BLUE KEY successfully sponsored BROADCAST that Gamma Tau of Bison Brevities on Kappa Kappa Gamma Is May 1 and 2 THE SPECTRU At N. D. S. C. VOLUME X LIV. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1929 NUMBER 46 Kappas Will Install Betas Today- Old S. C. Local Blue Key's Brevities Draw Kappa Officials Joins National Fine Crowd; Acts Excellent Arrive This AM Founded 1870 For Installation KAPPA PHI FORMAL (Sororities Vie Closely For The i KAPPA TAU DELTA AT CRYSTAL TONIGHT Betas Date Back To 1908; Gam- Honors; Alpha Kappa Phi And ELECTS SKARET PRES. College To Entertain At Formal ma Tau Chapter Of Kappa Sigma Tau Acts Are Out- Reception And Dance Members of the Alpha Kappa Phi standing Among Fraternities. Alf Skaret, Fargo, was recently Kappa Gamma 59th fraternity and their guests will dance elected president of Kappa Tau Delta, Tomorrow Night this evening to the tunes of the Red honorary architectural fraterr•y. Mr. Playing to a capacity house both Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity, Jackets at the Crystal Ballroom, the Skaret is also a member of Alpha Mrs. Richard Jones, Tulsa, Okla- evenings, the Bison Brevities came up into which Delta Phi Beta will be in- occasion being their annual formal Sigma Tau fraternity and the N. D. homa, national president 'of Kappa party. Clifford Booke is in charge of to the expectations of its sponsor, Lettermen's club. Kappa Gamma fraternity, and Mrs. stalled this afternoon, was founded the arrangements with Lloyd Clark, Blue Key fraternity, at the Orpheum Donald Best was elected vice-presi- Hadwen Barney, national vice-presi- October 13, 1870, at Monmouth col- Carl Tharaldson and Gunder Chris- on Wednesday and Thursday of this dent; Robert Stinson, secretary-treas- dent, arrived in Fargo this morning lege, Monmouth, Illinois, by a group tiansen assisting. -Week. urer; and Don Haarman, historian to conduct installation services for of four girls, Minnie Stewart, Jean- Guests of honor will be Dr. and Mrs. Every act in the entire show was and chaplain at the same meeting. Gamma Tau chapter at North Dakota ette Bayd, Anna Willets, and Louise John Lee Coulter. Patrons and patron- a first rate feature, the ten acts mak- The retiring officers of the club are State college, which will be held this Beenett. It was one of the first three esses will include Dean and Mrs. A. ing up a real evening's entertainment Kenneth Sundberg, president; Alf afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. C. national women's fraternities to be E. Minard, Dean and Mrs. W. F. Sucl- for all who attended. As enthusiastic Skaret, vice-president; Donald Best, Young, 109 11th' St. S. Active mem- founded, the other two being Phi ro, and Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Schalk. crowds as attended the Brevities are sec.-treas. bers from Chi chapter, University of Beta Phi, as I. C. Sorosis in 1867 and seldom seen in Fargo for they clapped Minnesota, and Gamma Sigma chap- Kappa Alpha Theta in 1870 also. In heartily during and after each one of ter, Winnipeg, are arriving today, 1878 the executive power was vested Engineers To Hold the ten acts. Lockett To Inspect and will be guests of the group in Alpha chapter at Monmouth, from Members of the Theta Chi fratern- to be installed here, and of Fargo 1879 to 1881 in Epsilon chapter at Open House May 10 ity started the show off with a mock Regiment Next Week alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gamma Illinois Wesleyan, in 1881 in a grand fraternity meeting. Interest ran high who are Mmes, N. C. Young, H. H. council of four elective members. In as the fraters discussed possible pled- Wooledge, J. D. Wooledge, R T. 1914 the council was increased to six William Rundquist, Senior M. E., ges. "Bill" Burgess and Harod Phi- Annual Spring Inspection Will Barnard, George Black, R. E. Wei- members, and in 1922 the office of Is In Charge; Many lips took the two leading parts, the Be Held On Tuesday And ble, and Miss Louise Macfadden. Mrs. executive secretary was created to Special Features former acting as "High Supreme Goof- Wednesday C. W. Spalding and Joseph Sorkness, take the place of two council offices, us" and the latter as secretary. Kieth Jamestown, and Miss Phyllis.Martin, and the grand council was changed to Allen and Wm. Ball favored the aud- Valley City, are out of town members. In an attempt to afford students of A corps of 461 cadets will pass in national council. ience with several selections. This Friday morning rehearsals were the institution, Fargo citizens and the review before Major James M. Lock- Kappa Kappa Gamma called the "Sweethearts of the Moon" was the held for the groups to be initiated visiting high school students an op- ett, inspector from the Seventh -Corps first Pan-Hellenic meeting