Partly cloudy, cold, high in 20s. Tonight fair, windy and much colder, low zero to 10 above. Friday sunny and ilanrhpHtpr ^upntim Ikralii The kitchen is an all too frequent checked before using it again. Don’t cold, high in upper teens and 20s. site for fires in the home; try tb- store items over your stove to pre­ National weather forecast map on page 17. remember these few items. vent someone from being burned Manchester—A City of Village Charm PRICES FIFTEEN CENTS All electrical appliances should when reaching. Turn pot handles MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 22,1976- VOL. XCV, No. 96 TWENTY PAGES — TWO SECTIONS bear a label from a testing agency sideways or to the rear of the stove to with their label of approval on the prevent children from pulling hot appliance somewhere. Don’t food onto themselves. Wear t i ^ t fit­ ting sleeves when cooking, loose Respond to State of Union address The Golden Age Club will have a overload your outlets by purchasing A make-up entrance examination sleeves catch fire easily. kitchen social Friday at 1 p.m. at the ■numerous outlet adapters. If you get for the incoming freshman class at an appliance wet you should have it East Catholic High School, 115 New Senior Citizens Center. News The Philadelphia paper, summary “ Pennsylvania Evening Democrats accuse Ford Post," published from 1775 to 1784 by Benjamin Towne, was Compiled from the first daily newspaper in United Press International America. By 1775 there were 37 newspapers in the colonies; political division was 23 of inept management patriot, seven loyalist and State seven neutral. The World is leadership that will not jump from Almanac recalls that the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The teaching aides and hospital atten­ “New York Weekly Mercury” HARTFORD — Superior Democrats, giving their view of the dants. one economic panic button to published two editions during Court Judge Samuel J. Tedesco state of the union, have accused — Federal assistance to local com­ another,” he said. the Revolutionary War — should be paid his $34,500-a- President Ford of inept, panicky munities for short-term public works Muskie also made these economic iatriot in Newark, N.J., and year salary while he is tried on management of the economy and projects and to avoid layoffs in local proposals: foyalist in New York. — More tax cuts without increased a felony charge of falsely called for new programs to “substan­ government services such as police and trash collection. federal spending. He said Congress cans I notorizing a signature on a tially” reduce unemployment. Blass' liquor permit application, state In a nationally televised Ford says the way to attack un­ should reject Ford’s proposal to raise Attorney General Carl Ajello Democratic party reply to Ford’s employment is to mtike the economy Social Security payroll taxes. — An energy policy to keep oil and Club to hear said today. State of the Union speech. Sen. Ed­ generally healthier. He proposed tax mund Muskie of Maine also criticized depreciation in areas of high un­ natural prices at "reasonable levels” Henry Murphy U.S. actions in Angola, saying employment as an incentive to until the economy can absorb in­ WATERBURY - Police of­ creases. ficials plan an internal in­ American foreign policy should be create more jobs. Henry Murphy, a veteran — A food policy giving farmers "a vestigation into the death of a conducted openly. Muskie said Ford’s budget "offers member of the Little guarantee of reasonable incomes and Theatre of Manchester, 17-year-old burglarly suspect “The President’s plan for the no new jobs” and that Ford even economy are penny-wise and pound- plans to veto the limited short-term consumers a guarantee of reasonable will be guest speaker for shot in the head while alleg^ly prices.” the Women’s Club of struggling with a pdtrolman foolish,” Muskie said Wednesday job-creating bills pending in night. “Under them, America’s fac­ Congress. — A wage-price council "which Manchester Monday at 8 Wednesday morning. It was the will make life miserable for any big p.m. at the Second second time in less than five tories are producing only three- He said the present administration fourths as many goods as they actual­ did not cause the country’s recent corporation that raises prices Congregational Church. weeks that a white policeman without very good reason.” He will speak on what has killed a black suspect and ly could.” economic problems but compounded To combat unemployment, Muskie them “partly by inept, often panicky — An antitrust policy to “move im­ happens just before the the local NAACP plans a mediately to prevent powerful firms curtain goes up on the protest. proposed: management of the economy, star­ — Direct employment programs in ting with the