PAGE 22 DETROIT EVE NI N G TIMES (PHOSH CHERRY SBOOJ February 1943 Sports Wings Win Scoring 3 Goals in 49 Seconds HEIGHT MAKECTHEM PREP FAVORITES Irish to Follow A COMPETITIVE LESSON Rangers Fail to Book Reveals Baseball's Big Big 10 in Frosh Win 18th Time Service List Change r VJPS M- .. In Row, 5-4 By LEO MACDONELL Rule '¦w, - NEW YORK. Feb. 18 -The De- CHICAGO, Feb. 19 (INS).— W| ** 56 outstanding big lr igur troit Red Wings, who stopped the With ' Notre Dame was expected today f'"j S, Qi,}- * players listed for service. Cliff i r i'«S ffr' 'si* J ! Rangers last New Year Eve after | to join in whatever action Western going without being shut out latest edition Bloodgood’s Conference officials take Sunday through 128 games, and have been Who .n Baseba Just “Who* on the freshmen residence rule for intsrumental in several Ranger 7 rrVflvp,’ strikingly re\<al* t varsity sports competition during setbacks since, hurdled them into their eighteenth game * contribution to I'nde wartime. consecutive con- test without victory last night at fighting forces The South Bend. Ind., university Sam s ,yV.tLJB/V R H jf Madison Square Garden. the heron* was invited to send a representa- 1 ' The It likewise reveals score was 5 to 4. lonn task the Ame 1 tea n a?' d tive to the meeting of Big Ten ImF League- face il they directors of athletics which follow'* The Rangers have suffered more National than their share of injuries this ’ hope to provide the fan' hasrh.tl! the session of the conference fac- ' that approaches the brand of ulty committee at which abroga- season and the Wings have been* responsible greater ball to which Detroit and other tion of the freshmen rule will be for the part metropolitan centers arc accus- discussed. of them. Wat- 1 The Rev. John Cavanaugh. C. S. It was In Detroit that Phil tomed. - B » i 'm' Beside the name of each of J> 1 mm C., vice president of Notre Dame son, Alfie Pike and goalie Jimmy si—*>-*•».. tk.jm Franks suffered severe injuries, the 56 in Bloodg<x»d’s fine man- IIV)' 3*I iI / r ' f «JW and chairman of the faculty board ITTftii, / ' V-V ¦ • ¦ ¦’¦ the latter being incapacitated ual. a '¦tar. indicating the t a 1 W IVI in control of athletics, said univer- HBBwBd for player is in a hraneh of serv ice. sity officials are committed to a the season. MWWWmWife -Ijtm night. Garrett, Because of the hook s rally policy of following Western Con- Last Red rookie printing, the names of .to# 1 Ia- ference emergency eligibility ac- defenseman, who replaced the vet- Maggio, Tert> Moore. Charley tions. eran Ott Heller, on the shelf along Buffing and others do not. of “We play many ronteats la all * ¦*' with defenseman Gord Davidson, ¦¦HBr - ? ~ \ - course, have a star, though they, Btril I W fcsii aporta against conference teams, sadsr#sjfr3S}S«F ' v ¦ -ugifca, r Iw&mim&d-m sulfered a possible fracture of his * right was . too, now in service. so that the reasonable courae for ’*• >' ankle. Garrett hurt in arc m sM \ ¦§ Mi. v v ’ a jH . M ¦¦ iMWWB ua la to adapt our regulations to the third chukker when he crashed M a JBb > Doesn’t Include All f l rnk coincide with the Big Ten’s,** into Sid Abel and' had to be as- Father Cavanaugh said. “If the sisted off the ice. •• Also missing arc scores of faculty conference committee SIMON, fTT lesser lights and recruits who should decide to waive the one- HOWE had not as yet “made” the blue year residence requirement, I The Wings did not leave the ice either, hook of baseball. So the hook am sure our board will meet as unscathed as Cully Simon docs not contemplate an over- soon as possible thereafter to received a cut under his left eye all report on the hundreds of make the change.” that required some hemstitching who same players in organized ball That the conference is likely to and Sid Howe got . three-stitch are now at the front or in a waive the freshmen ban. became cut in his mouth early in the game. camp on this side or others who apparent with the calling of the However, the Wings romped off into — with streaming the — are steadily i m migL m a ¦ a 1 I m special faculty committee and ath- a victory that put them only ranks of the fighting men. letic directors meeting in Chicago two points behind the league lead- A picture of Ted Williams of for next Sunday. The freshmen ing Boston Bruins after a see-saw the Red Sox, standout big league ban was lifted during World War I. contest which was in doubt until player of 1942 and now in the Michigan State, which along the final