THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Performing Edition. Volume A. Part . Pages []-[]. Vigils of the Dead. The Commendation of the Souls. Edited by William Renwick. HAMILTON ONTARIO . THE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF CANADA . MMXII. The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada, Mercer Street, Dundas, Ontario, Canada LH N. The Gregorien Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University. The Sarum Rite is distributed over the internet through .pdf files located at: www.sarum-chant.ca This document first published January , . Revised March , June , September , November , October . All rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded and stored on personal computers, and may be printed for purposes of research, study, education, and performance. No part of this publication may be uploaded, printed for sale or distribution, or otherwise transmitted or sold, without the prior permission in writing of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada is a charitable organization registered by the Federal Government of Canada. www.gregorian.ca © The Gregorian Institute of Canada, . Office of the Dead. Vigils of the Dead. Vespers. Placebo Domino. 1. Ant. III.iv. I will walk. Ps. I am well pleas ed. Psalm . Dilexi quoniam. cxiiij. ~ . ˆ am well pleased ´ : that the ver my´ soul. ~ . Lord hath heard the voiceˆ Gracious is the Lord,ˆ~ and right- ´ I . ´ ~ ˆ. ´ of my prayer ; eous : yea, our God is merciful. ~ ~ That he hath inclined his earˆ un- ´ The Lord preservethˆ the simple ´ : . to me : therefore will I call upon him I was in misery,~ andˆ he helped ´ me. ~ as~ longˆ as I´ live. Turn again then unto thy rest,ˆ O´ . The snares of death compassedˆ~ my soul : for the Lordˆ~ hath rewarded ´ me round´ about : and the pains of thee. ~ . hell gat holdˆ upon ´ me. And why ? thou hast deliveredˆ~ my I shall find trouble and heaviness, soul´ from death : mine eyes from . and I will call upon the~ Nameˆ of ´ the tears, and my~ feetˆ from falling. ´ ~ . Lord : O Lord, I beseech thee, deli-ˆ The final Verse of this Psalm, that is I will walk . is not sung, but immediately in its [535] Office of the Dead. place the Antiphon is sung, according to the Use of Sarum. Ant. I will walk be- fore the Lord in the land of the liv- ing. Heu me quia incolatus. 2. Ant. II.i. W Oe is me. Ps. When I was in trouble. Psalm . Ad Dominum. cxix. Hen I was in trouble, I calledˆ ~ Woe is me, that I am constrained . W upon´ the Lord : andˆ he heard ´ to dwellˆ~ with Mesech ´ : and to have ~ . me. my habitation among the tentsˆ of Deliver my soul, O Lord,ˆ~ from Kedar.´ . lying´ lips : and fromˆ~ a deceitful ´ My soul hath longˆ dwelt ~ among ´ . tongue. them : that are enemiesˆ~ unto ´ peace. What reward shall be given or I labour for peace, but when I done unto thee,ˆ~ thou false ´ tongue : speakˆ unto ~ them ´ thereof : they make . ~ . even mighty and sharp arrows,~ with them readyˆ to battle. ´ . hotˆ burning ´ coals. Ant. W Oe is me, that my so- jour ning is pro- long ed. Dominus custodit te. 3. Ant. II.i. T HE Lord Ps. I will lift up mine eyes. [537] Office of the Dead. Psalm . Levavi oculos. cxx. ~ . will lift up mine eyesˆ unto ´ the the Lord is thy defence upon~ ˆ thy ~ . I hills : from whence comethˆ my ´ right´ hand ; help. So that the sun shall not~ burnˆ ~ . My help cometh evenˆ~ from ´ the thee´ by day : neitherˆ the moon ´ by . Lord : who hath made~ heavenˆ and ´ night. earth. The Lord shall preserve thee . He will not suffer thy footˆ to~ be fromˆ~ all evil´ : yea, it is even heˆ~ that . moved´ : and he that keepethˆ~ thee will ´ shall keep´ thy soul. not sleep. The Lord shall preserve thy going Behold, he that keepethˆ~ Israel´ : out,ˆ and ~ thy coming ´ in : from this . ~ . shall neither~ slumberˆ nor ´ sleep. time forthˆ for evermore. ´ The Lord himselfˆ is~ thy keeper ´ : Ant. T HE Lord shall pre- serve thee from all e- vil : yea the Lord shall keep thy soul. Si iniquitates observaveris. 