Wisconsin's LesBiSayTrons Entertainment Guide Official News source of the Mr. & Miss Wisconsin-USotA REGISTER NOW! Pageants ffiri'g.5-tSeptember 1010 - -23,199823, 1998 800-348-WALK VolumeVolume5 5 IssueIssue 1616 September The Virtues of Walking: "Mistakes are Costly, Chastity, Suite Up!" charity & love. AIDS WALK WISCONSIN 1998 HONORARY CHAIR This message brought to you by Lee. Jesse. Quest and AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin Appleton - 800-773-2068 La Crosse - 608-785-9866 ARC W Rhinelander - 800-374-7678 Eau Claire - 800-750-2437 --- Green Bay - 800-675-9400 AIDS likfirJRCE Crr4Ttil Superior - 800-675-9400 BONO of ‘Vi‘CoNCiN CHASTITY Wausau - 715-355-6867 Kenosha - 800-924-6601 Milwaukee - 800-359-9272 THIS ADVEF]TISINGADVERTISING SPACE HASHAS BEEN DONATED BY QUESTQUEST MAGAZINE Z9Zg vwx51.w:-34,/vcrisvc-wr.:q-45/-457-45,/stow•-e Azw-41,/iscA-4t,ciwiwiwrmr.m/75-,. .v-~ .,1„. "BORED STIFF? 0 Q FAST & EASY. 0 ME Horny Men Want to Play" 0 0 THAT'S A GOOD THING WHEN 0 0 Try it FREE! YOU'REf;IBfi;,:'iI;iiji:;i;;',I::,,I;,:!j,,,;':I,:;',:,:::I;:,:;;#I AN ONLINE SERVICE! 0 0 LikJ 1......... (414)264-6253 0 0 USE FREE CODE 8008 0 12641264 MainMdih Street,Slreel, GreenGreen BayBay 437-925643719256 0 Oak Creek/Milw. area only. someone 25-35 toto spend thosethose cool 0 Age/race open. Write Mike (#(#134), 134), fall nights with && beyond. Straight doa/o Quest,Quest` PO Box 1961.1961. GreenGreen acting appreciated. Into long walks`walks. 0 0 Bay.Bay` WIWI 5430554305 [2] sitting by a campfire.campfirc` to namenanic a few things. GreenGreen Bay/LakeshoreBa}'fl,ckcshoic area aiea 0 HeyHeyEmenybudde!!! Everybuddiell! 0 24 Hour Fun! MeetMeet menmen i';If/fwi//\. instantly appreciated. (920)(920) 683-9549.683-9549. Lv.,I,v.` on TlieThe C()nfidelitiillConfidential C()IuiecliN-i!Connection! 0 msg. Let'sLct's talk. [2] N 18+ Record Record & Listen FREE! (414) 0 JoinJoinqusMonday,Sepeem,ber21foiorDonii;'sBinhday! us Monday, September 21for Don's Birthday! 0 224-6462224i462 code code 41`33 4133. [P][P] BodybuildersBodybuildei.s Wanted! Good lkg just type Japanese guy`guy, 29. 5'8", slumslim ,` AA GWM in Oshkosh lkg forfor hot studs § 0 smooth,smooth` wellwell-endowed-endowed seeks mus- http://www.quest-online.corn•:":.:` 18-25 toto stop slap by && s--- s-- me. cuddlecuddle cular guys/go-go dani`ersdancers w/ huge with meine & whatever cometscomes about. pumped-up pees. bottom. for Contact Rii`hRich (920)(920) 426-2683426-2683 or pumped-up pci`s. bottom. for 0 friendshjipfiiendshjip && mutualmutual visils. visits. II can R 102 W. Bent Bent Av.. Av.. Oshkosh. Oshkush. WI • FREE Classified ads tgraveltglavcl & relocate. Pleasi`Please reply in 54901 [2] 0 0 English w/ photo to.to: T.T. Watahiki. 2- • calendars • articles • color photos 0 * 38 }..o.y.o. GWM CWM br/br.brthr. Lkg for l`ricnd-friend- 19-2-10319-2-1()3 Kitakoshigaya Kitckoshigaya SaitamaSaitama ship/relationship. Fln ph};`sically • Links to other Wisconsin Gay Sites .,,,,,.Q ship/relationship. Fin physically 343-0026. JAPAN.JAPAN. E-mail:E-nmil: 0 challenged w/ speech impediment.impediment` [email protected] Onotmail.coni. [2] • A new map area showing bar locations There nyonI.wont bebe anyany 0 butbul mobile & willing toto ri`lor`ale.relocate. 