Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-3-1997 The BG News September 3, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 3, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6196. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6196 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. TODAY Directory SPORTS OPINION 2 Switchboard 372-2601 Classified Ads 372-6977 Natalie: Beware of first impressions Display Ads 372-2605 Women's Soccer Editorial 372-6966 Sports 372-2602 at Dayton cool Entertainment 372-2603 tonight, 7:30 p.m. WORLD 5 *# Story Idea? Give us a call Falcons search for second victory of the and sunny weekdays from I pm. to 5 pm., or season on the road against Flyers Russians trying to blame Mir's team j$f e-mail: "[email protected]" High: 68 Low: 51 WEDNESDAY September 3,1997 Volume 84, Issue 5 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio n "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" Suspects faced with manslaughter Paparazzi placed under formal investigation The Associated Press PARIS - A French judge de- clared seven paparazzi to be manslaughter suspects Tuesday in the death of Princess Diana, including one aggressive photog- rapher said to have felt the dying princess's pulse while snapping shots of the car wreck. A lawyer for one photographer dismissed the investigation as "theater justice," a sop to public outrage over the fact Diana, her millionaire boyfriend and their driver were killed while being chased by paparazzi. But an attorney for boyfriend Dodi Fayed's father, Mohammed Al Fayed, said there was "causa- lity" between the photographers' At left, freelance photographer lacques Langevin (left) is shown in this pursuit and the fatal crash, and file photo with French president lacques Chirac. Langevin was one of the elder Fayed was joining the seven photographers implicated Monday for contributing to the death case as a civil party to prove it. of Diana, Princess of Wales. Above, a picture of Diana and a U.S. flag Fresh disclosures, however, sit among flowers at the gate of the British consulate in Dallas. pointed anew at a combination of deadly factors in Sunday's acci- dent, Including the apparently drunken condition of the driver, a Fayed employee. Stores temporarily remove tabloid publications A Paris newspaper reported chauffeur Henri Paul's blood al- The Associated Press that print photos of the wreckage that Star, but may make the ban permanent. Some tabloid editors have said they cohol level may have been almost show the victims in the crash that killed He said he has received more than 100 will not publish peddled photos of the four times the legal limit at the FAIRFIELD, O. - A supermarket man- Diana, her millionaire boyfriend, Dodi telephone calls of support from cus- crash. time of the crash - higher than ager has pulled all tabloid publications Fayed, and their driver. tomers since he put out a sign Sunday The Kroger Co., a supermarket chain originally believed. from his store to protest intrusive cover- Witnesses had reported that a group of announcing the decision. based in Cincinnati, said Tuesday it The photographers who went age into the private lives of Princess photographers may have chased their car Thriftway, which serves the Cincinnati would not sell any tabloids which contain before the judge Tuesday, one by Diana and other celebrities. before the crash Sunday in Paris and took area, will not sell any publications that pictures from the crash scene that show one, all had been in custody since "We felt the princess died tragically pictures of the wreck before help ar- contain crash photos of the victims, a the victims inside the smashed car. being arrested at the crash scene because of the ordeal of the papers, and rived. spokesman said. Thriftway is owned by "If they contain those kinds of pho- Sunday morning. we felt these companies shouldn't be Since then, French authorities have Winn-Dixie Stores Inc., based in Jack- tographs, we won't put them on display," Judge Herve Stephan placed profiting off her death," Ed Carroll, gen- said the driver of Diana's car was legally sonville, 1 la. Kroger spokesman Paul Bernish said. them under formal investigation eral manager of Jungle Jim's Market, drunk and may have been going more "All Winn-Dixie and Thriftway stores Those tabloids probably will not arrive for "involuntary homicide" - the said Tuesday. th.-in 1(H) 111 ph. will pull from sale any publication that at Kroger's stores in 24 states until later French equivalent of manslaugh- "I think that people's private lives Carroll, whose store is about 20 miles contains the photos of the auto accident this week, Bernish said. ter. It does not mean they will should be left alone." north of Cincinnati, said he has tempo- in which Princess Di was killed," said Carroll said he pulled the tabloids after At least one other store chain, Thrif- rarily stopped selling the tabloids, in- Nelson Rodenmayer, spokesman for talking with Jungle Jim's owner, James • See DIANA, page four. tway, said it will remove publications cluding the Globe, National Enquirer and Winn-Dixie. Bonaminio of Cleveland. What are you saying? Controversy raised over group home □ The citizens of Bowl- City Attorney Mike Marsh, state ing Green raise concern law does not require the owners about what goes on in of a home to tell the local government. The homes are re- their neighborhood. gulated by the state and need to apply for a license with the Ohio By BRANDON WRAY Department of Human Services The BG News (ODHS). Rick Ketzenbarger, city plan- Oantroversy over a new adult ning technician, said that he group home was the main topic of checked with ODHS In Columbus discussion at last night's Bowling and there was no record that Green city council meeting. Rodney Noble, the owner of the Zela Leventhal, of Bowling property, had applied for a li- Green, led the contingent of con- cense to operate a home at the cerned citizens who are upset site. Since a court ruling in the that a new group home for adults late 80s giving group homes the is moving into their neighbor- right to open without the permis- hood on Charles Street without sion of the city, Bowling Green their consent. has seen its number of group "We are upset that this home homes rise into the teens. Marsh has secretly moved onto our said. street without telling us," Leven- Al Amiri, a Charles Street resi- thal said. "We dont know who dent, said that his family doesnt owns this home or who is going to want to give up their neighbor- run the home. They have been hood to this home. remodeling and converting the "This area is very dear to me garage into a bedroom and an of- and family," Amiri said. "We fice." built here in 1969 as one of the Leventhal said the residents on first in the area. The man who is Charles Street are most upset putting this home in is taking because they claim everything away from our neighborhood. BG NIWI Phoi* by Amy Strieker has been done in secrecy. Why cant he offer his home for Johnathan Macy (right), senior psychology and pop culture major, front of the Union. Bradley is a doctor of theology from Texas who The city had no knowledge that this and not our neighborhood?" challenges Rick Bradley from his motorcycle as Bradley preaches in preached on campus Tuesday. a group home was planned for the site because, according to • See COUNCIL, page four. 5 page two The BG News Wednesday, September 3,1997 Tony Cavallario Opinion Editor Opinion 372-2604 Copyright C 1997. The BG Newi. Bowling Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any material from this publication H without the permission of The BG Nem is strictly prohibited. TV BG New* it an independent publication founded in 1920 aid it published daily during the academic year and weekly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty. 'Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75 years' University administration or The BG Neva. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Fall 1997 BG Newt SCOTT BROWN TONY CAVALLARIO DARLA WARNOCK BRANDON WRAY staff. Editor-in-Chief Opinion Editor Campus Editor City Editor The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or photograph descriptions. PENNY BROWN JEREMY MARTIN SARAH BEDNARSKI JIM TOCCO TOD McCLOSKEY Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief NEWS Copy Chief Photo Editor Chief Reporter Sports Editor Entertainment Editor and the Editorial Board are final. 210 West Hall • Bowling Green State University • Bowling Green, Ohio • 43403 • (419) 372-2601 • [email protected] There's more to folks than meets the eyes First impressions often color Obviously you can't take the what they look like crawling Is true. I ha 1 a slick "frat guy" In consider friends, and yet I don't people's opinions about some- time to get to know everyone. If out of bed with a hangover or one of my classes, and I totally know how many siblings they one they meet.
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