-,- -- - OF THE SON SHEIK . --· -- December 1970 -.. , (1926) starring • January 1971 RUDOLPH VALENTINO ... r w ith Vilma Banky, Agnes Ayres, George Fawcett, Kar l Dane • .. • • i 1--...- \1 0 -/1/, , <;1,,,,,/ u/ ~m 11, .. 12/IOJ,1/, 2/11.<. $41 !!X 'ifjl!/1/. , .....- ,,,1.-1' 1 .' ,, ,t / /11 , , . ... S',7.98 ,,20 /1/ ,. Jl',1,11. Ir 111, 2400-_t,' (, 7 //,s • $/1,!!.!!8 "World's .. , . largest selection of things to show" THE ~ EASTIN-PHELAN p, "" CORPORATION I ... .. See paee 7 for territ orial li m1la· 1;on·son Hal Roach Productions. DAVE PORT IOWA 52808 • £ CHAZY HOUSE (,_l928l_, SPOOK Sl'OO.FI:'\G <192 i ) Jean ( n ghf side of the t r acks) ,nvites t he Farina, Joe, Wheeze, and 1! 1 the Gang have a "Gang•: ( wrong side of the tr ack•) l o a party comedy here that 1\ ,deal for HallOWK'n being at her house. 6VI the Gang d~sn't know that a story of gr aveyard~ - c. nd a thriller-diller Papa has f tx cd the house for an April Fool's for all t ·me!t ~ Day party for his fr i ends. S 2~• ~·ar da,c 8rr,-- version, 400 -f eet on 2 • 810 303, Standord Smmt yers or J OO feet ? O 2 , v ozs • Reuulart, s11.9e, Sale reels, 14 ozs, Regularly S1 2 98 , Sale Pnce Sl0.99 , 6o 0 '11 Super 8 vrrs•OQ, dSO -fect,, 2-lb~ .• S l0.99 Regu a rly SlJ 98. Sale Pn ce I Sl2.99 425 -fect I :, Regularly" ~ - t S12 99 400lc0 t on 8 o 289 Standard 8mm ver<lon SO r Sate r eels lJ o,s-. Regular y sn 9& sate Pnct Sl0.99 Pnce 8'I , pc 8 <25 feet Regular I y d60 34, Super 8 vers oe 00 f s " 9 Sa e Pr ice Sl2.99 R,oularly Sl % Sale Pric 2 SALES FLYER F-205, Decem ber 1970-J a nuar y 1971 E~ / Save up fo 20% and More (Sale ends January 31, 1971} Our after inventory records show ihai we have an overstock of many them shipped to you direct from the laboratory. (\Ve'll notify you if your 16mm. silent and sound films. To reduce this stock we're discounting choice is being shipped by the laboratory. If so, there will be a delay of the price of these films up to 20% and more. 2 to 3 weeks.) Right Now Order the titles you'd like to add to your col­ To make it even more attractive, we've decided that we'll honor all lection. This special Siock Reduction Sale ends January 31, 1971. Sale o_rders received during the sale period, even after our overstock hus prices apply only to those items shown on this page and are the 16mm. been depleted. silent or sound version as shown. After January 31, 1971 , all items will We'll do this by having additional prints made (at the sale price) and have be available at the regular price. SCREE~ SOUVENIRS NO . 16 HISTORICAL George Hall and his orchestra TH.E F IRST GLIDDEN TOUR Snub Pollard George Larkin 630-219, 16mm. optical sound, 300-feel, 2-lbs., 620-257, 16mm. silenl, 400-feet, 2-lbs., regularly 620 291, 16mm. silent, 350-feet, 2-lbs., regularly regularly S24.98, Sale Price S19 .99 630-147, 16mm . optical sound, 3S0feet, 2-lbs. 0905) S2U8, Sale Price Sl9.99 S24.98, Sale Price s11.n reiiularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 620-6, 16mm. silent, 300-feet, 2-lbs., regularly S24.S8, sale Price s11 .77 HENESSEY OF THE MOUNTED SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO . 