See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342083638 FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSTICS AND PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT IN DE QUERVAIN SYNDROME / DIAGNOSTYKA FUNKCJONALNA I LECZENIE FIZJOTERAPEUTYCZNE W ZESPOLE DE QUER.... Article in Health Problems of Civilization · June 2020 DOI: 10.5114/hpc.2020.95502 CITATIONS READS 0 233 1 author: Kamil Zaworski Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education 25 PUBLICATIONS 12 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Kamil Zaworski on 10 June 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. REVIEW PAPER Health Problems of Civilization ISSN 2353-6942 ARTYKUŁ PRZEGLĄDOWY FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSTICS AND PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT IN DE QUERVAIN SYNDROME DIAGNOSTYKA FUNKCJONALNA I LECZENIE FIZJOTERAPEUTYCZNE W ZESPOLE DE QUERVAINA Kamil Zaworski 1(A,B,D,E,F) 1 Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Poland Summary Authors’ contribution Wkład autorów: De Quervain syndrome involves the inflammation of the common tendon sheath of the A. Study design/planning abductor pollicis longus (APL) and the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) in the region of the zaplanowanie badań radial styloid process. This condition can be caused by microtraumas that occur in the course B. Data collection/entry of repetitive mechanical activities and systemic diseases of the connective tissue, such as zebranie danych rheumatoid arthritis. The symptom of de Quervain syndrome is pain in the forearm at the C. Data analysis/statistics height of the radial styloid process. The pain intensifies during the extension of the thumb. interpretacjadane – analiza danych i statystyki Other symptoms include redness and swelling in the region. The physical examination most D. Data interpretation often involves two tests: Finkelstein’s test and Eichhoff’s test. Physiotherapeutic treatment is an important element of conservative treatment of de Quervain syndrome. The article aims to E. Preparation of manuscript present functional diagnostics and physiotherapeutic methods that are used in the treatment przygotowanie artykułu of de Quervain syndrome based on the available literature. The review used the division of F. Literature analysis/search therapeutic methods into three basic sections: kinesitherapy, physical therapy and therapeutic massage, and was expanded to include physioprophylaxis and education, kinesiotaping and wyszukiwanie i analiza literatury acupuncture. The discussed publications noted a significant improvement in terms of reducing G. Funds collection pain and functionality in patients with de Quervain syndrome using various physiotherapeutic zebranie funduszy methods and their combinations. Unfortunately, there is a small number of randomized clinical trials. Hence, it is difficult to draw clear conclusions about the most effective forms of treatment. Further research is required in order to achieve the integration of the most effective physiotherapeutic methods in the treatment of de Quervain syndrome and the assessment of itsKeywords: short and long-term effects. tendinitis, diagnosis, treatment, de Quervain, physiotherapy Streszczenie Zespół de Quervaina to stan zapalny wspólnej pochewki ścięgna odwodziciela długiego kciuka (APL) i prostownika krótkiego kciuka (EPB) w okolicy wyrostka rylcowatego kości promieniowej. Ta jednostka chorobowa może być spowodowana mikrourazami w przebiegu powtarzalnych czynności mechanicznych i chorobami układowymi tkanki łącznej, takimi jak zapalenia o charakterze reumatoidalnym. Objawy zespołu de Quervaina to dolegliwości bólowe przedramienia na wysokości wyrostka rylcowatego kości promieniowej nasilające się podczas prostowania kciuka. Także w tym rejonie może pojawić się zaczerwienienie oraz obrzęk. W badaniu przedmiotowym najczęściej wykorzystywane są dwa testy: Finkelsteina i Eichhoffa. Leczenie fizjoterapeutyczne jest ważnym elementem leczenia zachowawczego zespołu de Quervaina. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie diagnostyki funkcjonalnej oraz metod fizjoterapeutycznych w leczeniu zespołu de Quervain na podstawie dostępnej literatury. W przeglądzie zastosowano podział metod leczniczych na trzy podstawowe działy: kinezyterapię, fizykoterapię i masaż leczniczy oraz rozszerzono go o fizjoprofilaktykę i edukację, kinesiotaping oraz akupunkturę. W omawianych publikacjach odnotowano istotną poprawę w kwestii obniżenia dolegliwości bólowych oraz poprawy funkcjonalnej u pacjentów z zespołem de Querveina przy zastosowaniu różnych metod fizjoterapeutycznych i ich kombinacji. Niestety, istnieje mała liczba randomizowanych badań klinicznych, stąd też trudno jest wyciągnąć jednoznaczne wnioski dotyczące wskazania najefektywniejszych form leczenia. Tables: 1 Wymagane są dalsze badania skupione na poszukiwaniu zintegrowania najskuteczniejszych Figures: 0 metod fizjoterapeutycznych leczenia zespołu de Quervaina oraz oceny efektów krótko References: 39 iSłowa długoterminowych. kluczowe: Submitted: 2020 Apr 30 Accepted: 2020 May 18 zapalenie ścięgna, rozpoznanie, leczenie, de Quervain, fizjoterapia AddressZaworski for K. correspondence Functional diagnostics / Adres korespondencyjny:and physiotherapeutic treatment in de Quervain syndrome. Health Prob Civil. https://doi.org/10.5114/hpc.2020.95502 Kamil Zaworski, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education, Sidorska 95/97, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], phone: +48 83 344 99 00, ORCID: Kamil Zaworski https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5604-1862 Copyright: © Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Kamil Zaworski. This is an Open Access journal, all articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-sa/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license. Health Problems of Civilization Functional diagnostics and physiotherapeutic... Introduction De Quervain syndrome is an inflammatory condition involving the narrowing or inflammation of the synovial membrane of the common tendon sheath of the abductor pollicis longus (APL) and the extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) in the region of the radial styloid process. Tendon sheaths have the shape of the tube covering muscle tendons. They consist of two layers composed of laminae – external fibrous and internal – synovial. Tendon sheaths reduce friction and facilitate the sliding movements of the tendon on the bone. They also maintain their proper position against the bone [1]. The condition occurs in 0.5% of working men and 1.3% of working women. It is more common in women going through menopause, pregnancy or the postpartum period. It does not have to involve the dominant hand [2]. The cause of the condition has not been fully explained [3]. De Quervain syndrome can be caused by microtraumas that occur in the course of repetitive mechanical activities as well as systemic diseases of the connective tissue, such as rheumatoid arthritis [1]. The name of the condition comes from Fritz de Quervain who was the first to describe it in 1895 [4]. The syndrome is often referred to as “mother’s thumb” because it occurs more frequently in breastfeeding women. It is associated with strain that is put on tendons when carrying a child and the swelling of soft tissues, fluid retention and flaccid ligaments, which are the consequence of pregnancy hormones [5]. Increasingly younger people are at risk of tenosynovitis due to the development of modern technology and the frequent use of cell phones, tablets and consoles by children and adults [6-8]. Ali and colleagues showed that frequent texting is associated with the occurrence of de Quervain syndrome among students [6]. The first symptom of de Quervain syndrome is peritonitis or tenosynovitis. Followed by fibrosis and thickening, a secondary inflammatory and repair reaction of the retinaculum of the first extensor compartment occurs. The retinaculum can be damaged and regenerated multiple times as the condition progresses, which in turn leads to the formation of a degenerated scar. Pain is caused by an oversized and fibrotic retinaculum, which is too flexed because of the pressure from the tendons, during the extension and flexion of the wrist and thumb [2]. Physiotherapeutic treatment is an important element of conservative treatment of de Quervain syndrome. About 40% of patients suffering from this condition are referred to a physiotherapist by their GP [9]. Therefore, there is a strong need to look for the most effective physiotherapeutic methods and their combinations to treat this syndrome. The article aims to present functional diagnostics and physiotherapeutic methods that are used in the Diagnosticstreatment of de Quervain syndrome based on the available literature. Diagnostic examination begins with an interview in which attention should be paid to information correlated with repeated overstraining of the upper limb. Patients tend not to remember the immediate moment of damage, and the problem develops gradually. An important piece of information concerns the occurrence of forearm pain at the height of the radial styloid process which increases during the extension of the thumb. Other symptoms include redness and swelling in the region. [1]. The physical examination most often involves two
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