; . l I .} 1 . I + " I I'~"'; [ ... I I 1 I' I ': ~.,' .. , 1 ;r.. 1986 Streets were Theyear in photos crowded for holidays SeePage7A SeePage2A ) .' j' ( I. : ' I i·- ". NO. 70 IN OUR 41ST YEAR 35c PER COpy F MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1987 _RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Sheriff race cost the most by FRANKIE JARRELL votes and Wooldridge 1,351. News Staff Writer Following are the names of can­ didates, their party affiliation, the Candidates for county offices number of votes received, total ex­ spent well over $17,000 in cam­ penditures and total contributions paigns preceding last November's with the names of contributors not general election with would-be previously published listed. Offices sheriffs topping the list. are listed in ballot order and win­ AccordiIlg to financial reports fil­ ners are listed first among ed 30 days after the election, write­ candidates. in candidate Lerry Bond spent DISTRICT MAGISTRATE DIVI­ more than $3.85 each for the 994 SION I Yotes he garnered in the race for -Gerald Dean Jr., Democrat Uncoln County Sheriff. (D)-2,040 votes. Republican Sheriff Don Samuels' Expenditures: $1,130.85 2,085 votes cost him about 81 cents Contributions: $65. each while bis unsuccessful -Alfred Leroy Montes, Republican Democratic opponent, Jim (R)-1,976 Yotes. Nesmith, spent less than 50 cents Expenditures: $-1,054.51 per vote. Spending by all three Contributions: $800. sheriff candidates was close to '$6,000-. DlSlRlCI- MAGISTR.AXE-.. DIVI­ Bond reported $2,049.38 on the, SIOND 3O--day report, bringing his total -Jim Wheeler (R)-2,824 votes. campaign expenditures to $3,831.89. Expenditures & contributions less He reported additional contribu­ than $500 each. tions of $354.20, ueping his total he received to $2,949.20. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, Samuels, the new sheriff, DISTRICT I reported $669.42 in additional ex­ -Ralph R. Dunlap (0)-2,403 votes. penses and $1,045 in new contribu­ Expenditures: $1,621.39 tions on the 3().day report. He Contributions: $775. Ne~ Year's baby reported spending a total of $1,698 -Dennis R. Nosker (H)-1,720 votes. and receiving total contributions of Expenditures: $921.17 Contributions: $250. The first baby of the New Year checked In a1..4:35 a.m. ounces. She has two brothers at home ages five aA~. JD $1,945. Nesmith reported spending ..and Uncoln cablevis1on, Ruidoso, January 1, to Terrell and Lenore Chino of Mescalero. Dr. years old. receiving less t)lan $500 for the en­ $100. William Harrison weighed In the baby girl at 6 pounds 14 tire campaign. Kenneth Nosker, $150. In tbe three county commission races, the three winning candidates COUNTY COMMISSIONER, outspent their opponents, with DISTRICT n Democratic Commis..cri.oner John A. -John A. Hightower (D)-2,049 Samuels is seated as sheriff; speaks of plans Hightower outspending Republican votes. J .0. Payne more than six to one. Expenditures: $3,140.35 Hightower, who received 2,049 Contributions: $2,484.36 by FRANKIE JARRELL The new sheriff said he has no said he bad .,seven or eight very Although Samuels' campaign votes, reported. spending $3,140.35 Larry Dean, Carrizozo, $75. News Staff Writer plans for any sweeping changes of good afplicants.,. Samuels said he manager, John Cooper of Tinnie, on his campaign, while Payne Richard R. Barr, Albuquerque, the Sheriff's Department. had se himself no deadline for fill­ was at one time a McKnight reported expenditures of $522.07. $25. "I've been wanting to be sheriff "I'll have to look at each and ing the chief deJ)uty spot. relative, Samuels said that case Commissioner Ralph R. Dunlap, Jerry P. CantwelL Albuquer­ for years," said Lincoln County every phase of the operation, tf said Sheriff Samuels confinned Sun­ had nothing to do with his running a Democrat, reported total ex­ que, $25. Sheriff Don Samuels soon after tak­ Samuels, but "for the time being" day that two men have declined the for office or his choice of campaign penses of $1,621.39 to his opponent, Susan Illghtower, Carrizozo, ing office Friday. no changes are planned. chief deJ)uty position. managers. Dennis Nosker's, $92l.17. Dunlap $50. Samuels, who took the oath of of­ While admitting that be had Samuels said he hasn't yet won with 2,403 votes to Republican Pinky Jones, Ruidoso, $50. fice in ceremonies in District Court heard of some ~ble resignations reviewed all the evidence in the Samuels said he sought the candidate Nosker's 1,720. -J.0. Payne (R)-I,991 votes. Friday morning, said he has missed among Shenff's Office staff, highly publicized McKni~tmurder sherifrs office because he wanted Republican Commissioner Expenditures: $522.07 law enforcement since leaving the Samuels said he had no official case, but plans to do 80 m the very to be sheriff. WilHam Lon