Election Summary Report Date:01/02/18 Cherokee County Time:14:42:07 Page:1 of 4 State of Georgia General Primary Election July 20, 2010 Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Official and Complete Registered Voters 117196 - Cards Cast 25347 21.63% Num. Report Precinct 43 - Num. Reporting 43 100.00% US SENATOR - R REP LT GOVERNOR - D DEM Total Total Number of Precincts 43 Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Total Votes 18651 Total Votes 2487 JOHNNY ISAKSON (I) 18651 100.00% TRICIA C. MCCRACKEN 777 31.24% CAROL PORTER 1710 68.76% US SENATOR - D DEM Total SECRETARY OF STATE - R REP Number of Precincts 43 Total Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Number of Precincts 43 Times Counted 2927/117196 2.5 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 2593 Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % RAKEIM "RJ" HADLEY 468 18.05% Total Votes 19856 MICHAEL THURMOND 2125 81.95% BRIAN KEMP (I) 10992 55.36% DOUG MACGINNITIE 8864 44.64% GOVERNOR - R REP Total SECRETARY OF STATE - D DEM Number of Precincts 43 Total Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Number of Precincts 43 Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 22130 Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % JEFF CHAPMAN 355 1.60% Total Votes 2479 NATHAN DEAL 4692 21.20% GAIL BUCKNER 1007 40.62% KAREN HANDEL 8198 37.04% GARY HORLACHER 244 9.84% ERIC JOHNSON 4862 21.97% MICHAEL MILLS 600 24.20% RAY MCBERRY 410 1.85% ANGELA MOORE 390 15.73% JOHN W. OXENDINE 3533 15.96% GEORGANNA SINKFIELD 238 9.60% OTIS PUTNAM 80 0.36% ATTORNEY GENERAL - R REP GOVERNOR - D DEM Total Total Number of Precincts 43 Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Total Votes 19021 Total Votes 2895 SAM OLENS 9794 51.49% THURBERT BAKER 448 15.47% PRESTON W. SMITH 4814 25.31% ROY E. BARNES 2126 73.44% MAX WOOD 4413 23.20% BILL BOLTON 30 1.04% CARL CAMON 22 0.76% ATTORNEY GENERAL - D DEM RANDAL MANGHAM 15 0.52% Total DUBOSE PORTER 107 3.70% Number of Precincts 43 DAVID POYTHRESS 147 5.08% Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % LT GOVERNOR - R REP Total Votes 2498 Total KEN HODGES 1623 64.97% Number of Precincts 43 ROB TEILHET 875 35.03% Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Total Votes 17762 L.S. CASEY CAGLE (I) 17762 100.00% Election Summary Report Date:01/02/18 Cherokee County Time:14:42:07 Page:2 of 4 State of Georgia General Primary Election July 20, 2010 Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Official and Complete Registered Voters 117196 - Cards Cast 25347 21.63% Num. Report Precinct 43 - Num. Reporting 43 100.00% AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER - R REP STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT - DEM Total D Total Number of Precincts 43 Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Total Votes 17973 Total Votes 2501 GARY BLACK 14129 78.61% BETH FAROKHI 864 34.55% DARWIN CARTER 3844 21.39% JOE MARTIN 1057 42.26% BRIAN WESTLAKE 580 23.19% AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER - D DEM Total LABOR COMMISSIONER - R REP Number of Precincts 43 Total Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Number of Precincts 43 Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 2182 Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % J. B. POWELL 2182 100.00% Total Votes 17004 MARK BUTLER 11987 70.50% INSURANCE COMMISSIONER - R REP MELVIN EVERSON 5017 29.50% Total Number of Precincts 43 LABOR COMMISSIONER - D DEM Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Number of Precincts 43 Total Votes 18179 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % DENNIS CAIN 1420 7.81% Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % RICK COLLUM 892 4.91% Total Votes 2402 SETH HARP 1276 7.02% TERRY L. COLEMAN 1305 54.33% RALPH T. HUDGENS 3593 19.76% DARRYL HICKS 1097 45.67% TOM KNOX 3199 17.60% JOHN MAMALAKIS 446 2.45% PSC BAKER - R REP STEPHEN NORTHINGTON 1014 5.58% Total GERRY PURCELL 2641 14.53% Number of Precincts 43 MARIA SHEFFIELD 3698 20.34% Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % INSURANCE COMMISSIONER - D DEM Total Votes 16594 Total B. JOSEPH BRUSH 2191 13.20% Number of Precincts 43 JOHN DOUGLAS 4198 25.30% Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % TIM ECHOLS 6165 37.15% Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % JEFF MAY 4040 24.35% Total Votes 2197 MARY SQUIRES 2197 100.00% PSC BAKER - D DEM Total STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT -REP Number of Precincts 43 R Total Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Number of Precincts 43 Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 2193 Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % KEITH MOFFETT 2193 100.00% Total Votes 12789 JOHN D. BARGE 6772 52.95% RICHARD WOODS 6017 47.05% Election Summary Report