Plant Biosystems, Vol. 142, No. 1, March 2008, pp. 120 – 125 SHORT COMMUNICATION The extensive development of the turf-forming red alga Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R. E. Norris (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) in the Bay of Boka Kotorska, Montenegro (southern Adriatic Sea) CLAUDIO BATTELLI & FABIO RINDI University of Primorska, Faculty of Education of Koper, Slovenia Abstract In August 2003, dense turfs formed by the filamentous red alga Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R. E. Norris were found in the open part of the Bay of Boka Kotorska, on the shore of Montenegro (southern Adriatic Sea). The habitat and morphology of the alga are described and the impact of the massive development of this species on the structure of the algal communities is discussed. Key words: Macrobenthic algae, southern Adriatic Sea, sublittoral, turf-forming, Womersleyella setacea More than 90 taxa of macrophytes are known to have relatively recent. Reports of the presence of this been introduced into the Mediterranean Sea through species are available for the eastern coast of the island different routes (e.g. fouling on ship hulls and fishing of Cres and Osˇtro Cape (Rijeka Bay), for the Kvarner nets), and at least 9 of them are considered invasive Gulf, Northern Adriatic (Sartoni & Rossi, 1998; (Verlaque, 1994; Boudouresque & Verlaque, 2002). Battelli & Arko-Pijevac, 2003, 2005) and at the Some of the most invasive introductions are repre- Tremiti Islands, southern Adriatic (Furnari et al., sented by species of filamentous turf-forming algae 1999; Cormaci et al., 2000) (Figure 3). (Cinelli & Sartoni, 1969; Verlaque, 1989; Patzner, The Bay of Boka Kotorska is situated on the coast 1998). These have colonized the Mediterranean in of Montenegro, on the south-eastern Adriatic shore. the last decades, producing substantial changes in The literature on the benthic algal flora and the structure of benthic algal communities (Airoldi vegetation of this area is very limited. The informa- et al., 1995; Piazzi & Cinelli, 2001). The expansive tion available consists of studies carried out in the growth of turfs is considered an indicator of 1940s on the distribution of Fucus virsoides (Linardic´, disturbance and is frequently associated with nega- 1940, 1949) and more recent investigations on the tive effects upon biodiversity (Barth & Fagan, 1990; distribution and composition of the algal communities Morand & Briand, 1996). The red alga Womersleyella of different parts of the Bay (Karaman & Gamulin setacea (Hollenberg) R.E. Norris, which was first Brida, 1970; Solazzi, 1971; Stjepcevic´ & Parenzan, recorded by Verlaque (1989) as Polysiphonia setacea 1980; Sˇ pan & Antolic´, 1980; Antolic´ &Sˇ pan, 1992). in 1987, is one of the most invasive filamentous turf- W. setacea did not appear in the list of algal taxa forming algae of the Mediterranean Sea. To date, collected from Boka Kotorska Bay in these studies and however, the origin and the time of its introduction no mention of the development of filamentous algal are unknown. This species has been reported to turfs was made. produce thick turfs covering large portions of In this short communication, we present observa- sublittoral bottoms in several regions of the Medi- tions made during a survey of the algal flora of the terranean (Airoldi et al., 1995; Athanasiadis, 1997; open part of the Bay of Boka Kotorska in August Piazzi & Cinelli, 2001). Compared to the rest of the 2003. The extensive development of filamentous basin, records of W. setacea for the Adriatic are turfs formed by W. setacea was noted. Since this Correspondence: Claudio Battelli, University of Primorska, Faculty of Education of Koper, Cankarjeva 5, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia. Tel.: þ3865 6631264. Fax: þ3865 6631268. E-mail: [email protected] ISSN 1126-3504 print/ISSN 1724-5575 online ª 2008 Societa` Botanica Italiana DOI: 10.1080/11263500701872747 The invasive alga Womersleyella setacea 121 species appeared in the Adriatic Sea only recently of Education of Koper, University of Primorska and the presence of dense turf communities domi- (Slovenia). Observations and measurements of the nated by this alga had not been reported for the main morphometric characters were made using an southern Adriatic, this was an interesting observa- OLYMPUS-BX51 microscope (DP-SOFT Imaging tion, which revealed the aggressive expansion of System DP70). W. setacea in this part of the Mediterranean. Details Algal nomenclature follows AlgaeBase (Guiry & on the distribution and morphology of the alga are Guiry, 2007). reported. Results and discussion Materials and methods At the time of the survey, the bottom of the three Sampling was performed by SCUBA diving at three sampling sites was colonized by macroalgal commu- sites in the sublittoral zone along the outer coast of nities that appeared very poor in species number, and the Bay of Boka Kotorska: island Mamula (sites A by