4. Ant. VIII.i. I F thou, Lord. Ps. Out of the deep. Psalm . De profundis. cxxix. Ut of the deep have I called markˆ what ~ is done ´ amiss : O Lord, . O untoˆ~ thee, ´ O Lord : Lord,ˆ hear ´ whoˆ~ may abide ´ it ? my voice. For there is mercyˆ~ with ´ thee : ~ . O let thine earsˆ consider ´ well : therefore shalt~ thouˆ be feared. ´ ~ . the voiceˆ of my ´ complaint. I look for the Lord ; my soulˆ~ doth ~ . If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to wait´ for him : in his wordˆ is´ my trust. [538] Office of the Dead. My soul fleethˆ ~ unto ´ the Lord : with the Lordˆ there ~ is mercy ´ : and ~ . before the morning watch, I say, be- with him is plenteousˆ~ redemption. ´ . foreˆ the morning ´ watch. And he shall redeem~ ˆ Israel´ : from O Israel, trust in the Lord, for all´ his sins. Ant. I F thou, Lord, wilt be ex treme to mark what is done a- miss : O Lord, who shall a- bide it. Opera manuum tuarum. 5. Ant. II.i. D Es pise not. Ps. I will give thanks. Psalm . Confitebor tibi. cxxxvij. Will give thanks unto thee, O heard~ the wordsˆ of´ thy mouth. ~ I Lord,ˆ with my whole ´ heart : Yea, they shall sing of the~ waysˆ of´ ~ . even before the gods will I sing praiseˆ the Lord : that great is the~ glory ˆ of ´ unto´ thee. the Lord. I will worship toward thy holy For though the Lord be high, yet temple, and praise thy Name, because hath he respect untoˆ~ the lowly ´ : as for ~ . of thy loving-kindnessˆ and ´ truth : for the proud, he beholdeth ~ themˆ afar ´ thou hast magnified thy Name, and off. thy~ Word,ˆ above ´ all things. Though I walk in the midst of ~ When I called uponˆ thee,~ thou trouble, yet shalt thouˆ refresh ´ me : . heardest´ me : and enduedst my~ soulˆ thou shalt stretch forth thy hand . with much´ strength. upon the furiousness of mine . All the kings of the earth shall~ enemies, and thy rightˆ~ hand shall save ´ praiseˆ thee, ´ O Lord : for they have me. [539] Office of the Dead. The Lord shall make good his despise not then the worksˆ~ of thine ~ loving-kindnessˆ toward ´ me : yea, thy own´ hands. mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever ; Ant. D Es pise not, O Lord, the works of thine own hands. VV.. From the gate of hell. Let the V. not be answered aloud when it is sung by two but in silence. R. Deliver their souls, O Lord. Audivi vocem de celo. Ant. II.i. I heard a voice * from hea ven say- ing : Bles sed are the dead which die in the Lord. Ps. My soul doth magnify. *. K Y- ri- e- léy son. RR.. Chris te- léy son. VV.. Ky- ri- e- léy son. [540] Office of the Dead. or L Ord, have mer- cy, RR.. Christ, have mer- cy. V. V. Lord, have mer cy. Our Father. []. And lead us not. is not said. Then is said without note the Psalm. Psalm . Lauda anima mea. cxlv. Raise the Lord, O my soul ; keepeth his promise for ever ; Pwhile I live, will I praise the Who helpeth them to right that Lord : * yea, as long as I have any suffer wrong : * who feedeth the being, I will sing praises unto my hungry. God. The Lord looseth men out of O put not your trust in princes, prison : * the Lord giveth sight to the nor in any child of man : * for there is blind. no help in them. The Lord helpeth them that are For when the breath of man fallen : * the Lord careth for the goeth forth he shall turn again to his righteous. earth : * and then all his thoughts The Lord careth for the strangers ; perish. he defendeth the fatherless and Blessed is he that hath the God of widow : * as for the way of the Jacob for his help : * and whose hope ungodly, he turneth it upside down. is in the Lord his God ; The Lord thy God, O Sion, shall Who made heaven and earth, the be King for evermore : * and sea, and all that therein is : * who throughout all generations. [541] Office of the Dead. The Psalm being finished, the Officiant, changing neither place nor vestment, sings. VV.. Rest e- ter nal grant un to them, O Lord. R.R. And let light per pe- tu- al shine up on them. VV.. From the gate of hell. R.R. De- liv- er their souls, O Lord. VV.. I be- lieve to see the good things of the Lord. RR.. In the land of the liv- ing. VV.. The Lord be with you. R.R. And with thy spi- rit. VV.. Let us pray. When a corpse is present of whomever it may be, this Prayer is said both at Vespers and at Lauds according to the Use of Sarum. Prayer [major ]. God, whose property is always enemy : neither forget him for ever : O to have mercy and to forbear, but command thy holy Angels to receive our petition for the soul of thy receive him , and bring him into the servant or handmaiden whom thou land of the living : that foreasmuch as hast bidden this day to depart out of he hath hoped and believed in thee : this world : that thou wouldst not he may merit to rejoice in the deliver him into the hand of the fellowship of thy Saints.
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