Totalitarianism on the Left Constitution BY RACHEL CARDONE multiculturalist movement to Mao's diversity?" Debated China, Francis explained why a Multiculturalists, according to BY ERIC LARsON "ML TICUL'IURALISM IS multiculturalist future should be Francis, stress therapy as a way to cure not interested in diver- feared. racism, sexism, and all societal ills. "IF THE QUESTION IS ity, but in conquest; it is According to Francis, the They proceed with therapy as advo­ whether or not the Constitu­ not interested in tolerance, but in movement's dogma states that all are cated by Mao, stressing confessions and tion was founded on Judeo­ power," stated Samuel T. Francis, col­ considered equal, ,r- ---- --"'-1 sensitivity seminars. Under the guise Christian beliefs, the" answer is yes," umnist of The Conservative Chronicle. while, paradoxi- of relieving the guilt of non-minorities, said William Dannemeyer, former Re­ . Francis presented a speech entitled cally, levels 0 " Francis claims that multiculturalists publican House member from Califor­ "Multiculturalism in Today's Curricula" equality differ de­ 111#> truly strive to be the thought police nia during a debate October lover the on Wednesday, September 29 at the pending upon an ' .. - envisioned by George Orwell. religious foundation of the Constitu­ first-annual Michigan Conservative individual's be­ Francis believes that the tion. Stephen P. Dresch, one-time Re­ Conference, sponsored by the U-M liefs. Those who f, multiculturalist movement will be publican state representative from College Republicans. agree with the stopped once it spreads outside ofuni­ northern Michigan supplied the oppos­ Francis said multiculturalists seek m ul ticul turalists' versities into local communities. He ing side in a debate which quickly twned to overthrow the teaching of Western credo are consid­ encourages people opposed to this op­ into a battle between the role .of the civilization and replace it with their ered equal, while pression to actively fight, as apathy state in religion. own agenda. They do not seek assimila­ those that dis­ rI a ~ \ will only further its cause. That Dannemeyer began his remarks tion into American society, but instead agree are persecuted. Multiculturalists multiculturalism has progressed thus with a short history of two Supreme advocate the belief that all civilizations claim to promote tolerance and diver­ far is due to its acceptance by liberal Court decisions. In 1892, he said, the are equal. Francis claimed that, "What sity, yet they are intolerant of any di­ universities and a tolerant government. Supreme court explicitly said that, "Our multiculturalism envisions is a total vergent opinion. Their ultimate goal, Despite this apparent acceptanSfi..... laws must be based on the teacher of subversion of American and Western acrording to Francis, is "to delegitimize multiculturalists do not represenfthe mankind (Jesus Christ)." Contrast this society .. [It) is a form of totalitarian­ the entire culture of the United States ' majority of Americans, and as Francis with the Supreme Court's decision in ism that is more developed than com­ He questioned such actions by asking, poignantly stated, "College is different 1980, where it stated that the, "... hang­ munist China." By paralleling the "How can this promote tolerance and from the mainstream." MR ing of the Ten Commandments on the ----~--------------~------------------------------------------- wall of a classroom was unconstitu­ tional because some students may ac­ Free Speech For Me But· Not For Thee tually read, follow and obey those com­ mandments." BY ANDREW BROWN commentator Rush Limbaugh. He noted students being labeled as Uncle Toms." that authoritative control over speech Robinson further noted an alarming When asked what the Founding Fathers would have thought if they had "ITS NOT JUST THAT YOU frequently occurs on college campuses, amount of apathy on the part of school can't criticize college speech including the University of Michigan, administrators toward these groups. witnessed the Supreme Court's deci­ codes; it's no longer permissible where liberal influences have success­ "If student free-speech is denied, lib­ sion to ban voluntary prayer in public to criticize the administration," claimed fully pressured administrators to enact eral opinions will still be voiced, but by schools, Dresch stated the Fathers Ron Robinson, President of Young codes limiting the speech of some in the the administration. This is not so with would not have understood the debate, America's Foundation. Robinson and name of protecting others. conservative ideas ... and anytime the as public schools did not exist at that National Chairman of the College Re­ Robinson indicated that at the Uni­ First Amendment rights of anyone are time and, furthermore, they weren't publicans Bill Spadea spoke on campus versity of Connecticut, "inappropriate abused, we should be very concerned," envisioned as a proper function of gov­ Thursday, September 30 on restrictive laughter" has been banned by the ad­ he said. Robinson also discussed an ernment. All schooling was voluntary and private and therefore not under ' speech codes and their impact on col­ ministration, which claims it can con­ apparent conflict of interests, in that lege campuses. Robinson and Spadea tribute to racism and sexism on cam­ "the same people that write these [free control of the state. He added that an spoke for just "under one hour on why pus. Robinson believes that this policy speech] regulations fliso interpret and amendment was needed to separate they believe that students' First Amend­ is due more to "the lack of a sense of enforce them." the schools in America from the gov­ ment rights are being forsaken by uni­ humor on the part of college adminis­ Robinson concluded by noting that ernment in order to remove the force versity administrators in favor of spe­ trators," than anything else. "colleges and universities are entrusted feeding of values from the government, cial protection for university-appointed "Where there are speech codes, there with passing on knowledge of First affirming his position that if one wor­ "disadvantaged minority groups." are inherent double standards," Amendment rights and regulations; ries about the state imposing negative influences on our children, then it is Robinson argued that "the Left cov­ Robinson said, citing the examples of when these same colleges and universi­ ets a monopoly on speech today," citing "ROTC students being called fascists ties become the principal violators, impossible to demand other influences recent attempts to censor conservative and Nazis," and "conservative minority grave concern is warranted." MR instead. MR '3 I Feel 4 From Suite 6 Interview: Bruce 8 Opinion: MSA IIIMusic Your Pain One Herschensohn and the AATU I Remember that classic The Regents have Bruce Herschensoh n Once again, the AATU Reviews of the Flaming Michigan-Michigan State made Bylaw 14.06 defends the Constitution asked MSA for money, Lips, Love Battery, rivalry? worse, not better. and free market retirement. When will it end? Seaweed, and more. "'-., .... ~- ..•... ~ ..... >l.~,. ,... --...._~~~--"' .....:.::L... ! " ':"' \r~~ 2 THE MlCmGAN REVIEW October 6,1993 .. ~~ y 1111 \llClIl(j \\ RL\ 11.\\ , ''1 ", The Campus Affairs Journal of the o THE SERPENT'S TOOTH University of Michigan 'We hate the State" EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Andrew Bockelman EDlTOR-IN-CHIEF: Tracy Robinson While touring Singapore, Michael Jack­ had to sit on the house for about 16 simple words what the one-day work­ PUBLISHER: Aaron Steelman son asked the zoo to transport some hours," one officer said. No criminal shop will say: U S'O! a rubber. EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Jay D. McNeUI orangutans to his hotel so he could pet charges will be filed, but Seattle offi­ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Nate Jarrison, Brian Schefke them. The zoo obliged. The orangutans' cials plan to bill the girl's family $750 The ACLU recently named the Michi­ ASSISTANT EDITORS: Eddie Arner, Jarres Roberts parents plan to file suit in November. for the extra security precautions. gan Journal of Gender and Law the MUSIC EDITORS: Chris Peters, Drew Peters number one art censor in the country COPY EDITOR: Chauncey H"chcock The U-M Task Force on Alcohol and Ann Arbor's wacko accessory store, for last year's censorship of an exhibit PHOTOGRAPHERS: Joe Westrate, Andy Wu Other Drugs recently received $50,000 Middle Earth, refuses to sell Beavis on prostitution by local artist Carol CIRCULA TION DIRECTOR: Eric Larson SYSTEMS ANALYST: Mlch Rohde from the Michigan Department of Pub­ and Butt-head t-shirts. An episode of Jacobson. Censorship? At Michigan? MTS COORDINATOR: James Elek lie Health for conducting a study on the show, featuring MTV's comic duo Oh, please ... student substance use at the U-M. The playing something called "frog base­ EDIJORIAL STAFF: Jason Asana, Mark Biersack, Bell­ study concluded that alcohol is the drug ball," apparently rubbed the store's We couldn't help but notice jarrin Bolger, ScoII Brady, Andrew Brown, Rachel Cardone, John Darrose, Joe Epstein, Frank Grabowsk~ Gene Krass, of choice on campus. For a couple of animal rights sentiments the wrong Tom Kuczajda, Eric Larson, Michael Liu, Terry Lorber, beers, we could have told you the same way. Says owner Cynthia Shevel in the Carolyn Mlroy, Crusty MJncher, Yawar MJrad, Tom Paska, thing. Detroit News, "'They use frogs as a ball Somehow, Duderstadt seems to think Ben Pergament, scon Powell, Man Rechtien, Jeff SI. and bat the hell out of them. I like frogs. Mklos~ Susan Sternfeld, TS Taylor, Perry TholfllSOll, Aric Big Brother is watching baseball, too. We have to draw the line sometimes." Tosqui, Martin Wdk, Mati Wilk. Jon Winick, Tony Woodlief, Yoda When a 14-year-old Washington girl Obviously. Frog baseball requires a But for sent a computer message to her boy­ properly marked playing field. $206,070 a year? EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Tony Ghecea friend in New Jersey containing a death EDITORS EMERITI: Adam DeVore, John J. Miller, Jeff threat against Cal Ripken - a Balti­ One event for U-M's upcoming AIDS "-,ir more Orioles shortstop - the long arm Awareness Week will be an AIDS pre­ of the law went into action.
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