DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of Secretary of State FY 2010 Annual Report About this report: I am pleased to present the Secretary of State FY 2010 Annual Report. Copies are available at www.azsos.gov. Ken Bennett - Secretary of State GENERAL INFORMATION Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2010 Financial Highlights The O! ce of the Secretary of State report, rent and insurance to the De- spent and $1.7M was returned to the receives monies from two sources: the partment of Administration for o! ce General Fund. State General Fund and Federal Funds. space, and other operating costs such We also charge fees for some of the as printing, postage, o! ce supplies " lings and registrations submitted to State General Fund. Daily operations and equipment maintenance. Of the our o! ce, as prescribed by state law. of our O! ce and expenses for state- $3.6M authorized for daily operations, In FY2010, we collected approximately wide elections are paid from this fund, approximately $3.4M was spent and $2 million from customers who use which is approved each year by the $200,000 was returned to the General our services. These monies go into the Legislature and Governor. In Fiscal Fund. General Fund and other state funds to Year 2010 we received approximately help o# set the expense of running our $3.6 million for daily operations and The largest amount of expenses for o! ce. $8.4 million for the Special Election statewide elections are monies to re- held in May 2010 for a total of $12 imburse Arizona counties for election Federal Funds. Our O! ce used about million. expenses at the local level, includ- $7.7 million of Federal Funds from ing the printing of ballots, postage, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Daily operations include the various supplies, and rent, salaries and other in FY2010. Most of these monies, divisions of the O! ce such as Elec- expenses at the polls. There are also $7.5M, were grants given to Arizona’s tions, Business Services, Publications, signi" cant statewide expenses includ- 15 counties for the purchase and Information Technology, and Admin- ing the printing and postage costs maintenance of election equipment istration. Expenses for daily opera- for over 2 million publicity pamphlets and other election expenses required tions include salaries of employees mailed to voters across the State. Of by Federal and State laws. The other who provide services to the public as the $8.4M authorized for the special $200,000 was used to pay statewide detailed throughout the rest of this election, approximately $6.7M was expenses related to HAVA. O! ce Pro" le The Arizona Department of State was created by the from the legislative branch to the executive branch under Arizona Constitution and is headed by a publicly elected the O! ce of Secretary of State. secretary of state, who serves as acting governor in the ab- sence of the governor, and succeeds the governor should During " scal year 2010, the o! ce continued to focus on a vacancy occur. If the secretary advances to the gover- its new mission statement as established by the Bennett nor’s o! ce under this scenario, the governor appoints a administration. replacement secretary. Sec. Bennett instilled in his sta# that government should be The secretary’s o! ce is divided into four separate areas, transparent, with public documents " led being made ac- administration, business services, election services and cessible. The task of creating an online " ling system began, public services. Often sta# supports one another with data thus entering the o! ce into the next stage of expedient input and " ling of documents whenever possible. customer service. The online " ling system is anticipated to be released in FY 2011. The Department of State added the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records as a division on Oct. 1, 2009, The mailing address for the o! ce is 1700 W. Washington St., with the passing of Senate Bill 1091. The bill moved LAPR 7th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85007. On the Cover (Upper left) On May 4, 2010, Ken Bennett teaches legisla- through the Arizona State Braille and Talking Book Library tive interns about the state budget and sings his famous on Sept. 11, 2009. Ken Bennett (left) gives a digital player to “Sine Die” songs. (Lower left) Assistant Secretary of State veteran James Carson (right) as part of the ceremonies held Jim Drake helps out with Logic and Accuracy tests of elec- at the Arizona State Capitol Museum. tion equipment on May 7, 2010, for the May 2010 special Project Manager: Public Services Division Director, Scott Cancelosi. Photos election. (Right) Phoenix-area veterans receive some of and graphics by S. Cancelosi unless otherwise noted. the state’s " rst digital talking book players distributed