[5371 OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Published by Authority at 3 .30 p.m .) No, 12] PERTH : TUESDAY, 27th FEBRUARY [1979 THE P11ARIJACEUTICAL REGISTER OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 82687/2/79 27 February, 1979 .] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. 539 THE PHARMACEUTICAL REGISTER OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE subjoined Register is published in accordance with the provisions of Clause 25 of the Pharmacy Act, 1964 . E. P. WALSH, Perth, January, 1979. Registrar. Date of No. Name Address Qualification Registra- tion 1808 Abel, Clifford Robert Kalgoorlie c/c Great Brit. 6/6/78 1811 Abel, Veronica Ann Kalgoorlie .. .. .... .... c/c Great Brit. 1/8/78 1817 Abrahams, Susan Lillian 63 Harcourt Drive, Hillarys c/c N.S.W. 5/9/78 1474 Accordino, Tony Joseph .... 16A Manchester Street, Victoria Park Assoc. W.A. 1/2/72 1085 Adams, Michael Thomas 33 Wincanton Road, Karrinyup Final W.A. 4/2/64 966 Adams, Rodney John .... 7 Emberson Street, Morley Final W.A. 7/2/61 341 Adlard, Edith Emma 42 Lyons Street, Cottesloe .... Final W.A. 5/7/27 1469 Aivaliotis, Sylvia .... 51 Robinson Avenue, Perth Assoc. W.A. 10/12/71 1116 Albury, Jill Mary .... 36 Widdicombe Street, Myaree Final W.A. 14/12/64 979 Alford, Cherry 196 Stock Road, Melville ... Assoc. W.A. 10/12/71 472 Allan, Griffith David Tapley 34 Napoleon Street, Cottesloe .... .... Final W.A. 16/2/37 435 Allan, James Thomas .... 44 Gloucester Crescent, Shoalwater Bay .... Final W.A. 2/4/35 1137 Allan, Peter Griffith .... 44 Bay View Terrace, Mosman Park Final W.A. 5/3/65 1497 Allen, Barbara . .. .... New South Wales . .. .... .... c/c N.S.W. 4/7/72 1611 Allen, Gregory Linton Crystal Brook Road, Wattle Grove B.App.S. 3/12/74 1667 Allison, Dianne Frances 29 Elm Street, Hamersley .... B.App.S. 3/12/74 497 Alman, Albert Victor 23 Blythe Avenue, Yokine .... Final W.A. 13/6/38 1291 Alman, John Myer 40 Maybach Way, Dianella Final W.A. 5/3/68 961 Amey, Richard Frank 50 Helena Street, Midland .... Final W.A. 7/2/61 1571 Anderson, Malcolm Richard 121 Marine Terrace, Geraldton c/c N.Z. 3/12/73 1526 Anderson, Peter John 19 Denny Way, Alfred Cove Assoc. W .A. 6/2/73 1441 Andinach, Francis Arthur Jo n 67 Ward Street, Kalgoorlie Assoc. W.A. 10/3/71 1575 Ang, Bee Lian . Selangor, West Malaysia B.App.S. 12/12/73 1578 Anthony, Reginald Edward 52 Victoria Avenue, Claremont c/c N.S.W. 12/12/73 1735 Anton, Bernard Osadczuk 52 Hobbs Avenue, Dalkeith B.App.S. 21/12/76 1777 Antonas, Angelo Nicholas 24 North Street, Mount Lawley B.Pharm . 19/12/77 1592 Applegate, Sheila Morag Tasmania .... c/c Great Brit . 21/1/75 884 Appleyard, Brian Douglas 5 Clark Street, Nedlands .... c/c Great Brit. 29/8/58 885 Appleyard, Shirley .... 5 Clark Street, Nedlands .... c/c Great Brit . 29/8/58 440 Archer, Reginald Keith . 297 Lord Street, Perth Final W.A. 2/7/35 457 Armstrong, Clement Joseph 8 Highlands Road, North Perth Final W.A. 7/7/36 439 Arnold, Maxwell Henry . ... 645 Beaufort Street, Mt . Lawley Final W.A. 2/7/35 721 Ashby, Kevin Bennetts .... 