ERK5 Binding Partners

ERK5 Binding Partners

Supplementary Table 1: ERK5 binding partners id Protein IDs Protein namesGene namesRazor + uniqueSequence peptides coverageLFQ intensity [%]LFQ FL_m_01 intensityLFQ FL_m_02 intensityLFQ FL_m_03 intensityLFQ FL_p_01 intensityLFQ FL_p_02 intensityLFQ FL_p_03 intensityLFQ MU_p_01 intensityLFQ MU_p_02 intensitynormalized MU_p_03 normalizedLog2 IFL_m_01 normalizedLog2 IFL_m_02 normalizedLog2 IFL_m_03 normalizedLog2 IFL_p_01 normalizedLog2 IFL_p_02 normalizedLog2 IFL_p_03 normalizedLog2 IMU_p_01 normalizedLog2 IMU_p_02 medianLog2 IMU_p_03 - mediam FL median Mutst dev - st dev fl st dev mut cluster1 cluster2 cluster3 950 H7BXZ6 MitochondrialRHOT1 Rho GTPase 2 6.5 1.08E+08 26.77 26.77 + 405 B7WPL0 Synembryn-BRIC8B 2 6.1 9.55E+07 26.75 26.75 + 780 F6RFD5 Destrin DSTN 5 37.8 3.94E+07 25.49 25.49 + 360 B1AN48 Small proline-richSPRR3 protein 3 2 10.1 3.65E+07 25.24 25.24 + 1376 P02808 Statherin STATH 2 54.8 3.05E+07 25.12 25.12 + 196 A0A0A0MTI6Elongation ofELOVL5 very long chain fatty2 acids protein8.4 1.92E+07 1.52E+07 24.35 24.09 24.22 0.188066 + 2157 Q13163-4 Dual specificityMAP2K5 mitogen-activated6 protein18.7 kinase kinase 5 9.04E+06 2.09E+07 1.04E+07 8.78E+06 1.28E+07 1.06E+07 23.11 24.49 23.53 23.01 23.4 22.9 23.53 23.01 0.704014 0.263334 + 2702 Q96AB3-3 IsochorismataseISOC2 domain-containing2 protein28.1 2, mitochondrial 8.02E+06 23.1 23.1 + 64 A0A087WW54DEP domain-containingDEPDC7 protein 75 9.6 4.88E+06 7.56E+06 1.20E+07 3.13E+06 22.21 23.03 23.69 21.54 23.03 21.54 0.742829 + 1673 P30837 Aldehyde dehydrogenaseALDH1B1 X, mitochondrial5 13.7 4.26E+06 6.20E+06 6.14E+06 3.97E+06 22.04 22.78 22.81 21.87 22.78 21.87 0.438767 + 798 F8VW96 Cysteine andCSRP2 glycine-rich protein2 2 10.3 6.58E+06 22.68 22.68 + 1055 K7EMW4 Nicalin NCLN 3 8.6 6.52E+06 5.08E+06 22.83 22.53 22.68 0.210696 + 1343 O95983-2 Methyl-CpG-bindingMBD3 domain protein2 3 9.3 5.15E+06 22.57 22.57 3072 Q9NZN4 EH domain-containingEHD2 protein 24 10.5 4.97E+06 22.5 22.5 + 1888 P52435 DNA-directedPOLR2J RNA polymerase II2 subunit28.2 RPB11-a 4.85E+06 22.46 22.46 + 457 C9JF17 ApolipoproteinAPOD D 2 9.8 4.38E+06 22.26 22.26 + 1553 P18440 Arylamine N-acetyltransferaseNAT1 13 12.4 4.21E+06 3.09E+06 22.18 21.86 22.02 0.227825 + 2469 Q6ZVX7 F-box only proteinNCCRP1 50 3 18.9 8.06E+06 1.70E+06 2.29E+06 22.95 20.97 21.06 21.96 21.06 1.395383 + 1535 P16401 Histone H1.5HIST1H1B 2 11.9 3.27E+06 21.94 