District( regional toivn) ...................... No of tho consus district Commune (town)...... .......................... Village(componont locD-lity).........=....9..*. No of tho guiding and control sector Stroet .............................. no...... No of the cousus sector Ssridl letter of tho building .............. Number of tho form 14-15 BUILDING BULLETIN Name and sarnamo of O;'iner .......................................................................... (foc ontorpriss~,institutio~,organizations thoir nme and the contralbcdy thqybelong to) I GENGUL DATA 1. Purpose for which tho building 4. Occupancy of tho rosidantial io used building Ho sidont i al buiIdi [TIOccupied Ilon-residontid building in Undor construction,partly occupied 20 m~7hich tho dwelling is locatod El by tho population o Buildiw with colloctive housing units Under const ruction, occupied ml mby buildors 111Unoccupied 2. Typo of rosidontial building 5. Typo of ownorship Individual building with EI ono dvrollinf; [(]Stato proporty Row-houoos U17 11Co-oporativo proporty U21 Proporty of public I Ij5]Block-typo building Iorganizations [(IProporty of roligious cults and COEïRUtli~ioS 3. Year of construction of the building [TIPriv ato propo rty =u17113xo d pr op orey 18-19 ~~ II BUILDIKG CH.ARAC.l'ERIS.I'ICS 6. Building notoria1 of extornal nalls and floors 8. Number of lovols rU 11Roinforcod concreto 24- 25 Poinforcod concrot carcass with nI I dricl::/orlc or oubstftutes nasonry 22 S tononorlr, brickxork or substitut os masonry with reinforced concreta flmm 9. Number of storoys Stonework brickwork or substitutes *u26-27 masonry with woodon floors 1 151 Wood (boms, logs etc.) 10. Developed useful Framework, unburnt brick, vrattles , floor space of the residential mboaton earth or othor materials building -u 7. Building material of 28-32 tho roof covoring 11. Extent of damage of the residential 1_ I Il1 Shoot building - per cent Tilos hollow tiles, aobestos 23 cemont-. Etorni% cl 1121 [TJ c%- 2M Shinglo 21% - 4010 Rood, atraw 1141% - 6@ CI T8r poper ml 61% - 80% 33 I 16 1 Flot roof [TI hor t3m ml Othor matorials III CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATIONS 12. Connection to the electrical 15. Sewage disposal system dist ribution network (discharge of household water) 1111The building has sewage disposal sys- The building i8 connected to the tem connected to thecommunfty system 1111community network The building has individual The building is connected to a sewage srstem local source(generating set,eto.) The building has' no sewage [IlThe building has no connections mdisposal system 37 16. Central heating system and kind 13. Connection to the gas of fuel supply system -1 Thermal power station The building is connected to with solid fuel UZI the gas supply system Thermal pbwer station with liquid fuel 38 [I]The building has no connections 17 [TIG= thermal power station 14. Connection to the water supply system IT1District hoating plant (XjThe buildixg is connected to the water supply systern The building has no connections I I O !.The building has no lift 19. Vor buildings with collective housing units,it should be shom: r--i 18. Garage - Name ond kind of the collective I; housing unit . hz$ Located in the reoidential building o.................... *o....*..*.* - Number of rooms (hotel rooms, ml Located in the courtyard hospital words, dormitories, boarding schools etc.) , I (71NO garage . 46-48 - Copacity by number of places U 49-52 Capacity. of the garage by number - Number of persons recordod on of oars Form P2 - Number of psrsons'recordod on Vorn Pg ............... -IV SCHEDW OE' DWELLINGS II? THE BUILDING umber of house- Nooaf per- I hold members som be- of whom: lowin@; BWOY in to other No . No. No. other house- of Name and surname of of loca&.holds md Porm of main ocoupant iwel- house - cor a Who haw I42 lings holds Total lower come to period the loca' of lity for timo p~~&je~ - time A B 1 2 3 4 5 - Ic3-45 46-4d 49-52 X X Grand Total I Code Doto of filling: doy March 1966 I , II III , Iv v , VI ... Enumo rat; or, Chief e nume rotor, .. , - ._- Serial lotter of tho building ...staircam... ' .... 'Ode No of dwollins; Cfl'stl ........storey 18 19 20 21 22 23-24 DWELLING BULLETIN Neme ond surnmo of main occupnnt ; Ó ....... ........................,. Noms and urnam of 7 i (for en~erprPg~~~i'nstitutib~,br'@;a;liia'tib~1 ihkik hak' &d. the' C'onkr'el' bb& ih;; Ö:lb& ko) I GENERN; DATA I 1. Typo of dwelling 3. The level on which the dwolling II11fi7e1ling proper is located pjPermanently occupied rooms located rasement in collective housing units [I1 [TqSemi-basement n' Nocossity dwelling locuted in: 25 [Ta]Ground floor 27-28 ml-provisional structures(barack, shack etc. ) IT]- household structures or outhouses TIFloor No dotachod from tho 'Duilding(inde endont 11Attic kitchen, garago, st orehouse etC. 7 4. Typo of ownership . [XI-accossoriov and spaces for non- rosidontid purposes in the building 171Stato property - (drying m;Laundry, cdbr, garrot etc. ) i11Co-operativo property 1-1- 1-1- mobile housing unit, pormanontly [TiProporty of public organizations occupied(wagon, trailor, barge,otc. ) 111Property of religious cults and 2. The dzolling is : 'I O ' ' coimunities 29 ml Occu;?isd n 1-1 Privato property Unoccupiod U [TIMixed property 26 II D1lELLIKG CHARACTERISTICS 5. ro on^ for habitation Mote 6. Rooas usod out of necessity Diasmioz for habitation Room . Area t II O L,?ry$h \'¡idth sqmm. - Numbor U n. m. 1 - Area 2 I I I 3 7. Flooring motorial of 1 room for habitation 1111 Floor m]Parquet U3s ITIPvcarpet [TTBeaton clay )TIOther motorials 30-31 32-34: ~ III ACCESSORIES a. Kitchen 9. Bath mJLocated inside the dwelli% ITjLocatod inside ths dwelling outside the dwelling but ITILocated outsido the dwelling insids the building U46 o39 ]TINObath Located outside the building ml Show if the bath has: [TI-a bath tube I& k?'!fh#e kitchon If dwolling has -a 'Tg the summer CI [Ti-only a shavser 47 kit chen, give its area -- -- 10. Toilet If the dwolling has no kitchen b$!?' show lace of cooking(in the r--- 7 ((1lLocated inside the dwelling room En the vootibule etc.).......! ITlLocated outside the dwolling but Cooking f ocilities ueed: L-Ai inside the building 48 \TI- gos installation /Iflother oituati ons Show type of toilet installation [TI- gas cylinder 11- flush toilet IIS) - other facilitiea 1121- non-flush toilet 49 N 1NSTALLATIONS 11. Water supply system 12. Hot water installation Source of water supply: The dwelling has hot water 1711- the community system m]installati on n well, fountain etc. 112)- U50 The water supply outlet is installed: I 111- inside the dwelling (dThe dwelli-hg has no sewage E]-inside the building disposal system UL!l /r \TI-in the courtyard 14. Electric lighting installation 4 ITiThe dwelling has electric ii-outside the courtayrd install tion 171The dw 8111 h?-s no electric Distance to the outlet located 0 instalfatis outside the courtyard 15. Heating facility and kind of fuel CI under 100 The dwelling has central heating 55 [TI m. aThe dwelling has‘-stoves with 121100-500 m. asolidfuel - U IlThe dwelliw has gas stoves IT]over 500 m. 52 (]Other heating facilities U56 Name and sur- Name and sur- If oc8 of the households name ofthe head name of the head registered in Chapter V of househould. ..... of household also occupies another dwolling in the locality egion...................... eg eg ion....................^.^. (at another address) or in acother locality, gis8District(regional town) *..-=.. dwel- Commune(town)........~=... .e of tbCommune (town) 8koiA: 0. li% . ~illage(.oornponent locality).- dwel- village( component locality) .b. Street .............. NO .o-- ling Street ............... NO...... - Dote of filling: day ... March 1966 Code I I II IIII rv v I VI Enumerator, Chief enurno rat or, * i Region ................................ -No of the census distric5 District (rogional town) .............. No of the guiding and cozltrol sector No of th3 census sector Commune (town)........ ................. , L1 Village (component 1ocalit;v. ........... No of th3 forn L2 -- Serial letter of building ..... staircase .... storey ..... Number of dwelling (flat) .... i TAKE CAEBI Chapters I,II,III and IV should be completed by transcribipg from Form L 2, the codee corresponding to the situation reported . SAldPLE SURVEY OF HOUSING CONDITIONS AND DURABLE GOODS 1. Type of dwslling (Form L 2, item 1) 2. Level on which the dwelling is located(Fom L 2,item 3) - u 3. Type of ownership (Form L 2, item 4) -u 11 INSTALLATIONS IN THE D!VSLLING 4. Place .of water supply 8. Gewage disposal system (Forn L 2,item 11) (Form L 2, item 13) 5. Place where the water supply outlet is installed 9. Electric lighting installation a (Form L 2,item 11) ;c7 - (Form L.2,item 14) 6. Distance to the water nU supply outlet (Form L 2,item 11) -L 1 7. Hot water installation 10. Heating facility and kind (Form L 2,item 12) of fuel -b I (Form L 2,item 15) III CHARACTERISTICS (IF THE KITCmN IV CHAHACPERISTICS (IF TIZE BATH AND TOUET 11. Place where the kitchen Is 14. Place where the bath ia located located (Form L 2,item 3) (Form L 2,item 8) 15. The bath has a bathtub or only- a aBom ower ~2 ,item 9) 12, Cooking facility uoad 16. Plaae when, the toilet is L_ o (Form L 2,item 8) CI' loc ted t~ormL 2,item 10) 17. Flush toilet or non-flush * o 13. If the ,dwelling has no kitchen toilet show place of cooldng ............... (Form L 2,ltem 10) Va RESTINATION OE' BOOMS 1N r-Doatination l O A Rooms for habitation Total (Code 101-161) Bodroom Bodroom Bodroom I Bodroom Dining room,living roon Dining room,living room Children's room I Sorvants 'room Guosts'room Livins hall B Spacos for passage ?Otal( code 301-305) Non-livina hall IVestlbule( anteroom) 1Off ice Passcgewag, corridor Bntranco hall of a peasant'8 C Accessories 1Sunmr kitchen Pantry Lumber room Iseparato toilet Total floor spaco D.
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