Tuggeranong Community Council Newsletter Issue 19: September 2012 SPECIAL ACT ELECTION ISSUE Candidates front TCC election forum Labor Government. Labor candi- dates, led by Minister, Joy Burch, confirmed stamp duty will be abol- ished under Labor but denied rates will treble and on several occasions she accused the Liberal Party of scaremongering. Mr Smyth said Labor had still not explained how it intended to make up the revenue shortfall from the abolition of stamp duty. He claimed Labor had also trumpeted it would abolish certain taxes and charges but had still accounted for them in the Budget. “if the small African nation of Rwanda can ban plastic shopping bags surely Canberra can do it.” Candidates for the seat of Brindabella front the TCC Election Forum. On the environment front, all candi- dates agreed that Lake Tugger- The Tuggeranong Community Coun- Byrne, Bevan Noble, Dug Holmes anong was in urgent need of atten- cil‘s (TCC) ACT Election Forum has and cameraman, Graham Dyson. tion with the Greens identifying un- been hailed a great success. The The Election Worm also featured tapped federal funds to improve wa- Forum was held recently at the Tug- throughout the evening. ter quality. geranong Arts Centre and chaired by ABC radio personality, Genevieve All candidates were given an oppor- Mr Smyth said the Liberal Party Jacobs. More than 80 people joined tunity to answer questions that would launch its Environment Policy the audience and 13 of the 15 candi- ranged from the environment, cost of closer to the election. However, he dates contesting the seat of Brinda- living, taxes and charges, public came under fire for his party‘s call to bella sat on the panel. transport, health, housing and local scrap the ban on plastic shopping roads. bags. Greens candidate, Johnathan Questions were taken from the floor, Davis, said, ―if the small African na- and despite some IT gremlins Liberal candidates led by Deputy tion of Rwanda can ban plastic shop- throughout the night, they were also Opposition Leader, Brendan Smyth, ping bags surely Canberra can do it.‖ submitted via Twitter. The event was pushed cost of living issues pointing webcast on the TCC website thanks to the Quinlan Review claiming that Continued on page 2 to audio visual technicians, Simon rates would treble under a re-elected Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 1 From page 1 Ms Burch pointed to her recent an- CONTENTS PAGE nouncement of $200,000 towards ―I‘d also like to know how many plas- the establishment of a new bulk bill- tic shopping bags lie at the bottom of ing GP clinic at Chisholm in conjunc- Lake Tuggeranong, because I have tion with the West Belconnen Health collected hundreds from its shore Co-op. The Greens‘ Amanda during Clean up Australia,‖ he said. Bresnan highlighted ACT Greens Candidates front TCC election forum 1/2 plans for mobile clinics in Canberra TCC elects new team 3 Meanwhile Greens and Labor candi- to reach those who were normally dates supported efforts to reduce air unable to access a GP. Town centre plans released 3 pollution. Candidates from both par- Greens welcome light rail 3 ties spoke on the introduction of The Liberals‘ Nicole Lawder said she Who‘s who on 20 October 4-6 cleaner more efficient wood heaters was concerned that her children will and restricting their use in new Can- be forced to move out of Tugger- Combined Councils call for better planning in Canberra 6 berra suburbs pointing to the serious anong to find affordable housing. health impacts of neighbourhood She was joined by her Liberal col- Head to head—new rating structure 7/8 wood smoke pollution. leagues who said the government‘s Libs pool pledge 8 land release policies needed to be reviewed to increase the supply and News in brief 8 “There is no point trying to drag people out boost housing in the ACT. The Off Beat 9 Greens pointed to their successful of their cars and onto Don‘t Forget 9 push to increase the public housing public transport if they stock which candidates said had don’t want to....” helped to ease the need for housing. Australian Motorists Party candidate, A small group of Monash residents Burl Doble, scored highly with the raised concerns over road safety audience when he defended Can- and access to and from Isabella berra‘s love of the car. Drive for residents of Goodwin Vil- lage. ―There is no point trying to drag peo- ple out of their cars and onto public Labor‘s Mike Kinniburgh said he was transport if they don‘t want to when a concerned about road safety gener- car can get you from door to door. ally, while Karl Maftoum said he was Buses can‘t do that,‖ he said. aware of the intersection that has raised residents‘ concerns. ―Buses are for people who want to use