Track Timber Wolves compete at home: See page B1 THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016 COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - WWW.SALMONPRESS.COM FREE Barnstead wood pellet plant gets green light Planning board “sticks necks out” to accept plans BY MARK FOYNES is required. Green be- ters. the facility. has created noise that American Wood Pel- Contributing Writer lieved that one’s not Based on current The site’s long been represses abutters’ lets’ truck delivery and BARNSTEAD — Af- necessary - but added zoning, the newly-cre- used to produce val- property values and chipping hours. ter expediting a pair of that existing well and ated lot could one day ue-added forestry prod- degrades their quality Biomass deliveries applications early on sewer access could be used for either a ucts. Proponents of the of life. would occur between at its May 5 meeting, accommodate a bath- residence or a business plant cite this prior use Conceding to resi- 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. In ad- the Barnstead Plan- room if needed. structure of up to 4,500 as precedence. Skep- dents’ noise concerns, dition to the sound of ning Board delved, yet Other than the re- square feet. tics say that this his- Dudek Realty’s Jeff large trucks braking, again, into the details stroom matter, board After accepting the tory demonstrates that Green said the revised residents had earli- of a Depot Street wood chair Nancy Carr ob- application as com- this type of past use proposal scales back SEE PELLET, PAGE A10 pellet plant proposal, served that the ap- plete, the board opened which has drawn con- plication was “pretty the floor for public in- siderable public atten- straightforward.” The put. Bosco Bell owner tion in recent weeks. board voted to deem Dave Devoy said he is Two of the evening’s the application as com- “not opposed” to the three applications plete, conditional upon proposal, but wanted it were set forth by Lon- ascertaining the state’s known that the proper- donderry-based Dudek restroom requirement. ty’s deed has a restric- Realty, Inc., the cur- Member Kathy Pres- tion that gives him rent owner of the for- ton said, “Welcome to “right of first refusal.” mer TIMCO site now Barnstead - and I hope Devoy elaborated called the Barnstead you prosper.” Vice- that if a future busi- Business Park. chair Elaine Swinford ness were to be pro- The first applicant added, “Give me a call posed, the proprietor was Nashua-area used when you get a Subur- couldn’t open an estab- car dealer Randy Guil- ban in.” lishment that directly bault - a Dudek recruit The board next con- competes with his. The who wants to open a sidered Richard and board acknowledged COURTESY PHOTO similar business in a Tamara Duane’s subdi- this and approved the 1,921-square-foot build- vision proposal. Duanes’ application Cleaning up ing sitting in a half- Represented by Dan- with this deed-restrict- The 10th annual Alton Beautification Day successfully cleaned Alton roads on Saturday. acre paved lot. One or iel Mullen of Richard ed condition. Despite a drizzly, cold day, more than 60 volunteers helped clean up Alton and gathered at two employees would D. Bartlett and Associ- The night’s lengthi- 103 Main St. for a cookout after cleaning up the town. staff the site during ates, the applicants re- est discussion involved its proposed business quested a subdivision the proposed wood pel- hours of 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., of their Suncook Val- let plant at the Barn- Monday-Friday and 9 ley Road lot into two stead Business Park. a.m. - 2 p.m. on Satur- parcels - the one they The plans have drawn Looking back on day. The one sticking and their farmstand considerable public point, the board noted, occupy and a second interest and was the is the building’s lack of buildable lot. Mullen subject of a recent site successful robotics season a restroom. Employees said the proposal is walk. About 15 resi- would have access to a state-regulation-com- dents attended to learn Big Bad Bob makes it to semifinals in World Championships toilet elsewhere in the pliant in matters relat- of American Wood business park, repre- ing to traffic and envi- Pellets’ revised oper- BY MARK FOYNES who tinkered. FIRST creatively, maneu- sentative Jeff Green ronmental impacts; he ational plans. Public Contributing Writer has blurred that line ver situationally, and explained. Board mem- successfully petitioned concerns focused on ALTON — Although bringing the excite- act collaboratively to ber Karen Schacht for a waiver of studies the potential noise that falling a bit short of ment of sports compe- achieve a unique objec- asked if a state waiver relating to these mat- might emanate from total world domina- titions to the