ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology Jahr/Year: 2015 Band/Volume: 65 Autor(en)/Author(s): Abdinbekova Arifa, Huseynova Ellada Aghamelik, Kerimova Ilhama Gudrat Artikel/Article: Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan Republic. Part IV. Subfamilies Orgilinae, Agathidinae, Ichneutinae, Cheloninae (Hymenoptera). 157-171 ©www.senckenberg.de/; download www.contributions-to-entomology.org/ CONTRIBUTIONS Beiträge zur Entomologie 65 (1): 157 -171 TO ENTOMOLOGY 2015 © Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2015 SENCKENBERG Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan Republic Part IV. Subfamilies Orgilinae, Agathidinae, Ichneutinae, Cheloninae (Hymenoptera) With 1 map A rífa A bdínbekova 1, Ellada Huseynova 12 andIlham a Kerímova 13 1 Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan Republic, Az 1073, pr. 1128, bl. 504, Baku, Azerbaijan. - [email protected] 3 [email protected] Published on 2015-06-30 Summary The paper gives some faunistik records of the braconids from genera Orgilus, Charmon, belonging to subfamily Orgilinae, from genera Disophrys, Cremnops, Agathis, Bassus, Baeognatha, belonging to subfamily Agathidinae, from genus Pseudichneutes belonging to subfamily Ichneutinae and from genera Phanerotoma, Ascogaster, Chelonus belong­ ing to subfamily Cheloninae. For each taxon localities in Azerbaijan, distribution in the world and hosts remarks are given. Some of the braconids below are located in the ZIN (Zoological Institute of the RAS), so the paper does not present information about them: 1. Orgilus (Orgilus) punctiventris To b ia s, 1976; 2. Agathis syngenesiae Ne e s, 1812; 3. A. glaucoptera N e e s, 1834; 4. A. dzhulphensis A bd in bek o v a , 1970; 5. A. levis A bd in bek o v a , 1970; 6. A. cauca- sica To b ia s, 1963; 7. A. transcaucasica A bd in bek o v a , 1970; 8. A. assimilis Ko kuyev, 1895; 9. A. nachitshevanica A bd in bek o v a , 1970; 10. Earinus nitidulus (Ne e s , 1812); 11. E. gloriatorius (Pa n zer, 1809); 12. Microdus punctatus (Abd in bek o v a , 1970); 13. Proterops nigripennis W esm a el, 1835; 14. Ichneutes reunitor Ne e s , 1816; 15. Phanero­ toma kozlovi Shestakov, 1930; 16. Phanerotoma atra Sn o fla k , 1951; 17. Phanerotoma gregori Sn o fla k , 1951; 18. Ascogaster kabystanica To b ia s, 1976; 19. A. nachitshevanica A bd in bek o v a , 1969; 20. A. klugii (Ne e s , 1816); 21. Chelonus (Chelonus) tricolor To bia s, 1976; 22. Ch. (Ch.) subannulatus A bd in bek o v a , 1971; 23. Ch. (Ch.) subseti- cornis To bia s, 1971; 24. Ch. (M.) nachitshevanicus A bd in bek o v a , 1971; 25. Ch. (M.) kiritshenko To b ia s, 1976; 26. Ch. (M.) hungaricus Sz e p l ig e t i 1896; 27. Ch. (M.) pectoralis To bia s, 1976; 28. Ch. (M.) talyshensis To b ia s, 1976. Key words Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Orgilinae, Agathidinae, Ichneutinae, Cheloninae, collection, Azerbaijan Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit werden faunistische Daten der Bracconiden-Gattungen Orgilus und Charmon (Unterfamilie Orgilinae), Disophrys, Cremnops, Agathis, Bassus und Baeognatha (Unterfamilie Agathidinae), Pseudichneutes (Unterfamilie Ichneutinae) sowie Phanerotoma, Ascogaster und Chelonus (Unterfamilie Cheloninae) ausgewertet. Zu jedem Taxon