Four Page Colored The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Comic Section 14 Pages Today CARTERET PRESS Sporting News, Page VOL. VI, No. 39 CAKTKRET, N. J-, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1928 PRICE THREE CENTS'! Local Soccer Team POLICE COURT NOTFS Falls Four Stories—Breaks To Play on Island Distinguished Speakers Chnrgps madrajrainRt Tuny Aspnt lio by Rose Mftrtrlli, of 2.S Wnrreti The Latin Sporting Club will trav- street, were withdrawn in police To Dedicate Bridge Back, Succumbs In Hospital el to Staten Island next Sunday af- At School Functions oonr tlftst night nrd Tony's hail wa!> ternoon, to engage in a soccc" con- returned o hitm. He had been ch.irg- Popular Carteret Man Lingers Month and a Half After Plain- test with the Vasco Field Club. This Dean of School of Ommerce «i wih disorderly conduct. field Accident—Resident Here Twenty Year* Leaves game will be the first of a double , Mrs. Julia Vargo, of Frederk-k On Next Wednesda] To Speak at Commencement Widow and Children. header scheduled for the afternoon street, was fined £2."> on complaint at Semler's Midland Park Reid. The Dr. Robert W. Elliott of {fen- of Mrs. Annie HefTer. Other com New Structure Linking New York And New Jersey To Be F« plaints had Men made against the After lingering since April 30 Ura, Mrs. James Karnoncky and Vascas will have for their second op- way To Deliver Baccalaur- mally Dedicated at Impressive Ceremony—Governor* ]ipn his back was broken in B four- Mr*. Alexander Chipke all of Car- ponents the Portugese Soccer Club Vargo woman for using foul lang- w ate Sermon Sunday After- uage and being disorderly. Two States To Speak Bridge Approaches Not Compl falflll in PlainfteldPlainfteid , BethBerthalal n "teret. of Perth Amboy. The locals will take Itetootto, 29 years old, of 34 Union the field with practically the same noon. Five boys aged from 10 to 14 Will Be Open to Public July 3. Mr. Delzotto had been a resident line-up as last week. All those who years who were charged with des- stree, succumbed Wednesday morn- of Carteret for twenty years and John Thomas Madden, dean of the ing at 8:15 o'clock in the Muhlen- wish to accompany the team will troying Howard and shrubbery on the Although the Perth Amboy-Tnt- the U.S.S. Eagle No. 48, Lieutena«i| was widely known and very popular. kindly meet at the Latin Club at school of commerce, of New York property of Boroujjh Attorney Emll tenville hridge will not be thrown Compton, of the U. S. &f lierg hospital, Plainfteld where he had He wa» a member of gt. Elizabeth's l,eon since the accident. Mr. Del- 12:80 sharp. The first game will get University, will be the speaker Stremlau, were given a severe repri- open to the public until July it will Reserves commanding. The milltttjj Roman Caholic church, the iRockocy I UIlue„„<,„r Z?*t mand. be formally dedicated on Wednesday gguar d of honor wili l include, tktkaTa j zotto was a brick-layer and was SocietSnriPtyv annnJd thae Brick-layersRri^lrJ.«.—t' n«:_Onion_ , way ai Thursday night when the class of working on a big1 apartment house of next week at ceremonies in which Perth Amboy post of the AmefitMkf Local No. H, of Plainfleld. 1928 of Carteret high school is, grad- Governor A. Harry Moore, of New Legion, Veterans of Foreign WarsVl under construction in Plainfield The funeral services will be held uated. His topic will be "Still, I when he fell from the fourth floor, Jersey; Governor Alfred E. Smith, Army and Navy Union and Ordinal tomorrow at 9:30 i. m. from the Latin Sport Club Am Learning." Dean Madden is of New York; Senator Morgan F. ance Corps. The "Eagle" wilt bt-j breaking his back. late home, thence to St. Elizabeth's Fine Record Made He is survived by a widow, Mrs. widely and favorably known as a Larson, Mayor Frank Dorsey, of stationed 1,000 yards south of church where a solemn high mass Perth Amboy and other prominent bridge in the Sound, will be Mary Delzotto, two small sons, Jos-' of Requiem will be offered for the In Scoreless fie speaker, 1 By Carteret Pupils personages will take part. ; decorated and wilt be accompant«i| eph and Albert, hi* father and moth- repose of the soul at 10 a. m. The At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, The Port of New York Authority by other vessels. er, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delzotto, a interment will be made in St. James Crowd Sees Locals Struggle June 17, the baccalaureate lervices Long List Did Not Miss A Day cooperating with the executive eel*-1 The concrete work on the bridg*", brother, James and two married BIB- cemetery, Woodbridge. With Moran Team of New will be held In the high schooi audi- Or Come Tardy Once Dur- bration committee of New York and i proper was about completed thl» ark. torium. Rev. Robert W. Elliott, D. New Jersey has arranged similar pro- week -but much remain", to be dona, anski, Lawrence Weiss, Alexander ing Year. grams to be held at different hour* to the approaches. Mayor Frank D. rector of the Church of the Holy Yavorsky, Andrew Zulick, Michael The Latin Sporting Club played i Wednesday at each end of the Perth Dorsey said this week that th*) Fourth Grade Pupils Comforter, (Episcopalian) of Rah- The following pupils of the Car- Amboy-Tottenville bridge and the bridge will positively be thrown open Popicl, Charles Koval. scoreless tie with the Moran Socce way, will give the address. Friends teret public schools have maintain- eleven of. Newark, at Leibig's field Goethals bridge extending between to the public on July 3 and that tht Marion Attachinson, Emma Bar- and relatives of the graduates are ed the! splendid record of perfect at- Elizabeth and Howland Hook plaza, approaches will be in condition for . Are Promoted Today last Sunday afternoon, before an en urged to attend. tendance from September 1927 to tok, Anna Bebkourtz, Lydia Berg- thusiastic audience of BOO soccer Staten Island. use by that time. He believed thai' mann, Margaret Brcchka, Mary Bal- Tonight a class of 163 eighth June 1, 1.928: In addition to this joint program the approaches would be open only • Certificates Given To 278 Stu- ans. The locals should have tallied High school— ka, Rita Brandon, Anna Brtfchka, grade pupils will be given certificates -here will be a special program pre- to Amboy avenue and that the new dents at Exercises Held To- Pauline Balaris, Helen Barankovics, y Were of Senior class: Stella Ciajakowska, always baffled by th'1e visitors?L-. Promotion to high school at ex- :eding it at Perth Amboy. It is an- right of way from Amboy avenue to day. Catherine Bartok, Ida Bartus, Mary ercises held in the high school au- Mary Faust Anna Proskura, Ida Lee, tounced an a tentative program to lonvery boulevard would not be Bazaral, Anna Bobenchik, Pearl Cho- The locals started on a rush. All ditorium. A program of recitations, Evelyn Springer, Harry Rock. the playing in the first fifteen min- iegin at 2 p. m, Wednesday with a ready for use until later. Engineers The following is a complete list of dosh, Mary Cap, Louise Dick, Retina songs and instrumental numbers will Junior class: Frank Andrejewski, sand concert. There will be speak- on the job said that the work prob- ' the Fourth grade pupils in the pub- Dikun, Mary Dobrowsky, Camilla utes was done in the visitors terri- be carried out ill Jennie Janas. ory. The offense of the Latin connection with ing by Honorable Thomas L. Hanson, ably would be completed some tint* lic schools of Carteret who were pro- Enot, Anna Furian, Catherine Fed- the exercises. 'Sophomore class: Mary Diedrick, Honorable John E. Toolan, Con- in August, moted at exercises held this after- ak, Elizabeth Filip, Pauline Fischer, Sporting: Olub was working fine but Gladys Gerig, Isabelle Struthers, nt the opportune moments they could gressman Harold G, Hoffman, Jacob Grove street is the entrance street; noon. A feature of the afternoon's eatrice Fisher, Julia Gindn, Frieda Gladys Yuronka, Karl Grohman, Klein and Peter C. Olsen. Band se- for the Perth Amboy end of tha program was an operetta, "Hiawa- (Jesbrandt, Ethel Cinder, Diana Gor not score. Before the interval the Barbara Babies, Carlton Gerig, De- locals made a desperate effort to lections will be played between the bridge and Lawrence street is tha's Childhood," by a east of the don, Julia Gogasza, Margaret Ha- Carteret Han Weds Hna LsvAieV Marie Gaydos, Blanche talks and Station WOR will begin exit. Francis street runs across the'. pupils. The list of pupils promoted bick, Mary Harrin, Anna Hebor^ score, and although ^they had the Smolensky, Fanna Thorne.' ball dangerously near the visitors' broadcasting the program at 3.15. entrance, All of these streets arsj ;| numbers 278. It follows: Mary Herman, Anna Hila, Josephine Freshman class: Marie Proskura, At 3:40 p. m. the New York Port torn up. In Grove street a 20-inc Ivanitski, Helen Kokolus, Mary Kal- goal, they were unable to get it John Cyapik, Eugene Keratt. Columbus school—Nicholas, Bam- through the posts. Perth Amboy Girl Authority Committee Is to arrive and water drain is being laid in a trench bursk, Sidney Beech, Geza, Bertha, inc, Irene Kutay, Erma Kady, Marie Eighth grade: Henry Eifert, Ed- •eter C. Olsen, chairman of the in the middle of the street about' Kokolua, Margaret Kendra, Elizabeth Upon the resuming of play for the Pretty Wedding Ceremony ward Misdom, Howell Misdom, Em- Balaris Biri, AHwrt Bodnar, John second half, the locals had a corner Perth Amboy committee will intro- twelve feet o.eep, It must be filled Bonfjbrino, Albert Breza, Martin Korupschak, Anna Krawitz, iRose Held In Greek Catholic ma Pencotty, Martha Amundsen, duce Hon.
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