@ © Q~prfANI 7 2 ge P.cc • ln youa XO-yage Ilaeciai­ Saayye4 by oag yhotograyhert Staart Liytoa, 4irector oa a 4eqreloyiag eogayaayv Geral4 Leqria, archltect aa4 Nick Wates, a aorgaer sfiaattersc lea4er. What 4o theli'see through the ) • least Featare ye 14e Free to 52,000 homes No. 33 Thursday, November 4, 1002 Also st selected newssgents, prlce 5p New Journal brings joy... Anciy gete h S • Gas bill • Weekea4 act ie n c:ha IP Tv twr CASH snd cheques Iellemof klndudsheb put hls moneywhere • Vae exe ee hsve come pourlng " Thank you f o r hls mouth lm • Jobs I n for the N e w prlntlng an artlcle As soon as he aaw 4iesel­ Journays wheel. such as thls snd our fmnt page, he chslr sppesl on wlsh Andrew well msde s generous ylS/16 Motogs yle behalf of dlsabled from me,u ssld one ofter. Arldrew CrCoatw Somers Town gent. Camden S p orts Joumsl r e adem A csller from Prlm Counca held an were clesrly moved ross Hlfl promlasd emergency meetlng WalkahastIoadat? by our front page to maks up the sfter resdlng the story of Andrew's bslance on whstever story snd offemd to CAMDEN ceald be wltbeut bucecaad wltb only afcw paght waa ralsed. And a buy the wheelchatr tubes on Monday. Tnmcpart unleuc me prcparlug Ia for Andy outrlght Iakc ctrlke actleu la cuppert of the hcaltb ualeax Now a speclafly bullt penaloner sent R5 cash. Sut by thst tlme the RouudIbe-clock pickeic at Chalk Ferm garageNia wheelchalr to plsy smount needed hsd ensurec complete shutdown ofbuc routes46,24, 31 aud hls fsvourite gsme already been sub 63. Meeuwbile, tube serviceswill be seriously reducwt it of basketbafl ls no Generous acrlbed. is expectwt longer a dream. Andrswtoldthe New The transport strike is in solidarity with the becl Within hours of the The MsyorofCamden, Journsl from his workers national dey of action in support of c tveive New Joumsl dppeap Councillor Tom home in Frsderick cant wage claim ing, the 2300 or so Devine, who hss Street Klng's Croaw do buy the wheel. pnthuaisatlcally ' Nlcannotbelievethe chair wae ralaad. iaunchad hla own generosity of ao Newsdesk Tel. 485 8207 Donstiona ranged charity appeal fund many paopls. hty from R2 to R150. on behslf of the thanks go to all of For ads Tel. 482 1960 I disabled, csrtsinly them." • Andrew, at hle King'c Cross home And with them came 4,000 homes go begging • m • w • • ' NEARLY 4,000 homes 1 1 in Cemdea are empty­ • cud almost c quarter of Hoye %oa the homeless A SURPRISE IS ic on them are ewaed by Ibe tbewcytoMrc.l Kcrr, eflady Somerset Road, ceuucil, acccidlug Io Ibe the number of vacant house survey earlier in the left empty by private lcnd­ Keuflcb Town — Ibic lateit pubflcbed flgurec. year. ptoperllec in their hands lords were considered in Last April, 3,900 homes week's Lucky Stdke I Just over 1,000'of the by letting them on e the report. wluuer. in the borough were empiy, short-life basis. And they Brent Council have the official Greater Lou­ empty homes listed in the Mrc. Kerr cpeued the I oiflcicl survey were owned are now considering ways successfully put homeless words New Jeuraal iu dou House Condition Sur­ by Camden Council, com­ Io reducethe number of fcmiTies in vacant proper­ vey revealed.This is more ties.— ecd saved them­ the Sbeppiag Ccutrc than twice the number of pared with 2,500 in private homes lelt empty by cdvcrdcemeat pegc 2p ' ,CI ownership cud 250 owned private owners eud put selves substantial sums­ Ifyeuwcutretryyeur properties that were clcsci­ homeless families in Ibem by negotiating e lease with fied as empty by the Gem­ by housing escacieiiouc. luck again this week, A report to e council Two schemes adopted landlords on c fixed-term cecrcb fer the words / A CONPIÃ1K EKRAUST deu Single People Housing cub-commiuee on Tburc­ by other London councils contract. SYSIKN OR SIIOCK Campaign which did c under which, the local The owner received e New Jcuruel badeu iu borough-wide bauce-to­ dey claimed that Camden eue of the advertise­ ) ASSORSKSSJPcb) were taking steps Io mduce authority take over homes Ceutlaued on Pg' ments. Cut cut t he With thlc coupon valld only at Camden 1'own. advert, flflIC Ibe ecupou N INNle Iec Ieul NINNMMNI on page 7 (FULL name Ve MeMROCC Z NC C aud address please) aud Nlu I CAMecu eu Vice girls yay the yrice send both tw LUCKY OVER THE psst year mere tbaa I+00 precfltatec AabeegbIbcrchccbcec e eieeIc Iccciee elecetae, beMIA STRIKE, Camden New I„: have beenarrested Iu the Klng'c Cross area thereuee cecvidecca ofevgaeiccdgroups Mevieg lu Ociy It Journal, 40 Camden Bcl pimpe, Nbc Mcey aelicvc cec part er the crgceiced cccecer'vieieccc bcd bece rcceeded for that