in 1891 at title the Phi Omega Pi girls entertain- and installed, and this noon the portunity to see the insides of the area headquarters, next Tuesday at Boston. Conventions are held biannual- ed under, using "Me and. the Man in visiting members from Winnipeg and School of Mechanic Arts, the engin- 8 a.m., according to Cadet Lieutenant ly, the last one at Breezy Point, Min- the Moon" as their theme song. Their Minneapolis will be entertained by the eers are holding their annual open Colonel Erickson. The review of the neapolis, Minnesota, in the summer of chorus, which was costumed in chic Delta Phi Betas at the home of Mr. house all day and evening, Friday, R.O.T.C. regiment will mark the be- 1928, when the North Dakota State black and white costumes, was made and Mrs. P. W. Farnham, 1418 third May 10th. William Rundquist, senior ginning of the two day annual in- College at Fargo and the University up of Ruth McKinnon, Grace Reynolds, avenue south, at luncheon. Elizabeth in Mechanical Engineering, was elect- spection of the unit. of British Columbia at Vancouver, Joyce Peterson, Grace Swanson, Al- Wooledge, Elene Weeks, and Lorissa ed manager of the open house. From 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday the were accorded the right to petition. pha Knight, Emily Samuelson, Helen Sheldon are in charge or arrange- Besides the usual stunts and dis- companies and platoons will do close The fraternity will have 60 chapters Carstenson and Dorothy Adams. Miss ments. At the same time Mrs. Barney plays the following special features order drill, calisthenics, guard mount- upon the installation of the chapter Swanson was featured in a solo dance. and Mrs. Jones will be guests of the are in store for the visitors this year: ing, Ditch and strike shelter tents, at Vancouver, which follows the The theme was carried out with Doris Fargo alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gam- Display of "The History of Lighting," display equipment, and etxended order services here. Wilner sitting in a half moon -being ma at luncheon at the home of Mrs. from the Union Light, Heat and Pow- drill. At 1-1 a.m. a field problem will North Dakota alumnae of Kappa lowered down towards the center of H. H. Wooledge. Friday afternoon for- er Co. Display of "Telephone Equip- be given the battalion which will be Kappa Gamma are: Mrs. N. C. Young, the stage; Betty Sheldon at the vio- mal installation and initiation services ment" from Northwestern Bell Tele- worked out before noon. of Beta Zeta chapter, Iowa State lin and Berniece Emmons at the piano; will be conducted, and Friday evening phone Co. New "Electrical Devices" The - afternoon program will be a University, Mrs. H. H. Wooledge, Mu and a "cooing" couple over in one a banquet Will be held at the Country from the Westinghouse Co. New practical inspection of the four R. 0. chapter at Butler college, Mrs. R. T. corner. The Misses Emmons and Wil- Club for all visiting Kappa Kappa "Automatic Traffic Signal" operated T. C. classes, the freshmen coming Barnard, Chi chapter, University of ner sang the theme song for the Gammas, alumnae, Mrs. Barney and by a ray of light, from the General first with an examination on military Minnesota, Mrs. George Black, Beta couple's benefit, and then they, Misses Mrs. Jones, and the • new chapter. Electric Co. hygiene and rifle marksmanship. Dur- Phi chapter, University of Montana . Mable Samuelson, and Billie Eastgate, Saturday morning will be taken up Committees in charge of the affair. ing the second hour the sophomores and Mrs. R. E. Weible, Mrs. J. D. danced a unique dance. with instruction in procedure, and Sat- include James McHugh, assistant will he inspected in musketry, the Wooledge, and Miss- Louise MacFad- The Kappa Sigma Chis presented urday afternoon an informal reception manager; Roger Olson, routing man- automatic rifle, scouting, and patrol- _ den, who are members of Eta chapter "Hercules" in the person of Adrian will be held in the practice house. ager; P. L. Peightel, publicity; Her- long. The third hour will be devoted at the University of Wisconsin. Fox. Mr. Fox entertained his audience Saturday evening the college will en- bert Johnson, Joe Laungawnet, Roy to an examination of the juniors on Betas Founded In 1908 with various feats of strength, such tertain at a formal reception and Landbloom, Victor Madsen, Wm. Ell- the subjects of map reading, military as bending and breaking nails with dance at the college armory. Delta Phi Beta sorority, which will ingson, Chas. McKinnie, Robert Carl- Sketching, the machine gun and how- his teeth, tearing a deck of cards in Gamma Tau chapter, Kappa Kappa be installed as a chapter of Kappa son, Robert Schultz, Richard Scott, itzer.
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