Date:01/02/18 Cherokee County Time:14:42:07 Page:3 of 4 State of Georgia General Primary Election July 20, 2010 Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Official and Complete Registered Voters 117196 - Cards Cast 25347 21.63% Num. Report Precinct 43 - Num. Reporting 43 100.00% US HOUSE 6 - R REP STATE HOUSE 21 - R REP Total Total Number of Precincts 43 Number of Precincts 17 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 17 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Times Counted 8797/40559 21.7 % Total Votes 19293 Total Votes 6871 TOM PRICE (I) 19293 100.00% CALVIN HILL (I) 6871 100.00% STATE SENATE 21 - R REP STATE HOUSE 21 - D DEM Total Total Number of Precincts 25 Number of Precincts 17 Precincts Reporting 25 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 17 100.0 % Times Counted 12048/64326 18.7 % Times Counted 1046/40559 2.6 % Total Votes 10512 Total Votes 766 CHIP ROGERS (I) 10512 100.00% STEPHANIE PARKS WEBB 766 100.00% STATE SENATE 21 - D DEM STATE HOUSE 22 - R REP Total Total Number of Precincts 25 Number of Precincts 15 Precincts Reporting 25 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 15 100.0 % Times Counted 1671/64326 2.6 % Times Counted 7175/43734 16.4 % Total Votes 1266 Total Votes 4308 PATRICK THOMPSON 1266 100.00% SEAN JERGUSON (I) 4308 100.00% STATE SENATE 27 - R REP STATE HOUSE 22 - D DEM Total Total Number of Precincts 22 Number of Precincts 15 Precincts Reporting 22 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 15 100.0 % Times Counted 10372/52870 19.6 % Times Counted 1032/43734 2.4 % Total Votes 8093 Total Votes 790 JACK MURPHY (I) 8093 100.00% BILL BROWN 790 100.00% STATE HOUSE 20 - R REP STATE HOUSE 23 - R REP Total Total Number of Precincts 10 Number of Precincts 3 Precincts Reporting 10 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 3 100.0 % Times Counted 5420/28283 19.2 % Times Counted 1028/4620 22.3 % Total Votes 5101 Total Votes 750 CHARLICE BYRD (I) 2791 54.71% MARK HAMILTON (I) 750 100.00% MICHAEL CALDWELL 2310 45.29% SOLICITOR-GENERAL - R REP STATE HOUSE 20 - D DEM Total Total Number of Precincts 43 Number of Precincts 10 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 10 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Times Counted 750/28283 2.7 % Total Votes 19419 Total Votes 559 DAVID CANNON JR (I) 12038 61.99% LILLIAN BURNAMAN 559 100.00% CHANNING RUSKELL 7381 38.01% Election Summary Report Date:01/02/18 Cherokee County Time:14:42:07 Page:4 of 4 State of Georgia General Primary Election July 20, 2010 Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Official and Complete Registered Voters 117196 - Cards Cast 25347 21.63% Num. Report Precinct 43 - Num. Reporting 43 100.00% CC, CHAIRMAN - R REP BOE P5 - R REP Total Total Number of Precincts 43 Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Total Votes 16615 Total Votes 15544 BUZZ AHRENS (I) 16615 100.00% R. RECHSTEINER (I) 15544 100.00% CC, P1 - R REP BOE P6 - R REP Total Total Number of Precincts 25 Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 25 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 13104/64193 20.4 % Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Total Votes 9657 Total Votes 19272 HARRY B JOHNSTON (I) 9657 100.00% DEBRA RADCLIFF (I) 9484 49.21% ROB USHER 9788 50.79% CC, P4 - R REP Total BOE P6 - D DEM Number of Precincts 21 Total Precincts Reporting 21 100.0 % Number of Precincts 43 Times Counted 9316/53003 17.6 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 5512 Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % JASON NELMS 5512 100.00% Total Votes 2177 ALICE M. ARCHEY 2177 100.00% BOE P1 - R REP Total REPUBLICAN PARTY QUESTION REP Number of Precincts 43 Total Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Number of Precincts 43 Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Votes 16238 Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % ROBERT WOFFORD 16238 100.00% Total Votes 21650 YES 16186 74.76% BOE P3 - R REP NO 5464 25.24% Total Number of Precincts 43 DEMOCRATIC PARTY QUESTION 1 DEM Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Times Counted 22420/117196 19.1 % Number of Precincts 43 Total Votes 19070 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % MICHAEL GEIST 9991 52.39% Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % GARY PUCKETT (I) 9079 47.61% Total Votes 2660 YES 825 31.02% BOE P3 - D DEM NO 1835 68.98% Total Number of Precincts 43 DEMOCRATIC PARTY QUESTION 2 DEM Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Total Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Number of Precincts 43 Total Votes 2177 Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % TONY GUICE 2177 100.00% Times Counted 2926/117196 2.5 % Total Votes 2795 YES 2539 90.84% NO 256 9.16%.
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