patches of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (Lin- and B) on 12 and 15 August, and Zˇ anjice bay (site naeus) Delile. The most common macroalgae were C) on 14 August 2003. Site A is located on the the brown Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamour- southern shore of Mamula island (428 230 4000 N; 188 oux, Cystoseira spp., Dictyota spp., the red Laurencia 330 8000 E), whereas site B is located on the northern spp., Osmundaria volubilis (Linnaeus) R.E. Norris, shore of the island (428 230 6000 N; 188 330 8000 E). At Peyssonnelia spp. and the green Halimeda tuna both sites, the rocky bottom degrades quite steeply (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux and Flabellia (with 40 – 458 angle) up to 35 m depth. At this depth, petiolata (Turra) Nizamuddin. A dense red filamen- the bottom becomes horizontal and consists of a tous turf, 2 – 3 cm thick, was widespread at all sites plateau in which numerous karst formations, filled by examined, covering extensive portions of the sea sediments, occur. Site C is situated in the northern bottom at depths between 12 and 25 m. The turf part of Zˇ anjice bay (428 240 2000 N, 188 340 2000 E), covered all substrata available: rocks, sand, and facing south. At this site, the bottom consists of rock surface of the rhizomes of P. oceanica. The micro- with about 458 slope up to a depth of about 20 m, scopic examination of the samples showed that the and subsequently of sand with an inclination of turf was mostly formed by W. setacea. about 208. At the three sites, the rocky bottom is The morphology of W. setacea was in agreement formed by upper Cretaceous limestones and dolo- with descriptions of this species from other parts of mites (Ridanovic ´, 1993). the Mediterranean. The alga was brown-red to The average annual surface sea temperature is reddish in colour and consisted of an extensive approximately 188C. The lowest values occur in system of prostrate axes, from which poorly ramified winter (about 108C); in the spring, the temperature erect axes arose. Filaments of W. setacea were formed rises gradually to 188C, and in summer it ranges by a central axis surrounded by 4 pericentral cells from 208C in June to 25 – 288C in August and early devoid of cortication; the diameter of the prostrate September (Vesna Macic´, personal communication). filaments ranged between 66 and 106 mm (avera- The prevailing winds are bora (blowing from north – ge ¼ 80.22 mm; standard deviation ¼ 9.42 mm; north east) in winter, sirocco (from south – south n ¼ 16). The diameter of the pericentral cells was east) in spring and autumn, and landward breeze 35 – 45 mm (average ¼ 37.95 mm; standard devia- (sea breeze) in summer (Magasˇ, 2002). tion ¼ 3.11 mm; n ¼ 12) and the length was 11 – Direction and average speed of currents vary at 184 mm (average ¼ 125.00 mm; standard deviation different times of the year. The average speed is 43.39 mm; n ¼ 12). The cells contained numerous about 0.25 m s71, but it may occasionally reach 2 m discoid, irregularly distributed plastids; in the erect s71. Currents are generally strongest in spring and axes, the pericentral cells were frequently arranged in weakest in summer. In summer, the current nor- slightly oblique longitudinal rows. The diameter of mally flows from the open sea into the Bay, with the segments of the erect axes ranged between 38 north-westerly direction and a speed of approxi- and 76 mm (average 57.18 mm; standard devia- mately 0.4 m s71. At times of heavy rainfall, a strong tion ¼ 11.75 mm; n ¼ 16) and the length was 50 – current flows from the Bay to the open sea (direction 100 mm (average ¼ 80.20 mm; standard devia- south-east), with a speed of 1.3 m s71 (Stjepcevic´, tion ¼ 13.94 mm; n ¼ 16). The prostrate axes were 1974). attached to the substratum by short multicellular Samples of turf were collected from hard and soft rhizoids, 31 – 137 mm long (average ¼ 65.62 mm; substrata at intervals of 5 m, from 5 to 25 m depth. standard deviation 44.07 mm; n ¼ 8), cut off as The material collected was preserved in 4% buffered separate cells from the pericentral cell and producing seawater – formaldehyde solution. Voucher speci- distally a multicellular pad. Trichoblasts occurred at mens are deposited in the herbarium of the Faculty the top of the filaments, with 1 – 3 (4) dichotomies. 122 C. Battelli & F. Rindi (Figure 1a – f; Figure 2a – f). No reproductive struc- reported for the western Mediterranean Sea (Verlaque, tures were observed in any sample. 1989, 1994; Airoldi et al., 1995; Athanasiadis, 1997; The presence of W. setacea in the Adriatic has been Rindi et al., 1999; Piazzi & Cinelli, 2001; Boudour- reported relatively recently. In general, the information esque & Verlaque, 2002). Turf communities in which available on this species for the Adriatic is much more this species was a quantitatively important component limited than for the rest of the Mediterranean.
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