32 Hester Street, Langford .... Final W.A. 2/7/35 1289 Ashby, Samuel Edwin 11 Wisbeth Street, Bayswater Assoc. W.A. 6/2/68 1269 Atkinson, Geoffrey Harold 211 Edinboro Street, Joondanna .... Final W.A. 8/12/67 1631 Atkinson, Ross Gerard .... 10 Victoria Street, Mosman Park .... B.App.S. 4/2/75 1649 Atkinson, William James. .. New South Wales ... .... .... c/c N.S.W. 6/5/75 1036 Atlas, Monique .... .... 78 Hillsborough Drive, Nollamara c/c S .A 5/2/63 1090 Atzemis, George Palassis 217 Main Street, Osborne Park Final W.A. 3/3/64 1763 Austin, Anne Elizabeth .... 16 Crofton Place, Lynwood B.Pharm. 6/12/77 1274 Austin, Helen Marguerite 10 Learoyd Street, Mt . Lawley Assoc. W .A. 6/2/68 1500 Austin, Richard Francis .... 10 Learoyd Street, Mt . Lawley . .. .... .... c/c Victoria 1/8/72 310 Avenell, Francis William Hollywood Senior Citizens Village, Williams Road, Final W.A. 3/1/25 Nedlands 1172 Baartz. Paul August .. 1096 Albany Highway, Bentley Final W.A. 1/2/66 1746 Baggot, Margaret Collette 28 Kershaw Avenue, Lesmurdie c/c Ireland .. .. 21/12/76 737 Baird, Colin James .... 300 South Street, Hilton Park Final W.A 7/7/53 1101 , Baird, John Campbell .... 6 Polglass Way, Ardross c/c Great Brit 3/3/64 777 Baird, Kathleen Ruth .. .. 15 Bridges Street, Melville .... Final W.A. 1/2/55 1797 Balestra, Frank . ... .. .. 78 Broome Street, Highgate B.Pharm . 21/3/78 1166 Banovich, Brian Strahimir 4 Gundill Road, Booragoon Final W.A. 9/12/65 1167 Banovich, Milovan Alexander 195 Hampton Road, South Fremantle Final W.A 9/12/65 1601 Barclay, Edmond James .... 110 Heath Road, Kalamunda .... c/c Great Brit. .. 4/6/74 720 Barr, Andrew Thomas . .. Alice Springs . ... .... Final W.A. 3/3/53 1188 Barrington, Maxwell John 9 Margaret Street, Waterman Final W.A. 1/3/66 1435 Barron, Ian William .. .. Beaufort Street, Inglewood .... Assoc. W.A. 2/2/71 670 Barry, Dawn Helen 28 Dunblane Road, Floreat Park .... Final W.A. 3/7/51 528 Barry, Frank Hugh 2251 Albany Highway, Gosnells .... Final W.A. 2/7/40 1442 Baskerville, Lorraine .... 54 Seaflower Crescent, Craigie .... Assoc. W.A. 10/3/71 976 Bateman, Dr . John Allan 18 Highbury Street, Floreat Park .... Final W.A. 7/3/61 911 Bateman, Kerry Doyle .... Oswald Street, Innaloo Final W.A. 3/3/59 1669 Bebee, Rosalie .... P.O. Box 66, Cottesloe B.App.S. 2/12/75 1275 Beckett, John Geoffrey .... P/O Box 25, Merredin Assoc. W.A. 6/2/68 964 Beckwith, Graeme Harvey Johnson Giblett Street, Manjimup Final W.A. 7/2/61 387 Beckwith, Laurence Alfred 35 The Boulevard, Floreat Park Final W.A. 22/1/31 1613 Beeson, Mark John 6 Nearwater Way, Shelley .. .. B.App.S. 3/12/74 866 Begley, John William 183 Rokeby Road, Subiaco .... Final W.A. 4/3/58 1221 Bell, Geoffrey Lloyd 5 Hawkevale Road, Maida Vale ... Final W.A. 7/2/67 1337 Bell, Jack .. 372 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth Assoc. W .A 4/3/69 1100 Bell, Phyllis Anne 15 Vista Street, South Perth c/c Great Brit 3/3/64 1609 Bell, Walter John .... 6 Odin Road, Innaloo .... B.App.S 3/12/74 1530 Bellini, Joseph .... 