0 FirstFiut RailRhil Drink mnh .,,,,. GayGz`y fentailfemail positivelypositivi`1y seekingsi`eLing wildu'ilil (414)(411) 253-0921 or MarkMck Si`hii`ker.Schicker. • Info on Mr. & Miss Gay WI USofA Pageants cake at this 0 flower 2`2, in thethe sunset.siinset. Wliti`Write me at 0 FREE forfro EveryoneEnyone cake at this party,rty' .,,,,,,,. N83 Ww 15776 Apple valic>tValley Di`.Di.. 3015 N.N BuffuniBuffum St..Sl.. Milwaukee.Milu'aukei]` 0 Menomonee Falls,Falls. WIWI 53051 [2][2] COMING! New Live Chat Area! 0 AllAtll DmyDay fl;ndand but therethere will be£ .,,,,,, WIWl 53253212 I 2 [2] Isls romanceromance onl}'only in the movies?nrovies`' food, drink and Q SensuousSi`nsuous massage t`ii`ffree for athletii`athletic 0 FREE BEER food, drink a;nd Prof GWN.I.GWM` mid dos.40s. blthr.bl/br. 5` 5'10 10...- . men.iiien. HanryHoul}' men men aa +.+ Discretion/plea- Discrelion/pli'n- a few birthday 150. ISOISO 3-C kindkind of guygu}' -- --com+ com- 0 0 sure assured.assuied. I am 44.J4` HIV iieg.neg. 9 pmpin tilltill mitment.mi[inent. caringcanng && cuddling`cuddling. & surprises!!!?ufequw?ste##,day AvailableA\ ailable evenings/weekends.evenings/wcekcnds` will 0 0 friendship.fricndship. SteveSteve (608) (608) 825-4567. 8254567 Midnight traveltm\'el to Milw. oror Chicago.Chlcago. DaveI)ave WHEN YOU CAN'T GET Call for my personal - 80()"800" num- 0 (847)(817) 662~909i662-9094 beforebefore 11I1 p.in.p.m. No ber;ber, letslet`s meetmeet fort`or interesting Interesting times times smokerssmckers oi or I)honephone sex`sex, please.please. [3] OUT TO GET QUEST, 0 0 & friendship.fnendship, [2][2] Erotic in.issagcsmassages b}J by a HOT 22 y.o. 3Somes & Moresomes! ExploreExplore GET IT ONLINE. collegec`ollege studentstudent servingsei`'mg SE Wisi`Wisc. TheTII(I Confidential C()n|idellllill Connection!C(IImec{i(m`. 18+ 18+ Discretion tia MUST!MUST! For appoint- 0 0 record/listen/respondiccoid/listen/iespond FREE'FREE! 18+18+ ment,ITicnt. call c.111 Tim Tim (414) (414) 658-1134 658-1134 Or 0r call (920) (920) 431-9000431 -9000 use ue code 4120 22 y o. model l`rom Ny/W[ lkg fol endowed top men, over 35. forfor 0 0 page (414)(414) 309-4236 3094236 [3] 22 y.o. model from Ny/WI lkg for endowed top men, over 35. Don'tDon'i;'t for ingeS et our our_wee.kly weekl specialsp spedal! or or our our GWMCWM retli.edretired in Green BnyBay wttntswants sexy.`sexy` passable passable nansexuals, lianscxiials` trans-ti.ans- safe,safe` hothot times. times. I Iam am also also orallyorally tal- 0 Young guy wants to meet other hot 0 to do you better than you callcan do vestites oror i`rosscross di.essersdressers foi.for goodgotrd ented.i`iitcd Race Race is is immaterial. immatcrial. II. can guys in Wis.Wis RapidsR{`pids-Stevi`ns-Stevens PointPolnt super Packergame yourself.yoursell`. (920)(92()) 432-4249 432+249 anyany [iiire.time. discreetdisciect sex.sex. E-mallE-mail liieme ripped- llppetl- traveln.avel oror entertain.entcrlaln. WliLe:Write: Quest Quest 0 day parties, 0 area forfoi good times.times MeMe: 30s.30s. 5'9"`5'9'', [email protected]@hotm:`Il com [3)[3] (#133).