realm of tive. tion, the PMHS FIRST science and technolo- “It was beyond awe- Robotics team made gy. some - it was exhilarat- its presence known “It’s a varsity sport ing,” explained PMHS The life and death of throughout the New for the mind,” said senior Wyatt Siegler, England District and Bob coach Brian Hikel. who’s bound for Clark- competed deep into the “Building, prototyp- son University in the championship tourna- ing, testing - that’s our fall. He plans to pursue ment in St. Louis. training before we go a degree in either com- a World War II soldier Although known of- out onto the field to puter programming or ficially as FRC 319, the compete.” aerospace technology. Prospect students presenting projects PMHS FIRST Robot- Since their initial Siegler described ics Competition team involvement some two the FIRST experience on NH soldiers at Wright Museum Tuesday is better known by its decades ago, FIRST as one that “allowed nickname, Big Bad teams have also tak- me to see what’s possi- BY JOSHUA SPAULDING Bob. Teams, which now en root in Gilford, ble.” He said he came to Editor count in the thousands, New Durham and the team late - joining ALTON — Pros- are assigned a sequen- Wolfeboro. These lo- only this past year. But pect Mountain history tial number based cal teams are part of a FIRST breeds meritoc- students are getting on when they initial- movement, according racy, allowing Siegler an in-depth look into ly register. Any FRC to FIRST sources, that to “go from a nobody to World War II and they team with a three-digit seeks to “change the a programmer to one of will be presenting number or lower date culture” where science the [robot] divers.” what they’ve learned back to the competi- and technology lead- Siegler said he was to a crowd of interest- tion’s early years. The ers are celebrated like inspired to get in- ed history buffs at the PMHS squad has a rich sports figures or rock volved with the Bob Wright Museum next legacy, having linked musicians. squad through a PMHS week. up with N.H. inventor Nationally, in re- robotics class that uses The students in Dean Kamen’s FIRST cent years, folks like a LEGO NXT proces- JOSHUA SPAULDING teacher Mike Folan’s Robotics movement Kareem Abdul Jabbar sor, which he quickly AUTHOR AMY FOGG and teacher Mike Folan flank students in Folan’s World War II history class who have been researching back in the 1990s be- and Will.I.Am of the mastered. INDEX soldiers buried in Margraten Cemetery in the Netherlands. fore PMHS was even an Blackeyed Peas have “I wanted to reach t actual school. gravitated toward for something more, World War II history II history, requested Back then, tinker- FIRST, seeking to fuse and Big Bad Bob gave Volume 10 • Number 19 class have spent por- Individual Deceased ing with autonomous the worlds of entertain- me that opportunity,” tions of their semester Personnel Files from gadgets and having a ment and technological Siegler said. Business .......................A7 researching soldiers the Department of the penchant for program- innovation. Fellow senior Alex Churches ......................A8 from New Hampshire Army for the 32 New ming might get you a FIRST founder Fife, who plans to study Classifieds ..............B6–B9 who perished in Eu- Hampshire residents scholarship eventu- Dean Kamen calls the either mechanical en- rope and are buried who are buried in the ally. But the culture STEM-based competi- gineering or physics at Editorial Page ..............A4 in the overseas Amer- Margraten Cemetery was such that you’d tion “the hardest fun NYU, said he absorbed John Harrigan ............A13 ican War Cemeteries and he received 28 of probably be derided as you’ll ever have.” Each a passion for STEM Letters ..........................A4 Ardennes, Henri-Cha- those files. Folan re- a geek. There was no year, engineers and through an “osmatic” Obituaries ....................A8 pelle and Margraten. quested the files back “Big Bang Theory” on game designers devise environment that the Sports ...................B1 - B5 The first two cemeter- in October and the TV or steam punk hip- a new sports-like game FIRST culture fosters. ies are in Belgium and students actually start- sters talking up how that challenges high “Doing FIRST is to- 26 pages in 2 sections the third is in the Neth- ed the classes (there cool Nikolai Tesla re- school students to cre- tally transformative,” ©2016, Salmon Press, LLC. erlands. are two WWII classes) ally was. Back then, ate robots that com- Fife said. “It’s a sport Call us at (603) 569-3126 Folan, looking to get without the files in there were jocks who plete tasks in a new like no other.” email: [email protected] somewhat of a local January, but they ar- played sports.
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