Believe It or Not Cincy Red. Rlple,'8 Portra,al ,or A8tonndln, Dowa Davenport In Special NJrb& HIiPpenlnn Appears DaU, Game With Blue 80.1: 4,%, See Pace f, on PIIlr6 " C(========================~==~====~==========================================================~======~V~O~L=.~X~X~XI~================~NU~~~ffi~ER~ FIVE CENTS 6 PAGES IOWA CITY. IOWA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1931 Local4-H Club Members Believe Bodies of ·Four Chicagoans FOU n d Win 3 Firsts in Livestock ------------------------------ ----------------------------~ Competition at Des Moines Dig Corpses Author oJ Pledge U.S.-France RESIDENTS OF IDAHO TOWNS FLEE FOREST FIRES Oath to American Loan British Martin Warren Shows Opening Day Tolls r From Cellar Flag Dies at Home Best Purebred liCe, Speeding 'l'AMPA, 1"u" Aug. 28 (AP)-lrran· 400 Millions Holstein Act:ident , Under Garage cl. M. .Rallllmy, a Ulhor oC "The Plrdge of tho Flag," dlcd at his JohneOD county claimed Its share DES MOINES, AuW, 28 (AP) - hOlll e hel'e tonight. Credit to' Run for One ot awards In the judging of 4-8 Judging the achlovements of the past Structure . Yields Find llallamy w1'ole "The Pledge to the Oll1b ex hibits at the Iowa state fair year was well under wa.y today at lo'lag" In 1892 while he waS a memo Year ~ Furnished by by Chance; Owner today as boYs and girls from every the Iowa state talr. uel' llf the slaft of the Youth ' ~ Com­ 100 Banks rorner of the etate presented their Days and glrlR, babies, apiariSts. in Jail ranlon, und It hus been widely lIsert junior livestock ror competition In dalrymf.'n, housewives, and others dis. ~Inco then, being; taught In many NEW YOUK, AlIg, 28 (API-J . p , tho clUb division •. played theIr accomplishments In & CI,ARKSBURO, W . Va., Aug. 28 schools. The pledge follows: In the contest for tB.t hogs, boys score ot fields before the judges, "I plodge allegiance to lhe flag of MOI'glln nnd company Ilnnounced 10- (API-Foul' bodle8- belloved those of from this section Wan first In the while throngs ot visitors viewed an lhe Unlled State~, II lght that negotiations for the ex· county group o! 10 a ll lard or all extensive entertainment and educa· a Ch icago w\(Jow and her thre chll· And to the republlc for wl\lch It lellslon of It $400.000,000 Irl'anco­ bncon type pigs fed for market. tlonal program. ~ren":"'were unearthed today beneath stllnds, American credit to the British gov­ )'talk county was seconll. Two accidents marred the event. ot the cellar fl oor at the odd "ga,'age" One naUon, Intllvlslble, I'I'IlIlHmt hnd Iwen completed and ~t Group of Jlerefonl, the opening day. Wi th lIbel·ty and Justlce fOI' aiL" bullt recently by Comellu8 0 , Pier· I h"t the credit had b~come ette"Uvo First prize went to J ohnson coun· Edward Donald Klrkenllall, 9, lIOn ty tor the group of best fIve pure· of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence KIrkendall 80n, 45 year old corre"pondent of as or j('dny. e e 'J'o I",un fOI' Olle Vear hred heifers In the registered H ere· ot Des Moines, was kllled at the en· matrimonial as'encles. TWO DIe In '1'hl' credit, whlt-h I" to rUn for fO I'1I class. Martin \Varren or 10WD trance to the grounds when he Wall The bodies, badly decomposed, A Mi h IIno y~nr. Is b~lnS' furnl8hed In rqual ell), won tlrst In tho pllrebred Hoi· run OVOr by the automoblle of Mr•• were tentatively IdentlOed as thosa uto saps nmounts hy New York a nd Plll'lR ~ t e ln heifer division. Far purebred Everett Meachllm ot Altoona, Into or Mrs . Asta Buick Eichel', and her I I hltllldng gl·OUpA. TI\o American Holstein helters under one yenr, whose path he ha.d darted. children, Harry, 12, 01'ela, 14, and 1hnllklJlg g,'oup Includes more than Warren placed ninth, Putt MOS8mon Injured Anabel , 9, who disappeared two F' R . I'. 1100 banks and banking houses In the livestock judging con ta.t Putt Mossman at Eldora, Eldora, months !lgo. lye ecelve nJurles . tlu'oughout the country, It Is aJetlnct by 4,H club boy! aud glrl8, Franklin motorcycllst whoee teats of daring coun ty placed tlrst with a score ha ve entertain ed prevlolls state fair Killed With Axe from the $250,000,000 credit exlend· ot in Day's Toll of 2,020, Sac county was second, and crowds, was attomptlng to set a new All tour apparently had been Iowa Accidents pd by the Federal Reserve and the Dickinson county third. In thl8 track record on his motorcycle, Whlle kllled with an Ilxe, their Ilead8 Bank or J~rance a rew woel<s ago, division J