Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment Activity Quarterly Report Year Two, Quarter Two – January 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 Submission Date: April 30, 2020 Agreement Number: 72066418CA00001 Activity Start Date and End Date: SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 to AUGUST 31, 2023 AOR Name: Hind Houas Submitted by: Alyssa Karp, Acting Chief of Party FHI360 Tanit Business Center, Ave de la Fleurs de Lys, Lac 2 1053 Tunis, Tunisia Tel: +1 2028848901 x18901 Email: [email protected] This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. July 2008 1 Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations Table 1 .......................................................... ii 1. Project Overview/ Summary table 2 ................................................... 4 1.1 Introduction and Project Description ....................................................................... 5 1.2 Analysis of Overall Program Progress Toward Results .................................... 7 2. Summary of Activities Conducted ..................................................... 10 2.1 Objective 1: Strengthened Community Resilience ........................................... 10 RESULT 1.1: COMMUNITY MEMBERS, IN PARTICULAR MARGINALIZED GROUPS, DEMONSTRATE AN ENHANCED LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT, TRUST, AND AGENCY 10 RESULT 1.2: INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY GROUPS ARE MOBILIZED TO DEVELOP TAILORED RESPONSES TO SPECIFIC COMMUNITY VULNERABILITIES, SPECIFICALLY DRIVERS OF EXTREMISM AND INSTABILITY 23 RESULT 1.4: ENHANCED COMMUNITY RESOURCES, SERVICES, AND SUPPORT 39 2.2 Objective 2: Communities Vulnerabilities are Mitigated ............................... 51 RESULT 2.1: COMMUNITIES’ SPECIFIC VULNERABILITIES ARE IDENTIFIED AND REDUCED 51 2.3 Objective 3: Tunisian Partners Sustain the Model ............................................ 58 RESULT 3.1: ENHANCED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR ACTORS TO SUPPORT LOCAL RESILIENCE ACTIVITIES 58 RESULT 3.2: MOBILIZATION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR RESOURCES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNITY RESILIENCE COMMITTEES AND, WHERE APPLICABLE, LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDS 61 RESULT 3.3: INCREASED NUMBER OF SOCIAL CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) POLICIES AND INITIATIVES DEVELOPED WITH COMMUNITY CONSULTATION 62 RESULT 3.4: INCREASED NUMBER OF VOLUNTEER HOURS DEDICATED TO SUPPORTING COMMUNITY RESILIENCE INITIATIVES 63 3. Integration of Cross-Cutting Issues ................................................... 67 3.1 Gender Equality and Female Empowerment ...................................................... 67 3.2 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 71 3.3 Environmental Compliance .......................................................................................... 72 3.4 Policy and Governance Support ................................................................................. 73 3.5 Local Capacity Development ...................................................................................... 74 3.6 Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) ............................................................................ 75 3.7 Positive Youth Development (PYD) ........................................................................ 76 4. Performance Management Plan ......................................................... 77 4.1 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan ........................................................... 79 4.2 MEL activities adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic ....................... 80 4.3 Improving Data Quality .................................................................................................. 80 New Data Management Tool 81 Data Management System and Security 81 Internal Data Quality Assurance 82 4.4 Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation ............................................................... 82 After Action Review session on CSAP process 82 Partner Process Interviews 85 4.5 Outcome Performance Indicators ............................................................................ 86 Social Network Analysis and Collaboration 86 Youth Participate in Civil Society Activities (YOUTH-5) 88 4.6 Ma3an Learning Agenda................................................................................................. 91 4.7 Knowledge Management ............................................................................................... 95 5. Comparison of Actual Expenditures with Budget Estimates 96 6. Planned Activities for Y2, Q2 ............................................................... 98 7. Annexes ........................................................................................................ 102 7.1 Community Analysis Table........................................................................................ 102 7.2 Youth Mentors Activity ............................................................................................... 102 7.3 Youth Mentor TOT 1 Agenda .................................................................................. 102 7.4 Youth Mentor Cohort 2 Selection Criteria ....................................................... 102 7.5 Civic Engagement Seminar Report ....................................................................... 102 7.6 Civic Engagement Priority Actions Report ....................................................... 102 7.7 Civic Incubators Concept Note ............................................................................... 102 7.8 Full Volunteer Campaign Report ........................................................................... 102 7.9 MEL Indicator Report ................................................................................................... 102 i ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS TABLE 1 AO Agreement Officer AAR After Action Review AFDP Association Fidélité pour le Développement et la Promotion Rouhia ANF Association Namaa Fernana AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative ATCD Association Thabboura for Culture and Development CBD Community Based Development CC Coordination Committee CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CDF Community Development Fund CJD Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants CLA Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting CRA Community Resilience Activities CRC Community Resilience Committee CSAP Collaborative Stakeholders Action Planning CONECT Confédération des Entreprises Citoyennes de Tunisie COP Chief of Party CSO Civil Society Organization CT Counter Terrorism CYM Community Youth Mapping DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DM&E Design, Monitoring & Evaluation DNH Do No Harm DO Development Objective ENGED National Agency for Waste Management EOI Expressions of Interest FGD Focus Group Discussions GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GOT Government of Tunisia HCD Human-Centered Design IACE L'Institut Arabe des Chefs d'Entreprises IDH Institut du Developpement Humain IDEBATE International Institute of Debate IPs Improvement Plans IREX International Research and Exchange Board IRI International Republican Institute IR Intermediate Result ISET Institut Superieur de Etudes Technologiques JCI Juen Chambre Internationale JSF Jeunesse Sans Frontières ii L2D Learn to Discern LOA Letter of Agreement MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning MEPI Middle East Partnership Initiative MOE Ministry of Education MOU Memorandum of Understanding MOYS Ministry of Youth and Sports NDI National Democratic Institute NGO Non-Governmental Organizations OCA Organizational Capacity Assessment OIT Organization International du Travail OPI Organizational Performance Index OTCS Tunisian Organization for Social Cohesion PIRS Performance Indicators Reference Sheet POG Presidency of the Government P/CVE Preventing or Countering Violent Extremism PM Prime Minister PYD Positive Youth Development RFA Request for Applications RMELOs Regional Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officers R&L Research and Learning STTA Short Term Technical Assistance Search Search for Common Ground SEP Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership TBD To be determined TOR Terms of Reference TOT Training of Trainers TRACE Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment UGC User Generated Content UNDP United Nations Development Program USIP United States Institute of Peace USAID United States Agency for International Development UTICA Union Tunisienne de l'Industrie, du Commerce et de l'Artisanat VE Violent Extremism WSR Whole System in the Room Y1 Year 1 Y2 Year 2 YES Youth Essential Skills YPAT Youth Programming Assessment Tool YTCA Young Tunisian Coding Academy iii 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW/ SUMMARY TABLE 2 Program Name: Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment (TRACE), now known as Ma3an (“Together” in Arabic) Activity Start Date and End September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2023 Date: Name of Prime FHI 360 Implementing Partner: Agreement Number: 72066418CA00001 Name of Subcontractors/Sub- IREX, JSF, CONECT, and IACE awardees: Major Counterpart Office of the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia Organizations Over the five-year project implementation period, Ma3an will directly implement activities in 33 total communities. Below is a list of 17 communities (i.e., Phase 1 and Phase 2 communities) where implementation began in Year 1. The selection of 16 additional communities (Phase 3 communities) will take place in Year 2. Governorate Communities Phase 1 Communities El Kef Kef City Ariana Ettadhamen Manouba Douar Hicher Sidi Bouzid Sidi Bouzid center - Souk Jedid Phase 2 Communities Geographic
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