buzzer. navy, adorns the front cover of with Marquette generally is repre- The Rangers flashed the red “Who's Who.” With a mark of sented at the regular meetings of light after the game was less than *.356. Williams led the American the conference, already has an- two minutes old. but the Wings league hitters for the second nounced that freshmen will be countered with three goals in topped 49 season in a row. He the eligible for Spartan teams March 1. ;seconds while Pike was serving a list in 1941 with .406. penalty and it began to look like Other piciures arp those of a rout. ‘ by Jos' Gordon of the Yankees and Phnto by Tlmea Staff Pbototrapbar Tim#* Htmff Ph<9to(rriph«r Pike was hardly Cardinals, settled in the Mort Cooper of the Holy Redeemer’s tall squad of eager* vantages are needed. Left to right, above, It’s called a "rescue race” In the new metropolitan bastilr when Mud Bruneteau the valuable mem- Western Still 'voted most high school swimming meet inaugurated at six of the city a matched Phil s goal. leagues. is favored to clinch the first division West are ED CONLOGUE, five-feet-nine; JACK Watson Abel ’bers of their respective JACK MUR- schools yesterday. It provides competition as well as train- tallied 33 seconds later and Bru- * Among the 56 listed in service Side title in the Catholic League game RICHARDSON, six-feet-two; DAN ing in life saving and physical fitness. Above. JOHN neteau flashed the light again 16 are 17 pitchers, mosi noteworthy against St. Theresa tonight. St. Theresa PHY, Rix-feet-four; BOISTURE, seconds later. of whom is Boh Feller, famous CHARLIE CACICEDO, Tops Swimming ROBERTS swims with GEORGE ROBESON in Western has a small team and Holy Redeemer will six-feet-one; Clevelander who also is in the PIKE SCORES be playing on its home floor, if other ad- six-feet. High pool. navy. Among pitchers, Al Benton Western High’s dual meet and But the Rangers were not to be the Tigers’ lone con- denied. As is thus far city league champions walked soon as Pike left the tribution to the services. Al. too. away uuth honors, as usual, in [>enalty box he set sail for a blue •is a navy man. the new competitive program In- Lumber shirt tally and. after a hectic sec- SPORT battle, Two Can Clinch Caps Dropped augurated yesterday in metropol- 500 Students in ond period in which four Other Pitchers itan schools. men .spent sentences in the cooler simultaneously, Scotty Cameron « in- Western’s seniors won, Other pitchers in service 55-49. Broker dented the Beazley of Cardi- SHORTS w'hile the juniors had a larger twine for his last goal clude: Johnny as a Ranger. Cameron left nals World Series fame. Bill But- Prep Cage By victory margin, 58-45. Mackenzie Prep Program today Titles Providence for Regina. Sask . to report to the Sox). Montreal Canadien* pulled defeated Central. 77-65: Denby land <Red Sid Hudson Royal Canadian Air Senators). Jack Knott (Athlet- within a half game of fourth defeated Northeastern. 103-70. and Buys Phils The first wartime competitive Forcer |] TOM HXRI’K.R ID t 01l *4 Tr*aa The final period produced ...4ciU, Lyons (W)ute Sox h plrH'e- Chicago by edgmg Black- Cass Te c h defeated Highland swim program in the metropolitan j three Tod goals argument. (Athleticst, Tonight "payoff night” hawks. 5-4, in Chicago. Bill The Buffalo Bisons took a firmer Park, 107-87. Redford’s seniors PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19 high schools was held yesterday and an Carl Lis- Phil Marchildon will be icombe put the Wings Walter Masterson (Sena- Thoms of Hawks was lost with grip on second place in the Amer- defeated Cooley. 61-37, but the (INS).—William at six schools. Red out in for two teams in the Catholic D. Cox. New 'front In the second minute, tors!. Hugh Mulcahy (Phils), race. broken rib. Hockey League race Thurs- juniors lost. 37-58. More than 500 students took only League’s hot basketball ican Three York lumber broker, today In- |to have Grant Warwick He the Johnny Rigney t White Sox). Holy Redeemer, seeking its first day night by dusting off the last other events—Eastern vs. part in a program that included (Athletics) As Shreveport baseball Southeastern, Southwestcm-Chad- dicated he and nine a**oclates icount at 4-aII. Then, with about Boh Harris and crown since 1938. meets St. the several events that differ from the the League place Washington Lions. 9 to 2. sey the auceesaful minutes left. Don Grosso Mickey Harris (Red Sox).
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