WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 | THE MEssENGER | PAGE 21 BW]Z 7MQOPJWZPWWL 0ZWKMZ (IIHFWLYH'DWHV 9ZW]LTa <]XXTQML BW]Z NIUQTa BW]Z *UMZQKI Ja BW]Z KWUU]VQ\a 6HSW6HSW 1RUWK0DLQ6WUHHW1HZSRUW1+ 6XQ 0RQ 7XHV :HG 7KXUV )UL 6DW RUZZZYLROHWWHVVXSHUPDUNHWFRP 2SHQ'D\V$030 :,& :HUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWROLPLWTXDQWLWLHVDQGWRFRUUHFWW\SRJUDSKLFDOHUURUV,OOXVWUDWLRQVDUHIRUGHVLJQSXUSRVHVRQO\DQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\GHSLFWIHDWXUHGLWHPV6RPHLWHPVDUHQRWDYDLODEOHLQDOOVWRUHV AUTUMN AUTUMN BEGINS SEPT. 22ND R]3DFN 6HOHFWHG R]2ULJLQDORU &UXQFK%HUULHV&HUHDO *DWRUDGH 4XDNHU 7KLUVW 4XHQFKHU &DS·Q&UXQFK OE 86'$&KRLFH%HHI %RWWRP R]6HOHFWHG R]6HOHFWHG 5RXQG 9HJHWDEOH&ODVVLFV 5RDVW 3URJUHVVR )ORULGD·V1DWXUDO 6RXS 3UHPLXP-XLFH )UHVK&DWFK OE$YJ6L]H /LYH/REVWHUV OE OE 'HOL6OLFHG R]6HOHFWHG :DWHU$GGHG R]6HOHFWHG 86'$&KRLFH%HHI 3DVWD5RQLRU /HDQRU +RUPHO %RQHOHVV1HZ<RUN 5LFH$5RQL +RW3RFNHWV +DP 6LUORLQ6WHDN OE d OE 3UHPLXP OE%DJ /LWHU%RWWOHV3DFN R]6HOHFWHG 1DWXUDO'LUHFWLRQV )UR]HQ<RJXUWRU *ROGHQ :KLWH 3RODQG6SULQJ %HQ -HUU\·V %DQDQDV :DWHU 3RWDWRHV ,FH&UHDP ROSH HASHANAH BEGINS SEPT. 17TH PAGE 22 | THE MEssENGER | SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 | WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM Events: Community Bulletin Board SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15 or Martha Taylor at 428-7037. FELLS PROGRAM: New Hampshire's Forest Health HARRIS CENTER: Skyline Trail Clearing. All ages FRANCESTOWN PROGRAM: Old Meeting House in and the Pests that Threaten It: Saving the Roosevelt and abilities welcome to help cut brush and clear the Francestown. 7:30 pm, Nanette Perrotte presents “Ella Maple 2-4pm. Join Kyle Lombard, NH Forest Health Thumbs Up Trail Beautiful views from both summits. Fitzgerald - It Don’t Mean a Thing” to benefit the George Program Coordinator, to learn about the current status Meet Jim Orr at the Harris Center at 9 a.m. Bring lunch Holmes Bixby Memorial Library and the Old Meeting of our major forest species and the threats they face. and water. Done about 1 p.m. House, held at the latter, $10. We'll examine the Roosevelt Maple at The Fells and BINGO: The South Weare Improvement Society’s SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 16 discuss what is being done to restore its growth and last two bingo games of the season will be played at HARRIS CENTER: Hawk Watch on Crotched Moun- vigor. Members free, nonmembers pay site admission. Weare Town Hall on Sat., Sept. 15, and Sat., Oct. 20. tain’s Blue berry. From Route 31 in Greenfield, take No registration required. Meets at The Fells. Play begins at 7 sharp. The games include a carry-over Crotched Mountain Road past Verney Drive, and park SAVING THE MAPLE: 2-4pm President Teddy coverall and pull-tabs. Refreshments include hotdogs, near the road’s high point - then it’s just a 10-minute Roosevelt planted a sugar maple to commemorate his drinks, and candy. No one under 18 will be admitted. hike to the ridge. Come any time from 9 a.m. until at 1902-campaign visit to The Fells. Today the Roosevelt Donations for the Weare Food Pantry are collected at least mid-afternoon. Maple shows the classic symptoms of maple decline this event. NH GRANGE: 7 pm – The Antrim Historical Society and is one indicator of the many threats to forest health THE LION KING: Come watch “The Lion King” on Sat- presents Steve Taylor on The New Hampshire Grange impacting trees all around us. Join Kyle Lombard, NH urday night on our new big screen at Smith Memorial Movement: Its Rise, Triumphs and Decline. Sponsored Forest Health Program Coordinator, to learn about Congregational Church (big white church in the center by the NH Humanities Council. At the Antrim Grange, the current status of our major forest species and the of Hillsboro with the town clock in the steeple). Admis- 251 Clinton Rd, (Rte 31) Antrim. Refreshments will threats they face. Members free, nonmembers pay site sion is free. The doors open at 6:30 pm and the movie be served. For more information, call Liz Robertson at admission. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens on Lake starts at 7 pm. Complimentary popcorn and drinks will 588-2562. Sunapee, 456 Route 103A, Newbury, NH. be served. All are invited. HARRIS CENTER: Hawk Watch on Crotched Moun- MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17 YARD SALE: The Henniker Historical Society is pleased tain’s Blue berry Ridge - where the Harris Center first SHEEP BOOM: 7 p.m. - Great Sheep Boom - Held at to announce that the annual Yard Sale will be held at began hawk watching 35 years ago! Usually, more birds the President Franklin Pierce Homestead, 301 Second the Congregational Church hall and grounds from 8:00 are seen in the morning, but kettles of broad-winged NH Turnpike, Hillsborough - Steve Taylor presents this am until 1:00 pm. Contributions of workable and well- hawks (or a bald eagle or two) can often be seen later fascinating program on the enduring legacy of the kept items would be appreciated and be accepted from