University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1969 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 5-20-1969 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 072, No 140, 5/20/ 1969 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1969 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 072, No 140, 5/20/1969." 72, 140 (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1969/75 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1969 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I' urona.dv M<mday, May 19, 1969 NEW MEXICO LOBO 3?!7t1 PageS CLASSIFIED Un3 Q, w' ADVERTISING Announcements by V.7v tbe UNM commun· NE\N ity will be accepted 1) PERSONALS !JO.;f/-~ Campus Brifes a~ The Lobo office, A U·hour deadline WANTED: Gid to share attractlve, quiet is jn ll!ffect. cy;<IVI I Calling U ap~rtment n~ar cnmpus. 242-6850. I 11e~,gional l'e:presentative on the 1 2) LOST & FOUND Tutoring Meeting executive <;!ouncil of the Amel'ican Thursday, May 22 EX ICO Monday, MaY 19 Association of Teacher s of Student :Recital: :Recital Hall; 2:ao p.m.; LOST: Large puppy-orange with black ,. The Albuquerque T u t o r i n g Senior· Recital by Robert Vega, tenor; face, baby teeth, chain collar. M. Fry. '' French (AATF). Recital Hall; 8:15 p.m.; no charge. no ch~rg~. u Vol, 72 Tuesday, May 20, 1969 Council will hold its annual meet­ Pt. Wililllll1 Kass: speaking on The 242-7053. At the University of Kansas, Diffusion and Solubility of Hydrogen nnd ing Tuesday, May 20, at 7:30 Tuesday, May 20 Deutcri11m in Nickel and Platinum: Chem.. 4) FOR RENT p.m. for the election of officers for Kolbert will teach two courses, Albuquerque Tutoring Council meeting; istry Buildingj Room 101; 4_: SO p,m. the poetry of the French Renais­ election of officers; Board roam; Albuquer .. Dr. Mi~hae1 M.antgomenr; speaking on ETHNIC ADOBE. NW Vl\llcy, Sublet, $50/ que School Board, 721 Maple SE: 7:30 "Solar Wind Plasma Observations: V cia mo. J'\lne--Aug. 344~0660 eveninB"s~ 1969-70. sance, and French literary cri­ The meeting will be held in the p.m. 4;'~ Physics Building; RQOm 184. 4 BEDJWOM, l'h bath, unfurpished. Ncar ticism. Wednesday, May 21 Friday, MaY 23 schools, $125 month lev.se, Northeast board room of the Albuquerque heights. 345.()416 eveninga. School Board at 721 Maple SE. His tour of duty for the AATF Business Administration Students As· Society of Sigma Chi annual banquet; will begin September 1. As re­ $ocin.tion el~tion; business administration Western Skies; 7 :30 p.m. CHAPARRAL J).l'ARTMENTs-1 b<!rm. 'Counterpoints' All those who are now tutoring building ma.ll~ 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 25 furnished, no pots, close te UNM. 521 gional representative, he will of­ Chorus and orchestra concert; 8; 15 p.m.: Spruce SE. 842-1864. at UNM for the Albuquerque Tu­ Popejoy HaJI; $1.50 for adults, $1 for stu• New Mexico Chamber Orchestra recital: ficially represent chapters of the Recital Hall; 4 p.m. i no charge. FOUR SEASONS APTS. 120 Cornell SE, toring Council are invited to at­ dents. Monday May 26 1 bdrm available, Swimming pool & rec• AATF in the largest geographical Sandia Grotto meeting~ for electi.cn of Brass Choir reciW: Recital Hall; 8 :15 tend, as well as anyone who is officers, slide show; '1 :30 p.m.; Room 250·E: reation rm. Call 242·0148. zone of the organization which p.m.~ no c.harge interested in the program for the Union CASA I,A PAz-1 bdrm, furnished, mar• summer or next :fall. consists of nine states including ried students. No pets. 2 blks from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, New UNM. 1706 Silver SE 242·6725. Works To Halt Mexico, and Colorado. 5) FOR SALE Chemistry Seminar '67 NORELCO CORDLESS SHAVER w/ SUMMER JOBS wrd, trimmer & case, Have beard. $14, Dr. William J. Kass, of the Lobo Louie call .r ames Z77 ·2958. University of Illinois, will lead COLLEGE PART COYOTE PUPS, Malamute, Hus· a UNM department of chemistry Applications for Lobo Louie are MEN & WOMEN kie & Shepherd combination. Black or Use of Heroin now being accepted by the UNM tan. Come see. tbeir parents. Good with seminar Thursday, May 22, at ki<!s. 898·1508 eveninll'S preferred. 