21.94 + 2487 Q7RTV0 PHD finger-likePHF5A domain-containing2 protein14.5 5A 3.25E+06 21.93 21.93 + 438 C9K0R9 Inosine-5-monophosphateIMPDH1 dehydrogenase2 11.1 2.63E+06 3.80E+06 21.56 22.15 21.85 0.416833 + 56 A0A087WVC1ATP-dependentDDX50 RNA helicase DDX502 6.6 3.07E+06 21.77 21.77 + 328 A6PVX1 Selenium-bindingSELENBP1 protein 1 2 6.4 2.72E+06 1.38E+06 21.69 20.26 21.69 20.26 + 1644 X6R6D0 SHC-transformingSHC1 protein 1 2 14.1 3.07E+06 2.84E+06 1.85E+06 21.57 21.68 21.14 21.57 0.285118 + 2654 Q92506 Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenaseHSD17B8 2 8 10.3 2.49E+06 21.56 21.56 + 252 A0A0D9SG07Band 4.1-likeEPB41L1 protein 1 3 6 2.41E+06 21.43 21.43 + 1449 P09104-2 Gamma-enolaseENO2 2 19.7 2.14E+06 21.36 21.36 3026 Q9NTX5-3 Ethylmalonyl-CoAECHDC1 decarboxylase2 8.4 1.98E+06 21.24 21.24 726 E9PNM1 Squalene synthaseFDFT1 2 5.1 2.40E+06 21.23 21.23 + 416 C9JEL3 Eukaryotic translationEIF4E2 initiation factor3 4E21.1 type 2 1.86E+06 21.16 21.16 + 2616 Q8TDL5 BPI fold-containingBPIFB1 family B member2 1 6.2 1.97E+06 21.12 21.12 + 2515 Q86WH2 Ras associationRASSF3 domain-containing2 protein8.4 3 1.78E+06 21.04 21.04 + 3169 Q9UNN5 FAS-associatedFAF1 factor 1 3 5.4 1.63E+06 20.89 20.89 + 2210 Q15424-2 Scaffold attachmentSAFB factor B1 3 8 1.48E+06 1.59E+06 1.82E+06 20.47 20.83 21.11 20.83 0.31803 + 2773 Q96QD9-2 UAP56-interactingFYTTD1 factor 2 8.2 1.48E+06 20.78 20.78 + 776 F5H702 39S ribosomalMRPL48 protein L48, mitochondrial2 21.2 1.45E+06 20.76 20.76 + 2931 Q9H2W6 39S ribosomalMRPL46 protein L46, mitochondrial2 7.5 1.17E+06 20.55 20.55 + 2658 Q92541 RNA polymerase-associatedRTF1 protein4 RTF1 6.1homolog 1.15E+06 20.53 20.53 + 2630 S5FZ81 PHD finger proteinPHF10 10 2 5.3 1.27E+06 20.52 20.52 + 902 H0YJV2 Serine palmitoyltransferaseSPTLC2 2 2 7.9 1.10E+06 20.48 20.48 + 648 E7EQY4 Metastasis-associatedMTA3 protein MTA32 13.6 1.06E+06 20.46 20.46 + 2041 P82932 28S ribosomalMRPS6 protein S6, mitochondrial2 12.8 9.82E+05 20.39 20.39 + 646 E9PES6 High mobilityHMGB3 group protein B3 2 17 8.95E+05 20.27 20.27 + 3121 Q9UH62 Armadillo repeat-containingARMCX3 X-linked2 protein6.3 3 1.01E+06 20.24 20.24 + 2291 Q15599-2 Na(+)/H(+) exchangeSLC9A3R2 regulatory 2cofactor NHE-RF28 6.62E+05 20.03 20.03 + 379 B4DLC8 Signal transducerSTAT2 and activator of3 transcription9.6 2 9.80E+05 8.66E+05 6.13E+05 19.98 20.01 19.95 19.98 0.030185 1063 K7EQQ8 tRNA (guanine(26)-N(2))-dimethyltransferaseTRMT1 2 6.1 