ISIE: 2 OICES AAIC SEACOAS OIAYS l lvr fr G O AGE A IAY, ECEME , 2008 8A, A8A O OU rntdEWS I Et Kntn I Extr I Grnlnd I ptn I ptn h I ptn ll vl. 4 I . 4 24 Knntn I fld I rth ptn I I h I Sbr I Sth ptn I Strth SEACOAS OIAY SECIO Cnnll Cntn C j. I .Atlnt. I 0 El Strt, Slbr, MA 02 I (60 26 I EE • AKE OE SbK Shl rt Offr n thbt In th rr I br Shl r Offr h fnrprnt ntr hl prn Chld Sft I Kt. Offr h, h ptrd th Sbr tt Offr hn Mn, l dtrbtd lr t t th r SES Sft . nd th lAr nd t r bt th SO tpl hl d n th nth f 2 n A6A nd 2A22A. — Atlnt ht State reports first flu case I EMO Cnt dlt. W n t nl AAIC EWS SA WIE h n ttr f t bfr th "WE KEW nflnz h ht th frd lt b th fl rrvd hr n I WAS OY • Grnt Stt. bl lth brt phr," d S Ardn t th r. In n th ff Cnr hl A MAE O prtnt f lth nd l nnnnt, IMS rnp. n Srv (S, ntd tht th tn fr Cd b vr, IME." OOK WOS EE — St f fl l Arthr th frt f nflnz th frt f th fl nflnz hhl n (ptrd h p n th St drn th Chrt n phr fr fr 2008 rlr thn lt t lln, prdn n. Ch t ll th hld hppnn ltd n th th 20080 fl n h r, hn th frt fr prn t prn hl Mp St ld tn, bnnn n A. bn dntfd bn rprtd n br thrh th r v h S Cnr — Atlnt ht b z r A Cnt. n 22A• ntrtd b Grftn , 200. AGE 2A AAMC EWS I ECEME , 2008 o_ 4, o 4 AAMCEWS.COM Weather the weekend Mnd, br 8 rd, br. Strd, br 6 Snd, vbr h ° ow: 22° ig: ° ow: ° ig: 0° ow: 2° ig: 2 0 ow: 2° br rt Qrtr rtl Cld Sn rd f Sn Mtl Cld Cld nd Wnd t ht Cld t ht Sn bl lrr mesu, y xtr fld Knntn rh ■■■• .0 i Or Wntd .06% 00. Ant jlr Slvr Gld ."th r. Judy A. Davis - Antique's On I r Entr tl Ch d r: All Antiques, Antique Furniture, Oriental Rugs. Paintings, China, Weathervanes, Pottery. Old Clocks, tamp, Dolls Tres, Guns, Swords, fftl Duck Decoys, Coins, Old Photography & Boots and Manuscripts. h ft ln I 0 Yr Exprn trtt 4 pn, Sn a ay Buying Estate and Contemporary Jereiry, Diamonds, Watches, Charm BraceIrts, All Fire Gold and Silveriewelry Snd rnh Also annuli in bow Sterling Silver Flatware. Tea Services, rvd 0 nt t I Ways, Presentation Pieces and All Fine Silver. pp r (MOM b G Shl f An Mbr flhhr Anh /Make Ann ease Ca (60 468 o (60 44 I prh n t Entrtnnt fll pr I (maximum value $15 on lesser value dinber entree) • 20% ff Gft Crd Not Available for Take-out I! purchases dvrt • .Biltcludiverlidinaypst • Zres (Zemb431 ,2008 itesemon Aceeipted, • At 0, Kiey oi, Maie • 2o46. • www.casimeos.com n th Atlnt rt, rtth Atlnt Cll Kth r Michelle at 603-926-4557 AIACEWS.COM O 4, 4 ECEME , 2008 ArAn EWS I AGE A EWS ptn r n n fn t ffr Y I EMO In addition to the train- AAIC EWS SA WIE ing he received at the HAMPTON I The town NHPST Academy, Offi- of Hampton has a new full cer Sorokins successfully time police officer on the coarleted a 100-hour duty roster. in - house training pro- The appointment of gram through the Hamp- Officer Vitalijs Sorokins to ton Police Department, full time Atatus was made ikiuding firearms, hand- this weei' l by Hampton Offing and Taser training. Police Chief James Sul- He joined the department livan and the Hampton in May along with eight Police Department. other part time officers Officer Sorokins, who who were hired in prepa- was originally hired as a ration for the area's busy part time police officer this summer season. "t Sfd past spring, was sworn in Officer Sorokins served n th Ct" on Tuesday, December 2 in the United States Army MOM by Hampton Town Clerk, and was honorably dis- 44 • MW • nd Jane Cypher during a charged after complet- n WW • In Orn ceremony conducted in ing his tour of duty in MI n On the selectmen's meeting the Middle East. Cur- Ot • OW room. rently a member of the W ntn l Oldp %pnl He was certified '!'in New Hampshire National May 2008 by the Concord- Guard, Officer Sorokins based State of NH Police resides in Hampton with Standards and Training his wife, Tatsiana. Academy after completing (ABOVE: ptn a 200-hour training pro- nt fll t pl ffr, gram, graduating as part .bt tlj Srn rn n of the 252nd Part-Time b n Clr n Cphr n Officers School. d f th . OE Mrh t nr • .pt. 20 ftt d (r fr ptn Cn t , ptn 602644 .tEddn • • • • • • • • • • • S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t AGE 4A I AnAnff EWS I ECEME , 2008 t 4, 4 AAICEWS.COM COMMUIY ll Ond Oprtd fr Ovr 0 Yr t fr th blhr AAIC EWS Encompassing the Seacoast Dear Readers, readers, numerous aggrava- racks all over the Seacoast, News while you are there! We have decided to dis- tions, for which we apolo- so finding the paper will be Also, we offer you the Onr blhr • Mhl . Cnnll continue home delivery of gize. quick and convenient each opportunity to purchase a Cblhr • Mhll M. Cnnll the Atlantic News in Hamp- We are also aware that Friday. 