i ■ ■ -T ÜC rr ni; îbat)0 Il1 ccklij licijetcmc-, ' Till; MOV KKUIS'i KATION LAW. 1 manipulator». If Xildpit persists in re- i fusing the position the contest appears A. ADAMS, 1 ilulii> will I(*st tin' merit« iif rrgistrn- j likely I |j<* between the friends of Pinkham & Lewisj! — Miinufuct.iircr and Wholesale unit Retail - McDonald and j SATURDAY, JULY 12. 1881, lion for flic llrsl time till« yi'iir. It in | Olovela ■ I, Thnnnuti, —Ilinler In— es roei irknlili' Unit tlm Territory lin» ex- I T'TiiM. n-'.i.- candidacy lifls been , GENERAI, MERCHANTS, WEEKLY ANOTHER APPLICANT FOR ADMIS ! I alighted, but lie will poll n heavier vote loner without Homo method of !i than many apprehend. After nil it is SION. preserving a list of ils legal voter. One ] not nmong the Impossibilities that tho Rough § Dressed ay be taken up with a great I Montana proposes to set ofT tie nmld- would imagine that such n law would ng ticket Wholesale s Retail hurrah, and carried over all opposi­ tiou of Dakota und Washington by a j be Among the first required in any well- tion. —Dealer Stute constituti to be Hulunitti'.l to or.loml oemmiiuli.r to noemutely w- Long Valley. the people for ratifient ion nt the mat; cure a just expï( > jo <*r political sen ti­ 14|e jealousies of partie« and I general elect!on. The martini instincts', ut Mr. Win. Abbott, of Long Valley, pirnnts have hnd much to do with this of a young and vigorous common- , writes to his brother Asa hero that the j —and The snow in iJio valley disappeared some wealth •bid nK«iu«t III.' tlirallilr.mi of ! (b*lny In prutoetliig the buUot box. V iib'i •e strenuously advocated that time ago, and tho residents there are territorial servitude, it ib'iiiimtl ! Imsity engageai lu putting in crop« of i'ii' mining country won. SAWED SHINGLES. -------IS PUBU8HBD AT mountain State, and tw< BnDHlor» un tlio Jp'OJ.'h' n j vegetables und grain, lie is confident CLOTHING .{ Uiolr frlomlh «ml ton roving In their ImbtlH, ami ton lion- tho Potonme to re j that nearly fill tho cereals will grow in j and pu iisli their cm mi « iîh Led -ral put jest in their morals, to require any ie- j that valley and produce big crops. Bov- j si riff i * »h in this matter, has been dis- j on families wintered in tho v alley. lîo‘Pfj \ITQ pp Xffliln nnr] Qfnn] rt>n«K<'. I in’ eon 11 ui i< »n be 1 n n mi lit l.or- three feet was I he deepest snow during IlcblUWdlu, lldlllO ûlilll ÜtUül MOULDINCS. iKini by Aliy enabling act cannot expect jh.TIi-it by tlx. mlvi nt of u IivhIut Jinnil- ’ the winter. Tho valley is about sixty ct very speedily on l he grtrt-ion. it wholly given ! trnmiiing Congroa* t1 mile« long, and from twenty to thirty in Ketchum proposition; but it evidently int und« to i tl#T<-Mgh the mountains, nor entirely width. If in attracting considerable at- Miners’ Implements, be on tho ground and ready i- r action ubovr polltienl miMplelon. In fnot, Unit tolltiotl, I there will be many families J. L. RIVER 9 when the fnvorublo time occurs. Col many of tlm pro«).I etors nml iimni- there before sne * flies again. id Pioneer Blacksmith of Wdo taught the pollutions the policy of p.r«iil* »re constantly elimiglliK llieir In reference to tho settlement of this KETCHUM : ; : : IDAHO. extensive valley we Und in tho Boise ! residence is HOW taken ns argument am now prepared to do all kinds of going slow when electoral votes are in Statesman un article on the character of SUPPLIES. WOOD RIVER, prospect ive. The PrcMiilcut iirt elect urn in favor of r» istrotion. Of comae, to ! I he immigrât ion t that section, in i is a warning nnd a caution. Washington many old settlers, unaccustomed to ap­ which the editor of that pap< r takes oe- | Blacksmitiiing, Wapn Making and Dakota huve knocked viuiilv for pearing before an officer, and certifying chhU/ii to give the dînions eh meut j We have en ronto n laru:c stock of no’ goods and Repairing. Ihereabonls the following hit. Whetlier low prepared to reoogmimn nine the lust Presidential to their right to vote, this new law will he is correct or not remains to bo seen : —Also n full «apply of HARDWOOD— election, neither of tic two gre d polit i* | nppeity as «n upiieee»s»ry hardship, I #4Kom - - LUM il Kit h « > oil will bo In— Will be Sent to Any part of the hear it Stated that there is a —demand for i: tut»1 c#d parties of the country *p« dally ml attempt in mysterious May to in- j colony of Mormons from