McA Road, NWI, Ic reach uc crkuccctuerk bebicdpreeuieuce, beve ee eceier ume erIa Cemmeedcr Chembcrc, crbiclecd by Mccy cpcckere about ue later tbcu flrct post Is Ociy eix bcve.bcee eeraared ie the same pcried. the Iype of pciidcg In King's Cross, eaumctedthatIbeec Neee Tuesday merulug. The oarcieiegevidecce te ceccawresy pveecceie e pimp cbeet 400 precsterec epcresc'g In Ibc rcd sgbi dlvulca Yer flrct afl-correct eutry C icveivce many beurc er peuce ebcervcsec end pleciy ef IbareNerconly gaa pescc In thewhole of camden, bcpelend ueg out of the edbcr'c ehat" proof,Ccmdcc'e pepcecblerFrank Cbcmben told e mea eea udflbe the wluaer. er the Kieg'c Cross Werkieg pcriy. He ecid that peiica Nere ebiiged Ie apply Ibc Icu. 11'Ieccl Tha brothelkeepcw erArgyic gqececcrc ccdcr even less people Nere dieccdcaed Nkb the recuke, Ibcy shoulduy Ie A 69-yecueid West Hcmp. I =" pressure. Oeiy four have bcee errecied tbrc year — eix less stead Nemce, Miss Ircee cbcege b. •, Ibce last yccr. Aed cvec Nbce Caught Ibey cce cxpeci Ie gat Drery, Nce founddeed Ic hcr • • • I Ccmdec Ceecdi peace eemmiuec, uhicb Nec presented • • away Nah egiaa aee et, ctNeeer, tbrce monthsImpeieeemcea Levcrldge Road Sct ec 0 Commander Cbcmbercdiecgreed Nkb the popularecuec ukh c Mpert of the Klug'e Cross Werkleg Party ycctardey e (Wedeeedcy) are Ie Ieveedgcia pecciaie lcgci meanser pre. Wedeacdey Icet week by amtbig.iime gangstersoperate Iu Kicg'c Cross, ecceercgiegc pepca whe bcd been called veeucg kerb crcuiieg Ic the etua L CN M M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J 0 rice ic street vieiecce ced rebbcrrca by eexieec eaigbbeerc. I I • • • • 0 au ~ k 4 2 Cnmdon New Journal, Novombor4, IB82 A part of the steps up the NORTH THAMES GAS Q British Gss Corporation P.O. Box 45, Wembiey, Middlesex HAO ILB yaessuae • • • Qas Supplied MP Joclf Stallsrd brought ub the quesfloa of Pence Chargss VAT VAT Charges Tohtl Amount Prescnt Prmrhms Cubic lest Thiiriils per f Rate f f staadlag charges at the annual meetlog of Camden it esgrrmbidi iuiindrsds) Therm pensloaers on Sstnrday. As a result of.well-orgaaised csmpdgalng by 13'9 1390 3 1 30 500 0.95 0.0 0 00 0 95 pensloners tbs Government wss aow under a tre­ STAHBIHO CHAR 9.00 0.0 0.00 9 00 mendous smount of pressure to dosometbiag about it, he sald. Mr. S t sllarL a p e nsloners' rlgbts, staunch defender of s pokeofthepflghtofold ) people under the That­ cher Goverament. as metea chaa'ge He told hls audlencw "This Government has beea coasistent la one way only — consisteatly bad.m exylosive Total Amnunl Cut Charged!o pas poing lor gnouiries c ' He explsined how 15 1 82 2 1 82315 1 E r12 00 1 9.95 0.00 9.95 they now wisbed to eut back ou pensloas.on tbe —. "is proceeding", he groands that they had ST PANCRAS North The pensioner who By NEW JOURNAL EheISOrtea said in reply to s plea been overpaylag. MP Jock Stallard ls teceived the bill used just from Staflsrd that the ml can't believe thst flghtbtg a Serseesmpaiga 95pworth of gss last resultsshould be 'made sny government in lts to makesurethstelderly qusrter in her ground­ standingchargecomprises to less thsn 50 per cent of public. "I do not propose rlght miad — and in people no loager reeelve floor flat in Falkland m ore thanhalf of each the total sum demanded. quarterly bilL Pressure last year by to publish further results . • Jock Stallard, MP. s electloa year — could gas bifls Ilke tbls(above) RoecL Thestandingchsrge et this stage." cldm twoper cent back sent to a Kentigh Town increased her bill uesrly But tlus wes Just about Mr. Stallard snd other all Mr., Lswson gave Labour MPs forced the frompeassons, hesald. peasiouem two weeks tenfold. Government to review About one million gss And the problem of sge away in reply to a series Limiting ' of Psrlismentsry' ques­ the standing charges snd users snd 750,000 elec­ bypothermia he accused The $9.95 bill msy Bills tricity consumers psy the Government ofre­ appear modest — but tions put to him by Mr. an inquiry hesbeen under The British Gss Cor­ And last week inParlia­ StallsrcL who has been wsy since last January. poretion end the Electri­ cnore on the compulsory gsrdlngss justone ofthe nearly the whole sum is But Mr. Lawson hssso city Council are looking standing charge than on day-to-day hardshlps to made up of s "standing ment, Energy Secretary csmpaigaing for two thefuel they use.Accord­ Nigel Lswson revealed years to get standing fsr refused to publish its at the possibiTity oflimit­ be endure* He sakh charge" which afl con­ that about 500,000 other findings.
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