first Nixon ad­ from gaining too much control over stage. both markets and capital, not spend Murphy has had 40 years HARTFORD — High costs — which federal dollars would pay for ministration.” public service jobs such as classroom “What the nation needs at this time years in court arguing cases after it of experience as a speaker an estimated $6,000 to 10,000 in is too late.’’ and an actor in Hartford alone — may cause (Herald photo by Pinto) professionai and amateur § Connecticut Democrats to use IN LIGHT SYRUP theater. He has appeared CHUNK LIGHT FARM FLAVOR [liaper ballots instead of voting A chilly, blustery wait in more than 80 produc­ machines for the statewide Budget praised and deplored tions during the past 20 ShopRite TUNA PEACHES ShopRite PEARS presidential primary election Joan Bosse of 109 Hollister waits for the bus near the Church of years inciuding summer 'THE FAMILY CENTER... Sliced Yellow3llOW ^ May 11. the Nazarene on Main St. as wind swirls the night’s accumula­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - To the priorities are 100 per cent wrong. Its employment aspects of Ford’s stock and documentary Cling in Light tion of snow about her. Schools were closed and delayed in Republicans in Congress President full impact in slowing the economy budget. “The President has managed fiims. ShopRiteof Halve, C ) CfeO » to produce a budget which will create Syrup 1-ib. QQO » opening in many areas of the state, but not in Manchester. Ford’s budget was praised for its would be felt in 1977. Spencer Street 13-oz1 3 - o z . e e — e Slices 1-lb.f B ^ J leanness. 'The Democrats however “We have to worry about the neither private nor public jobs and 214 Spencer St., Manchester can can ^ j ^ F cans ^B ^F ^|^F Regional ' deplored its austerity on social future, not just about the election.” which, by his own forecast, will not Extension of Silver Lane programs. One of the warmer endorsers was reduce inflation in 1977,” he said. East Hartford (oppoiits K-Mart) HALVES & SLICED l3-oz. R Q C Cadillac Dog Food MONTPEUER, Vt. - The But there were exceptions. GOP Sen. Robert Griffin of Michigan, STORE HOURS ShopRite Pears IN HEAVY SYRUP can Imp. Tomatoes Latest snow storm stage was set for a stormy Sen. Jacob Javits of New York called assistant Senate GOP leader; “I MON.-FRI. 7 A.M. - MIDNIGHT Heinz Beans 3 \i 85' Church club SAT. 7 A.M.-10:30 P.M. Purple Plums ShopRite Tomatoes public hearing tonight over it “a retreat from federal respon­ can’t recall a time when there has whether the General Assembly sibility,” and Democratic Rep. been a budget so well presented. It’s Herald travel show will hear Tomato Juice aM s Savarin INSTANT COFFEE Chicken Broth 4‘^c^nt'89' should repeal its 1973 ratifica­ keeps plows busy George Mahon of Texas, chairman of really a time to put politics aside.” tonight at ECHS H r m L ShopRiteQRAPE/WILDBERRY/CITRUS/ ShopRite Remigino U l llllV CHERRY/FRUITPUNCH/ORANQE Geisha Tuna CHUNK LIGHT can Tiny Beets 3 'c^r 89' tion of the Equal Rights the House Appropriations Com­ Senate Republican leader Hugh ALL PURPOSE OR Mb. $1 19 WHOLE OR Amendment. Gov. Thomas be moved up accordingly. mittee, urged party colleagues not to Scott said it is “in the interest of the The Herald’s Travel Show tonight Lindy Remigino of ELECTRIC PERC can X CREAM STYLE CORN To New Englanders, another snow Grapefruit Juice ShopRite Coffee Stokely Peas 3 89' Salmon is opposed to repeal. State police reported numerous ac-'' increase it. people of this country to hold very at 8 at East Catholic High School will Newington, a former track NO PHOSPHATES AOdl. storm is not exactly news. Yet every niin vn ntAJULnn, r mtAAr r ut cidents on the highways and some In the televised Democratic closely,” to Ford’s recom m en­ feature films on Great Britain. Doors star who won two goid Del Monte QRAPEFRUIT, PINEAPPLE ORANGE can Cold Power DnERGENT boi * Cut Yams PRINCEl one arrives under slightly different A I ShopRite BLACK CHERRY/COLA/ « BOSTON - Hyde Park High calls were still coming in this mor­ response to the budget and State of dations. open at 7:30. medals in the 1952 Olympic x a H c i GINQERALE/QRAPE/ORANGE/ circumstances and brings with it O U U C I ROOTBEER/UPRITE/CREAM cans «i/«/ Ivory Soap p Sauce ShopRite TOMATO 4 ‘cV ^'99' ning' because of slippery conditions. the Union message. Sen. Edmund Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, run­ Films entitled "The City For AH Games at Helsinki, School was closed today varying results. because of racial fighting that However, no traffic tleups were ' M l^ e , D-Malne, chairman of the ning for the Democratic presidential Seasons," and “ Hie Pubbers — A Finland, will be guest SLICED OR CUT Cat Food CAT O' NINE TUNA Tomatoes 3 1.J.
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