Oneida COMPETE —Repairing done from a- - —Runny up to the— miring the complexion of ihc proposed terfcrc with tin ir great American privi- il Cassia counties on their way, with —lardent waif on— with ! leges. Time and sonn experience will I their families and stock, to form a ct- • in UMO— Stab i. Probably the people of Monta fclemeiit and establish ft colony In Long Constantly on hand a full supply of na pereieve in this • action licfßto- I aoon.di‘q»el that prejudice, The natural United States valley. Some of these people have pre­ balancing the ! instinct of the race favors s pure ballot fore an opportunity of ceded the main body and have already Miners Tools. i'stly udmin- Any and Everybody political probabilities us to beoblo to box. This law ill, If h< located jn the Valley. Had American squeeze in us Democratic Blute, olT- istcrcd, speedily bieuk i*j> k of tho citizens shown the same zeal, courage- ami enterprise. Long valley would bo setting the Republican proclifU»'* of the ; rascalities which in past years haw dls- L. D. Newman . For $4.00 a Year. to day one of the thrifty, loyal aettlo- other two Territories. Mo»? of tin'new ] graced Idahoclections, and do something We propose to mako suoh reduction in price» monts of the Territory, Nothing is ■ will ouuhle purchaser« to got hotter hnrtfutn« Slates ue twin-born, und partisan toward ro-ochoiug the real voice. more certain than that this beautiful In Ketchum than in uuy ollu-r Feed, Sale and Livery Stalk nreesnities are rgent • as over! The statut« requires the Board of valley will soon be needed for the homes before. Thei will be no more new ! County Commissioners at their regular of freemen and loyal American citizens; Fourth Street, Opposite J. O Swift A Co., States until there is am tie r IT sideiit. meeting jn duly next juveeding any and nothing is more certain than that . if any considerable number of Mormons WOOD RIVER TOWN. It lH matter for eori'iderntton j g4*u,.j*ul oleJuon, to publish a list of the The Keystone are allowed to get a foothold in the val­ K ETCIIUM, IDAHO whether it wouhl not b K".k1 jioHcy to i.recluotH .I ihn . iimily, llio niimt'H of ley, no other class of settlers will at­ PINKHAM .A LEWIS, »bolinli nil tlu Territories, ami so i-ur- | tlm reptstry ugonts In ««I<1 prsoinoU, tempt to settle there. Wherever Mor­ Ketchum, APPLICATION EGII PATENT, gsnl/n them ns h lit them for Stute- ! mul notice thst the iigent.s will register mons go thoy curry with then\their “pe­ culiar institution" and all that is repul­ LIuho. Notice \o. 3CÎ. hood. The Territorial system is only I the mum 1 el the eketnn ill their pie- Shall strive to fnlfiill the miÄ- snot her form 'A ül-franehisment »ml I fr,„„ ,u„i the Kith dny of sive and abominable iu tho «yes of docent Apl5-tfJ United States It and Office, > and civilized freemen. One summer’s Hailey, Idaho Ty., April ihsl f (Qlsudluation, little, if liny, lireferalilo ftuij jj (),.( ,her ai«t. Notice i« hoirie given that Win. 11. Htevens, work of the Mormons in Long valley of Detroit, State of Miolilgaa, by hi« attorney in ßion of supplying the resi­ to the old Colonial *\>tem prior ti» tin* fact, T. NV. Buzzo, whose Po«tottiee adclrca» i» The Justice» of tho Peace are made will give them, not only the valley, but Ketchum, Idaho Territory, ha» made applica­ revolution. It is not surprising that ex-ofiioio registry agents. In case there a strong balance of power in Boise coun­ tion for a United States Patent for the “ALLEN” dents of this prosper­ every Territory squirms under tin» mal­ ty and add vastly to their strength in is no noting Justice the County Com* a L>i b Mining claim and mill site, «itpate in Warm administration they art' compelled to tho Territory. Even now they are Hay­ BiJrtng» Crack Minimi District, Alturas county, missiom ra »hull at their regular July ing: “What can you do about it?”’ Idaho Territory* consisting of about PKH) linear ous town and endure, and seek relief in the turhulanco feet, of tho lode, and surface around about 500 meeting appoint some other per - feet wide, beina Ijot No. 55 A and 55 It and des­ of local elections, and tho costly machin­ The Now Scorotary. KETCHUM, IDAHO. cribed in the field notes and plat of the official son to net; and when there survey tile in tIiIm office, wit h magnetic vari- the Upper Wood river ery of Statehood.
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