University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-13-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-13-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-13-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1570 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION AUBU QUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION TUlll'lA -- MiVKNTII YliAK. FOURTEEN PAGES ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO.SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1910. FOURTEEN PAGES Hullj by I uiTlur or Mall, at VOL. CXUX. No. II. a Month bangle Coptan. IW ' took office, lie suggested an ordi- Was to have been based (n a pnstmarli nance 'To regulate iiulomohllo traffic. fN I M ulison ai the tone he was lenity We received the suggestion with en- WASHINGTON ITCHED in lake Forest, lb. fill's home. lie ACTIVITY GROWS PLACE BUM E thusiasm and urged liint to brlK in Is said to h.ive written Hie biter, COUNUEN his ordinance, assuring him that it It to .Mi ls I.ainliert, and left would be passed. That wan months il with a l'rh..d, .with instntcUons o Hitn. The ordinance has neverdiccn HARMONY inall It e.t 1 p. in. las' Wednesday. iresi;nted. Tho only other action the WITH JILTED GIRL DIE; Me., nw bile he ii said to have come to IN INTENSITY mayor Initiated was to call a special Chicago and to liae ni-- i Miss Lam- FOR COMPLETE FAILURE IN meeting of the council to propoae bert on Wednesday. II. r body whs granting u permission to in'ivute par-tic- s found in the stum' in the woods next to erect on street corners adver- NOTE DN morning. The name of the friend who tising signs. We consented to that TEUTON S is said to have mailed lie letter was ON SEVERAL OF action and have learned .since that wltnhiid for the time mj; when public criticism occurred the A previous leller W is made public CITY GOVERNMENT ENTIRELY mayor sought to saddle the entire re- Urpct was saiifto have sent il to Mis sponsibility upon the undersigned. limberi through a mutual trend, ARMED VESSELS . Itlame Mayor Solely, 0 Mis Josephine lais, of ',.,-si THE FRONTS It lead: IR Your is invited to a consideration Marion. ha-- , private direct- "I'eur Ju told me imi business in which the have been sick ing head declines to with any pielly net c. word UPON MAYOR D.H. BQATR1GHT consult yesterday morning, hem c tin- - delay. of the heads of depart nienls or No- I hope even ihltq. is ai right Sin h continu- Lansing Receives Formal Junior in University of Wiscon that French Recapture branches. a condition now you will soon he up ,unl Part of ed for any period of time would re- and that Mer- i t., sult ill precisely which tification That Enemy sin Is Held Prisoner around. I'll try lo down sec Trenches Recently Lost by the situation you probably niiilli !' bin- has come about in our city govern-i- n nil the of Carrying Be Ful- - ary and will call up on the nirbi o Ad-Bci- lit. This situation, we assert, bus chantmen Guns to Ceitain Details Can Them to Germans, Is lin the eighth. II Will be 111.' EXECUTIVE HAS NOT come about solely throtiKli the attl- - under runic INSIST THAT Be Treated Warships. ly Up, cund il ions as last linn- Iteinember. j tuile of unfriendliness, and as Cleared milted Reports, distrust If is not right tin h ! antagonism towards us which Iuih rtinllilns all been exhibited throughout, by Mayor . i in ! see you It w ill In- t In n What HAMPERED BY LACK OF lilt" happened since I saw "i BEEN lioatright. OFFICIAL SAYS ho.'gh may n. It has been charged bv the mayor HIGH DISTRICT ATTORNEY Cour.igmg all joii know RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE and by the newspapers thai the cuun- - it. I ll explain w ben ee on. Above CO-OPERATI- POSITION IS RIGHT IN STORY e I Will il has done nothing. It mav be SEES FLAWS all keep unlet and cr lung be BECOMES GENERAL ALDERMANIC it Is difficult in our form all rik; lit If you goint. at oUIld stated that v I of government to do am thing wilh- - loo soon on may have a relapse or Joul the active of the ii,ii i .1..1C1 ui.., i,. u.ii., An Act Unit-- ; Deadly C mayor. This coiineil, on its own in- Not Unneutral for Wants to Know Where You know win, but reinetiil er what AllStl iailS Claim SlaVS Have Honor Tried to Dodge Eradication of itiative, completed ciiuslructlim of mm v,,ii, .ii-- n, iioii i leu anyotii