5.59E+05 19.8 19.8 2872 Q9BWS9-3 Chitinase domain-containingCHID1 protein2 1 6.4 6.89E+05 19.74 19.74 + 663 E7EVU5 Nuclear receptorNCOR1 corepressor 1 2 5.2 4.66E+05 19.72 19.72 + 934 H3BPH4 PhosphomannomutasePMM2 2 15.5 4.53E+05 19.59 19.59 624 E5RIL9 Probable tRNAOSGEPL1 N6-adenosine threonylcarbamoyltransferase,2 10.8 mitochondrial 2.87E+05 19.33 19.33 + 2831 Q9BRP8-2 Partner of Y14WIBG and mago 2 14.3 5.02E+05 19.33 19.33 1561 P19474 E3 ubiquitin-proteinTRIM21 ligase TRIM2126 46.7 1.55E+08 7.67E+07 7.44E+08 4.85E+09 5.96E+09 4.09E+09 5.53E+09 1.17E+09 8.10E+09 27.26 26.45 29.97 32.17 32.59 32.26 32.02 29.97 32.02 27.26 32.26 32.02 1.846841 0.224012 1.182819 + 1233 O60701 UDP-glucoseUGDH 6-dehydrogenase15 35.8 1.96E+06 2.45E+06 6.14E+06 2.24E+07 7.98E+07 9.19E+07 2.02E+07 1.66E+06 3.42E+06 20.83 21.49 22.85 24.49 26.43 26.7 24.28 20.43 21.09 21.49 26.43 21.09 1.031141 1.206704 2.057839 + 207 A0A0B4J231ImmunoglobulinIGLL5 lambda-like polypeptide2 10.7 5 8.99E+07 2.81E+09 4.98E+09 1.25E+08 6.58E+09 26.77 31.41 32.25 27.26 32.43 26.77 31.41 32.43 2.669901 1972 P62191 26S proteasePSMC1 regulatory subunit10 4 29.5 2.46E+06 3.43E+06 4.24E+06 7.05E+06 8.77E+07 9.56E+07 5.80E+06 21.2 21.97 22.33 22.78 26.61 26.77 22.44 21.97 26.61 22.44 0.581541 2.255997 + 2066 Q01518-2 Adenylyl cyclase-associatedCAP1 protein14 1 34.6 1.15E+07 9.67E+06 3.36E+07 1.47E+08 1.75E+08 1.00E+08 2.07E+08 1.35E+07 4.04E+07 23.44 23.38 25.18 27.32 27.54 26.85 27.69 23.46 24.82 23.44 27.32 24.82 1.023728 0.350751 2.155749 + 2158 Q13164 Mitogen-activatedMAPK7 protein kinase47 7 44 1.55E+09 1.21E+09 1.18E+09 3.37E+10 3.47E+10 2.56E+10 1.10E+10 2.17E+10 4.92E+10 31.05 30.96 30.98 34.49 34.61 35.14 33.57 34.26 34.25 30.98 34.61 34.25 0.046764 0.347154 0.397241 + 1615 P25705 ATP synthaseATP5A1 subunit alpha, mitochondrial24 52.8 4.17E+07 2.51E+07 4.43E+07 8.79E+07 4.68E+08 4.12E+08 8.31E+07 3.89E+07 7.26E+07 25.3 24.74 25.64 26.55 28.96 28.91 26.29 25.03 25.54 25.3 28.91 25.54 0.456841 1.377217 0.63815 + 1784 P43490 NicotinamideNAMPT phosphoribosyltransferase13 28.9 7.52E+06 3.77E+06 1.02E+07 2.62E+07 6.06E+07 6.18E+07 4.61E+07 1.79E+07 2.87E+07 22.77 22.14 23.55 24.71 26.06 26.1 25.41 23.88 24.3 22.77 26.06 24.3 0.707558 0.794333 0.788737 + 871 H0Y4R1 Inosine-5-monophosphateIMPDH2 dehydrogenase14 35.5 2 3.44E+06 9.31E+06 9.31E+06 2.03E+07 8.64E+07 1.01E+08 8.06E+06 21.68 23.32 23.42 24.32 26.58 26.86 22.88 23.32 26.58 22.88 