o.~ i~ · -- .._,... ' t· The Glenville Mercury Vol. XXX\'!, o. 6 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, December 16, 1964 -------------------------------------- Eighteen GSC Students 'The Smallest One" Will Be Included tn :Program Highlighting the campus Christ­ of his father, must get rid of his Selected For 'Whos Who' mas scene will be an all-campus sm all lop-eared donkey because it holiday assembly tomorrow, Dec. is of no use. They boy tries des­ Eighteen GSC students were re­ PATSY CONLEY is secretary from Key West , Florida, is presi­ 17, at 10 :10 a.m. in the a uditori­ perately to sell his donkey. but no cently notified that they have of the student government asso­ dent ol Delta Zeta Sorority. um. During this hour no classes one wants to purchase the ani­ been selected to have their ciation, and a member of Delta will meet, and all campus build­ mal. Finally, he finds a young NILA ROLLINS is president of ings w ilt be closed. man and woman who want the names appear in the 1964-65 edi· Zeta Sorority. Alpha Rho Tau, a member of the donkey-people whom the s mall tion of "Who's Who Among Stu­ MARY DIANE DAVIS sings in Baptist Student Fellowship, presi­ Following a long Christmas tra­ boy is proud to have own his frail dents in American Colleges and dition, President Daniel Banks Universities ·• Among those stu­ the GSC choir, is president of dent of the Literary Society, animal. M.E.N.C., and a member ol Del­ counselor in Women's Hall, and Wilburn will read the Advent dents selected are thirteen sen­ ta Zeta Sorority. treasurer of the junior class. Gospel. Members of the cast include a iors and five juniors. Narrator, Tom Hodges; Pablo, Dr. Espy W. Miller , chairman .. Who's Who" is an independ­ HAROLD ERWIN was named PAUL TAYLOR is pres ident ol Gene Nesbitt; Boy, Bill Monk; to the All-Conference Football Theta Xi Fraternity House, mem­ of the E nglish department, wiJl ent organization which publishes Father, Bob Hersey; Auctioneer, Team, is a member of G-Club, ber ol baseball a n d lootball give a s pecial presentation-T. S. Michael Bu s h; Joseph, Jerry its edition at Tuscaloosa, Ala­ and Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraterni­ Eliot's poem, "The J ourney of bama. Students are chosen to teams, member of G-Club. Stover; Guard, Bill Fullmer; ty. the Magi." represent their school witb no Woman, Helen Cunningham; Man DAVID WESTFALL serves as n, Robert Hays; Old Woman, specific number being established JOE FIE LOS, a senior from Dr. J ames J ones, who heads sergeant of arms lor the student Cheryl Fisher; Girl, Sandy Mon­ per institution. Belpre, Ohio, is presently serving government association, member tbe Assembly Committee, will of­ roe; Woman, Patricia Britton; as vice president of Theta Xi of Tau Kappa Epsilon F raternity, ficially open and close the Christ· Five criteria for choosing stu­ Mary, Sue Call. Fraternity. and a member ol the KANAWA­ mas assembly. dents for recognition in the pub­ C!iEN stall. lication ae r : poputa r election, TERRY ~EOR-GE is senior T h e Glen· Echoes, a select leade rship qualities, scholarship, class president, member of the group of eighteen voices from the participation in campus activi· student government association, choir, will present the traditional CHOIR WILL ties, and a pproval by the college and Theta Xi Fraternity. Patsy Steele Will arrangement of Clement Clark where the student is enrolled, JOHN HOOVER serves as jun­ Moore's poem, "Twas the Night plus approvals bv the na tional ior class president, member of Before Christmas," a nd a special MAKE TOUR ''Who's Who" Committees. Vie In Pageant arrangement of " Jingle Bells." the student government associa­ The Glenville State College Patsy Steele, Miss Nicholas Serving on this year's campus tion, member of the football A group of treble voices from Choir has received many invita­ County of 1964, will represent her committee lor " Who's Who" were team, and G-Ciub. the choir will sing an excerpt tions to perform some of their county at the Annual Convention l1iss Virginia Wec;:t, a~sociate pro· JOHN LUSTIG is vtce presi­ from a contemporary musical Christmas selections at various ol West Virginia Fairs on J an. 2- lessor ol English, Mr. Stanley dent of the Student Government composition, "Ceremony of Car­ schools and before different or­ 3 at the Fairmont Hotel, Fair· Hall. chairman of the Social Sci­ Association, member of Theta X1 ols", by Benjamin ganizations throughout the sur­ mont. Britten. ence Division, Dale Levering, and Fraternity, lootball team, G-Ciub, rounding area. Wilma Stanley, who were both and is chairman of the activities The contestant choosen