THE ESSEX ANTIQUARIAN A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE BIOGRAPHY, GENEALOGY, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS SlDNEY PERLEY, EDITOR. ILLUSTRATED. SALEM, MASS. : Qe @ssex '3Itltiquarian. 1901. CONTENTS. ABORIGINES,OUR, 39. INSCRIPTIONS.See Brad'ordInsrrip/ions. AGER,WILLIAM, Will of, 132. KENNING,JANE, Will of, 57. ANDREWSNOTES, 6. KENT, RICHARD,Will of, 149. ANNABLENOTES, 63. KNOWLTON,JOHN and MARGARY,Wills of, 52. ANNISNOTES, 76. LIVERMORE,HARRIET, 7. ANSWERS,95, 80; 100, 32; 133, 32; 154, 48: LOST AT SEA, 157. 163, 64; 165, 16; 170, 16; 193, 64; 194, MII.IARD, THOMAS,Will of, 41. 64; 197. 32; 204, 144; 2082 192; 2.57, C6; NORFOLKCOUNTY RECORDS, OLD, 12, 46, 77, 3075 1447 192; 320,329 48; 3219 48; 322, 133, 179. 96; 323, 80; 330, 144; 3408 192; 3429 192. PASSACONAWAY,87. ANTRUMNOTE, 71. PIKE. TOHN. sr.. Will of. I ~6. ARCHERNOTES, 86, 120. PI~RIMST~NGER,"'T~~, 7. AVERILL,WILLIAM, Will of, 30. PUMP,THE TOWN,71. BABSONGENEALOGY, I. PUMP,THE OLD TOWN,71. BACONFAMILY, 24. QUERIES,316-320, 16; 321, 322, 32; 323, 324, BACON,WILLIAM, Will of, 45. 48; 325-3299 64; 330-334, 80; 335, 3369 BADCOCKFAMILY, 37. 96; 337-3421 144; 343' 344, 192. BADGERGENEAWGY, 49. QUILTER,MARK, Will of, 70. BAGLEYGENEALOGY, 65. SALEM,15. BAILEY-BAYLEYGENEALOGIES, 81, 110, 123. SALEM,PART OF, IN 1700, NO. 6, 33. BAKERGENEALOGIES, 158, 163, 166, 168. SALEM,PART OF, IN 1700, NO. 7, 145. BLIGH'S,PEGGY, VOYAGE, FROM, 23. SALEMQUARTERLY COURT RECORDSAND FILES, BRADFORCINSCRIPTIONS: 26, 55, 88, 120, 169. Ancient Burying Ground, 17, 41, 58, 72, 92, SCOTT,THOMAS, Will of, 92. 104, 150. SEA, LOSTAT, 157. BURRILL,GEORGE, ST., Will of, 103. SHOEMAKERS,The, 53. COGSWELL.IOHN. .,ir.. WiU of.. 61.. SHOEMAKING,53. DANVERS,29. SOLDIERSAND SAIWRSOF THE REVOLUTION, ESTE, JEFFREY,138. 10, 174. FULLER,TIMOTHY, 91. STEVENS,WILLIAM, Will of, 30. HARDY,JOHN, Will of, 6. SYMONDS,SAMUEL, jr., Will of, 58. HIGHWAYS,EARLY, 23. TOPSFIELDIN 1800, 97. INDIAN,The, 87. WAKE,WILLIAM, Will of, 132. INDIANS,SOME ESSEX COUNTY, 39. WAR,ABRAHAM, Will of, 163. ILLUSTRATIONS. SALEM,PART OF, MAPOF, IN 1700, NO. 7, 145. SHOEMANUFACTORY, FIRST, 49. SHOEMAKERS'SHOP, THE OLD, 53. SHOEMAKERS' SHOP,INSIDE THE OLD,54. STAGE,ARRIVAL OF THE, 81. SUMMERBEAM, 146. TOI-SE'IELD,PART OF, MAPOF, IN 1800, 99. TOPSRIELDHOUSES : Capen House, The, 97. l<imball, Jacob, House, 101. Merriam, Dr. John, House, 98. Perkins, Daniel, House, 98. Perkins, Thomas, House, 102. " WITCHES," PROBABLESITE OF EXECUTION AND GRAVESOF, 148. BLANK PAGE HARRIET LIVERMORE. VOL. V. SALEM,MASS., JANUARY,I 901. No. I. BABSON GENEALOGY. WIDOWIsabella Babsonr, born about Salem Oct. 22, 1689; and was dead in 1579, and her son James Babson, were 1708 She died in 1692. in Salem as early as 1637, when she Child, born in Salem :- was a grantee of lands there. She 13-1. ANNA', b. Aug. 22, 1690; probably m. lived in Gloucester as early as 1644, and Israel Hendricks, sojourner