The British Bridge World SUCCESSOR TO THE CONTRAcr BRIDGE JOURNAL: MEDIUM FOR ENGLISH BRIDGF; UNION NEWS Edited by . I TERENCE REESE VOLUME 11 February 1961 , NUMBER 2 Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHAIRMAN) GEOFFREY L. BUTLER HUBERT PHILLIPS TERENCE REESE KENNETH KONSTAM ADVERTISING AU enquiries should be addressed to the ADVERTISING MANAGER, THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD., 84 Regent Street, London, W .1 All other correspondence, including Subscriptions, to the Publishers: · Moore Batley Ltd., 35 Dover ·street, London, W.l Hyde Park 3601-2 Annual Subscription 30/- · The British Bridge World is published on the 15th of each month Pll6lbW ~ prlnl'd on IH/tGU of the proprietors, ThomtU De La Rue & Co. Ltd., by Moore Batley Ltd. ~S Dover Street, London, W.l. 3 February, 1961 COntents Page Editorial ·... 5-6 Whitelaw Week-End, by Terence Reese 7-12 London and. the South, by Jeremy Flint ... ... - 12-17 British Bridge World Agents 15 Shadow Teams of Four, by Ronald Bowman 18-20 The Tqllemache Final, by Harold Franklin ... 22-25 New Sequences in the Culbertson 4-5, by H. 0. Worger ... 25-27 One Hundred Up: Repeat of January Problems 28 You Say ... ... 29-30 One Hundred Up: February Problems ... 30-31 Directory of E.B.U. Affiliated Clubs ' ..• 32-33 Result of January Competition 33 E.B.U. Results ... 34-35 European Championship Appeal Fund 35 One Hundred Up: Answers to January Problems ... 37-45 Subscription Form ... 45 E.B.U. List of Secretaries ... 46 E.B.U. Master Points Register. 47 "Division '2" Trials ... 47 Croydon Congress Results 41 Diary of Events 48 4 Editorial TEXAS BID aftermath _ of the Bourchtoff- America's team for the four­ Delmouly "affair". These players cornered world champio_nship at were of the opinion that the Buenos Aires in April will be Federation had borne too hard Silidor and Kay, Gerber and on the accusers, Svarc and Boul­ Hodge, Schenken and Leventritt, anger, in excluding them from the with Frank Westcott as non­ trials for Torquay. playing captain. Gerber and Hodge, who come from Texas, RIGHT-LEFI' are known in Europe only by The American Contract Bridge reputation. Silidor, Kay and League has produced a booklet Schenken all played at Turin. of , 350 selected hands from Leventritt was in the · team that matches at Turin involving the played .for the Crowninshield three American teams and France, trophy in 1951 and has. played Britain and Italy. The deals are for the U.S.A. in New York.. a~companied by a fac~al account The Argentine team that will of the play-no subjective com­ represent the South American ment. The lay-out is excellent Bridge Federatio11 · is similarly except for . -one very tiresome experienced. The six players are feature-the bidding always starts Cramer and Castro, Rocchi and with North, ~so that West is on Calvente, Dibar and Bosco. All · the right of East and one has to except Cramer and Bosco played _ study the auction with cross-eyes. in New York in 1959. (I trust that the bidding records for Torquay will avoid that FORCED CHANGE deplorable error.) The booklet Italy is expected to field the ·is available at 2 dollars, 50 cents, so-called Blue Team that has post paid, from A.C.B.L., 33 won so often in the past. If so, I West 60th Street, New York 23, don't see them being beaten. N.Y. France will have to make at least one change from the team SAFETY MOVE that won the Olympiad, for J ais The E. B. U. announces that is one of many leading players season tickets, price £2 lOs., to who have resigned from the watch the play in the European French Federation. This is an Championship at Torquay, afford- s ing entry both to the playing at the Droitwich Congress: rooms and to Bridgerama, can be Noted expert: "You see that ordered now from Miss D. But­ row of palookas?" land, 26 Old Torquay Road, Partner: "Yes?" Paignton, Devon. Noted expert: "I could have THE EXCEPTION won this pairs with any one of Dialogue after an open pairs them-but you!" · Advertisers, please note All advertising for the British Bridge World will henceforth be handled by the advertising department of Thomas De La . Rue & Co. Ltd., 84 Regent Street, London, W.l. All enquiries, including entries for the Directory ·of Affiliated Clubs, should, be sent to that address. 