(#133)` PO Box 1961`1961, Green Bay`Bay, Body builder, white.white` 33,33` blondish blondish-- 155 lbs. lbs. Write: Wiite. QuestQiiest (#132). (#132). POPO 0 ahoay#thpfi%o#dr9%%acd%prpgmi#e2mskaysH!s!!! 0 WI 543055430-i [3] always with food and Packergive-away brown hair,hall.` blue blue eyes. eyes, 5' 5.11.5`..loo.11.5". 190. Box 1961.1961 `Green Green Bay. Ba}'` WI W154305 54305 Bi whitewhite in.`lc`male, 40.4()I Ikg lkg for for a a discreet discreet very good lkg seeks pen pnlspals. someonesome()ne inin no.no. Milw. or thethe WM. 37. 20020() lbs., 1bs., 64", 6'4", muscular, muscular. Hot,Hot. whitewhitL` transvestite ti.ansvcstite nympho. nympho` Hobbies:Hobbles: beach`beach, horses.horses` reading.lending. Ozaukee-WashingtonOzaukee-W.`shington CoCo. area. hairy chest,i`hcsl` likes likcs to modelmodel mensmens 0 * 32.12. 6'.6'.1751b``.` 175 lbs., to[all}'totally shaved & on camping.canxping. romantic dirmer.dinner. Pli`asePlease Max. PO 13oxBox 624,624` Grafton,Gi`t`fton. WI underwear.underwe&r. jock jock strap,stiap, speedo,si)cedo` "BUDDIES", Where Everybuddie Wants to Be hormones.hormoncs. Now .ivail.avail. fol.for veryvely gen- 0 * writewntc Gregory AA. Cotlunn`Cothron. 751751138138 53024 [3] spandexsp:`ndcx shortssht]ils & have you put "BUDDIES", Where Everybuddie Wants to Be erousi`i.ous persons; pel.tons, I aimaHii to to please! pleasi`' #1257. HndeeHardee CI. Cl. 69016901 SweState RtlRd. your}Joui. hands h:\nds all ,lil over over me. me Then Then pull pull ,. .... Milw. east sidesidi` (414) (414) 291-0871 291-0871 Appleton bottom seeks tops. I'm a 'L`m OIT niid j/o oi. oral. (414) 289- A 62. Bowling Green`Green. FLFL 3.18.IA33834 [2] |2| 'em off and j/o or oral. (414) 289- clays(hys :`ii(Iand Sundays. Siinchys Michelle Mlchclle GWM.GWM` 44`44, 61",6'1"` tall && slender, slender. 8780. tlicnthen dlaldial ext.ext 646. [3 ;:‘:k V,_ MSVSSMOSSMSSSSMCOLVMaktk Veatalt GWM.CWM. 5.9.`.5'9". 180180 Ibs..lbs.. lkgIkg for DelightDelighl [31[3] body hairhalf isis shaved.sh.ive(I, Prefer Prefci. well well z7Z7 ue t sfree classifieds ANONYMOUS HIV GVv'MGWM w/ pets (2 dogs, 1I catilkg cat) lkg for for couples [oto share a 3 ANTIBODY TESTS Housing -- Roommate Roorrunte a 3 bed cabin also. worthy, discreet & dependable.dependable TESTS roommate to share 3 bedrm upper in roommate to share 3 bedrm upper in Call Dennis (920) 855-24Or855-2404 (920)(920) 465-47284654728 or or lv. Iv. msg. [2]|2] Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Thursday Thursday Wanted female roommateroommate toto share Racine. OnOn locallocal & & commuter commuter bus Daily Specials at What's your story?story? PreventionPrevention ser- PersonalsPersonais 6-8:30 pinpm aa 3-bedrm3-bedrm house in Green Bay. line,line, closeclose toto commuter commuter rail.rail. $225 $225 your favorite vices needs your help. Have you been bar $350,$350, everythingeverything included.included. MustMust bebe (+(+ security)security) & 1/2 I/2 utilities.utilities. (414) (414) Your signature, signature, address address and and infectedinfected oror affectedaffected byby HIV/AIDS. or BESTDBESTD MEN'SMEN'S CLINIC open-minded.
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