at Glou- died there April 6, 1661, aged eighty- cester, March 15, 1719-20. one. The uncommon name of Babson 8 was often spelled Bapson in early times JOHNB-~BSON~I born in Gloucester Nova in Essex county. Mrs. Babson's only 271 1660. He lived in Gloucester, and child, so far as is known, was is variously called in the records mariner, JAMESBABSON~. He resided in GIou- yeoman, tailor and shoreman. He mar- cester, and was a cooper. He married ried Dorcas Elwell Nova 81 1686. They Eleanor Hill Nov. 16, 1647 ; and died both died in June, 1737. Dec. a I, 1683. She remained his widow, Children, born in Gloucester :- and died in Gloucester March 14, 1714, 14-1, ELI-~~~~b. Sept- 4s 1687; d. May 15, 1720. aged eighty-four. 15-11. JAMES',b. July 5, 1689. SM below Children, born in Gloucester :- (~5). 3-I. JlrMEs3, b. Sept. 29, 1648. 16-111. JOHN', b. Dec. 14, 1691. See below 4-11. ELEAN0R3, b. June 15, 1651. (16)- 5-11'. PHI LIP^, b. Oct. 15, 1654. See bclow 17-IV. EUNICE',b. Feb. 4, 1695; d. Aug. 24, (5). 1695. 6-Iv. SARAH3, b. Feb. 15, 1656; d. Jan. rg, 18-v. THOMAS',b. June 28, 1696; d. July 1675.6. 17, 1696. 7-V. THO MAS^, b. May 21, 1658; served in 19-11]. DORCAS',b. June 26, 1697; m. Robert King Philip's war. Randall Jan. 19, 1720-1. 8-VI. JOHN"b. NOV. 27, 1660. Scc below 20-VII. -(son)', b. Jan. I I, I 7m; d. Jan. (8). 11, 1700. 9-VII. RICHARD^, b. June I, 1663. See bclow 21-VIII. ISABELLA*,h. Dee. 15, 1700; d. Aug. (9). 27, 1702. 10-VIII. ELIZABRTH~,b. Oct. 8, 1665 ; lived 22-Ix. JOSIAH',b. March 26, 1703; d. June with her mother, unmarried, in I 704; 6, 1720. probably m. Thomas Sheath May 18, 1716. 9 11-IX. EBENEZER',b. Feb. 8, 1667-8; lived RICHARDBABSON~, born in Gloucester in Gloucester; d. young and unmar- June I, r 663. He lived in Gloucester, ried. and is variously called in the records sea- 12-x. ABIGAIL~,b. May 13, 1670 ; probably m. Thomas Witham. man, tailor, fisherman and coaster. He married. first. Maw -. and she died 5 Feb. 14; r718. ~e married Jane Read- PHILIPBABSON~, born in Gloucester ing Oct. 14, 1718. He was living in Oct. 15, 1654. He lived in Beverly in Gloucester in 17zo; and may have re- 1684 and 1685, and in Salem in 1689. moved to Falmouth, Me., soon after. He married Hannah Baker (Batter?) of Children, born in Gloucester :- 2 THE ESSEX ANTIQUARIAN. JOHN', b. July 9, 1687. Set below (23). Children, born in Gloucester :- SARAH', b. Jan. 12, 1689; m. Nathan 37-1. MARY', b. Dec. IS, 1716; d. Jan. 18, M~llettFeb. 3, 1709. '7'7. JOSEPH', b. June 25, 1690; d. Feb. I, 38-11. JAMES',b. Dec. 19, 1717. See below 1691. (38). JOSEPH', b. NOV. 19,1691; d. July 19, 39-111. WILLIAM^, b. NOV.4, 1719. Ste beiow 1692. (39). HANNAH',b. Dec. 22, 1695 ; probably m. James Sawyer Dec. 23, 1714. 