52-week annual mail sub- nnltAtlnt. ton and its surrounding many of our readers make Many of these distribu- scription for $99 a year via Gnrl Mnr • Elzbth MCln communities through the the annual pilgrimage to tion locations are available check, credit card or cash, Ind Sl • Kth Orlnd winter months, effective this a nice, sunny place for the at all hours of the day, and that simply pays for the prdtnAtlnt. week. winter, and do not want we are very thankful to weekly delivery of the Atlan- Cnt Edtr & Stff Wrtr We have come to this newspapers piling up in the the many, many local busi- tic News to your preferred • Uz r decision from several sensi- driveway, making it obvious nesses who graciously allow address via US Postal Ser- dtrAtnt. five directions. that no one is home. us space for your conve- vice letter carrier each week. Stff Wrtr • Mr Ch, r. With the winter weather We understand that we nience to grab a copy of the Thank you for your nnllAtlnt. soon to b n our doorstep have thousands f ll, die- Atlantic News. They include understanding and we will rdtnGrph Art — and piling up in your hard readers who love the Hannaford's, in front of the see you again on your door- • Chrtn Cll driveway — our weekly paper and will want to know Kitchen at Depot Square, the stop in the spring. Happy prdtnAtlnt. community newspaper where they can get a copy of Hampton Post Office, and holidays to you and your Grph Artt • rh lln • Glnn Yr has found itself in many the Atlantic News each week. numerous shops and restau- loved ones! dttnlAtlnt. unwanted places, including In this edition, and each rants. Best regards, Cntrbtn Wrtr scooped up into snow blow- week hereafter, we will pro- Please visit these busi- Michael Connelly hn ln vide a list of dozens of near- nesses — and we urge you Michelle Connelly rr MCnnll ers, buried by snowplows, at Gr ttn the bottom of icy puddles, by locations where the paper to shop local and be a hero Owners and Publishers Atlantic News or blown into the road. This can be picked up. We have to your community — and blhd Cnnll Cntn C has caused you, our faithful outdoor boxes and indoor pick up a copy of the Atlantic Portsmouth Atlantic News 0 El Strt, Slbr, MA 02 Mln Addr: O x 2, ptn, 084 (60 264 ( x: (60 264 Off r: Mn. r. :00 .. :00 p.. Annl n ff nd rnnn Cntt U Stn: dtrAtlnt. Advrtnt: prdtn4Atlnt. y I E children in need residing donations are also gratefully and Spectra Hair. .Atlnt. Aoi EWS SA WIE Hampton, North Hampton, accepted. In North Hampton, HAMPTON I This year's Seabrook, Rye, Exeter, Ports- Donations may be made items may be dropped off at Your Local Source For Community News Seacoast Firefighters Toy mouth, Newington, Dover, at local Wal-Mart stores and Shaw's Supermarket, Arse- nault Chiropractic Center O AEISE: Bank is officially off and run- Rochester, Somersworth and fire stations and at various Cnnll Cntn C fl nd, ll nt ning, with local fire depart- Durham. Toy Bank drop-off locations and Newbury North Salon, nppr, prntd nd dtrbtd h hrd. ments currently collecting Items are being sought prior to the Christmas holi- while Depot Honda, Rye Air dvrt r t hdl n dvrtn prnttn, pl ll, Field, Hungry Horse at TD e - l r fx bffhr Mhl . Cnnll t (60 264ff r toys and gifts for the annual for children ages newborn day. (60 866088 ll r l CnnllAtlnt. , r fx t drive. Donations from the to 14 years old, and include In Hampton, toys can BankNorth are serving as (60 264, r ll nd lv drn r ftr bn public are urgently needed age-appropriate toys, gifts, be dropped off at Atlantic drop-off centers in the town hr t (60 264.
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