4:30 p.m. in :Room 101 of the cheerleaders. Applicants should Marc Blum and Dave Driscoll, members of the advisory board, put their name, grade point and We are hiring students who are interested in full time summer NORTON P-11, 750cc, 60 hp. Twin eon· chemistry building. cQntries. A fine machine on or off the two forme~· UNM students, have with the potential members. any other qualications they desire employment, Those hired will '!mve the opport~:mity ~o c?ntinue Kass will speak on "The Dif­ employment on a part time bas1s next fall. All ~obs Wlll g1ve you road. Call Mike 242-2300. started a program in Albuquerque Acceptance, Rejection on a piece of paper and place it in 200cc MOTOR SCOOTER. Call 277-5320 or fusion and Solubility of Hydro­ tremendous experience for your next school semester regardless to stop the spread of heroin use, Acceptance or rejection to the gen and Deuterium in Nickel and the cheerleaders' box in the Un­ 277-5203 and make an offer. and to help heroin addicts. ion before May 22, of your field. STEREO GARRARD TURNTABLE, group will come out of the two Platinum." spenkcrsJ Fisher amPltfyer, *-violin. Driscoll and Blum arc calling sessions. All interested persons are invit· There will be a meeting for aU ,Jackson 247·3601, 299-8860. their pl·on-ram "Project Counter­ Blum said acceptance will be ed to attend the seminar. applicants May 24 at 10 a.m. at WE OFFER: PUPPIES now available from Ic•floe• points." They fed heroin addic­ the Sigma Phi Epsilon house. The l!olne of the e~tra large Mnlllll1utel. based "on the sincerity and Stud service. 208·6112. tion can be ;,topped if the eommu­ sh·cngth of the addicts' desh·e to 1. Salary range of $450-500 monthly, for those who qualify. llity is edu('ated. They plan to ful­ Astronomy Meeting 2. Opportunity to work for one of the largest companies in its 6) EMPLOYMENT quit using heroin." Summer Orientation fill this aim hy ''talking to people All rules, the pape,: said, will be field. MALE STOPENT to work through Iundt on the ztrccts, :;baring thoughts Dr. Michael D. Montgomery, 11·2. Counh·y llarn 2400 Control Sr:. determined by members of the of the Los Alamos Scientific Lab· Tentative dates have been an­ 3. Opportunity to advance to management positions thru the and ideas, and generally relating" PERSON WANTF.Dt;;PLW with o.ff;;w;; Counterpoint household with the Lobo Photo by Ton)' Loudcrbough oratories, will present a paper nounced for summer orientation summer, to people, said a paper they have l '~'~ yr. old nirl whil"" n10the+- finl:-.hcs exception of the standing rule that Near 90 degree temperatures have been responsible for a sharp Friday, May 23, for the UNM sessions for students who will be $15,000 in cash scholarships. dis:.wrtation. Al10nt lU hr~;. pl'r wk •• thru prepared on Counterpoints. no heroin be in the house. 4. summer & preferably next yr. Wnll<inr: rise in sun worshippers around campus, Se\·eral Santa Clara department of physics and astron­ new freshmen in September at dista.nce from Univ. CalJ :Mrn, llia.t 247· Information Center Blum said two of the devices Campus Sweeties 5. $25,000 in merchandise prizes. beauties take a long study break to get those rays. omy. UNM. 6. A trip to the Bahamas and around the world to those who 2874. They also plan to start a cente1· that will be used to help addicts l\1ontgomet·y will speak on The orientation ptograms are \VAN-rED: Student-to eo~ !ish :Ncw 111~;;: where fom1er addicts will speak to stop hc1·oin use will be encounter excel. ico offie.C! for band booltinc- ar,cnry.. Cnp­ "Solar Wind Plasma Observa­ scheduled for July 7, 91 11, 15, 17, ital unn(!ce:.;Gnr!f. C'xpcricmc.c with roelt addicts and other people who want groups and sensitivity training, tions: Vela4," in :Room 184 of the lmn•h !>rd<mb!"· Make $700 nnd more 22, 25, and 29, and Aug. 1 and 4. monthly. Auply in wrltinff to ,AU<li<> Art, more information about addiction. "Strong Base" physics building, 800 Yale NE. Afte1· students have been ac­ QUALIFICA'l'10NS 130 Cambri~r:c, Turaon, Ar,zonn. Blum and Driscoll will also start The ]lUper prepared by Blum Interested persons are invited cepted for admission, they will be TF:i\clrEtis\vA.'Ni·in. Southw;t ..;;;r.n: a "community of ex-addicts" pat.. and Driscoll concerning Counter­ Honesty Overrides Justice to attend the free colloquium, invited by letter to attend one of 2. Ability to converse intelligently tire West. Good sn.lnrieo. Free rer.btrn· terned after the Daytop houses in tion period. Southw«~t TcMhcro ABcnct. points said group consciousness the ten sessions. 1. Neat in appearance 1303 Central N.E., Albuquerque. New York. Daytop is a self-suffi­ "will pt•ovide a strong base from 3.
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