23 EXPERIENCE'^ b. April 23, 1698. JOHNBABSON~, born in Gloucester July REBECCA',b. Aug. 6, I 700; had a son James Dyke, born March 12, 1720; g, 1687. He was a fisherman, and lived and she died about April 8, 1720, in Gloucester. He married Hannah aged nineteen years. " 'Tis reported Hodgkins Aug. 20, 17 I I ; and adminis- sd James was born and his sd mother tration was granted on his estate Dec. 13, dyed at Billerica in Essex."-Glou- cesfcr town secords. 1742. In the account of the settlement . EUNICE',b. March 14, 1703 ; m. John of his estate there is a charge for a coro- Millett Dec. 24, 1723. ner and jury. His wife Hannah was his THOMAS',b. May 3, 1706 ("Anna " widow in r 744. bapt. May 5, 1706); d. May 26, Children, born in Gloucester :- I 706. ABIGAIL',b. May 13, 1708. 40--I. THOMAS~,b. April 21, 1712; d. Apd 22, 1712. 1-11. JOHN', b. Sept. 7, 1713. SCC below JAMESBABSON~, born in Gloucester July (41). 42-11'. SAMUEL~(twin), b. June 12, 1715. 5, 1689. He lived in Gloucester, and 43-IV. SOL OM ON^ (twin), b. June 12, 1715. was a mariner, sometimes a fisherman. See btlmu (43). He married Ruth Lovett Dec. 26, 1721 ; 4-v. HANNAH~,b. Spt. 8, 1717. 45-VI. PHILIP', b. July 28, 1719; lived in and died in the winter of 1736-7 (in Gloucester; mariner; m., tirst, Mary Bristol, England, says tradition) ; admin- Elwell July 24, 1744; and, second, istration being granted on his estate Feb. Abigail Giddings of Exeter, N. H. 8, I 737. She survived him, and married, (pub. June 5, 17561. 46--VII. WILLIAM', b. Oct. 18, 1721. Stt be- secondly, -Somes in I 737. She was low (46). Ruth Somes in 1743; and either she or 47-VIII. JOSEPH', b. July 18, I 731. See below her daughter Ruth married Isaac Fitts of (47). Ipswich, in Topsfield, Feb. 12, 1745-6. Mr. and Mrs. Fitts were living in Danvers 35 ISAACBABSON~ was a mariner, and lived in1752; and she was his widow in 1755. in Topsfield in I 748, and afterwards in Children, born in Gloucester :- Wenham. He married Mehitable Cue of 33-1. JOHN', b. NO~.16, 1722. 34-11. RUTH^, b. July 5, 172s. Wenham Jan. 2, 1748-9. He died, of 35-111. ISAAC$,. probably their son. Srr below small pox, Jan. 6, 1760, at Point Petre, (35). Guadaloupe, being mate of a vessel. His 36-IV. SARAH~,probably their daughter; of Danvers, unmarried, seamstress, in wife Mehitable survived him, and was liv- 1753; m. Thomas Perkins of AN^- ing in Wenham in 1784, and in Hopkin- dale June 6, I 754, in Danvers. ton, N. H., in 1787. She removed to Beverly, Mass., and died, his widow, in 16 the winter of 1798-9. JOHN BABSON~,born in Gloucester Dec. Children, born in Wenham :- 14, r6gr. He was a seaman, and lived 48-1. JAMES~,b. March 5, 1748-9. See be- in Gloucester. He married Mary But- low (48). man Jan. 6, 1/15 ; and died June I, 49-11. RUTH^, b. NOV. 22, 1751; lived in Ho~kinton. N. H... 1784:. .. and was 1720, aged twenty-eight. She married, of ~everl~,.unmarried,weaver, 1799. secondly, Jabez Merchant of Gloucester 50-III. ME HIT ABLE^, b. May 30, 1753; d. Jan. 12, 1720-1. Aug. 1, 17599 BABSON G :NEALOGY. 3 51-IV. SARAH~,b.
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