0.978356 1.390409 + 914 H0YMV8 40S ribosomalRPS27L protein S27 3 32 7.96E+06 5.72E+07 23.21 25.97 23.21 25.97 1350 P00390-2 GlutathioneGSR reductase, mitochondrial5 14.8 3.03E+06 2.45E+06 9.38E+06 2.40E+07 1.77E+07 9.43E+06 21.78 21.53 23.17 24.63 24.33 23.12 21.65 24.33 23.12 0.175361 0.772106 + 1759 P41091 Eukaryotic translationEIF2S3 initiation15 factor 2 subunit47 8.15E+06 3 3.08E+06 2.75E+07 3.28E+07 4.44E+07 1.28E+08 2.64E+07 2.32E+06 1.31E+07 22.92 21.81 24.91 25.08 25.55 27.34 24.65 20.98 23.24 22.92 25.55 23.24 1.571962 1.192313 1.854249 + 1635 P27797 CalreticulinCALR 11 43.6 7.44E+06 3.16E+06 5.31E+07 2.78E+07 3.53E+07 8.04E+07 2.56E+07 22.76 21.85 25.94 24.78 25.24 26.53 24.62 22.76 25.24 24.62 2.14908 0.910104 + 3135 Q9UI12-2 V-type protonATP6V1H ATPase subunit H9 26.5 3.79E+06 4.23E+06 1.40E+07 1.91E+07 3.42E+07 2.33E+07 2.61E+07 8.46E+06 1.49E+07 21.83 22.28 23.96 24.23 25.18 24.69 24.65 22.79 23.44 22.28 24.69 23.44 1.123569 0.4735 0.940296 + 2853 Q9BUA3 UncharacterizedC11orf84 protein C11orf8415 58.8 8.55E+07 5.17E+07 8.44E+07 2.65E+08 3.67E+08 2.98E+08 4.08E+08 1.81E+08 4.26E+08 26.36 25.82 26.66 28.07 28.56 28.61 28.54 27.24 27.93 26.36 28.56 27.93 0.425094 0.295866 0.654708 + 2325 Q16763 Ubiquitin-conjugatingUBE2S enzyme E22 S 8.6 9.47E+05 4.27E+06 20.2 22.3 20.2 22.3 681 E9PDI2 Adenylyl cyclase-associatedCAP2 protein16 42.4 6.87E+07 2.67E+07 6.19E+07 2.81E+08 2.52E+08 1.72E+08 3.38E+08 1.16E+08 4.48E+08 25.98 24.84 26.16 28.15 28.06 27.77 28.23 26.57 28.08 25.98 28.06 28.08 0.716431 0.197281 0.921684 + 2381 Q5SWX8 Protein odr-4ODR4 homolog 21 41.6 1.07E+08 9.09E+07 1.18E+08 4.41E+08 4.19E+08 3.39E+08 3.96E+08 3.06E+08 4.14E+08 26.77 26.69 27.12 28.73 28.79 28.69 28.46 27.85 27.85 26.77 28.73 27.85 0.230928 0.054329 0.35191 + 1501 P12273 Prolactin-induciblePIP protein 3 28.1 5.90E+06 3.60E+06 1.31E+07 2.06E+07 2.34E+07 1.65E+07 8.89E+06 4.38E+07 22.41 22.05 23.9 24.35 24.6 24.2 23.03 25.16 22.41 24.35 24.1 0.98035 0.201854 1.509257 + 2477 Q71U36-2 Tubulin alpha-1ATUBA1A chain 3 71.4 2.13E+07 5.52E+07 3.88E+07 1.43E+08 1.18E+08 1.86E+08 8.65E+07 24.49 26 25.32 27.24 27.15 27.5 26.17 25.25 27.15 26.84 1.069677 1.085712 0.941436 + 3130 Q9UHL4 Dipeptidyl peptidaseDPP7 2 10 24.2 3.93E+07 3.72E+07 5.00E+07 8.18E+07 1.46E+08 1.22E+08 1.37E+08 2.82E+07 4.57E+07 25.22 25.34 25.88 26.41 27.31 27.22 27.07 24.57 24.97 25.34 27.22

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