ohnSOn county scored on grandstand throngs cheered his ef· crushed as II by terrific blows. All ------ and tho I"eueral Re8erve Is not par· the heels of Scott and Polk counUe8 torts, l,ls wheel skleed as he was mak. four were wrapped In burlap and (By Tho Associated Pl'Ms.) llclpntlng, "'1th a placing of twenty·fllth, Ing a turn. Jle was thrown from It, hurled Into their muddy gtaves, the Two boys were dead and live per- Llirgest In History Individual Judgln~ WIlmet' and 8ustalned a fractured knee cap, three children close ' togethE'r, the sons Injured Friday In Iowa accl. '1'1\0 credit has been negollated by Membe1'8 of the Franklin county bruises, and possible Internal Injur. woman a Utlle distance away. denta Involving motor vehicles. Two cable and transatlantic telephone team are Veral BrQwn ot Hampton; les. Emergency treatment was glv. Chance led to lhe discovery. Find· or the accldents occun'ed at the stato with the last 36 hours, It Is beJleved Wl1llam, Diamond, J r., ot Faulkner, en at the fair grounds Red Cross Ing trunks 1:ontalnlng clothing of the fair grounds In Des Moines, to ho the largest private bllnklng who a lso won first In the Individual station, and he was removed, uncon' missing persons, uncovering blood, The dead: credit In history, an dbankers 1'0' judging contest; and RU8sell Wag. sclous, to a Des MOines hos\lltal, ltalns here Ilnd there In the so-enIled Adrian Young, U, I\fason (Jlty, I;'ardod the celerity with which the ner of Fau1kner. The Injuries w111 probably not prove garage, and rlndlng what th y were Donald E, Klrkemlall, 9 Des negotlatlons hal' been completed as On the Sac county team: George fatal, hospital attendants eald. lold was human hair, police dug I\lolno8. I·cmnrl< able. It wus said the credIt ];'ulcher ot Early, Owen Hottner at In lhe ground outside the place most The Mason City youth dlod after was substantially largcr than the Lytton, and Frederlo Dettman Of of lhe day. Th~y had abandoned his bicycle and a car driven by lIfrs. Brltlsh government had thought of I Sac City. DES MOINES, Aug, %8 (AP) Ihelr searCh , Chief ot Pollee C, O. R. E. Robertson collided. Young I'equest lng, and was purposely made Forest firE'S spreading through Idaho forced families to fleo their homes, destroyed a town, a Profes80r P. S. Shearer ot the ani· -More than 70,000 penon. Duckworth ~ald, when a hoy whose Kirkendall was struck by a car drlv· Of such ~Ize as to stili all doubt as valuable gold mille and took the lives of at least two fir~ fighters. At left above refugees from mal hUllbandry division of Iowa entered the Iowa et.te fair­ name he dId not reveal told him he cn by Mrs. E. 0. Meachen of AI· to the stablUty of the BrHlsh pound, QuartzbUl'g and Placerville are shown eating at a soup kitchen which they' sct up themselves, At Sla.te college at Ames, In announc­ grolWds today to shatter t.he had helped Pierson dig a tunnel In toona at the fair grounds entrance sterling, right is s hown a nurse holding a baby born to Mr. and Mrs, Francis Willey two hours after the Ing the winners, sold the present 1930 mark for rlnt-day attend, ance by more than 2,000, It WM the C(' Ullr of tho place. In Des Moines. mothel' had n('o from Placerville. Below: Ji'lames are s hown eating througn Idaho timbcrlnnd. Judging contest was the biggest In Hi(lIlen Beneath Slime "Putt" Mossmal1 of EWora, former Lutller League Re · ~eet. Offieers the Jllstory of the taJr with 265 boys' (I.'1thnA.ted ton \,ht, '1"06 1930 world's chttmplon horseshoe pitcher, NEWTON (AP) - 'rhe state Lu· MlCOnl tor the tonna! openJn. Police descended Into the cramp· groUPR representng 60 county teams entered. day WM 68,085. ed cellar, 'Vlthln a few moments was In a hospital at Des Moines sut· ther league ot the Lutheran church Police Lleneup L. H. Cook Will Run ferlng from a fractured knee cap re·elected Nels M, Hansen of Coun- their picks and shovels uncovered Labor Groups To (Ncaro Eltpoeltiolt and possible Internal Injuries recelv· cll Blutfs, president. and renamed for U. S. Senator in The Franklin county team wl\l a woman 's body. Within lUI haul' od when his motol'cyclo fallod to Robert Rynott of Burlington, vice repre.ent Iowa. at the Interna\lona\ A 20·pound tub of butter whloh Ihe bodies of the three children were Nets Leader Iowa June Primaries round a curve at the fair grounds. presldl\nt. E lm er Krueger ot Bur· Oust Premier Jlveslock .how in Chicago this fall.
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