Charge. That His I the city nail. This was done by tho ed States to Insist That; Drug Came From and Why about the eighth, for am not sup Made No Peimanent Gains; Muni-cio- al pond tn come home then. I;. mem "Re'dlight District" and That Pledges Which Won council and certain private itizens, Shall Be- in Ad 'who secured the necessary signatures Steamers Disaim Was Prepared her. HI 1,1.." Italian Attacks Fail, Accord- by on to notes, to giiarnnt.,. puy- - Campaign Were Redeemed Ordinance Passed sufficient fore Co-min- Into Poit. He Declates, ing llieiit of the cost;- notes winch the vance, EVIDENCE IN MEYER to Vienna, Initiative of Legislative Branch; Sunday Closing of Sa - ,umi.:r.siKn,; l sined, thus pledging credit. TRIAL IS ALL IN Will Al j newspapers i V MOMMIN9 JOURNAL SrlCIAL IIAIID MUftrUNA JOURNAL afCVIAL LIAtIO WIRtl loons Can Be Enforced at Any Time Boatnght The mayor and the have Wll CI M01NIN JOUHHAt. (MCIAA. UUII WIH criticised Us because We declined to Wuahlne.ton, Feb. tieiinany's Chicago, Fob, I William II. ir I Incrensiid activity is reported from low Police to Do So; Say Mayor Is Entirely Responsible appropriate money for pnyiuerl for a formal note to the I'nlted States" an- pet, t'niverslly of Wisconsin junior, 1ST MOHNINO IIHIHNAL &CiAL LtAIO WtRt sev. ral of the ICnropeiiii war fronts, Fran-ee- s I;'. -- Mcv park site far out on the mesa, and be- nouncing its intention to treat armed who Is said to have left Marion Wintei'.el. la, Feb Fred notably from the otie of hostilities In i er, son, Mrs. Stoicks, llus-slat- for Condition of Streets, and Charge That He Knew cause we to appropriate .nerehalitmen of the nlcnte allies u.i Lambert, whom he had Jilted, to and tleihuit France and along the line where is for the state fair. The city did not warships after Fcl ruary -- it, reached die of pnls.ui in Halm's woods at Uik" mother, were culled lo the witness and Teutons arc facing each There Was Drinking in Fire Department and That He i.tlive the money for cither of these the slate department today. The pol- Foro.d, a suburb, was charged with stand today in behalf of Mrs. Ida Mey- - other In Unliclu. purposes, and as to tne fair appro icy of the I'uitci! Slates ill regard to murder today ami held in the Wuu-Uega- n er, charged Willi lompliclly In tlm The most Important Infantry oper- Held, Letters, Purporting to Show Graft by Alderman priation the council had absolutely no the declaration of (he central powers jail w It hunt bail. ii'indir of her daughler-ln-liiw- , Mrs. ation on the western front occurred legal right to make such an appro-- ; probably will be defined some lime urpct, who Is li It years old, is said Libel Meyer, July Inst. In tlie Champagne, whT" a French Coen for Five Months; Removal of Klein and Appoint- priation. next week, after a note similar to that by Kalph .1. 1'ady, state's attorney at The culling uf Meyer lo the stand' attacli Wiiu carried tht'nlluh after urn- - in was unexpected In hH own on Hasn't fiono I Him ii Into I'ockcr, issued by tic rnuiiiy received from Uaukegan. to hale admitted to him as trial jngcd artillery preparation and ae-- i. Naming of City Attorney Is Vienna foreign office. In- bad been intimate with the similar charge tin was md a witness, (o 300 of ment of Burtless Illegal; j A citv cannot run behind six or the that orditur furls fconiq vards It today in high of- girl, was IS yours, old. He is "I nothing to do with injuring Her-m- y 'seven tlmusand dollars a year and was poflitud out who but had Herman trenches were 'taken. leontinue run, any more can ficii.! quarters that th" t'nited States said to hav. stated further that Miss wife and iny mother never asked nn com "d.-- a French' gain In this trr-in- e in than any wa !' - private business. The city had lost Would have lo reach a decision quick- l.ambei'i bad feared for four months lo hurt F.tlu'l In ." i ltt.rv northeast uf Musslgus, placing 'a ly, be- a young farmer, considerable revenue, sonic from the only seventeen days remaining thai she was tn become mother, elated the the exlent of the captured position at s deiialM-tio- In jmrchiiKCtl for (lie day my It 1 statement, by six of the eight in mhci-- of I In' til.Y (1f fore tho effective date of Ibis drugs which "nn of wife's deal "no yards.
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