in the day. Hawk watch (and picnic) on the ridge. Eric sheep boom and its affects on the New Hampshire 12 noon until 7:00 pm on September 14. We regret that Masterson and Francie Von Mertens will lead the watch. landscape. Free and open to the public. we cannot accept refrigerators, televisions, microwave From Route 31 in Green-field, take Crotched Mountain TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 ovens and computers. Also, the Society is renting space Road past Verney Drive, and park near the road’s high STORYTIME: Preschool Storytime begins at Fuller at the outdoor area for $10.00. (Per eight foot table) for point - then it’s just a 10-minute hike to the ridge. Public Library in Hillsborough on Sept. 18 or Sept. 20 additional information contact Peter Flynn at 428-7556 Come any time from 9 a.m. until at least mid-afternoon. at 10 am. Come for a story and a craft and meet other !"#$"%&'()*+,)$"-./!0-1)2%1'"%3.4%!55,2-'. 6778%93:;9<3=:;!>%0?3@3>:AAB /-,.)%2)",+C$""-$2%D%E6%2$FF$"%D%'G$"%HI%J-FF-'.%C$""-$2%#-KK$# HAND-DIPPED BERRIES from $ 99 19 +s/h % on Save 65 the Family Value Combo 45069TLE Plus 3 Free Gifts 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons to every shipping address. 2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins 4 FREE Omaha Steaks Burgers, a FREE 6-piece Cutlery Set, 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers and a FREE Cutting Board. 4 (3 oz.) Gourmet Jumbo Franks * 4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.) Save 20% 4 Stuffed Baked Potatoes Save Treat anyone in $ 99 $ 01 Reg. $144 00 | Now Only 49 94 your life for less! Limit of 2 packages. Free Gifts included per shipment. O er expires 11/15/12. Standard shipping and handling will be applied per address. To redeem this offer visit www.Berries.com/treat or call 888-885-8011 www.OmahaSteaks.com/value66 To order: *20% off discount will appear upon checkout. Minimum product purchase of $29.00. Discounts do not apply to gift cards or certifi cates, same-day delivery, shipping and handling, taxes or third-party hosted products (e.g. wine) and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Discounts not or call 1-888-418-3215 valid on bulk or corporate purchases of 10 units or more. Offer expires: 12/31/12 ©2012 OCG OmahaSteaks.com, Inc. 14224 WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 | THE MEssENGER | PAGE 23 Events: Community Bulletin Board moms and preschoolers. Complete Storytime schedules Park (Trail 10). Moderate 6.0 miles. Gerry Gold (526- Homestead, 301 Second NH Turnpike, Hillsbor- are available at the library (two sessions per week). 2857) ough. Free and Open to the Public. Rebecca Rule - WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 FELLS PROGRAM: Fiddleheads, Lamb's Quarters, Using oral histories, the voices of North Country people GHOSTS: 7 pm – The Antrim Grange presents Crista Nettles and Nuts: Wild Edible, Medicinal & Poisonous and the uses of new and vintage photos to tell the story Tenney Salamy, speaking about living with the spirits in Plants Saturday, September 22, 10am-noon Fells Edu- of logging, the Berlin Mills, and life in the Androscog- her 1793 house on Depot Street in Antrim. The program cation Director, Michael Caduto, leads a walk to share gin Valley. Audience members will be invited to share will be held at the Antrim Grange, 251 Clinton Rd, Colonial and Native American folklore, and the myths their own stories and discuss the logging and paper Antrim. Refreshments will be served. and realities concerning the use of wild edible, medici- industries and the special place north of the notches. FELLS PROGRAM: Alpine Plants of the Austrian Alps, nal and poisonous plants. Members $10, nonmembers THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27 2pm Nick Turland, expert in the flora of the eastern $15. Advance registration required by September 14. BRADFORD CENTER: 225th anniversary of incorpora- Mediterranean region, delivers “Alpine Plants of the LINCOLN SPEAKS: President Abraham Lincoln's tion - Steve Taylor's One-Room Schoolhouse Talk. For Austrian Alps.” Admission $10; free to Fells garden Emancipation Announcement, 7pm, Clements Hall, info, call 938-5372 All events are rain or shine. volunteers and members of the North American Rock Curtis L. Ivey Science Center, Colby-Sawyer College. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29 Garden Society. Limited seating available, please notify Commemorate the 150th anniversary of when Lincoln FRANCESTOWN PROGRAM: Old Meeting House of cancellations. first announced his support for Emancipation--a pivotal in Francestown. 7 pm, Trio Veritas Concert (a flexible FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21 moment during the Civil War that estab-lished a legal configuration of chamber music for violin, clarinet, SENIOR TRIP: Senior trip to the Eastern States basis for the evolution of equality and civil rights. cello, and piano) at the Old Meeting House, $12. Exposition. $22.00, sign up by Tue., Sept.
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