at Fair· Dr. J ack S. Bemis will direct a Invitations have been received chosen lor tbe 1963-64 ''Who's committee. mont wiJl reign as Miss West Vir· special brass group which will from W e s to n High School, Who" publication gin.i a State Fair of 1965 at Lewis· lead the audience in the singing ROBERT MARSHALL is sports burg next summer. of familiar carols. Composing the Grantsville High School, Spencer .Students must be versatile and editor ol the MERCURY, co-edi­ On Jan. 2, a banquet will be brass "choir" will be Michael High School, Ripley High School, able to excel in many areas in tor ol the KANAWAOHEN, mem­ held at which time the young Wilson and Dianna Shinn, trum· and the Parkers burg Civic Worn · ber of Theta Xi, vice president of order to be nominated for the women will be introduced for the pets; John Armentrout a n d en's Club, to mention only a few. honor. They must be well rounded the junior class, G-Ciub, and first time. Later in the evening, Cheryl Lee, French horns; Ger· Today the Choir is on a short scholastkaUy, socially, and per· chair m an of the governing board contestants will appear in eve­ aid Black, ba ritone; Dale Ober­ Christmas tour with their first sonality-wise. ol Louis Bennett Hall. ning gowns, the winner being leiter, trombone; Coy Hinkle, tu­ stop at Spencer High School this GEORGE MARSHALL, a senior crowned :tt this time. ba. morning. This afternoon they will B R I C E ABBOT is presently perform at Ripley High School, chemistry student from Sutton, is Mr. Thomas Dotson, co-ordina­ serving as president of Theta Xi a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon " The Smallest One," a special and thls evening the choral group­ tor of the Miss Nicholas Count.v Fraternity, and is editor of the Fraternity. Christmas drama will be present• will appear before the Parkers. KANAWACHEN. P ageant, will accompany 1Miss ed under the supervision of Mr. burg Civic Women's Club. ELIZABETH McLAUGHLIN, is Steele to and from Fairmont. J . Rodney Busch, instructor of PATRICK BRISCOE is presi­ past editor ol the MERCURY, Miss Steele is a freshman physi· speech and dramatics. Wayman Soloists for the tour are Sue and serves as a counselor in de nt ol GSC's student govern­ cal education and speech student J ohnson, a senior speech and Eddy, Diane Davis, and Ronald ment association, a member of Verona Mapel Hall. from Summersville and sings in •English student from Parkers· Joe Wilt. the lootbaU team. G-Ciub, and PENNY MYERS is president ol the Women's Hall Choir. burg, was selected by the Onim­ Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Verona Mapel Hall, member of Nicholas County'S representa­ gohow Players to serve as stu­ {;hi Beta Phi Scientific Frater­ Delta Zeta Sorority, and senior tive in the Fair competition last dent director for the production. nity initiated one member in the PATSY CLINE, a senior ele­ year was Patsy Brake, a junior Colonial Room Dec. L He is Ed­ mentary s t u d e n t serves as class princess. borne economics and art student The theme of the play concerns ward George Hoefer . a sopbo. pledge chairman for Delta Zeta CASSANDRA RIGGS, a senior also from Summersville. a· young boy, who at the request more chemistry student. Sorority. elementary education s tu d e n t 002_R.jpg Page Two Letter To Students As you are now about to leave the camrus for the Christ­ mas hohdays, I wish you much happiness and extend to you my best wishes as you join your families and friends at home. Almost t hree month have passed since Mrs. Wilburn and I came to the campus. The clays which have passed have been f ' lled with pleasant happenmg of which becoming ac­ quainted with you has •been a large measure of all the good things that have come to us. Your friendliness and coopera­ tive spirit have been highli ghts of the passing weeks. As I look fonvard to the coming months of this academic year, I hope t hat your educational experiences at Glenville State will be more reward'ng then they are now. In my judg­ ment, your experiences seem to be most rewarding at present. I am certain, however, t hat they can be more so. Continuing and, if necessary, increasing your efforts toward successfully r eaching your academic and vocational goals can be more r ewarding as each day comes and gee . As your support through attendance at, and active participation in, College­ sponsored activities you will gain personal and social develop­ ment which will depend upon how mu: h you avail yourselves of the e>q:er iences as the Choir, the Lyceum pro11; rams, the athletic teams, particularly the basketball team this season.
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