6 Whitelaw Week-End by TERENCE REESE Thfrty-two teams entered for The bidding went as follows: the Whitelaw week-end at the WEST EAST Grand Hotel, Eastbourne - an Mrs. Macdonnell Miss Coen excellent tum-out for the middle 1+ 20 of January, the more so as many 3+ 3NT of them were of a somewhat 4\/ S+ scratch nature. Camp-followers No also assembled in large numbers Some critics held that East as the week-end progressed. should force in hearts rather than The Whitelaw is played as ·a in the suit where she lacked tops, knock-out, with no duplication but Two Hearts might also create of boards-a. factor that makes a problem. The real mistake in for poor kibitzing and arduous this auction, ·surely, was the bid reporting. of Five Clubs. Four Spades was First Day1 the obvious move, and that would The first round contained no have led at any rate to a small dramatic clashes and no surprises. slam. Two fancied teams met ill the. However, . only two match second round-Miss Shanahan, points were lost, for at the other Mrs. Juan, Mrs. Durran, Mrs. table: Hiron against Mrs. Forbes, Mrs. WEST EAST Lester, ·Miss Coen, Mrs Mac­ Mrs. Hiron Mrs. Durran donnell. Forbes and Lester played 1+ 20 . an excellent first half against 2\/ 3NT Durran and Hiron, and as they 4\/ 4NT were well supported the half time No score was 21-0. They won the · Diamonds not being led, thir­ second half 24-15, displaying top teen tricks were ma.de. form apart from this hand: ' East intended her 4NT to be WEST EAST conventional, but West took it + Kx + AJ 10 as natural, showing something ~KJ8xx ~AQ9 of the nature of +AQ and 0 ~ 0 J 10 9 X OAKQJxx. Here, again, I think • K Q 10 X X X • A X X that East should have bid Four 7 Spades over Four. He~rts. If Mrs. Whitaker doubled on the West could then btd Ftve. Dt~­ South hand. Mrs. Markus eventu­ monds to show the votd-tt ally toiled in Two Diamonds, one could hardly be natural support down. after the previous bidding-the At the other table South over­ grand slam might be reached. called One Heart, which I regard as preferable to the double. West The favourites, meanwhile, were bid Two Clubs and South Two making heavy weather of both Hearts, which was passed all their matches. Mrs. Gordon, a round. The defence began with a flu victim, did not play, so the club to the 10 and a spade was team consisted mostly of Mrs. returned. Declarer won, crossed Corwen and Mrs. Oldroyd, and to dummy with \?A, and ducked Mrs. Whitaker playing with either the heart return. Thus. she lost a Mrs. Higginson or Mrs. Markus. heart, three diamonds, and a club ln their second matCh, having to tie the board. · been four- up at half time, they As the cards lie; a diamond beat Mrs. Lloyd, of Surrey, by trick can be established by force. two points. The losers had a Say that declarer leads a diamond chance to win the match by good from dummy when in with r::)A: play on the last boatd: if it goes Jack, Queen, King, East dealer South can duck the next round. Game all If the defence take their ruff, they NORTH lose their trump trick. • J XX Had the defence begun with <.:?A8x three rounds of clubs, there would 0 IOxxx have been another way to make • Qxx the contract: cash + AKQ, then WEST EAST exit in diamonds, creating an + IOxxx • XX X early end-game situation . <.::! J X \j) Q X X During th~s round I aJso made 0 K9 8 X 0 AJ a note of a bold bid and resource­ • Kxx • AJIOxx ful play by Mrs. Moss on the SoUTH following hand: + AKQ (see diagram opposite) <.::! K 10 9 X X 0 Q x x North bid One Heart, South • x x Two Diamonds and North Three When East opened One Club, Diamonds. Mrs.' Moss now 10. tro- 8 duced Three Spades, with her eye on 3NT, I suspect. Mrs. Williams' La Revue Beige riposte of Four Spades was a .du trifle embarrassing, but South passed with a confidence that Bridge should put to shame those sci~nt- Un programm~ complet pour North dealer · Game all amateurs et experts NORTH + Kxxx Direction technique: A. Flnklesteln \?AJxx OAQx Abonnement annuel +Jx ( 12 numeros) WFST EAST 220 frs. belges + 8x • Q 10 X X \? Qx \? K 10 9 X X 0 109x Ox 64, A venue Louise, Bruxelles. ·+ K 10xxxx +AQx SoUTH +AJ9 played King and another spade, \?X X trusting that East had' no more OKJ87xx clubs, and so the contract was • . XX made. At the other table the 8 of ists who think that the foremost spades was led against Three aim of good bidding is to discover Diamonds, enabling declarer to 4-4 fits. make eleven tricks. West led a club; East took the Ace and returned a low club. A Quarter Final heart switch would have beaten There was a big clash in the the hand now, but West played afternoon when Mrs.
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