werden Fundorte in Aserbaidschan, Verbreitung und Wirte genannt. Von folgenden Brackwespen-Arten aus der Sammlung des ZIN (Zoologisches Institut der RAS) fehlen jedoch diese Informationen: 1. Orgilus (Orgilus) punctiven­ tris To bia s, 1976; 2. Agathis syngenesiae Ne e s, 1812; 3. A. glaucoptera Ne e s , 1834; 4. A. dzhulphensis A bd in beko va , 1970; 5. A. levis A bd in beko va , 1970; 6. A. caucasica To bia s, 1963; 7. A. transcaucasica A bd in beko va , 1970; 8. A. assi- ISSN 0005-805X DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.65.1.157-171 157 ©www.senckenberg.de/; download www.contributions-to-entomology.org/ Abdínbekova, A.; Huseynova , E. & Kebímova, I.: Braconidae in the collection of the Institute of Zoology. Part IV. milis Kokuyev, 1895; 9. A. nachitshevanica A bd in beko va , 1970; 10. Earinus nitidulus (Ne e s, 1812); 11. E. gloriatorius (Pa n zer, 1809); 12. Microduspunctatus (Abd in beko va , 1970); 13. Proterops nigripennis W esm a el, 1835; 14. Ichneutes reunitor Ne e s, 1816; 15. Phanerotoma kozlovi Shestakov, 1930; 16. Phanerotoma atra Sn o fla k , 1951; 17. Phanero- toma gregori Sn o fla k , 1951; 18. Ascogaster kabystanica To bia s, 1976; 19. A. nachitshevanica A bd in beko va , 1969; 20. A. klugii (Ne e s, 1816); 21. Chelonus (Chelonus) tricolor To bia s, 1976; 22. Ch. (Ch.) subannulatus Abd in beko va , 1971; 23. Ch. (Ch.) subseticornis To bia s, 1971; 24. Ch. (M.) nachitshevanicus A bd in beko va , 1971; 25. Ch. (M.) kirit- shenko To bia s, 1976; 26. Ch. (M.) hungaricus Sz e p l ig e t i 1896; 27. Ch. (M.) pectoralis To bia s, 1976; 28. Ch. (M.) talyshensis To bia s, 1976. Introduction Subfamily OrgilinaeA s h m e a d, 1900 Subfamily Orgilinae is presented by 5 species from Genus Orgilus Haliday,1833 2 genera, subfamily Agathidinae by 19 species from 4 genera, subfamily Ichneutinae by 1 species from 1 genus SubgenusOrgilus Haliday,1833 and subfamily Cheloninae by 31 species from 3 genera in the entomological collection of the Institute of Zoology Orgilus (Orgilus) nitidus Marshall, 1898 NAS of Azerbaijan. The paper includes distribution remarks and host range information for each species. Material: dist. Nakhichevan AR, 25.V. 1967, 1 ?, leg. The whole distribution areas in the world are provided Abdinbekova; dist. Goychay, 17.V1964, 1 ? , leg. Abdin­ for each taxon. Each name of species is accompanied by bekova. the author’s name and description date. Map reference for the collection sites in Azerbaijan is presented. Perti­ Host: unknown. nent literature was used for taxonomic analysis of the braconids (Marsh all, 1900; B eyarslan et al., 2013; Distribution: Azerbaijan, Hungary, Mongolia, Russia, Niezabitowski, 1910; Kokujev, 1903a; Kokujev, 1903b; Spain (Ma rsh a ll, 1900). A bdin bekova, 1965; 1967; 1971; 1975; 1995;W altl, 1835; To bia s, 1971; 1986; Telenga, 1955; Erdogan , 2013). Russii Balakan Zaqatala Agstafa Qazakhj Sheki' Qabala ’ovuz Shamkir Samukh Ismayilly (Mingechevir Sumqayit Agdash Goranboy Goychay Sliainakhy Gadabay Yevlakh Gobustan Goygol Naftalan Kurdamir Absheron Barda Zardab Kalbajar Hajigabul Agjabadi >irabad ^liirvan “ Kliojaly \ Turkey Khankendi Imishly Salyan Caspian Sea Lachin Shusha Fizuly Sharur ¿ a ta b a l Bilasuvar Shahbuz Neftchala Qubadly1 Jabrayil ikliiciievan oBabek Masally Julfa1 (Ordubad Yardimly Nakliichevan Lankaran Autonomous Republic Hit kan National Astará" Map 1: Records of Bracconidae in Azerbaijan, places (open circles) and localities (filled triangles). 