike, 13, 261 Out-of-Africa, 39 Ogbagba (Oboru), 272 Owena River, 232 Ogbogbo, Chris, 8, 9, 86 Owo (Ochim-adu), 272 Ogundiran, Akin, 20 Oye, 263, 272 Ogunfeyimi, ‘Leke, 12 Oyihu, 268 Ogungbemi, Segun, 7, 8, 76 Ogun state, 232 Ogwa, 196, 202 P Ohe-Oleji, 272 Pan-African, 7, 10, 17–33, 109–127 Ohirigwe Anchim, 272 Pan African Doctoral Academy Ojaide, Tanure, 20, 21 (PADA), 10, 112–114, 116, 122 Ojelabi,
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