them. If you have children you The Liberals Val Jeffery said he was need a car to transport them to interested in this and other basic school, sport and other activities. ―local government‖ issues that con- You can‘t do that on a bus. Cars are cern residents. also getting cleaner and more effi- cient,‖ Mr Doble added. ―These and other similar issues tend to get overlooked in the big wheels All major parties agreed improve- of government. These are the sort of ments were needed in the provision problems I will focus on in govern- of and access to health services in ment,‖ Mr Jeffery said. Brindabella. Mr Smyth promised to implement policies that would attract Candidates and attendees hailed the more medical professionals to Can- night a success and complimented berra, reduce the burden on the the chair, Genevieve Jacobs, on her health system, provide easier access hosting of the event and for giving all to health services and reduce wait- candidates and opportunity to speak. ing times. Darryl Johnston Tuggeranong Community Council acknowledges its supporters. Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 2 TCC elects new team Town centre plans released The ACT Government has released two major planning studies for Tug- geranong. Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, released the Tuggeranong Master Plan and the Erindale Master Plan. Mr Corbell said the Tuggeranong Master Plan will see an extra 7,800 housing dwellings, the transforma- tion of major streets such as Soward Way into a people-friendly boulevard and boosting pedestrian access around the centre. "A mix of on-street and basement The new Tuggeranong Community Council Executive. L to R Vice President Russ Mori- car parking would be increased to son, Treasurer Frank Vrins, President Nick Tsoulias, Committee Member ensure convenient parking for centre Ross McConnell and Secretary Darryl Johnston. users for both quick trips and all day parking needs,‖ Mr Corbell said. Calwell businessman and local iden- transport links, quality planning and tity, Nick Tsoulias, has taken over development, improved services and "The Government is proposing to the reins of the Tuggeranong Com- facilities and a better environment.‖ relocate the bus station in Tugger- munity Council (TCC). anong to a more central location on ―I will also work to attract youth to Reed Street to incorporate these Mr Tsoulias was elected unopposed the Council and more employment public transport services into the last night as TCC President at the opportunities for Tuggeranong resi- centre of the busy retail and residen- Council‘s Annual General Meeting. dents.‖ tial area,‖ he said. He replaces Darryl Johnston who retired from the position after a three ―I thank Darryl Johnston for his work ―A precinct code will now be devel- -year term. over the last three years during oped to outline land uses, heights which time he built the Council into a and design details are appropriate Mr Tsoulias, said he was proud to powerful voice for Valley residents,‖ for each block in the centre. As sites take on the job and looked forward Mr Tsoulias said. develop and redevelop they will be to working with a new Council Ex- required to comply with the precinct ecutive. He said the Council will con- Russ Morison was elected Vice code.‖ tinue to play an active role in the President, Frank Vrins takes on the community and work with other role of Treasurer, Ross McConnell The Erindale Master Plan includes a groups and organisations in the best was elected a committee member new Rapid service bus station, park interests of all Valley residents. and Darryl Johnston appointed Sec- and ride facilities and relocation of retary. the bus stop. ―My focus will be on better public Darryl Johnston Mr Corbell said the final plan was based on an earlier version released Greens welcome light rail in 2011 and which had received much public support. ACT Greens Transport Spokesper- ―The ALP said it would commit $30m son, Amanda Bresnan, has hailed to pursue the same model of public- However, retailers have objected to the Government‘s light rail an- private partnership together with the plan based on its inclusion of an nouncement as testament to what seeking federal assistance. This is additional supermarket. Meanwhile, can be achieved by Greens leader- great news for Canberra,‖ she said. the Canberra Liberals say the mas- ship on big issues. ter plan process is taking too long ―We are pleased to see the case and have pledged to fix parking Ms Bresnan said the ACT Greens we‘ve been making for Light Rail has problems immediately if elected to have already launched a plan to de- finally been accepted by the ALP,‖ government.
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