TfleDENVER CONSISTORY VOLUME XXIII.ISSUE II 1370 GRANT STREET APRIL -.IUNE 2016 DENVER, CO 80203 www.denverconsistory.org hlE\Itrs (303) 861-4261 i:' MEET UPON THE LEVEL AND PART UPON THE SQUARE By lohn Worren,33" "Never, if possible, lie down ot night without being oble to say; I hove made one humon being, at least, o little wiser, o little happier, or o little better this doy." -- Charles Kingsley How does one begin when attempting to result, his resume grew and grew and grew put thoughts on paper after learning of the death naturally. of a good friend and Brother? Just do it, as Gerry Gerry had his own opinions on just about would have said. I am, of course, referring to Gerry everything that often differed from anyone else's. Ford, who entered into his celestial home on A lesson many of us learned very quickly was that if February 2L,2OL6. we asked for his advice, then do not be upset if he To be sure, there will be incessant didn't agree with us. He called them as he saw accolades and recitations of his Masonic them and I always respected that from him. accomplishments, all of which are well-deserved, in He always made himself available to all the days, weeks, months and years to follow, some members of the Craft, young and old, with all their of whom have titles I cannot even begin to questions and comments, and never deemed pronounce very well. anyone un-worthy of his time. A couple of them are noteworthy, in my One piece of advice I received from Gerry estimation. The first, of course, is his Blue Lodge, that I will never forget was when he decided he South Denver #93 where he was lnitiated, Passed could no longer give the King Solomon role in the and Raised. The second is The Order of the Eastern 3'd Degree his full attention and I came in to the Star. Many did not know he was ever a member of part. I was nervous about doing it the "Gerry way" Eastern Star, but there is a photo of Gerry and his and had doubts I could do the part justice. I talked Worthy Matron on a wall in the South Denver to him about this and he said a few simple words: Lodge building. I do not know is motivation to join JUST BE YOUR SELF and I have never looked back. either group, but join he did. It is safe to answer that in the quote used at Gerry was a sincere and dedicated man, the beginning of this missive by Charles Kingsley, giving his all to every Masonic group he was ever a Gerry never did lie down at night without saying member of. I would hazard a guess and say that he that he was able to help someone, make them a never used a check sheet as a way to add to his better person. Masonic resume, rather, I believe that he joined (Continued on poge 7 ) each group because of some "calling" he felt. As a ARE WE REALLY LISTENING? By lohn Worren, 33" "We leorn more by looking for the onswer to o question ond not finding it thon we do from leorning the onswer itself." -- Lloyd Alexander Masonic bodies are experiencing Are we not maintaining contact with the membership declines and all the problems that membership? What can we do to improve this? entails. Fewer are asked to do more, just to How can we get more of the brethren involved in maintain some artificially set level, which begs the Consistory activities? question, "Where the heck is everyone else." This These are simple questions with simple situation must be reversed if the Fraternity is to answers. The solution boils down to personal survive. contact and getting members, new and old, But, how do we do this, the handwringers involved in Consistory activities where they feel ask? Committees are formed and expectations and comfortable. No Brother should be "forced" to an goals set for whatever the solution de jour is. One activity that may be outside of their comfort zone. of the biggest problems with this approach is that a This particular discussion has a good lot of these ideas are espoused by Brothers probability of success because it relies on personal wearing blinders who do not especially care for contact and is not geared to just one category of other's opinions. Another problem is that most of members, but to Masonry in general. the time these solutions are geared only towards Former Denver Consistory Secretary Bill newer members with nothing being done for older Klatil, 33", once said: "Many events and activities members. are created that provide opportuniti-es to interact Unless a solution is found for ALL members, with your Brothers. lt is up to YOU (he said YOU, then the solution formed for just one category of not US) to choose activities that best meet your members is doomed to failure. needs. Certainly, getting new members involved in ln the March - April 201-5 issue of the Consistory activities is an important part of Scottish Rite Journal, Grand Commander Ronald A. retaining them. On the other hand, keeping older Seale, 33", related his experiences with his members involved equally as important. grandmother's hearing loss and how she would tell Several months ago, I was asked to sit in on people to speak into her good ear where the a discussion in a Valley (not Denver) on why we message would come in loud and clear. seem to be losing so many members. A lot of Our Grand Commander said, in part: "...As potential solutions were discussed, but they all leoders within our Froternity, I wonder if we are seemed to be focused on newer members until the listening with our good ear. Do we heor - really hear - question was asked: "Why haven't any of you (it what is being communicated to us by our members as was a group of eight or so) talked about older to their expectations ond needs from Masonic members who pay their dues but seldom membership?" The continuing membership decline participate in any Consistory activities? gives our Grand Commander his answer. That simple question was a game changer. Alexander Meiklejohn said: "There is, I The conversation then moved on to what can we think, in the world, nothing more futile thon the do to retain ALL members who may be suspended ottempt to lind out how a tosk should be done for non-payment of dues or who simply do not when one has not decided whot the tosk is." come around anymore for whatever the reason. INDEED!! From the Secretary's [email protected] or Aaron Klostermeyer, 32" KCCH at 4k@ or call the Desk Consistory Office at 303-86L -426L. SPRING REUNION is coming up in May. During the By Matt Roio,33" Reunion, there will be an educational program for side-liners on May L2th at L:30 PM in the North As most of you are aware, lllustrious Brother Bill Lodge Room when no Degree work is being Klatil, 33" decided to retire and become a man of exemplified. Subjects to be discussed include: The leisure. Knowing Bill, as we all do, I doubt he will 24th Degree by Aaron Klostermeyer,32" KCCH and be sitting down and do nothing. I am honored and discussion and presentation on "All the wrong humbled by being selected to serve Denver onswers in the Moster Croftsman Series" by Ben Consistory as Secretary. I am excited to be a part Williams, 32'KCCH and Paul Harrison 32". of what I believe is the best Consistory in the On Friday night, May 13th, at 7:00 pM, a Southern Jurisdiction. Please feel free to call or public performance of the 31't Degree will be stop in anytime you have ideas, questions, presented. This degree presents an allegorical just comments, concerns or want to talk. My door representation of the final judgement. lt is is always open to you. portrayed within the context of ancient Egyptian NEW OFFICERS - lnstallation of new Consistory mythology, attempting to convey the lesson that Officers was held in January. lnstalled as Venerable we are accountable for our actions. Being human, Master CLOP was Richard Silver, 32" KCCH; Wise we all err. lnvite yourfamily and friends to join you Master of Rocky Mountain Chapter of Rose Croix, for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness Scott Bates, 32" KCCH; for the Council of Kadosh this presentation. Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM Robert Salazar, 32" KCCH; as Master of Kadosh for at a cost of 515.00. Call the Office for dinner Denver Consistory William Hickey, 33". reservations. KNIGHTS OF SAINT ANDREW held a very successful ILLUSTRIOUS BROTHER BRENT MORRIS wiII be the Burns Dinner the end of January. The food and featured speaker at our May 1-6th stated meeting. entertainment were excellent (even the Haggis). lf He will speak to our ladies, family, friends and non- you did not attend, you missed out on a lot of fun. Scottish Rite Masons prior to the meeting and will EVENTS - Speaking of fun, great events are planned have a special presentation for Scottish Rite for this year which offer opportunities to have fun Masons during the meeting. lllustrious Brother with your Brothers, family and friends at Denver Morris is a world renowned Masonic author and Consistory. Membership is more than simply speaker, as well as entertainer.
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