Kam reported spen­ Contributions: $200. Texas Department of Public Ser­ word on any staff members near future. ding $698.10 to win his race over vice and was pleased to be "for­ quitting. "As long as there's any possibili­ And, as of 10 a.m. Friday, Democratic contender Jim COUNTY COMMISSIONER, tunate enough to be elected.. Lin­ As of Friday monling Samuels ty of any evidence being found it Samuels is the Lincoln OlWlty Wooldridge, who reported spending coln County Sheriff. had not named a chief deputy, but will remain open," said Samuels. Sheriff. less than $500. Kam received 2.683 Please see Sheriff, page 2A SKI REPORT Ski Apache: The undisturb­ ed settled snow depth midway on the mountain is 44 inches. The skiing conditions are good. Surface conditions are packed powder and hard­ packed. Several trails have been machine-groomed in the past six hours. All lifts and trails are open. Here cotne The weather is clear. the judges INSIDE Judge Richard Parsons People Capitan Range __ ..... 9A (center) welcomes newly Sports .. Opinion. 10A sworn-in magistrate The" Dreamer" CIass i fie d .. 1 1 A -1 2 A Judges Gerald Dean Business TV Guide _ Section B (right) and J.R. IIJim" Wheeler after ceremonies Friday in 1. WEATHER REPORT Carrizozo. See more photos on page 9A. Sunday's low 18 I Sunday's lrlgll 61 l Monday's low 25 f i r Monday's predicted high , near 50 i Tuesday's predicted low near 25 1LlJE!~)r'sJ)rE!dic~ lligtl l1ear ~ , I The National Weather Service in Roswell calls for increasing I cloudiness today. Winds will be south to southwest at 15 to 25 miles per hour and gusty. Tonight will have variable cloudiness with a chance for rain or snow showers. WindS will be southwest at 10 to 20 miles per hour. Tuesday will, be mostly cloudy and cooler, with a slight chance for snow showers.;·,Winds will be from the west at 10 to 20 miles per hour. , Chances for preciJ)itation are 10 percent today, 30 percent tonight and 20 percent on Tuesday. The extended forecast for Wednesday through Friday calls for partly cloudy skies, with widely scattered rain or snow showers through the period. The highs will be 35 to 45 and the lows will be from 10 to 20 degrees. 2A I The Ruidoso News I Monday, January 5, 1987 Sheriff-- Two injured.in Cedar Creek accident Continued from page 1A Conbibutions: $340. Danny McGuire, Ruidoso,'$lO. -Barbara J. Langley (D)-1,448 Max Call1lway, Ruidoso, $25. DIS'l'RIcr m votes. Jess Stinson, Ruidoso, $25. Two peopleweretreatedTuesday Lopez, 25, WIIS transJ!Orted to 19lH Chrysler, repoJWd pollce. -WilUam Lon Karn (R)-2,683 Expenditures: $1,018.71 Dale Th~n,Ruidoso, $25. at Lincolti County Medical Center LCMC by Alw AmbQlance. A ~ reDortedlY saw the w~ votes. Conbibutions: $375. Don W. Samuels, Ruidoso, $260. (LCMC) withInjuriestheyreceived passtlngeJ;' In the ~ veJIlcle. boWl~ ~)Qldbit lIlB·brakell. cal,J&­ Expenditures: $698.10 Susan Hightower, $50. -Jim Nesmith (D)-1,052 votes. in a two-vehlcle accident on Cedar C8l'Ole N. Marsll. 42, of l'Jeawnont. ing b1Il veJJlcle to slide on the icy Conbibutions: $245. Lincoln McTeigue, $20. Expenditures & Conbibutions: less Creek Road, .according to Ruidoso Texas, was 'a1SCI' lnjure4, ilaid roadwaY and collide with the "on: I R. Hayes, Ruidoso, $100. than $500 each. Pollce reports. pollee. coming ear. ' I J. McKnIght, Ro.swelI, $100. COUNTY ASSESSOR -Lerry Dan Bond (Write-In)-994 Irene Mitchell, 25, of Ruidoso, a I..qpez WSf! we$bo1!ml Qn CecW' , F. Sayner, Ruidoso, $25. -Marian L. Schlarb (R)-2,810 votes. passeD8er in a 1977 Chevrolet Creek. and Clyde R. 'Marsh Jr., 45, Pqllce said Marsh was cited for : Anonymous, $20. votes. E~nditures: $3,831.89 driven by Ruidoso resident Annette of BeaUmont was eastbound In his driving left of center. :, -Jim Wooldridge (D)-l,351 votes. Expenditures & conbibutions less Con'tributions: $2,949.20 • Expenditures & conbibutions less than $500 each. , Linda Ponder Caj)itan, $50. ,I than $500 each. David Bonnell, Glencoe, $50. • COUNTY SHERIFF Bill Hightower, Ancho, $50. ,• COUNTY CLERK -Don W. Samuels (R)-2,085 votes. George A. Ramey, Libertyville, , -Fran Siddens (R)-2,937 votes. Expenditures: $1.698. Illinois, $40. • Expenditures: $554.52 Conbibutions: $1,945. Anonymous, $164.20. Bea part of New Mexico's •, Conbibutions: $50. Conrad Buchanan, Ruidoso . , Clerk's omce staff, $50. Downs, $100. , -Coleta Elliott (D)-l,l27 votes. H. Garcia, carrizozo, $100. PROBATE JUDGE , Expenditures & conbibutions less McKnlght Sheep Co., Roswell, -John Watt Page (R)-2,106 votes. ,I than $500 each. $100. Expenditures & Conbibutions less , John A. Cooper, Tinnie, $100. than $500 each. 75th birthday celebration •, COUNTY TREASURER Cooper Brothers, Tinnie, $100. -Lee Jacqueline Martin (D)-I,688 , ---shirley Ann Goodloe (R)-2,663 R.O.
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