FY 2009 Annual Report, Arizona Secretary of State © December 2010 2 Ken Bennett, Secretary of State State of Arizona - Department of State Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 GENERAL INFORMATION Forward ~ A Letter to Arizonans Our FY ’10 focus? Accountability and Transparency As we started the ! scal year our o" ce signed HB2788 into law on April 1, presented grant money checks to 2010, it established a legal framework all 15 Arizona counties for a total of for those independent expenditures $5 million of Help America Vote Act while requiring disclosure to voters. monies. The counties used these much Provisions of the law would also be in needed funds for their HAVA projects e# ect by the August primary. which included voter registration enhancements, voter education, and It wasn’t just about elections this FY poll worker recruitment and training. year for our o" ce, although the special election did receive the most media Our Election Services sta# was poised attention. We did have other successes Ken Bennett to oversee a special election in the such as bringing a rare copy of the Arizona Secretary of State & fall of 2009 that was not meant to be. Declaration of Independence to the Chief Elections O! cer The Legislature was unable to pass Capitol Feb. 20, 2010. Arizonans waited legislation to put a one-cent sales in the rain that morning to view this tax to the voters on Aug. 11, 2009, important document and were given a which eventually would put o# the history lesson through an instructional inevitable - a special election on May video in the Capitol Museum. The 18, 2010. In the spring the sta# not weekend event was patriotic and only had to prepare in-house for this reminded all of us just how far we have election, they set up schedules to test come from the birth of our democracy. county election equipment and they prepared a Special Election Publicity Before we knew it, in June we were Pamphlet and Sample Ballot . We saved working on the Nov. 2 election and counties the cost to print and mail released the tentative numbering sample ballots by including a sample system for statewide initiatives, ballot in the publication. This saved referendums and amendments. We the taxpayers thousands of dollars also unveiled a new campaign ! nance in tight-budgeted times. The special website that created transparency election was conducted and our sta# and accountability that allowed the proved once again they can rise above tracking of spending and fundraising any challenge even under demanding of candidates, PACs, ballot committees deadlines. and other political organizations. This ! scal year we lead reform e# orts These are just a few of our due to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2010. that cleared the way for corporations I invite you to read the stories of our and unions to spend from their successes throughout this annual general treasuries to advocate for report. or against candidates. We met with stakeholders and sta# helped to draft legislation to bring Arizona in compliance with the ruling. Yet KEN BENNETT another immense undertaking had to Arizona Secretary of State be made under a tight deadline with the primary and general elections around the corner. As the governor State of Arizona - Department of State Ken Bennett, Secretary of State 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 Table of Contents O! ce Overview p. 5 Vision, Mission & Values p. 5 O! ce Services & Other Duties p. 5 Secretaries Since Statehood p. 6 Administration p. 7 Overview/About the Secretary p. 7 Contact Information p. 7 Key Sta" p. 8 Services p. 8 Fiscal Year 2010 Statistics p. 9 Business Services p. 12 Overview p. 12 Contact Information p. 12 Key Sta" p. 12 Services p. 13 Fiscal Year 2010 Statistics p. 14 Election Services p. 16 Overview p. 16 Contact Information p. 16 Key Sta" p. 16 Services p. 17 Fiscal Year 2010 Statistics p. 18 Public Services p. 22 Overview p. 22 Contact Information p. 22 Key Sta" p. 22 Services p. 23 Fiscal Year 2010 Statistics p. 24 Index p. 30 This report is available online at: www.azsos.gov. A paper copy of this report is available through interlibrary loan. Contact Arizona State Library, Archive and Public Records, a division of the O! ce of the Secretary of State, at (602) 542- 4035 for more information. Visit them online at www.lib.az.us. The O! ce of the Secretary of State is an equal opportunity employer. Requests for alternate formats or accommodations can be made # ve days in advance by contacting the Secretary of State ADA Coordinator at (602) 542-4285. 4 Ken Bennett, Secretary of State State of Arizona - Department of State Annual Report Fiscal Year 2010 PART 1 ~ OFFICE OVERVIEW O ce Overview ~ Vision, Mission & Values Two key values were focus in Fiscal Year 2010.
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