Disclosure & declaration of interests Prof. Dr. med. Jürg Kesselring, FRCP Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Rehabilitation Centre Valens CH-7317 Valens Switzerland Tel +41 (0)81 303 14 08 www.kliniken-valens.ch • Interest in resilience since birth (uplifting forces) • applied learning since school age (uninterrupted since) • practicing & rehearsing music (cello) since november 1960 • applying neuroplasticity to neurological patients in Valens (& elsewhere) since july 1987 • teaching Clinical Neuroscience at Centre of Neuroscience University Zürich since 1999 • DMC FTY/BAF studies (Novartis) since 2005 • Member of ICRC (since 1.1.11) • First Honorary President of Swiss MS Society Recovery mechanisms: diaschisis (von Monakow 1914) A process in which neurons function abnormally because influences necessary to their normal functions have been removed by damage to neurons to which they have been connected Neuroplasticity – the flexible brain Legal basis forGesetzliche neurorehabilitation Grundlagen in Switzerland Base legale KVG Art. 32 Medical applications must be effective appropriate economic effectiveness must be determined and proven by scientific methods Neurorehabilitation Valens (1987 - 2015) N= 373 – 2565 (+687%) Multiple Sclerosis 0 - 652 (+%) stroke 105/124 -796 (+247%) ischemia haemorrhage Tumor 5-89 (+1680%) Trauma+ others 22/40 - 449 (+624%) Parkinson 0-188 (+ %) Epilepsy 0-118 + % Peripheral 14-213 +1421% Multiple Sclerosis: longterm disease course Age 53-57 years RR: after 22,1 years PP: after 9,6 years Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) Harding & al, J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 2014 Multifocal: complex symptomatology Sensory disturbances Visual disturbances Ataxia dizziness Gait disturbances Pareses Micturition disturbances Spasticity pain fatigue Depression Neurocognitive disturbances Complex interferences Rehabilitation: management of persons with chronic illness • Recurrent planning process • Problem assessment • Goal setting • Identification of appropriate treatment regimens Fundamentally an education- training program designed to enable (empower) the person with impairments to maintain (and regain) life activities Kesselring J, Beer S Symptomatic therapy and neurorehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis The Lancet Neurology 2005; 4: 643 – 652 Beer S, Khan F, Kesselring J: J Neurol 2012 EXCEMED - Excellence in Medical Education <[email protected]> Virtual courses from EXCEMED neurology Advanced neurorehabilitation in MS This Virtual Practice teaching course is designed for neurologists, physiotherapists and physiatrists willing to learn about the most advanced neurorehabilitation techniques in multiple sclerosis. Motor impairment, together with balance loss are the most frequent symptoms reported by patients, as well as the main causes of walking disability in MS. This course focuses on the metrics for the assessment of motor and balance functioning, while also providing some practical clues on how to handle these issues through rehabilitation. Go there now. Neuroplasticity in MS: functional adaptations • Cellular level – Axonal sprouting (increased arborisation of neurones) – Changes of synaptic stability – Reorganisation of synapses • Tissue level – Resorption of oedema – Re-arrangement of Na-channels on axons – Re-myelination • System level: Takeover of functions via – contralateral homologous cortex – enlargement of representation zones • Behaviour level – novel motor and cognitive strategies Kesselring J: Neuroplastizität bei MS In: Henze T (Hrsg): Symptomatische Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, 2005, p. 163 Highly plastic response of motor system to single neuroinflammatory lesion Kerschensteiner et al: Remodeling of axons contributes to recovery in an animal model of MS J Exp Med 2004; 200:1027 1) Regenerative sprouting of interneurones surrounding lesion 3) Remodeling of projection neurones in motor cortex 4) Behavioural tests show importance for recovery 2) „Detour circuit“ in descending corticospinal tr above lesion below lesion Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Hilfstabelle 01.04.2003 01.05.2003 01.07.2003 01.09.2003 02.04.2003 02.05.2003 02.06.2003 02.07.2003 02.09.2003 03.01.2003 03.02.2003 03.03.2003 03.04.2003 03.06.2003 03.07.2003 03.09.2003 04.02.2003 04.03.2003 04.04.2003 04.06.2003 04.07.2003 04.08.2003 04.09.2003 05.02.2003 05.03.2003 05.05.2003 05.06.2003 05.08.2003 05.09.2003 06.01.2003 06.02.2003 06.03.2003 06.05.2003 06.06.2003 06.08.2003 07.01.2003 07.02.2003 07.03.2003 07.04.2003 07.05.2003 07.07.2003 07.08.2003 08.01.2003 08.04.2003 08.05.2003 08.07.2003 08.08.2003 08.09.2003 09.01.2003 09.04.2003 09.05.2003 09.07.2003 09.09.2003 10.01.2003 10.02.2003 10.03.2003 10.04.2003 10.06.2003 10.07.2003 10.09.2003 11.02.2003 11.03.2003 11.04.2003 11.06.2003 11.07.2003 11.08.2003 11.09.2003 12.02.2003 12.03.2003 12.05.2003 12.06.2003 12.08.2003 12.09.2003 13.01.2003 13.02.2003 13.03.2003 13.05.2003 13.06.2003 13.08.2003 14.01.2003 14.02.2003 14.03.2003 14.04.2003 14.05.2003 14.07.2003 14.08.2003 15.01.2003 15.04.2003 15.05.2003 15.07.2003 15.08.2003 15.09.2003 16.01.2003 16.04.2003 16.05.2003 16.06.2003 16.07.2003 16.09.2003 17.01.2003 17.02.2003 17.03.2003 17.04.2003 Evidence17.06.2003-based17.07.2003 17.09.2003 18.02.2003 18.03.2003 18.06.2003 18.07.2003 18.08.2003 18.09.2003 19.02.2003 19.03.2003 19.05.2003 19.06.2003 19.08.2003 19.09.2003 20.01.2003 20.02.2003 20.03.2003 20.05.2003 20.06.2003 20.08.2003 21.01.2003 21.02.2003 21.03.2003 21.05.2003 21.07.2003 21.08.2003 22.01.2003 22.04.2003 medicine:22.05.2003 22.07.2003 22.08.2003 22.09.2003 23.01.2003 23.04.2003 23.05.2003 23.06.2003 23.07.2003 23.09.2003 24.01.2003 24.02.2003 24.03.2003 24.04.2003 24.06.2003 24.07.2003 24.09.2003 25.02.2003 25.03.2003 25.04.2003 25.06.2003 25.07.2003 25.08.2003 25.09.2003 26.02.2003 26.03.2003 26.05.2003 26.06.2003 26.08.2003 26.09.2003 27.01.2003 27.02.2003 27.03.2003 27.05.2003 27.06.2003 27.08.2003 28.01.2003 28.02.2003 28.03.2003 28.04.2003 28.05.2003 28.07.2003 28.08.2003 29.01.2003 #WERT! 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