E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1998 No. 31 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was tive session to resume consideration of sure papers across the country and the called to order by the President pro the NATO expansion treaty. All Sen- electronic media outlets, were report- tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ators with amendments to the resolu- ing on the President's assertion that tion of ratification are encouraged to our side of the aisle has somehow PRAYER contact the managers of the treaty shortchanged education. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John with their amendments with the hope I find this to be exceedingly ironic as Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: of making considerable progress on the I stand here in the midst of the fourth Gracious God, we want to live this treaty during today's session. filibuster over the last several months orchestrated by the President and his entire day with a sure sense of Your Also, as under a previous consent, at administration to block massive edu- presence. We desire to do every task for 4:45 p.m., the Senate will begin 30 min- cation proposals that vast majorities of Your glory and speak every word utes of debate relative to H.R. 2646, the the American people support. knowing You are listening. Remind us Coverdell A+ education bill, prior to the previously scheduled 5:15 p.m. clo- We weathered a filibuster to get to that every thought, feeling, and atti- the bill. Now, we have made offers to tude we have is open to Your scrutiny. ture vote on the bill. As a reminder to all Members, first-degree amendments the other side so that they can bring We commit ourselves to work for You their package for an open debate. They with excellence so that, when this day to H.R. 2646 must be filed by 1 p.m. today and second-degree amendments do not want to do that. Then we said, is done, we will have that sheer delight well, let us try to bring order to the of knowing we did our best for You. must be filed by 4:15 p.m. In addition, the Senate may consider process and have the amendments per- Help us to use things and love people any other legislative or executive busi- tain strictly to the education issue. rather than using people and loving ness cleared for Senate action. There- They rejected that. things. Grant us the ability to commu- fore, Members can anticipate rollcall So basically you have a strategy, nicate esteem and affirmation to the votes throughout today's session of the through two events, to not allow us to people with whom we work all through Senate. end the filibuster or to just go from this day. Help us to take time to ex- Mr. President, it is my understanding amendment to amendment, many of press our gratitude for who people are, that the next 30 minutes are under my which have nothing to do whatsoever not just for what they do. Make us sen- control or my designee's. with education. sitive to those burdened with worries, f So on the front page we have the problems, or heartaches and help us to President saying that our side of the make time to listen to them. May we RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME aisle is not stepping forward on edu- take no one for granted. In the name of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. cation, but in the Halls of Congress and our blessed Lord. Amen. BROWNBACK). Under the previous order, here where we are doing the people's f the leadership time is reserved. business, he is orchestrating a fili- buster. And it is the fourth or fifth one RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING f on education proposals. MAJORITY LEADER MORNING BUSINESS People might rightly ask, well, what The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under is the cost of this filibuster? What hap- able acting majority leader, the distin- the previous order, there will now be a pens if the President is successful in guished Senator from Georgia, is recog- period for the transaction of morning blocking these education proposals? nized. business for not to extend beyond the Well, first and foremost, 14 million Mr. COVERDELL. Thank you, Mr. hour of 11:30 a.m., with Senators per- American families with children in President. mitted to speak for not to exceed 5 schoolÐmost of which are in public f minutes each. schools, many of which are in private Under the previous order, the hour of or home schoolsÐwill be denied if this SCHEDULE 9:30 a.m. having arrived, the Senator filibuster continues. If we cannot end Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. President, this from Georgia, or his designee, is recog- it, 14 million American families with morning the Senate will be in a period nized to speak for up to 30 minutes. children in school who would be given of morning business, to accommodate a f an education savings account as a tool number of Members who have re- to help them deal with their children's quested time to speak, until 11:30 a.m. THE A+ EDUCATION BILL needs will be blocked dead. Under a previous agreement, at 11:30 Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. President, this There will be no account, which a.m., the Senate will proceed to execu- morning's Washington Post, and I am means that these American families · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2237 S2238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 19, 1998 will be denied an opportunity to save I think, given the President's com- I just have to say on the ledger of upwards to $10 billion-plus over the ments, this last point is very salient. If events, that is insane. It is utterly in- next 8 years. So billions of dollars that the filibuster continues, $3 billion in credible, an egregious burden to put on would come to the support of children new tax-exempt private activity bonds, an attempt to help so many and so eas- in classrooms all across the country, which would build schools all across ily. I have been surprised at how little which everybody acknowledges is a our landÐand if I have heard that once, an incentive is required to cause Amer- problem, will never appear, not a dime. I have heard it a thousand times here: icans to save. It is staggering. These Those savings will not occur, and that we need to be concerned about building billions of dollars that would go into support will not occur. new schools, and there are dilapidated the savings account are going in there So some 20 million children will miss schools. The Senator from North Da- because they will save taxes on the in- this opportunity to be helped to get a kota was talking about it yesterday. terest buildup. So, over the next 5 home computer, to be helped to get a Well, with the guidance of Senator years, we will leave $750 millionÐless tutor, a special-education requirement, GRAHAM of Florida, this provision that than $1 billionÐin these savings ac- after-school transportation, a school is being filibustered would make avail- counts. We won't tax that. That will band uniform, you name it. All of those able $3 billionÐ$3 billionÐin new con- cause 14 million families to open an ac- things that those billions of dollars struction possibilities across the land. count and to save over $5 billion. There would buy are not going to happen if And 186 school districts all across the are not many things we can do around this filibuster continues. country that are crunched by rapid this town that leverage themselves Everybody has read week in and growth would be denied a supplemental that well. That is 15 to 1. I wish we week out a report about the problems activity to build these schools for these could do this all day long. we are having in grades kindergarten fast-growing communities. through high school. And everybody is These education savings accounts, 70 Fourteen million families, 20 million percent of the families who use them reading about how difficult it is to pay children, 1 million students in college for college. ``So let us filibuster an at- will have children in public schools, 30 State prepaid tuition plans, 21 States, percent will have children in private or tempt to bring all these resources to- 17 new States, 1 million workers, gether and deny the American people home schools. The Joint Tax Commit- 250,000 graduate students, and $3 billion tee says that the money will probably the opportunity to do it.'' for new schoolsÐnone of it will happen, If the filibuster succeeds, one million be about evenly divided, $2.5 billion zeroÐzero, a flat straight line. And it supporting students in public, $2.5 bil- students who will benefit from tax re- will rest at the feet of the President of lief on State prepaid tuition plansÐ lion supporting students in private. the United States. He has consciously State prepaid tuition plans are plans That is probably initially the case, be- tried to block this provision for well where families can buy their child's cause it costs more to go to a private over a year.
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