18 HALL'S HOLIDAY U938) (1921) CO!\"FIDENCE 0909) 630-220. 16mm. optical sound, 300-feet, 2-lbs.. TH E EAR LY D AYS OF Florence Lawrence George Hall alld his orchest ra George Ovey regula rly $24.98, Sa le Price S19.99 630-147, 16mm . optical sound, 350-feet, 2-lbs., MOTORING 620-260, 16mm silent, 450-feet, 2-lbs., regularly 630-399, 16mm. optical sound, 400-feet, 2-lbs., 620-229, 16mm. silent, S00-feet, 3 lbs .. regularly regularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO. 20 regularly S24.98, Sa le Price S19.99 S29.98, Sa le Price S24.« S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 0915) 630-221, 16mm. optical sound, JOO-feet, 2-lbs., THOSE BLUES 0933) A NIGHT AT THE SHOW THE WANDER ER 0913) regularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 • Vincent Lopei and his orcheS1ra COLLECTORS ITEMS Charlie Chaplin Harry Carey 620 271, 16mm silent, 700-feet. 3-lbs., regula rly 630-166, 16mm . optical sound, 225-feet, 1- lb .. F OLLIES~ FOIBLES A~D 630-409, 16mm. op tical sound, 400 feet, 3-lbs ., SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO. 22 regular ly $24.98, Sale Price S19.99 FAmION;:,, (1903-1905) SJ9 98, Sale Price S34.« reiiularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 630-222. 16mm. optical sound, JOO -feet, 2-lbs., 620-~. 16mm. silent, Jl)O.feet, 2-lbs., regularly DON'T P ARK HERE 0919) regularly S24 98, Sale Price S19.99 $24.~8, S.Sle Price S17.77 Harry Mann THE REVENUE MAN AND HIS SPORT AND MEMORIES OF SILENT STARS 620-289, 16mm. silent, 700 feel, 3-lbs ., reiiularly GIRL 0911) SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO. 23 NO. 1 $39.98, Sale Price $34.44 Dorothy West 630-223, 16mm. optical sound, JOO-feet, 2,lbs., ADVENTURE Lup,no Lane, Syd Chaplin, Charlie Murray and 630-41 7, 16mm . optica l sound, 400-feet, 3-lbs., regularly S24.98, Sale Price $19.99 KEYSTONE COUPLE T <A regular ly $24.98, Sale P rice 519.99 MER MAIDS ON PARADE othe" BANDJD & P EPPING PETE> 620-: 19, 16mm. silent, 30().feet, 2-lbs., regularly SCREEN SOUVENIRS NO. 33 630-192, 16mm optical sound, 350-feet, 2-lbs .. (1913) AN ARCADIA~ MAID <1910) regula rly S74.98, Sale P rice Sl?.99 S24.I S, Sale Price S19.99 Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle Mary Pickford 630-274, 16mm. optical sound, 300-feet, 2 lbs., U M & M PICTORIAL NO. 810 620-315, 16mm. si lent, 450feet, 2-lbs., regularly 630 419, 16mm. optical sound, JOO.feet, 7-lbs., regula r ly S24 .98, Sa le Price Sl9.99 620-,52, 16mm., optical sound, 275-feet, 2-lbs., $24.98, Sale Price S19.99 regularly $24 .98, Sa le Price S19.99 TRAIL BREAKERS regularlyS24.98, Sale Price S19.99 SCREE~ SOUVENIRS NO. 6 Artlc sled dogs UM & M PICTORIAL NO. 806 THE SHIEK OF HOLLYWOOD RESURRECTION ( 1909) 630-78, 16mm . opncal sound, 300-feet, 2-lbs., 630-736, 16mm optical sound, 350-feet, 2-lbs., (1923) regularly $24 .98, Sale Price S19.99 630 :11, 16mm. optical sound, 275-feet, 2-lbs., Florence Lawrence regular ly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 Fred Caldwell regs larly S24.98, Sale Price S19 .99 630 421, 16mm optical sound, 400-feet, 2-lbs., 620 -316, 16mm. silent, 650-feet, 3-lbs., regularly regularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 SCREEN SOUVENIRS :--10 . 19 $39.98, Sale Price 534.44 630 -81 , 16mm. optical sound, 300 feet, 2-l bs., AN UNDERWATER ROMANCE FI LMS OF MELIES 630 245, 16mm optica l sound, 350-feet, 2-lbS .. regularly S24.98, Sa le Price $19.99 PARIS TO MONTE CARLO A BEAR AFFAIR 0915) MAKERS AND SPENDERS (1914) regularlyS24.98, Sa le Price S19.99 620-144, 16mm. silent, JOO-feet, 2- lbs., regularly Louise Faienda Ralph Lewis $24.18, Sale Price 519.99 620 322, 16m m. silent, 450-feet, 2-lbs., reiiularly 630 424, 16mm, optical sound, 400-feet, 3-lbs., regular ly S24 98, Sale Price S19.99 MUSICALS ANl:\-IAL A."iTICS COMEDIES 524.98, Sale Price S19.99 630-246, 16mm. optical sound, 350-feet, 2 lbs., A FATAL SWEET TOOTH (1914) THE HARDEST WAY (1922) JIMMY DORSEY AND HIS OR­ reg ularlyS24.98, Sale Price 519.99 WIF E AND AUTO TROUBLE Anna Luther Fannie Ward CHESTRA 630-36, 16mm. optical sound, JOO feet, 2-lbs., 620-: 2, 16mm. silent. 400-feet, 2-lbs., reiiularly 620 323, 16mm . silent, 450 feet, 2-lbs., reiiularly 630-476, 16m m. optica l sound, 400.feet, 2-lbs., reiiularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 AQUABATS S24.I 8, Sale Price S1 9.99 $24.98, Sale Price S19. 99 regularlyS24.98, Sale Price S19.99 630 247, 16mm. optical sound, 350 feet, 2- lbs SETTLED AT THE SEASIDE regularly S24.98, Sale Price S19.99 THE WITNESS A CORNER IN WHEAT 0909) INSURANCE 0930) (1915) Robert Benchley Eddie Cantor Cha ·lie Chase Linda Arvidson , FIGHTING SPIRIT 630-55, 16mm. optical sound, 350-feet, 7-l bs., 630-A38, 16mm optica l sound, 400-feet, 2-l bs., 630-48, 16mm. optical sound, 400 feet, 2-lbs., 620.,18, 16mm . silent, JOO -feet, 2 lbs., close out regularly $24.98, Sale Price S19.99 regularly S2 4.98, Sale Price S19.99 630-254, 16mm. optical sound, 350-feet, 7-lbs .. pric~ S20.00 regularly $24.98, Sale Price S19 99 regularly S2A.98, Sale Price S19 .99 THE MAN'S ANGLE HOGA:\' OUT WEST <1 915) Robert Benchley QUEENS OF THE AIR SERIAL Vincent Lopei and his orchestra F ISHING FEVER Cha ·tie Murray 630-57, 16mm. optical sound, JS0 feet, 2- lbs., GODDESS OF THE FAR EAST 630-31, 16mm optical sound, 350-feet, 2- lbs., 630 2S5, 16mm opt/cal sound, 350-feet, 2-lbs., 620--19, 16mm. silent, 400-feet, 2-l bs., close out regularly S24.98, Sale Price $19.99 regularly S24.98, Sa le Price S19.99 price s20.00 Pearl White regularly $24.98, Sa le Price 519.99 DETECTIVE TOM HOWARD OF 620-45, 16mm.
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