15 Tate Street, Bentley .... Assoc. W.A 6/2/73 1616 Bellini, Sandra 15 Tate Street, Bentley .... B.App.S 3/12/74 1485 Benn, Cheryl May 3 Nimrod Place, Hillarys .... Assoc. W.A 1/2/72 540 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. [27 February, 1979 . THE PHARMACEUTICAL REGISTER--continued Date of No. Name Address Qualification Registra- tion 781 Benn,Jack 35 Marradong Road, Coolbinia .. .. .... Final W.A. 113/55 956 Benn, Samuel 15 April Road, Dianella .... .... .... Final W.A. 7/2/61 1266 Benn, Sol .. Unit 26, 144 Mill Point Road, South Perth Final W.A. 8/12/67 1598 Bennett, Barbara Jean 8 Hyde Street, Mount Lawley c/c N.S.W. 5/3/74 1153 Bennetts, Janne Beth 15 Ardross Street, Applecross c/c N.S.W. 1/6/65 1724 Bensky, Vivienne .... .... 10 Bertram Street, Dianella. ... B.App.S. 16/11/76 1718 Benzie, Jennifer Liege .... 8 Edna Road, Dalkeith .... B.App.S. 16/11/76 1312 Berbatis, Constantine George 32 Polglass Way Ardross .... .... Assoc. W .A. 6/12/68 716 Berinson, Joseph Max .. 31 Meenaar Crescent, Mt. Lawley Final W.A. 3/2/53 592 Berrigan, Thomas Francis 58 Jackson Avenue, Karrinyup .... Final W.A. 3/2/48 1136 Berry, James Arthur Leonard Darwin, N.T Final W.A. 5/3/65 1831 Bettridge, Peter John .... Geraldton .... .. B.Pharm. 19/12/78 1654 Betts, Thomas John ... Western Australian Institute of Technology c/c Great Brit . 1/7/75 1340 Billing, Robert Heaton . 23 Appleby Street, Amelia Heights .... c/c S .A 4/3/69 830 Bingemann, Geoffrey Allan 56 Irvine Street, Peppermint Grove .... Final W.A. 5/2/57 406 Bingemann, Roy Henry .... 30 Webster Street, Nedlands .. .... Final W.A. 3/1/33 1740 Blackbourn, Jennifer Lot 753, Oberthur Crescent, Bull Creek .... B.App.S. 22/12/76 928 Blackburn, John Howard 22 Salamander Street, Dianella .. .. .... Final W.A. 2/2/60 459 Blennerhassett, John Colin 290 Keymer Street, Cloverdale Final W.A. 7/7/36 1790 Blomfield, Carol Margaret 59 Weston Street, Carlisle .... ... B.Pharm. 7/12/78 1321 Blythe, Trevor Hayden .. 32 Megalong Road, Nedlands Assoc. W .A. 10/1/69 844 Bodlovich, Domnic Joseph 24 Challenger Place, Melville .. Final W.A. 7/5/57 986 Bogue, Kevin Alphonsus 18 Warragoon Crescent, Alfred Cove Final W.A. 15/3/61 994 Bonadeo, Laurence John Manjimup, W.A. Final W.A. 6/2/62 904 Bond, Hedley Maxwell .... 494 Hay Street, Perth .. .. Final W.A 3/2/59 1760 Bond, Peter Roland 24 Mary Street, Waterman .... c/c Tasmania .. 5/7/77 741 Boobbyer, Peter John Hurst Mandurah .... .... Final W.A 2/2/54 1472 Booker, James Harold . 35 Reynolds Road, Applecross Assoc. W.A 1/2/72 361 Boor, Violet Sylvia Veronica 322 Grand Promenade, Dianella Final W.A 4/7/28 1562 Borserini, Maria Jose ... 89 View Terrace, Bicton .... B.App.S 12/12/73 1292 Borushek, John Benjamin 26 Phoenix Street, Dianella Final W.A 5/3/68 1833 Bovell, Dianne Judith .... 88 Davies Road, Claremont B.Pharm 19/12/78 1529 Boyatzis, Margaret . .. 8 Lifford Road, Floreat Park .... Assoc. W.A. 6/11/73 717 Boylen, Robert Edmund ...
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