158 DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.65.1.157-171 SENCKENBERG ©www.senckenberg.de/; download www.contributions-to-entomology.org/ CONTRIBUTIONS TO ENTOMOLOGY : BEITRÄGE ZUR ENTOMOLOGIE - 65(1) 157-171 Orgiius (Orgiius)pimpinella NiEZABiTOWSKi, 1910 Hosts: Dendrolimus pini (Lin naeus, 1758) (Lasio- campidae), Agonopterix conterminella (Zell er , 1839), Material: dist. Guba, 6-7. VIII.1962, 3 ? ? , leg. Abdin- A. kaekeritziana (Lin n aeus, 1767), (Depressariidae), bekova; dist. Lankaran, 27.IV 1965, 1 ?, leg. Abdinbekova; Aproaerema anthyllidella (Hü bn er, 1813), Dichomeris dist. Lerik, 30.VI.1965, 1 S , leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Margu- juniperella (Lin naeus, 1761), Exoteleia dodecella shevan (now Khojavend), 5.VIII.1966, 10 ? ? , 27 S S , leg. (Lin naeus, 1758), Loxostege sticticalis (Lin n aeus, 1761), Abdinbekova; dist. Agdam, 5.VII.1966, 7 ? ? , leg. Abdin­ Recurvaria nanella (Denis & S chiffermüller , 1775), bekova; dist. Mardakert (now Aghdere), 8.VIII.1966, Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) acuminatella (Sir c o m , 1850), 7 S S , leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Gasym-Ismayilov (now S. (E) ocellatella (Boyd, 1858) (Gelechiidae), Coleophora Goranboy), 7-11.VI.1966, 6 S S , leg. Abdinbekova; alcyonipennella (Ko lla r, 1832), C. discordella Z ell er , dist. Kalbajar. 7.VIII. 1966, 2 ? ? , leg. Abdinbekova; 1849 C. niveicostella Z ell er , 1839, C. paripennella dist. Shamkhor (now Shamkir), 19.VIII.1966, 2 ? ? , Z ell er , 1839, C. pyrrhulipennella Z eller, 1839 (Coleo­ leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Khankendi, 22.VIII.1966, 4 S S , phoridae), Epinotia (Panoplia) cruciana (Lin naeus, 1761), leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Gadabay, 28.V II.1966, 1 S , leg. Gypsonoma aceriana (Dupo n ch el, 1843), Lathronympha Abdinbekova; dist. Khanlar (now Goygol), 8.IX. 1966, strigana (Fa b r ic iu s, 1775), Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis 1 ? , leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Ordubad, 5.VII.1967, & Schiffermüller , 1775), Rh. pinicolana (Doubleday, 3 ? ? , leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Khachmaz, 15.VIII.1963, 1849), Rh. pinivorana (Lien ig & Z ell er , 1846), Stictea 1 ? , leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Goychay, 7. VIII.1964, 1 ?, mygindiana (Den is & Schiffermüller , 1775), Tortrix leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Zagatala, 24. VII. 1965, 1 ? , leg. viridana Lin n aeus, 1758 (Tortricidae), Mompha epilo- Abdinbekova; dist. Nukha (now Sheki), 26.V1965, 1 S, biella (Den is & S chiffermüller , 1775), M. (Lophoptilus) leg. Abdinbekova; dist. Yardimly, 6.IX.1965, 1 S , leg. miscella (Den is & S chiffermüller , 1775), (Momphi­ Abdinbekova. dae), Phalacropterix graslinella (Boisduval, 1852) (Psychidae), Scythris picaepennis (Haw orth, 1828) Hosts: Agonopterix bipunctosa (Cu r t is, 1850) (Depres- (Scythridae), Yponomeuta evonymella (Lin
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